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War history for shadowstriker of shadow world
shadowstriker has 83 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
tejuguasu of tejuguasu New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 2/9/2025 6:04:30 AM 2025-02-16 For Pacifica! 579.13 88% 11% Active
kalev60 of Hiiumaa New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 2/6/2025 3:22:26 AM 2025-02-13 Om nom nom 148.00 0% 100% Active
Madd of Modra New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 2/1/2025 9:15:34 PM 2025-02-08 Bringing Order to Chaos 1,295.23 0% 100% Active
Starcraftmazter of DPRK The Dark Templar shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 1/30/2025 7:40:21 PM 2025-02-06 A general dispute 624.63 62% 37% Active
Dakkat149 of Massari New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 1/29/2025 10:02:40 PM 2025-02-05 Om nom nom 503.40 46% 53% Active
eclipse363 of Suttonia New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 1/23/2025 10:03:37 PM 2025-01-30 Tech Trade: 50/3 Mil 803.58 83% 16% Active
Starcraftmazter of DPRK The Dark Templar shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 1/19/2025 8:31:07 AM 2025-01-26 A general dispute 131.03 0% 100% Active
MDH962 of Claysburgh The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 1/18/2025 2:02:18 AM 2025-01-25 A general dispute 154.99 0% 100% Active
eclipse363 of Suttonia New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 1/13/2025 9:30:11 PM 2025-01-20 About Your Cars Warranty 1,606.17 82% 17% Active
Crayon King of Aloyarc New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 1/8/2025 1:12:25 PM 2025-01-15 Scotch Harvesting Expedition 319.23 100% 0% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 1/3/2025 2:39:33 PM 2025-01-10 Bringing Order to Chaos 227.74 70% 29% Active
Farrin Xies of Farrin Free States New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 12/28/2024 9:32:43 PM 2025-01-04 Earth shattering kaboom 426.88 0% 100% Active
Troopa of Southland New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 12/23/2024 10:39:15 AM 2024-12-30 NATO! 506.65 81% 18% Active
Wayne World of Wayne World The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 12/17/2024 7:54:11 AM 2024-12-24 War of The Worlds 485.85 80% 19% Active
Goosinater of United Mexico States New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 12/17/2024 5:47:41 AM 2024-12-24 Emus on parade! 72.18 100% 0% Active
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Tarfiel of Babblefish New Pacific Order 12/12/2024 12:09:55 AM 2024-12-19 Fresh Meat 411.13 0% 100% Active
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order 12/12/2024 12:09:22 AM 2024-12-19 Got Out 131.88 0% 100% Active
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO gidon of monkeybum The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 12/12/2024 12:06:51 AM 2024-12-19 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO LordOfTheLand of APIGP New Pacific Order 12/12/2024 12:06:30 AM 2024-12-19 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
lurkr of Calontir The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 12/11/2024 9:24:05 AM 2024-12-18 Pixel Reduction Act of 2024 0.00 0% 0% Active
Soviet Mudkip of In Soviet Russia The Dark Templar shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 12/5/2024 11:30:17 AM 2024-12-12 A specific dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
AlphaCenturion of Sentosa Republic New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 11/30/2024 8:49:47 PM 2024-12-07 Infra adjustment bureau 425.61 0% 100% Active
mkarim of Moubarakopolis New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 11/26/2024 10:23:44 AM 2024-12-03 A general dispute 1,598.78 81% 18% Active
Kayla Frost of Anselion New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 11/20/2024 3:10:06 PM 2024-11-27 Frostbite 962.64 41% 58% Active
reghar73 of Zeman The Dark Templar shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 11/15/2024 3:19:37 PM 2024-11-22 Hey lets mash pixels lol 1,512.77 69% 30% Active
RailForge of Iron And Steel New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 11/9/2024 10:31:49 PM 2024-11-16 Hello there 1,048.27 42% 57% Active
Guido of Itally New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 11/3/2024 4:40:48 PM 2024-11-10 For fun 2,174.49 24% 75% Active
