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War history for Sarkin of My Hero Party
Sarkin has 189 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar BozDaBoz of CoastalBendatia Fark 2/10/2025 12:00:24 AM 2025-02-17 Once more unto the breach 0.00 0% 0% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar thepunk of thepunk Federation Of Armed Nations 1/27/2025 9:32:28 PM 2025-02-03 Hey there! 2,110.71 3% 96% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Ashleaa of Pigtopia Federation Of Armed Nations 1/12/2025 5:27:00 PM 2025-01-19 Now its gone, gone, gone 83.27 100% 0% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Emperor Norton I of Fernando Poo Fark 1/11/2025 8:58:59 AM 2025-01-18 A general dispute 938.01 0% 100% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Ashleaa of Pigtopia Federation Of Armed Nations 12/26/2024 5:25:00 PM 2025-01-02 Boxing Day party 880.43 24% 75% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Ken T Kent of Codopia Fark 12/13/2024 7:16:23 AM 2024-12-20 An arbitrary dispute 1,873.46 0% 100% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Dragster of winukka Nordreich 12/13/2024 7:16:01 AM 2024-12-20 A very specific dispute 657.52 0% 100% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Oro Ibah Aozpi of Novgorod Nordreich 12/13/2024 7:15:46 AM 2024-12-20 A specific dispute 349.49 0% 100% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/13/2024 7:15:30 AM 2024-12-20 An abstract dispute 197.74 0% 100% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar MrSka of Slartibartfast NATO 11/23/2024 9:31:52 AM 2024-11-30 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Onified of Spork NATO 11/23/2024 9:31:44 AM 2024-11-30 A general dispute 2,055.46 0% 100% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar cpuwhiz11 of Federal Liberty Mostly Harmless Alliance 11/10/2024 7:14:42 PM 2024-11-17 A general dispute 2,739.38 0% 100% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar MrSka of Slartibartfast NATO 11/10/2024 7:14:37 PM 2024-11-17 A general dispute 336.67 0% 100% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar CVO of Kush NATO 11/10/2024 7:14:31 PM 2024-11-17 A general dispute 3,616.36 9% 90% Active
BakerHills of Activision NATO Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 10/28/2024 6:05:53 AM 2024-11-04 A general dispute 12,003.68 69% 30% Active
Yuurei of Exedore NATO Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 10/25/2024 10:22:23 PM 2024-11-01 For NATO 4,834.30 36% 63% Active
CVO of Kush NATO Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 10/18/2024 12:00:36 PM 2024-10-25 A general dispute 3,540.71 100% 0% Active
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 10/18/2024 12:34:15 AM 2024-10-25 We Dont Like You! 0.00 0% 0% Active
dev0win of 1nfinity Otriad NATO Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 10/17/2024 3:00:07 PM 2024-10-24 Hello Darkness My Old Friend 1,396.35 100% 0% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar adhu84 of Kin Land Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/12/2024 7:00:40 PM 2024-10-19 Feeling froody 3,402.19 33% 66% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Nicolet Hax of Belvon Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/12/2024 7:00:35 PM 2024-10-19 Feeling froody 5,893.37 0% 100% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar han fei zi of Torino Doom Squad 9/7/2024 3:37:00 PM 2024-09-14 Knock knock, wake up! 0.00 0% 0% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar threefingeredguy of Craggy Island Doom Squad 4/13/2024 2:17:10 PM 2024-04-20 Wake up, sleepyhead! 0.00 0% 0% Active
Arminius of Festung Germania Old Guard Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 12/13/2022 7:19:39 AM 2022-12-20 Burnin Pixels for No Reason 5,663.71 15% 84% Expired
FreezingAssassin of Charr Fark Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 12/10/2022 12:46:44 AM 2022-12-17 Again? 13,384.55 54% 45% Expired
Kongen of Frontline New Polar Order Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 12/6/2022 1:32:39 AM 2022-12-13 A general dispute 21,880.80 55% 44% Expired
Morshu of Koridai NATO Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 12/1/2022 6:43:19 PM 2022-12-08 A hero dispute 43,128.61 44% 55% Expired
Cryogenicland of Cryogenicland New Polar Order Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 11/30/2022 10:09:22 PM 2022-12-07 A general dispute 14,330.33 77% 22% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar FreezingAssassin of Charr Fark 11/25/2022 10:32:22 PM 2022-12-02 A general dispute 22,006.42 18% 81% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Ken T Kent of Codopia Fark 11/25/2022 10:32:18 PM 2022-12-02 A general dispute 21,948.45 42% 57% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar King Tom of king Tom NATO 11/25/2022 10:32:12 PM 2022-12-02 A general dispute 23,515.66 28% 71% Expired
