As some of you may know, this site has been up for years now, (it has data dating back to 2011) and i'm very sure it's helped a lot of people in managing their alliance(s).
I've lost interest in this game and have since stopped developing this site a while ago. I've kept it up and paid for this site for the last 7 years by myself since I was 17 just for the convenience of every CN gamer.
I would like to keep the site up as I still have an average of 1,500 unique users visiting this site & an average of 100,000 hits every month, so obviously people still use this site. I'm sure you guys have noticed the outages this site has had and for those of you that depend on this tool how that may have affected how you were able to manage your alliance, as I get your messages in game all the time.
With that said, somebody recommended I put up a donation link for people that want to donate to the maintainance & hosting of this site. Feel free to donate any amount you can afford to, as every little helps. If you want to you could also subscribe and make monthly payments. Up to you. I'll continue to keep this site free for as long as I can.
War history for
Malic of Veridia
Malic has 79 recorded war slots within this tool.
Declaring Nation | Declaring Alliance | Defending Nation | Defending Alliance | Begins | Ends | Reason | Destruction | Off Loss % | Def Loss % | War Status |
Madd of Modra | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 2/12/2025 11:24:23 AM | 2025-02-19 | Fire and blood | 547.90 | 0% | 100% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 2/8/2025 8:57:44 PM | 2025-02-15 | Stole Nemphesis Spoons | 473.48 | 13% | 86% | Active |
Nefertiti of Dahshur | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 2/6/2025 11:41:16 PM | 2025-02-13 | Blood for the blood god! | 559.37 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Dimitri of New Siberia | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 2/1/2025 5:14:45 AM | 2025-02-08 | A general dispute | 320.03 | 0% | 100% | Active |
RailForge of Iron And Steel | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 1/27/2025 6:19:11 AM | 2025-02-03 | Infra adjustment bureau | 55.59 | 0% | 100% | Active |
kalev60 of Hiiumaa | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 1/22/2025 6:47:45 AM | 2025-01-29 | I need your butter | 207.28 | 32% | 67% | Active |
Dimitri of New Siberia | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 1/19/2025 1:29:59 AM | 2025-01-26 | vaya con dios | 320.75 | 0% | 100% | Active |
eclipse363 of Suttonia | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 1/13/2025 9:30:58 PM | 2025-01-20 | Abandon Chrome, revert to IE6 | 694.33 | 9% | 90% | Active |
Polgas of Novasea | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 1/8/2025 11:03:14 AM | 2025-01-15 | Infra adjustment bureau | 1,166.35 | 30% | 69% | Active |
brentaar of Barstonia | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 1/4/2025 12:34:57 PM | 2025-01-11 | EXTERMINATE! | 0.00 | 0% | 0% | Active |
rnegafan of Rnegfania | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 12/30/2024 9:34:12 AM | 2025-01-06 | Berry Bitty Adventures Time | 704.19 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Hakora Kiyanto of Makayan | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 12/25/2024 7:49:37 PM | 2025-01-01 | A general dispute | 1,394.38 | 95% | 4% | Active |
Dakkat149 of Massari | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 12/18/2024 7:16:31 AM | 2024-12-25 | Blood for the blood god! | 0.00 | 0% | 0% | Active |
Waterana of Chrystalen | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 12/13/2024 7:44:31 AM | 2024-12-20 | Just ducking around | 342.88 | 100% | 0% | Active |
Llednar Twem of Eurica | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 12/8/2024 8:22:19 AM | 2024-12-15 | Om nom nom | 729.33 | 12% | 87% | Active |
Groucho Marx of GreaterGoonSyndicate | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 12/1/2024 5:03:53 PM | 2024-12-08 | Welcome to the DOOM HOUSE | 611.73 | 0% | 100% | Active |
captainjf of New Mombassa | Independent Republic Of Orange Nations | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 11/25/2024 10:58:41 PM | 2024-12-02 | Like the acid? | 714.09 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Goosinater of United Mexico States | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 11/19/2024 12:00:17 AM | 2024-11-26 | A general dispute | 370.51 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Yashem of Yashemia | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 11/11/2024 4:21:59 PM | 2024-11-18 | A general dispute | 67.39 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Polgas of Novasea | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 11/4/2024 8:27:25 PM | 2024-11-11 | Hail Pacifica! | 1,292.47 | 47% | 52% | Active |
K L Emall of North Unstunstia | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 10/30/2024 4:31:14 PM | 2024-11-06 | NG | 6,602.25 | 24% | 75% | Active |