MDH962 of Claysburgh The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 10/29/2024 1:02:21 PM 2024-11-05 A general dispute 19,346.17 49% 50% Active
elputojack of villa feliz New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 10/23/2024 7:17:17 PM 2024-10-30 A general dispute 1,711.50 0% 100% Active
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO icheliebebrad of B 2the AnK The Dark Templar 10/19/2024 6:46:34 PM 2024-10-26 We Don’t Like You! 1,929.84 0% 100% Active
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Pbaff of RuntMutLend The Dark Templar 10/18/2024 12:34:24 AM 2024-10-25 We Dont Like You! 0.00 0% 0% Active
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 10/18/2024 12:34:15 AM 2024-10-25 We Dont Like You! 0.00 0% 0% Active
malakarlian of malakarlian Doom Wolves shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 9/24/2022 3:08:48 PM 2022-10-01 A general dispute 9,021.47 53% 46% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Polgas of Novasea New Pacific Order 9/23/2022 9:14:48 AM 2022-09-30 Hello There 17,706.49 52% 47% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Political Fury of United Croatia New Pacific Order 9/23/2022 9:13:05 AM 2022-09-30 Hello There 15,687.70 11% 88% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO tejuguasu of tejuguasu New Pacific Order 9/23/2022 9:10:41 AM 2022-09-30 Hello there 18,053.00 49% 50% Expired
LordofHabershia of Habershia Knights Of The Round Table shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 9/22/2022 6:45:56 PM 2022-09-29 A general dispute 9,612.08 59% 40% Expired
Stetson76 of Axeland CLAWS shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 9/16/2022 7:43:28 AM 2022-09-23 A general dispute 11,319.86 37% 62% Expired
Magical Muslim of Alibaba Land CLAWS shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 9/13/2022 8:46:50 AM 2022-09-20 A general dispute 10,265.79 26% 73% Expired
mickgreat of Namayan The Dark Templar shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 9/9/2022 11:41:44 PM 2022-09-16 A general dispute 26,917.52 40% 59% Expired
Thom98 of Swampville Doom Wolves shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 9/6/2022 4:54:17 AM 2022-09-13 Atari Jaguar 8,003.82 92% 7% Expired
devnull of Republic of Unix CLAWS shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 9/5/2022 9:44:49 PM 2022-09-12 Hello again 19,975.94 43% 56% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO wayoik of SunOase Knights Of The Round Table 8/29/2022 12:34:10 PM 2022-09-05 If you wanted to party.... 33,118.00 38% 61% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Ipank El Zhenda of Dinasty Arnif Knights Of The Round Table 8/29/2022 12:14:59 AM 2022-09-05 A general dispute 12,755.86 33% 66% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO loganherring of Herring Island Knights Of The Round Table 8/29/2022 12:01:39 AM 2022-09-05 Hi again 20,874.93 1% 98% Expired
Rud25 of Caledor Post Grunge Supergroup shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 8/20/2022 9:39:26 PM 2022-08-27 A general dispute 9,154.24 72% 27% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO King Mic of Mr Mic Knights Of The Round Table 8/19/2022 11:27:33 PM 2022-08-26 A general dispute 28,684.22 24% 75% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO loganherring of Herring Island Knights Of The Round Table 8/19/2022 11:27:28 PM 2022-08-26 A general dispute 11,632.11 0% 100% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO TOGNABALOGNA of Lunchmeat District Knights Of The Round Table 8/19/2022 11:27:21 PM 2022-08-26 A general dispute 17,723.16 0% 99% Expired
devnull of Republic of Unix CLAWS shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 7/28/2022 4:13:33 AM 2022-08-04 A general dispute 26,237.56 33% 66% Expired
gidon of monkeybum The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 7/22/2022 12:55:48 AM 2022-07-29 For Aztec! what year is this? 28,070.02 27% 72% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Starcraftmazter of DPRK The Dark Templar 7/15/2022 10:22:48 PM 2022-07-22 A general dispute 21,280.45 22% 77% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Soviet Mudkip of In Soviet Russia The Dark Templar 7/15/2022 10:22:42 PM 2022-07-22 A general dispute 31,107.17 29% 70% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO shirunei of shirunei The Dark Templar 7/15/2022 10:22:36 PM 2022-07-22 A general dispute 27,632.59 58% 41% Expired