hazardousdoc of EggmanEmpire New Polar Order Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 11/7/2022 1:21:58 PM 2022-11-14 poi 53,165.49 52% 47% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Grand Admiral Thrawn of Irony New Polar Order 11/4/2022 7:29:15 AM 2022-11-11 A general dispute 19,146.59 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar King Matt of Michelleville New Polar Order 11/4/2022 7:29:09 AM 2022-11-11 A general dispute 18,825.83 0% 99% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar FreezingAssassin of Charr Fark 11/4/2022 7:29:04 AM 2022-11-11 A general dispute 23,837.92 28% 71% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar XxWatchmanxX of Northern America New Polar Order 10/21/2022 9:22:35 AM 2022-10-28 A general dispute 12,446.87 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Seppie of Seppietopia New Polar Order 10/21/2022 9:22:31 AM 2022-10-28 A general dispute 41,156.47 22% 77% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Sir Edward Swinkles of Walla New Polar Order 10/21/2022 9:22:27 AM 2022-10-28 A general dispute 27,135.57 9% 90% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Plisknoob of Kingdom of Korland New Polar Order 10/21/2022 9:22:22 AM 2022-10-28 A general dispute 15,133.84 1% 98% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar BozDaBoz of CoastalBendatia Fark 10/8/2022 8:48:30 AM 2022-10-15 A general dispute 40,965.95 29% 70% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar realpal of REALPAL Fark 10/8/2022 8:48:27 AM 2022-10-15 A general dispute 29,891.64 19% 80% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Dr Triffid of West By God Virginia Fark 10/8/2022 8:48:22 AM 2022-10-15 A general dispute 10,937.59 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar PrimeMinister of Cleopatra Fark 9/19/2022 7:52:19 AM 2022-09-26 A general dispute 33,207.85 2% 97% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar gijoe of atlantis awakens Fark 9/19/2022 7:52:14 AM 2022-09-26 A general dispute 4,953.66 18% 81% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Dr Triffid of West By God Virginia Fark 9/19/2022 7:52:06 AM 2022-09-26 A general dispute 30,946.21 16% 83% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar cable77 of Tau ri Fark 9/19/2022 7:52:01 AM 2022-09-26 A general dispute 34,628.29 31% 68% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 9/4/2022 4:41:26 PM 2022-09-11 A general dispute 55,882.08 45% 54% Expired
The Dark Lord Sauron of Land of Shadow Freehold of The Wolves Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 8/31/2022 8:55:05 PM 2022-09-07 A general dispute 42,355.18 21% 78% Expired
King Hassan of Al Maghrib Freehold of The Wolves Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 8/25/2022 4:48:58 PM 2022-09-01 HOWL!!! 41,597.16 43% 56% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Uncle Don of The Tannhauser Gate Freehold of The Wolves 8/23/2022 8:23:43 AM 2022-08-30 A general dispute 41,721.97 25% 74% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Astron of Svedala NATO 8/23/2022 8:23:14 AM 2022-08-30 A general dispute 7,319.87 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar CVO of Kush NATO 8/23/2022 8:23:09 AM 2022-08-30 A general dispute 1,663.01 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar lonabis of flying dutchmen NATO 8/23/2022 8:23:00 AM 2022-08-30 A general dispute 47,649.42 11% 88% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar CVO of Kush NATO 8/7/2022 8:07:55 PM 2022-08-14 So long, farewell 19,168.23 26% 73% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar lonabis of flying dutchmen NATO 8/7/2022 8:07:07 PM 2022-08-14 So long, farewell 45,936.74 17% 82% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Wippeli of Wippelandia Freehold of The Wolves 8/7/2022 8:06:35 PM 2022-08-14 So nice I had to do it twice 26,024.95 45% 54% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Strider Yoshi of Racinette Freehold of The Wolves 8/7/2022 8:06:23 PM 2022-08-14 So nice I had to do it twice 60,256.15 46% 53% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Democracy of UnitedNation Freehold of The Wolves 7/23/2022 8:46:35 PM 2022-07-30 "Hello there" - Obi-Wan Kenobi 50,455.20 45% 54% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar King Tom of king Tom NATO 7/23/2022 8:46:05 PM 2022-07-30 Regicide 59,346.47 30% 69% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar compcowboy of Optimum Old Guard 7/23/2022 8:45:53 PM 2022-07-30 The nail that sticks out 37,928.99 1% 98% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Strider Yoshi of Racinette Freehold of The Wolves 7/8/2022 11:07:34 AM 2022-07-15 A general dispute 40,375.72 14% 85% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Stoopid Ace of Smokehaven Freehold of The Wolves 7/8/2022 11:07:29 AM 2022-07-15 A general dispute 79,024.93 57% 42% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Wippeli of Wippelandia Freehold of The Wolves 7/8/2022 11:07:23 AM 2022-07-15 A general dispute 31,496.13 44% 55% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar asapilu of Persianiran NATO 6/28/2022 9:04:24 PM 2022-07-05 A general dispute 75,693.12 39% 60% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 6/28/2022 9:04:13 PM 2022-07-05 A general dispute 41,847.83 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Anu Drake of Numeria NATO 6/28/2022 9:04:05 PM 2022-07-05 A general dispute 34,887.37 17% 82% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Pile Butts of Wobblies Union Of Communist Republics 10/20/2021 11:40:10 PM 2021-10-27 Imperialisms pretty cool tbh % % Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Chrismathews of Empire81 Union Of Communist