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War history for President JR Seisa of Themysciera
President JR Seisa has 72 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Groucho Marx of GreaterGoonSyndicate New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 2/11/2025 5:44:42 PM 2025-02-18 Welcome to the DOOM HOUSE 892.16 0% 100% Active
Horo the Wise Wolf of Yoitsu New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 2/11/2025 11:43:30 AM 2025-02-18 A general dispute 149.44 0% 100% Active
kalev60 of Hiiumaa New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 2/6/2025 3:20:17 AM 2025-02-13 Seal clubbing 74.00 0% 100% Active
Crayon King of Aloyarc New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 2/1/2025 12:28:48 PM 2025-02-08 You will be assimilated 0.00 0% 0% Active
Tiberius of Nuke Town New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/25/2025 2:28:05 AM 2025-02-01 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
eclipse363 of Suttonia New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/23/2025 10:03:22 PM 2025-01-30 Stealing your oxygen 795.19 100% 0% Active
Indiomaestro of Jahara The Dark Templar President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/23/2025 2:57:27 PM 2025-01-30 A general dispute 191.42 100% 0% Active
Drizzy of Corneria New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/17/2025 11:16:37 PM 2025-01-24 The cake is a lie 719.95 65% 34% Active
Daimos of Micon New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/12/2025 5:22:03 PM 2025-01-19 Stealing your oxygen 0.00 0% 0% Active
Starcraftmazter of DPRK The Dark Templar President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/7/2025 8:52:09 AM 2025-01-14 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
eclipse363 of Suttonia New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/2/2025 9:56:34 PM 2025-01-09 Rabid chihuahua food 895.99 77% 22% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/1/2025 7:54:40 AM 2025-01-08 I need your butter 613.09 0% 100% Active
tejuguasu of tejuguasu New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/26/2024 3:49:59 PM 2025-01-02 A general dispute 319.36 0% 100% Active
brentaar of Barstonia New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/19/2024 1:02:52 PM 2024-12-26 Stole Nemphesis Spoons 185.55 0% 100% Active
Tiberius of Nuke Town New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/14/2024 3:10:06 AM 2024-12-21 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/13/2024 7:15:30 AM 2024-12-20 An abstract dispute 197.74 0% 100% Active
Knight of Alliance of Knights New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/11/2024 7:43:02 PM 2024-12-18 For Pacifica! 1,448.10 48% 51% Active
The R00STER of Republic of Ibonn The Dark Templar President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/6/2024 9:04:39 AM 2024-12-13 Containment crew T_T 628.50 100% 0% Active
reghar73 of Zeman The Dark Templar President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 11/30/2024 12:54:44 PM 2024-12-07 DT saying hi 0.00 0% 0% Active
Mayzie of He-She Isles The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 11/27/2024 11:26:55 AM 2024-12-04 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
Lord Razzia of Razzian Dominion The Dark Templar President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 11/23/2024 10:23:03 PM 2024-11-30 Mindy 395.92 0% 100% Active
The Upper Bass of Little Basses The Dark Templar President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 11/17/2024 1:46:31 PM 2024-11-24 Hi there! 0.00 0% 0% Active
D.A.D.1 of IGP Warriors The Dark Templar President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 11/11/2024 1:58:20 AM 2024-11-18 A general dispute 35.55 0% 100% Active
Valcanar of Alyssar New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 11/7/2024 12:04:19 AM 2024-11-14 Abandon Chrome, revert to IE6 2,352.73 0% 100% Active
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Wayne World of Wayne World The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 11/6/2024 12:17:05 AM 2024-11-13 A general dispute 1,913.22 0% 100% Active
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Vhalen of LongitudeLatitude The Dark Templar 11/6/2024 12:02:12 AM 2024-11-13 A general dispute 2,998.68 15% 84% Active
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO mahmah of Banglia The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 11/6/2024 12:01:21 AM 2024-11-13 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO mickgreat of Namayan The Dark Templar 11/6/2024 12:00:32 AM 2024-11-13 A general dispute 4,764.63 67% 32% Active
LordofHabershia of Habershia Knights Of The Round Table President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 11/10/2022 9:35:48 AM 2022-11-17 YOLO 90.75 0% 100% Expired
Ledon of Ledonia Knights Of The Round Table President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 10/30/2022 2:26:28 AM 2022-11-06 A general dispute 11,630.93 0% 100% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Jazzy95 of Krausberg CLAWS 10/20/2022 11:12:45 AM 2022-10-27 A general dispute 18,018.03 58% 41% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Matt Bowen of Bowenland Knights Of The Round Table 10/20/2022 11:12:32 AM 2022-10-27 A general dispute 24,292.37 50% 49% Expired
shirunei of shirunei The Dark Templar President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 6/28/2022 9:25:25 PM 2022-07-05 A general dispute 25,927.81 72% 27% Expired
eclipse363 of Suttonia New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 6/28/2022 9:24:11 PM 2022-07-05 A general dispute 23,219.88 83% 16% Expired
porkpotpie of UnitedCanance CLAWS President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 6/27/2022 11:20:21 PM 2022-07-04 Let’s have a go 52,790.22 33% 66% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO MexiMoot of Mooxico DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 6/25/2022 8:33:01 PM 2022-07-02 For glory 24,569.43 5% 94% Expired