LordOfTheLand of APIGP | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 10/24/2024 7:44:43 PM | 2024-10-31 | Tech Trade: 50/3 Mil | 1,172.07 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | rnegafan of Rnegfania | New Pacific Order | 10/23/2024 10:06:28 PM | 2024-10-30 | Fadillio | 2,072.50 | 0% | 100% | Active |
lilweirdward of Land of Too Much Fun | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Malic of Veridia | The Killer Turtle Brigade | 8/8/2022 12:00:22 AM | 2022-08-15 | hi turtle | 472.34 | 31% | 68% | Expired |
Erwin Schrodinger of Bermuda Islands | Non Grata | Malic of Veridia | The Killer Turtle Brigade | 7/31/2022 5:28:03 PM | 2022-08-07 | more casualties | 11,046.10 | 63% | 36% | Expired |
RearviewRover of Prossy Boat Party | Non Grata | Malic of Veridia | The Killer Turtle Brigade | 7/29/2022 8:31:00 PM | 2022-08-05 | Cowabunga It is | 9,313.11 | 67% | 32% | Expired |
CaesarGorandius of Ohiostan | Non Grata | Malic of Veridia | The Killer Turtle Brigade | 7/27/2022 6:51:10 PM | 2022-08-03 | Mairzy Doats and Dozy Doats | 5,739.07 | 52% | 47% | Expired |
Erwin Schrodinger of Bermuda Islands | Non Grata | Malic of Veridia | The Killer Turtle Brigade | 7/20/2022 6:50:27 AM | 2022-07-27 | recipe I saw online | 5,454.87 | 43% | 56% | Expired |
Todor Jivkov of New Bulgar State | Non Grata | Malic of Veridia | The Killer Turtle Brigade | 7/20/2022 5:27:34 AM | 2022-07-27 | boi po putka | 11,957.43 | 18% | 81% | Expired |
Gofastleft of Racesteria | Non Grata | Malic of Veridia | The Killer Turtle Brigade | 7/19/2022 4:53:49 PM | 2022-07-26 | Turtle Soup | 13,647.53 | 19% | 80% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | The Killer Turtle Brigade | Jesusfreak of El Dorado | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 7/19/2022 10:13:27 AM | 2022-07-26 | Stagger and Casualties | 17,341.90 | 45% | 54% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | The Killer Turtle Brigade | SonofSaddam of Mosul | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 7/13/2022 2:41:48 PM | 2022-07-20 | Stagger | 7,725.12 | 17% | 82% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | The Killer Turtle Brigade | slave2Jesus of Botswana Part2 | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 7/6/2022 7:59:08 PM | 2022-07-13 | Thats a lot of Infrastructure | 10,035.28 | 5% | 94% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus | CLAWS | 1/24/2021 11:34:03 AM | 2021-01-31 | Nice Car bro | 8,026.30 | 68% | 31% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | gelman4u of Gelmania | 11/7/2020 3:02:09 PM | 2020-11-14 | Raid PM for peace | % | % | Expired | ||
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | kencojenko of Nation of Jenko | 9/25/2020 6:20:40 AM | 2020-10-02 | A general dispute | % | % | Expired | ||
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | MonochromeF3ar of Raccon City | 9/11/2020 8:24:13 AM | 2020-09-18 | Raid PM for peace | 1,791.64 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Burnacus of NotNevad | 8/3/2020 6:49:48 AM | 2020-08-10 | Raid PM for peace | 1,848.08 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | hello2u of Hellovakizthan | 7/15/2020 11:19:06 AM | 2020-07-22 | Raid PM for peace | 3,653.75 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | loganherring of Herring Island | The Fox | 7/7/2020 5:36:29 PM | 2020-07-14 | Raid PM for peace | 1,614.04 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Cinduamato of Pagaruyung | 5/18/2020 12:22:28 PM | 2020-05-25 | Raid PM for peace | 404.59 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Shan Revan of Naboo | 5/9/2020 1:48:14 PM | 2020-05-16 | Raid PM for peace | 1,706.06 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | sight19 of Sightland | 4/24/2020 8:57:18 AM | 2020-05-01 | Raid PM for peace | 890.13 | 0% | 100% | Active | |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Rcflyer86 of Collectivist Union | COMECON | 4/18/2020 7:16:41 AM | 2020-04-25 | Raid PM for peace | 8,763.51 | 26% | 73% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | wingus of Ockora | 3/31/2020 1:49:02 PM | 2020-04-07 | Raid PM for peace | % | % | Expired | ||
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Klewang of Gorok Leher | 3/29/2020 4:20:43 PM | 2020-04-05 | A general dispute | % | % | Expired | ||
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Boston of Chicharito | 3/13/2020 9:58:07 PM | 2020-03-20 | Raid PM for peace | 524.44 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Sinless of Penance | 3/4/2020 8:53:18 PM | 2020-03-11 | A general dispute | 2,893.70 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Captain Trip of Bazoochedelika | 2/25/2020 6:49:24 AM | 2020-03-03 | Raid PM for Peace | 2,017.47 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Ichiteus of The R3X Nation | 2/14/2020 6:18:47 AM | 2020-02-21 | A general dispute | 1,689.09 | 3% | 96% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Gaber of RNNation | 12/14/2019 7:33:41 AM | 2019-12-21 | PM for peace | % | % | Peace | ||