Republics 10/20/2021 11:40:04 PM 2021-10-27 Imperialisms pretty cool tbh % % Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar sovereignM of Omega World Task Force 1/6/2018 7:54:41 AM 2018-01-13 A general dispute 43,799.31 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Sinister of New Terminal World Task Force 1/6/2018 7:53:36 AM 2018-01-13 A general dispute 21,440.12 18% 81% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar CHAKAKHAN of CHAKAVILLE World Task Force 1/6/2018 7:53:30 AM 2018-01-13 A general dispute 35,657.77 49% 50% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Sparta of Paulville World Task Force 12/20/2017 6:59:10 AM 2017-12-27 A general dispute 45,008.77 20% 79% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar WhiteGoodman of Globo Gym America World Task Force 12/20/2017 6:58:46 AM 2017-12-27 A general dispute 41,495.80 17% 82% Expired
Stormwalker of RaydenNation World Task Force Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 12/13/2017 9:43:13 AM 2017-12-20 WTF defense % % Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar RADtx of Radland World Task Force 12/9/2017 11:32:03 AM 2017-12-16 A general dispute 25,578.27 15% 84% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Kronologic of Kronoland World Task Force 12/9/2017 11:31:58 AM 2017-12-16 A general dispute 12,007.22 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar carolinachief of Chiefton North Atlantic Defense Coalition 8/12/2017 4:26:51 PM 2017-08-19 A general dispute 20,827.00 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Gandorian of Gandorian North Atlantic Defense Coalition 8/12/2017 4:26:47 PM 2017-08-19 A general dispute 13,383.93 49% 50% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar PepiB of Las Villas North Atlantic Defense Coalition 8/12/2017 4:26:39 PM 2017-08-19 A general dispute 36,769.83 5% 94% Expired
DomT602 of Balin Children of the Morrighan Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 4/6/2017 3:39:14 AM 2017-04-13 Spreading fun and joy 12,434.04 77% 22% Expired
Alex0827a of Arcean Empire Children of the Morrighan Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 4/2/2017 6:54:39 PM 2017-04-09 Spread the Fun Around! 8,860.19 55% 44% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Blitzen of Metalist Children of the Morrighan 3/30/2017 11:27:32 PM 2017-04-06 A general dispute 30,562.61 16% 83% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Dark Stranger of Shadow Nation Children of the Morrighan 3/30/2017 11:27:26 PM 2017-04-06 A general dispute 34,031.83 27% 72% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Merdin of Meese and Oil Land Children of the Morrighan 3/30/2017 11:27:20 PM 2017-04-06 A general dispute 7,597.09 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar shari denga of wahaygurumania Children of the Morrighan 3/30/2017 11:27:09 PM 2017-04-06 A general dispute 20,760.32 0% 99% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Nashorn of Nashornstan MONGOLS 9/3/2016 8:55:34 PM 2016-09-10 A general dispute 9,167.88 21% 78% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Commander Bean of Wilmark Republic MONGOLS 9/3/2016 8:55:30 PM 2016-09-10 A general dispute 15,835.36 35% 64% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Lord Erding of Erdinger Weissbier MONGOLS 9/3/2016 8:55:24 PM 2016-09-10 A general dispute 4,484.08 46% 53% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar murtibing of Fluens MONGOLS 9/3/2016 8:55:19 PM 2016-09-10 A general dispute 17,214.03 52% 47% Expired
King William of Royal Nine Invicta Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 8/3/2016 12:06:26 AM 2016-08-10 Doing my job. 28,590.09 48% 51% Expired
Thrash of Machas Invicta Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 7/26/2016 5:00:07 AM 2016-08-02 A general dispute 28,410.07 47% 52% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar HMKingLuke of Britain Commonwealth Invicta 7/21/2016 10:06:06 AM 2016-07-28 A general dispute 17,082.61 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Blackout227 of Bloodlust Invicta 7/21/2016 10:06:00 AM 2016-07-28 A general dispute 18,835.03 11% 88% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Highroad of Thatguy Invicta 7/21/2016 10:05:51 AM 2016-07-28 A general dispute 2,822.89 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar QuareLL of Singosari Nusantara Elite Warriors 7/21/2016 10:05:46 AM 2016-07-28 A general dispute 14,274.27 75% 24% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Satan1612 of Ukraine The Sandstorm Confederacy 7/2/2016 6:45:17 PM 2016-07-09 A general dispute 13,793.76 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Empreror Zephax of Great Bulgaria The Sandstorm Confederacy 7/2/2016 6:45:11 PM 2016-07-09 A general dispute 20,897.33 0% 99% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Warpool of Warpoles The Sandstorm Confederacy 7/2/2016 6:45:05 PM 2016-07-09 A general dispute 21,463.79 38% 61% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Cshoes of Sterling The Sandstorm Confederacy 7/2/2016 6:44:58 PM 2016-07-09 A general dispute 21,153.70 0% 100% Expired
D Vibianto of lifelife Nusantara Elite Warriors Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 6/15/2016 9:19:44 AM 2016-06-22 A general dispute 6,610.19 83% 16% Expired