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War history for Llednar Twem of Eurica
Llednar Twem has 81 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
spartan 84 of UNSC Reach Non Grata Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 2/7/2025 12:02:33 AM 2025-02-14 Oops knight did it again 0.00 0% 0% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Shtanto of Shtanto Non Grata 1/29/2025 3:13:35 PM 2025-02-05 For Pacifica! 135.17 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order asapilu of Persianiran NATO 1/29/2025 3:13:23 PM 2025-02-05 Blood for the blood god! 57.35 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order gainesta09 of gainesta09 NATO 1/29/2025 3:13:13 PM 2025-02-05 Just ducking around 514.94 9% 90% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Astron of Svedala NATO 1/29/2025 3:13:02 PM 2025-02-05 For all the Donut Holes! 396.40 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order HeroofTime55 of New XGA Non Grata 1/19/2025 11:28:54 AM 2025-01-26 Wheek wheek! 248.76 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Sinister of New Terminal Non Grata 1/19/2025 11:05:56 AM 2025-01-26 Mmmm... fresh babies 560.45 46% 53% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Roo Blu II of Blue Roo Non Grata 1/19/2025 11:05:44 AM 2025-01-26 Zerg Rush 585.46 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order sturtyboy of The Keewanaw Union NATO 1/19/2025 11:05:33 AM 2025-01-26 Pacifica Prevails! 122.19 0% 100% Active
neonthefox of waltoria NATO Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 1/11/2025 11:43:17 PM 2025-01-18 A general dispute 465.73 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order spartan 84 of UNSC Reach Non Grata 1/3/2025 2:44:54 PM 2025-01-10 Stealing your oxygen 437.73 84% 15% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order ShadowSKAR of Hidden Shadows Non Grata 1/3/2025 2:40:18 PM 2025-01-10 Hail Pacifica! 439.26 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Enabran Tain of Obsidian Order Non Grata 1/3/2025 2:40:05 PM 2025-01-10 I need your butter 499.70 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order shadowstriker of shadow world NATO 1/3/2025 2:39:33 PM 2025-01-10 Bringing Order to Chaos 227.74 70% 29% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order King Tom of king Tom NATO 12/20/2024 8:26:41 AM 2024-12-27 Om nom nom 642.15 100% 0% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order lonabis of flying dutchmen NATO 12/20/2024 8:23:08 AM 2024-12-27 For all the Donut Holes! 1,423.55 55% 44% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Yuurei of Exedore NATO 12/20/2024 8:22:55 AM 2024-12-27 Never gonna give you nukes 154.66 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Valandil of Ithilien Empire NATO 12/20/2024 8:22:42 AM 2024-12-27 Improved Foreign Relations 1,038.09 46% 53% Active
Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island 4 Lyfe Non Grata Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 12/19/2024 12:14:38 AM 2024-12-26 A general dispute 508.76 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Roo Blu II of Blue Roo Non Grata 12/8/2024 8:22:31 AM 2024-12-15 Hello delicious 450.00 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Malic of Veridia Non Grata 12/8/2024 8:22:19 AM 2024-12-15 Om nom nom 729.33 12% 87% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order JuiceBox of Phoenix Isle Non Grata 12/8/2024 8:22:08 AM 2024-12-15 Improved Foreign Relations 404.49 21% 78% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order shivamuck of Iarlean Non Grata 12/8/2024 8:21:54 AM 2024-12-15 Felt cute, might nuke later 664.44 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order jrsyboy of toqueville Non Grata 11/28/2024 9:46:55 AM 2024-12-05 Felt cute, might nuke later 581.07 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Caustic of Hazardous Materials Non Grata 11/27/2024 2:59:50 PM 2024-12-04 Felt cute, might nuke later 1,433.78 58% 41% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order JuiceBox of Phoenix Isle Non Grata 11/27/2024 2:59:39 PM 2024-12-04 Mmmm... fresh babies 686.87 57% 42% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Shtanto of Shtanto Non Grata 11/27/2024 2:59:25 PM 2024-12-04 Om nom nom 212.66 62% 37% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order shivamuck of Iarlean Non Grata 11/15/2024 8:03:36 AM 2024-11-22 Zerg Rush 930.35 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order HackSlash of NewFinlandia Non Grata 11/15/2024 8:03:25 AM 2024-11-22 Tech Trade: 50/3 Mil 585.76 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order cirk2 of Agatea Non Grata 11/15/2024 8:03:15 AM 2024-11-22 Emus on parade! 