As some of you may know, this site has been up for years now, (it has data dating back to 2011) and i'm very sure it's helped a lot of people in managing their alliance(s).
I've lost interest in this game and have since stopped developing this site a while ago. I've kept it up and paid for this site for the last 7 years by myself since I was 17 just for the convenience of every CN gamer.
I would like to keep the site up as I still have an average of 1,500 unique users visiting this site & an average of 100,000 hits every month, so obviously people still use this site. I'm sure you guys have noticed the outages this site has had and for those of you that depend on this tool how that may have affected how you were able to manage your alliance, as I get your messages in game all the time.
With that said, somebody recommended I put up a donation link for people that want to donate to the maintainance & hosting of this site. Feel free to donate any amount you can afford to, as every little helps. If you want to you could also subscribe and make monthly payments. Up to you. I'll continue to keep this site free for as long as I can.
War history for
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation
ORCACommander has 120 recorded war slots within this tool.
Declaring Nation | Declaring Alliance | Defending Nation | Defending Alliance | Begins | Ends | Reason | Destruction | Off Loss % | Def Loss % | War Status |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | paul711 of Paulinca | Non Grata | 2/8/2025 9:00:42 PM | 2025-02-15 | A general dispute | 457.95 | 15% | 84% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Malic of Veridia | Non Grata | 2/8/2025 8:57:44 PM | 2025-02-15 | Stole Nemphesis Spoons | 473.48 | 13% | 86% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | sigmundfreud of schitzophrenia | 2/8/2025 8:46:59 PM | 2025-02-15 | For Pacifica! | 13.95 | 0% | 100% | Active | |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Augustus Caesar of South Holland | Non Grata | 2/8/2025 8:46:28 PM | 2025-02-15 | Emu Hunting | 372.08 | 0% | 100% | Active |
kerschbs of indica | Non Grata | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 2/8/2025 12:01:55 AM | 2025-02-15 | A general dispute | 0.00 | 0% | 0% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Lenny N Karl of Mudfoot | NATO | 1/22/2025 5:50:43 PM | 2025-01-29 | Blood for the blood god! | 213.97 | 73% | 26% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | CVO of Kush | NATO | 1/22/2025 5:50:26 PM | 2025-01-29 | You will be assimilated | 274.50 | 0% | 100% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | CrinkledStraw of The Fierce Crown | Non Grata | 1/22/2025 5:50:13 PM | 2025-01-29 | Skulls for the skull throne! | 359.08 | 0% | 100% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | ShadowSKAR of Hidden Shadows | Non Grata | 1/22/2025 5:50:02 PM | 2025-01-29 | Stealing your oxygen | 221.08 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Leman of Fenris | NATO | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 1/12/2025 12:20:12 PM | 2025-01-19 | A general dispute | 85.74 | 0% | 100% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Onified of Spork | NATO | 1/1/2025 8:55:26 AM | 2025-01-08 | Hello there | 732.17 | 77% | 22% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Astron of Svedala | NATO | 1/1/2025 8:55:22 AM | 2025-01-08 | Never gonna give you up | 1,176.78 | 80% | 19% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | asapilu of Persianiran | NATO | 1/1/2025 8:51:32 AM | 2025-01-08 | Food for the guinea pigs | 235.14 | 28% | 71% | Active |
Njero of Njebooro | NATO | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 1/1/2025 12:00:58 AM | 2025-01-08 | Auld Lang Syne | 295.44 | 0% | 100% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | CVO of Kush | NATO | 12/19/2024 7:52:33 PM | 2024-12-26 | EXTERMINATE! | 60.04 | 0% | 100% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | BigFilthyDick of GayBar | Non Grata | 12/19/2024 7:49:18 PM | 2024-12-26 | Stole Nemphesis Spoons | 451.00 | 14% | 85% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | azntrigboi of Symmetry | NATO | 12/19/2024 7:48:26 PM | 2024-12-26 | Looking for cookies | 213.76 | 71% | 28% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Pope Bubba XIII of Rebel Virginia | Federated Allied Independence League | 12/19/2024 7:48:16 PM | 2024-12-26 | Looking for cookies | 615.12 | 17% | 82% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | tylerdurden1 of Baldfatastan | NATO | 11/24/2024 9:41:10 PM | 2024-12-01 | Blubber for my oil lamps | 207.05 | 34% | 65% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | The1nonlykk of Biourja | Non Grata | 11/24/2024 9:41:03 PM | 2024-12-01 | Blubber for my oil lamps | 100.70 | 0% | 100% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Speeder of Dronterlands | Non Grata | 11/24/2024 9:40:57 PM | 2024-12-01 | Blood for the blood god! | 174.38 | 0% | 100% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | King James II of Michigan II | NATO | 11/14/2024 8:34:30 PM | 2024-11-21 | Earth shattering kaboom | 1,830.13 | 77% | 22% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | ni431 of ni nation | Non Grata | 11/14/2024 8:34:24 PM | 2024-11-21 | Looking for cookies | 1,413.81 | 76% | 23% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | TCTriangle of Taninsania | Non Grata | 11/13/2024 11:08:38 PM | 2024-11-20 | Looking for cookies | 2,540.98 | 87% | 12% | Active |
