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War history for HopeFun of LimaPT
HopeFun has 34 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island 4 Lyfe Non Grata HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order 2/7/2025 12:00:53 AM 2025-02-14 A general dispute 186.92 0% 100% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 2/4/2025 3:27:24 PM 2025-02-11 Tech Trade: 50/3 Mil 386.86 0% 100% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order zoli84 of Gemer Christian Coalition Of Countries 2/4/2025 3:27:02 PM 2025-02-11 Infra adjustment bureau 39.57 0% 100% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order CVO of Kush NATO 2/4/2025 3:26:32 PM 2025-02-11 Wheek wheek! 259.56 56% 43% Active
Kats and Rats of Honalulu NATO HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order 1/23/2025 10:31:14 PM 2025-01-30 A general dispute 271.47 0% 100% Active
zyberzpyder of Zyberia Non Grata HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order 1/10/2025 5:25:16 PM 2025-01-17 A general dispute 110.00 0% 100% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island 4 Lyfe Non Grata 1/1/2025 4:57:44 PM 2025-01-08 Stealing your oxygen 91.08 0% 100% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO 1/1/2025 7:54:40 AM 2025-01-08 I need your butter 613.09 0% 100% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 1/1/2025 7:51:49 AM 2025-01-08 Tech adjustment bureau 1,074.12 78% 21% Active
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order 12/12/2024 12:09:22 AM 2024-12-19 Got Out 131.88 0% 100% Active
King James II of Michigan II NATO HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order 12/10/2024 12:01:31 AM 2024-12-17 Down with Pacifica!! 1,228.83 0% 100% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order ditchboy00 of Ditchopia Non Grata 11/19/2024 11:34:10 AM 2024-11-26 Seal clubbing 646.09 0% 100% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Kal Asharak of Ceska Republik Non Grata 11/19/2024 11:34:06 AM 2024-11-26 Hail Pacifica! 607.54 67% 32% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Valandil of Ithilien Empire NATO 11/19/2024 11:34:02 AM 2024-11-26 Emu Hunting 317.56 20% 79% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Soxirella of Jusmania Non Grata 10/30/2024 11:05:24 PM 2024-11-06 Berry Bitty Adventures Time 1,108.65 22% 77% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order ToasterOven of Pancake Republic Non Grata 10/30/2024 11:05:18 PM 2024-11-06 Stole Nemphesis Spoons 1,184.85 0% 100% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Gofastleft of Racesteria Non Grata 10/30/2024 10:58:15 PM 2024-11-06 Hail Pacifica! 1,535.18 0% 100% Active
ToasterOven of Pancake Republic Non Grata HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order 10/14/2022 1:52:35 PM 2022-10-21 A general dispute 2,653.78 26% 73% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order kakujijun of Sakuratochi Non Grata 10/11/2022 1:34:51 PM 2022-10-18 A general dispute 126.24 0% 100% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order scozy of Kenoland The Legion 10/11/2022 1:32:30 PM 2022-10-18 A general dispute 4,728.21 97% 2% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Pope Bubba XIII of Rebel Virginia Federated Allied Independence League 10/11/2022 1:29:46 PM 2022-10-18 A general dispute 4,389.59 96% 3% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order VelocityVIP of Galcorian Republic Freehold of The Wolves 9/26/2022 2:22:23 PM 2022-10-03 A general dispute 5,312.48 93% 6% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Grassy of Grassing Freehold of The Wolves 9/26/2022 2:18:40 PM 2022-10-03 A general dispute 422.42 0% 100% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Pope Bubba XIII of Rebel Virginia Federated Allied Independence League 9/26/2022 2:15:23 PM 2022-10-03 A general dispute 4,325.69 79% 20% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order kker22 of Darkram The Legion 9/4/2022 4:22:07 AM 2022-09-11 A general dispute 4,842.79 59% 40% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order LordTGT of Indigo Federation The Legion 9/4/2022 4:14:47 AM 2022-09-11 A general dispute 4,028.29 51% 48% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Moose Hole of Coldy Fark 9/4/2022 4:14:31 AM 2022-09-11 Cloudy with a chance of nukes 5,777.95 87% 12% Expired
kker22 of Darkram The Legion HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order 8/9/2022 8:15:07 AM 2022-08-16 A general dispute 3,200.54 54% 45% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Alexander Kerensky of Strana Mechty The Legion 7/21/2022 3:44:19 PM 2022-07-28 A general dispute 15,850.10 72% 27% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order ThreeThousandBees of Country Full of Bees The Legion 7/21/2022 3:41:00 PM 2022-07-28 A general dispute 2,331.81 0% 100% Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Jonyk56 of Ender Dominica 7/16/2022 5:30:28 AM 2022-07-23 A general dispute % % Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Zyvexal of Zyvexal The Legion 7/2/2022 8:05:43 AM 2022-07-09 A general dispute % % Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Forrest Lybrand of Texas Hegemony The Legion 7/2/2022 8:02:05 AM 2022-07-09 A general dispute % % Expired
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Sybreal of The Stolen Lands Freehold of The Wolves 7/1/2022 2:04:10 PM 2022-07-08 A general dispute 9,832.61 72% 27% Expired