1,423.02 49% 50% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Gofastleft of Racesteria Non Grata 11/5/2024 3:34:26 PM 2024-11-12 Borrowing a stick of butter 59.82 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Warden of Llama Land NATO 11/5/2024 3:34:15 PM 2024-11-12 In memory of Internet Explorer 1,976.83 0% 100% Active
Vaegir of Furin Non Grata Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 10/24/2024 8:40:11 PM 2024-10-31 One more before nuke anarchy 3,197.60 0% 100% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Gofastleft of Racesteria Non Grata 10/24/2024 2:35:15 PM 2024-10-31 Abandon Chrome, revert to IE6 547.84 0% 100% Active
Augustus Caesar of South Holland Non Grata Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 10/23/2024 7:39:45 PM 2024-10-30 A general dispute 1,630.05 8% 91% Active
Kal Asharak of Ceska Republik Non Grata Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 10/23/2024 7:28:27 PM 2024-10-30 A general dispute 1,057.54 83% 16% Active
HeroofTime55 of New XGA Non Grata Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 12/8/2022 11:30:53 PM 2022-12-15 hello there 31,067.79 25% 74% Expired
king qaz of my own little workd The Legion Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 11/27/2022 5:44:21 PM 2022-12-04 A general dispute 22,916.07 58% 41% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island 4 Lyfe Non Grata 11/23/2022 3:02:43 PM 2022-11-30 Seal clubbing 8,236.80 61% 38% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order King Matt of Michelleville New Polar Order 11/21/2022 9:45:23 PM 2022-11-28 Stole Nemphesis Spoons 15,966.59 32% 67% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Celess of Celess Mob New Polar Order 11/21/2022 9:44:37 PM 2022-11-28 Hello there 2,854.13 0% 100% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Nashorn of Nashornstan MONGOLS 11/7/2022 9:24:20 PM 2022-11-14 Cloudy with a chance of nukes 10,843.14 94% 5% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 10/20/2022 3:38:55 AM 2022-10-27 A general dispute 17,229.66 22% 77% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order vedacool of Fania New Polar Order 10/14/2022 7:45:35 PM 2022-10-21 Looking for cookies 13,419.85 2% 97% Expired
ni431 of ni nation Non Grata Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 9/21/2022 11:10:19 PM 2022-09-28 A general dispute 16,433.30 43% 56% Expired
TCTriangle of Taninsania Non Grata Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 9/16/2022 7:27:18 PM 2022-09-23 Hello There! 22,514.10 35% 64% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order BigFilthyDick of GayBar Non Grata 9/10/2022 6:25:46 PM 2022-09-17 Raiding for fresh babies 12,141.01 7% 92% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order MrCynical of Brewistan Fark 9/10/2022 6:20:10 PM 2022-09-17 Stole Nemphesis Spoons 9,658.05 20% 79% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Jesusfreak of El Dorado Christian Coalition Of Countries 8/30/2022 7:24:00 PM 2022-09-06 Infra adjustment bureau 31,252.85 30% 69% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Frey the Great of Freytopia The Legion 8/30/2022 7:18:20 PM 2022-09-06 EXTERMINATE! 13,098.98 18% 81% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Pope Bubba XIII of Rebel Virginia Federated Allied Independence League 8/21/2022 10:28:32 AM 2022-08-28 The cake is a lie 12,535.52 38% 61% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order DFA MrFox of DFA MrFox Freehold of The Wolves 8/7/2022 10:43:45 AM 2022-08-14 From Pacifica With Love 14,054.02 58% 41% Expired
konkrage1 of konkrage1 The Legion Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 7/27/2022 1:56:52 PM 2022-08-03 Mojo was off limits 14,144.32 72% 27% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order mojo882 of kolsara The Legion 7/27/2022 8:25:00 AM 2022-08-03 Stealing your oxygen 34,401.91 63% 36% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order DassaultRafale of Red Dominique Sparta 7/15/2022 7:19:07 PM 2022-07-22 Pew Pew 18,306.93 26% 73% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order makarraka of MAKARRALAND Non Grata 7/15/2022 7:18:21 PM 2022-07-22 Pew Pew % % Expired