elputojack of villa feliz New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 6/29/2022 7:05:53 PM 2022-07-06 A very general dispute 27,842.57 81% 18% Expired
MudBug of Swamplandia New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 6/29/2022 5:56:48 PM 2022-07-06 A general dispute 42,984.73 51% 48% Expired
Itzcoliuhqui of Firelands New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 6/28/2022 9:14:08 PM 2022-07-05 Misclick? 63,147.94 38% 61% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Thrash of Machas Invicta 4/7/2017 10:16:18 PM 2017-04-14 A general dispute 27,871.68 31% 68% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Lord Emperor Clot of Clotvania The Legion 3/25/2017 12:16:34 AM 2017-04-01 A general dispute 35,121.72 40% 59% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO madalchemist of Wyvren The Legion 3/25/2017 12:16:29 AM 2017-04-01 A general dispute 19,653.60 12% 87% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Learz of Eridani Empire Invicta 3/15/2017 2:35:37 PM 2017-03-22 A general dispute 9,791.40 50% 49% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO King Biscuit of Ovencia Invicta 3/15/2017 2:34:14 PM 2017-03-22 A general dispute 14,150.06 64% 35% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO rotty of Giggle Invicta 3/15/2017 2:34:00 PM 2017-03-22 A general dispute 28,658.81 45% 54% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO DBurke1445 of DBurke 3/15/2014 9:01:41 AM 2014-03-22 Bit of fun 418.07 0% 100% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Eridanus of Kepler Sparta 11/28/2013 11:36:58 AM 2013-12-05 For NATO 3,894.12 18% 81% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO rafael nadal of King of Clay 9/27/2013 12:01:54 AM 2013-10-04 A general dispute 12,821.26 44% 55% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO MagicalTrevor of ReReturn 9/27/2013 12:00:09 AM 2013-10-04 A general dispute 4,647.16 0% 100% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Alfonse of Estoc 9/5/2013 10:12:24 AM 2013-09-12 bored that is all 344.19 0% 100% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Junkieturtle of Voustia Coalition Of Royal Allied Powers 6/20/2013 4:45:30 AM 2013-06-27 Defending NATO 2,653.00 0% 100% Expired
Diego Rivera of DC Peoples Republic The International shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 3/22/2013 11:59:19 AM 2013-03-29 because why not 3,131.07 32% 67% Expired
Banned of Lacedaemon Orange Defense Network shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 2/18/2013 10:06:22 PM 2013-02-25 Marry me? 1,693.54 0% 100% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO amossio of TyrNumenor darkfall 2/16/2013 5:32:35 AM 2013-02-23 Party % % Active
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Timothy Smith of Desolation Orange Defense Network 2/16/2013 5:24:22 AM 2013-02-23 my turn 61.17 0% 100% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Sveenj of Anisal The International 2/11/2013 11:34:40 AM 2013-02-18 May i have this dance 4,597.66 59% 40% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Rancho Brado of Diet Cola of Nations The International 1/21/2013 1:57:16 PM 2013-01-28 War Hell yea ^_^ 1,432.01 33% 66% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Tiggah of Hibernation Orange Defense Network 1/21/2013 11:06:35 AM 2013-01-28 bring it on. 294.64 73% 26% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Sveenj of Anisal The International 1/21/2013 10:41:15 AM 2013-01-28 Defence of Nato % % Expired
Crownguard of Ascendant Collective The International shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 1/20/2013 11:29:44 PM 2013-01-27 Lets have a fun tiff wot wot. 2,131.46 44% 55% Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO BR Nation of BR Nation Community of Nations 11/28/2012 10:44:26 AM 2012-12-05 Just Bored % % Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO sparrish of West Allis None 2012-10-27 2012-11-03 raid % % Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Hubble of Atomic Kingdom None 2012-08-22 2012-08-29 Raid Peace will be send. % % Expired
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO connormcwood of Connormcwood Non Grata 2012-08-17 2012-08-24 you dead man walking % % Peace
shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Kushakistano of Mijahkistan None 2012-08-17 2012-08-24 Raid % % Expired