xxLENZxx of Star Command The Legion President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 3/22/2017 2:08:47 AM 2017-03-29 A general dispute 10,894.23 0% 100% Expired
Legion Member of Rising Force The Legion President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 3/21/2017 5:49:36 AM 2017-03-28 Oh Hai an Leejun Tol Me 2 25,607.29 0% 100% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO kaisersoto of RockChalk New Polar Order 12/4/2014 12:11:39 AM 2014-12-11 A general dispute 31,020.07 37% 62% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Council of Ten of Bailiwick of Conti New Polar Order 12/3/2014 3:11:16 PM 2014-12-10 A general dispute 26,895.51 46% 53% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Council of Ten of Bailiwick of Conti New Polar Order 11/25/2014 10:45:03 PM 2014-12-02 My deepest apologies 22,423.72 76% 23% Expired
ainainen of Tepilandia Sparta President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 2/5/2014 6:09:09 AM 2014-02-12 A general dispute 459.08 0% 100% Expired
King Poot of Cache Sparta President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/31/2014 11:20:25 PM 2014-02-07 A general dispute 1,197.27 0% 100% Expired
Trinite of Distopia Sparta President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/30/2014 10:24:23 PM 2014-02-06 War, Huh! 907.10 0% 100% Expired
shadoz19 of Shadowerz Fark President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/25/2014 6:48:22 AM 2014-02-01 A general dispute 761.98 0% 100% Expired
Namenorg of Ennland III Sparta President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/15/2014 12:05:10 AM 2014-01-22 Stagga Pro 671.66 0% 100% Active
FreezingAssassin of Charr Guru Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/14/2014 10:41:23 AM 2014-01-21 A general dispute 394.62 0% 100% Active
shadoz19 of Shadowerz Fark President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/14/2014 3:51:43 AM 2014-01-21 A general dispute 432.30 0% 100% Active
Antony of Solaris Mostly Harmless Alliance President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/3/2014 6:06:57 AM 2014-01-10 in defence of sparta 2,519.24 0% 100% Expired
shadoz19 of Shadowerz Fark President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/29/2013 6:32:19 AM 2014-01-05 A general dispute 1,413.22 0% 100% Expired
Antony of Solaris Mostly Harmless Alliance President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/22/2013 4:26:47 AM 2013-12-29 in defence of sparta 682.43 0% 100% Expired
shadoz19 of Shadowerz Fark President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/21/2013 6:15:15 AM 2013-12-28 A general dispute 2,274.15 0% 100% Expired
ozye2 of luxenberg Mostly Harmless Alliance President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/21/2013 2:47:07 AM 2013-12-28 A general dispute 604.00 0% 100% Expired
Planet Earth of MiniSwiss II The Order Of The Paradox President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/13/2013 3:57:21 PM 2013-12-20 Yeah, we all know 3,759.48 4% 95% Expired
Hepokatti of Hutiland The Order Of The Paradox President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/13/2013 1:39:12 AM 2013-12-20 Here we go again. 3,638.29 4% 95% Expired
Captain Crozier of Dime Store Novena Mostly Harmless Alliance President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 12/13/2013 12:01:07 AM 2013-12-20 A general dispute 25,493.39 10% 89% Expired
Gambit of Jujutsu Sparta President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 11/5/2013 2:15:19 PM 2013-11-12 A generic dispute 20,432.93 29% 70% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO DodgyBobMcMayday of Ortego Sparta 11/4/2013 10:40:12 PM 2013-11-11 http://www.cybernations.net/na 16,998.25 49% 50% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO peachey of Turamania Sparta 11/4/2013 10:39:55 PM 2013-11-11 Purification via war 19,358.75 28% 71% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Noob Cake of Noob Kingdom DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 10/23/2013 12:00:10 AM 2013-10-30 Liberation is at hand 20,490.63 47% 52% Expired
Infallible of Mulletville Orange Defense Network President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 3/13/2013 9:02:56 PM 2013-03-20 War is AWESOME! 22,481.93 0% 100% Expired
topolino510 of Blefonline Orange Defense Network President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 2/19/2013 1:57:50 AM 2013-02-26 somethin in common 24,379.33 17% 82% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Fatenite001 of Fatenite Orange Defense Network 2/17/2013 12:04:30 AM 2013-02-24 For King and Country 23,915.35 44% 55% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Sceptor o Sordidness of reykjavelin Umbrella 1/27/2013 8:49:17 PM 2013-02-03 Geronimo % % War
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Dylan Carter of Chivas Umbrella 1/27/2013 8:48:41 PM 2013-02-03 For king and country 27,526.12 44% 55% Expired
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO bedeur of Bedeurland NATO 2012-08-15 2012-08-22 A general dispute % % War
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO bedeur of Bedeurland NATO 2012-08-09 2012-08-16 going rogue % % Expired
Jacob Burman of Axolotlia Umbrella President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 2012-07-08 2012-07-15 Official Toadie % % War
Wadsworth of RoboCorp Umbrella President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 2012-07-06 2012-07-13 IM GONNA SAVE YOU JEOH % % Expired
White Majik of VSOP United Umbrella President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 2012-07-05 2012-07-12 About time % % War
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Becks For Dinner of Becks For Dinner Mushroom Kingdom 2012-06-30 2012-07-07 A general dispute % % War
President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Jeeooh of Jeohist Soviet Union Mushroom Kingdom 2012-06-30 2012-07-07 A general dispute % % War