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | buyung of Gunung Huakwo | 12/9/2019 6:14:27 AM | 2019-12-16 | PM for peace | 254.78 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Atheista of Philippine Islands | 11/26/2019 6:29:03 AM | 2019-12-03 | A general dispute | 3,965.45 | 24% | 75% | Expired | |
Falken5 of Spanakopita | The Legion | Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | 4/23/2019 7:05:04 AM | 2019-04-30 | Strength and Honor | 1,720.22 | 15% | 84% | Expired |
scozy of Kenoland | The Legion | Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | 4/23/2019 4:22:38 AM | 2019-04-30 | Too much tech | 1,709.55 | 19% | 80% | Expired |
Shawno240 of Newer Rhodesia | The Legion | Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | 4/23/2019 3:28:12 AM | 2019-04-30 | A general dispute | 2,761.04 | 62% | 37% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | kovacs06 of MIlford | The Legion | 4/15/2019 8:39:58 AM | 2019-04-22 | Your alliance dog pilled | 558.68 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
Falken5 of Spanakopita | The Legion | Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | 4/15/2019 7:41:53 AM | 2019-04-22 | Strength and Honor | 1,834.11 | 25% | 74% | Expired |
Thalryl of Panonian Empire | The Legion | Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | 4/14/2019 4:14:32 PM | 2019-04-21 | A general dispute | 6,496.20 | 24% | 75% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Aquila Maximus of The 3rd Roman Empire | The Legion | 4/13/2019 8:46:39 AM | 2019-04-20 | Your alliance dog pilled | 3,088.60 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
DoogleGrand of DPROK | The Legion | Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | 4/7/2019 4:27:12 PM | 2019-04-14 | A general dispute | 6,649.70 | 91% | 8% | Expired |
Falken5 of Spanakopita | The Legion | Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | 4/7/2019 9:06:21 AM | 2019-04-14 | Strength and Honor | 3,194.93 | 23% | 76% | Expired |
Shawno240 of Newer Rhodesia | The Legion | Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | 4/3/2019 2:07:19 AM | 2019-04-10 | A general dispute | % | % | Expired | |
Alexander Kerensky of Strana Mechty | The Legion | Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | 3/30/2019 11:32:39 PM | 2019-04-06 | Why do girls hang out in odd # | % | % | Expired | |
Penultidodo of Sarmal | The Legion | Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | 3/27/2019 11:30:29 AM | 2019-04-03 | Opening a new nuke trade | 8,268.68 | 50% | 49% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Shawno240 of Newer Rhodesia | The Legion | 3/24/2019 6:37:00 PM | 2019-03-31 | Punishment for Onation DOW | 8,104.87 | 3% | 96% | Expired |
BigO82 of ONation | The Legion | Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | 3/24/2019 2:26:02 PM | 2019-03-31 | A general dispute | 13,055.38 | 34% | 65% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | Kashmir | Done147 of Maalaiskunta | Freehold of The Wolves | 3/23/2019 3:23:43 PM | 2019-03-30 | Putzy the Mohel sent me | 8,515.93 | 45% | 54% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | The Kashmir | beckerj360 of beckerushen | 2/17/2019 9:09:24 AM | 2019-02-24 | A general dispute | % | % | Expired | ||
Malic of Veridia | The Kashmir | JohnyLocke of Mutualist Anarchy | The Templar Knights | 2/12/2019 6:23:36 AM | 2019-02-19 | Round 2 | % | % | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | The Kashmir | beckerj360 of beckerushen | The Templar Knights | 2/9/2019 4:47:39 PM | 2019-02-16 | They call me rubberneck | % | % | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | The Kashmir | JohnyLocke of Mutualist Anarchy | The Templar Knights | 2/4/2019 12:25:38 PM | 2019-02-11 | Patriots win again | 5,471.19 | 31% | 68% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | The Kashmir | vinirocks0730 of Vind0730 | 1/4/2019 6:27:08 AM | 2019-01-11 | I dont know what else to do | 504.13 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | The Happy Men and Women of Kashmir | Lyev I of Lyevland | Mostly Harmless Alliance | 11/5/2018 6:44:06 AM | 2018-11-12 | I dont know what else to do | 5,805.34 | 66% | 33% | Expired |
Malic of Veridia | The Happy Men and Women of Kashmir | loganherring of Herring Island | 9/25/2018 6:32:31 AM | 2018-10-02 | Raid PM for peace | 2,071.07 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | The Happy Men and Women of Kashmir | mister comedian of serin baan | 9/23/2018 8:40:25 AM | 2018-09-30 | Raid PM for Peace | 171.12 | 0% | 100% | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | The Kashmir | MrCanada of Land O Tomato | 9/7/2018 6:51:17 AM | 2018-09-14 | Casualties | 1,152.30 | 0% | 100% | Active | |
Malic of Veridia | Freehold of The Wolves | Porfirio de Orllena of Belalcazar | Kashmir | 4/15/2018 9:12:39 AM | 2018-04-22 | A general dispute | % | % | Expired | |
Malic of Veridia | Freehold of The Wolves | LlamaPriest of Llamas | Kashmir | 4/12/2018 5:31:15 AM | 2018-04-19 | For Frodo | 2,735.27 | 0% | 100% | Expired |