Joe Stupid of Joeburbia Non Grata Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 7/6/2022 11:11:58 AM 2022-07-13 War i guess % % Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Magnate of Republic of China The Legion 7/4/2022 1:49:24 AM 2022-07-11 Stealing your oxygen % % Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Seiyuuki of Saigon Commonwealth NATO 6/28/2022 10:52:19 PM 2022-07-05 A general dispute 21,481.88 14% 85% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Akuang of gallery Nusantara Elite Warriors 2/9/2020 10:38:52 AM 2020-02-16 A general dispute 25,023.15 67% 32% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Joe Stupid of Joeburbia Non Grata 8/7/2019 3:41:25 PM 2019-08-14 Boomshakalaka 6,018.40 34% 65% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order The Zigur of Kingdom of Umbar MONGOLS 9/24/2018 7:05:59 PM 2018-10-01 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Death from above 82 of Black Sheep Kaskus 9/14/2018 1:02:49 PM 2018-09-21 A general dispute 9,866.68 64% 35% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Nashorn of Nashornstan MONGOLS 9/3/2018 9:27:24 PM 2018-09-10 Guess whos back 7,525.11 53% 46% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Nashorn of Nashornstan MONGOLS 7/30/2018 4:07:54 PM 2018-08-06 A general dispute 13,003.36 64% 35% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Horizon of Cyrodil Swash Plates And Tail Rotors 7/4/2018 9:28:42 AM 2018-07-11 A general dispute % % Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order gilbertwonka of Hidden Valley Ranch Old Guard 3/26/2018 4:33:25 PM 2018-04-02 A general dispute 3,787.42 92% 7% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Lord Konstantine of Hellenic Empire The Templar Knights 8/28/2017 5:45:01 PM 2017-09-04 A general dispute % % Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Zelkova of Skadoosh Knights Of The Round Table 3/18/2017 11:26:37 PM 2017-03-25 I like cows 974.75 0% 100% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order binuang of South Borneo Nusantara Elite Warriors 2/25/2017 4:20:50 PM 2017-03-04 A general dispute 1,060.50 0% 100% Expired
Vol Navy of Big Orange Country Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 1/9/2017 1:19:27 AM 2017-01-16 NPO Tech Eradication Program 2,204.64 16% 83% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order kutumoncrot of KUTU MONCROT Nusantara Elite Warriors 11/23/2016 7:00:13 PM 2016-11-30 A general dispute 2,291.16 93% 6% Active
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order CeNgKaOe26 of SaliP Nusantara Elite Warriors 10/11/2016 4:34:39 PM 2016-10-18 A general dispute 1,779.98 46% 53% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Kapleo of Kaplea The Phoenix Federation 8/27/2016 8:43:57 AM 2016-09-03 A general dispute 8,125.86 59% 40% Expired
Kapleo of Kaplea The Phoenix Federation Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 7/31/2016 11:42:47 AM 2016-08-07 Finally, an aggressor! o/ TPF 3,657.63 32% 67% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Vol Navy of Big Orange Country The Phoenix Federation 7/31/2016 10:40:08 AM 2016-08-07 A general dispute 3,655.81 92% 7% Expired
Kilkenny of Huntonian The Phoenix Federation Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 6/13/2016 10:59:23 AM 2016-06-20 Here we glow again!!! 4,944.94 13% 86% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Unknown Smurf of 3 Headed Elephants MONGOLS 5/31/2016 10:57:02 PM 2016-06-07 Ivory 2,668.31 93% 6% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order Delta2642 of NorthKorea The Phoenix Federation 4/19/2016 9:24:27 PM 2016-04-26 A general dispute 5,143.92 76% 23% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order LUCIOUS IMPERIOUS of INDIANS The Phoenix Federation 11/22/2015 3:21:01 PM 2015-11-29 Shooting your doods 2,383.04 95% 4% Expired
Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order graydo of Graydonia The Phoenix Federation 11/3/2015 7:31:51 PM 2015-11-10 A general dispute 1,613.17 96% 3% Expired