JayMillz of Curel | New Polar Order | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 12/11/2022 1:42:14 AM | 2022-12-18 | A general dispute | 1,579.84 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
Ascended Dio of The Nootropics | Non Grata | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 11/19/2022 8:40:13 PM | 2022-11-26 | no escape | 1,799.12 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
Rothaic of Munrovia | Freehold of The Wolves | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 11/12/2022 7:59:56 AM | 2022-11-19 | A general dispute | 3,512.66 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
jacka of north 40 | The Legion | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 11/8/2022 3:46:39 PM | 2022-11-15 | A general dispute | 9,078.30 | 19% | 80% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Pope Bubba XIII of Rebel Virginia | Federated Allied Independence League | 9/19/2022 8:19:11 PM | 2022-09-26 | Hello there | 1,882.57 | 62% | 37% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | xander the great of Empire of Maine | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 8/19/2022 8:03:21 AM | 2022-08-26 | Never gonna give you nukes | 3,949.25 | 64% | 35% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Solomon of Swiss Confederation | The Legion | 8/15/2022 6:37:31 PM | 2022-08-22 | Earth shattering kaboom | 289.53 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | scozy of Kenoland | The Legion | 8/1/2022 4:39:01 PM | 2022-08-08 | A general dispute | 8,022.75 | 64% | 35% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Britbong of Imperium Britannicum | The Legion | 7/21/2022 8:26:52 PM | 2022-07-28 | A general dispute | 2,752.74 | 84% | 15% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Forrest Lybrand of Texas Hegemony | The Legion | 7/11/2022 7:59:51 PM | 2022-07-18 | A general dispute | 6,923.11 | 36% | 63% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Pamacii of Speedy Cats | Freehold of The Wolves | 6/28/2022 9:37:38 PM | 2022-07-05 | A general dispute | 4,334.30 | 1% | 98% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | D Vibianto of lifelife | Nusantara Elite Warriors | 5/20/2020 9:29:23 PM | 2020-05-27 | A general dispute | 1,521.43 | 60% | 39% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | silentcross of SpEaR | Nusantara Elite Warriors | 5/20/2020 9:29:09 PM | 2020-05-27 | A general dispute | 2,476.46 | 70% | 29% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | silentcross of SpEaR | Nusantara Elite Warriors | 4/25/2020 8:23:01 PM | 2020-05-02 | A general dispute | 4,593.81 | 60% | 39% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | D Vibianto of lifelife | Nusantara Elite Warriors | 4/15/2020 3:09:14 PM | 2020-04-22 | A general dispute | 3,130.09 | 64% | 35% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | D Vibianto of lifelife | Nusantara Elite Warriors | 4/4/2020 10:11:17 PM | 2020-04-11 | A general dispute | % | % | Expired | |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | kaoezen of charityLove | Nusantara Elite Warriors | 3/23/2020 8:47:52 PM | 2020-03-30 | A general dispute | 10,190.49 | 69% | 30% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Badboy of Rapidfire | Nusantara Elite Warriors | 3/23/2020 8:47:37 PM | 2020-03-30 | A general dispute | 4,083.08 | 48% | 51% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | James of TIEIXIAIS | Non Grata | 1/23/2020 4:27:32 PM | 2020-01-30 | A general dispute | 599.13 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | kerschbs of indica | Non Grata | 1/23/2020 4:23:41 PM | 2020-01-30 | A general dispute | 3,723.13 | 50% | 49% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Polemos of Realm of Fury | Non Grata | 1/23/2020 4:18:22 PM | 2020-01-30 | A general dispute | 3,933.18 | 48% | 51% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | dane0 of here goes my life | Non Grata | 8/2/2019 10:35:11 PM | 2019-08-09 | Clensing treatment | 1,633.70 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Horizon of Cyrodil | Swash Plates And Tail Rotors | 9/16/2018 9:06:54 PM | 2018-09-23 | A general dispute | 9,993.22 | 64% | 35% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Horizon of Cyrodil | Swash Plates And Tail Rotors | 8/15/2018 10:57:07 PM | 2018-08-22 | A general dispute | % | % | Expired | |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Horizon of Cyrodil | Swash Plates And Tail Rotors | 7/28/2018 10:21:38 PM | 2018-08-04 | My Roflcopter goes soy soy soy | 9,116.00 | 55% | 44% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Horizon of Cyrodil | Swash Plates And Tail Rotors | 6/23/2018 9:48:17 PM | 2018-06-30 | A general dispute | 6,685.51 | 46% | 53% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Horizon of Cyrodil | Swash Plates And Tail Rotors | 6/10/2018 7:24:08 PM | 2018-06-17 | A general dispute | 8,879.71 | 55% | 44% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Nashorn of Nashornstan | MONGOLS | 5/15/2018 9:59:58 PM | 2018-05-22 | A general dispute | 10,943.54 | 72% | 27% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Death from above 82 of Black Sheep | Kaskus | 4/16/2018 12:03:58 AM | 2018-04-23 | A general dispute | % | % | Expired | |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Death from above 82 of Black Sheep | Kaskus | 3/17/2018 9:53:59 PM | 2018-03-24 | Stop Hitting Yourself | 1,893.18 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Nashorn of Nashornstan | MONGOLS | 1/1/2018 9:29:16 PM | 2018-01-08 | A Knife in the dark | 5,914.05 | 67% | 32% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Nashorn of Nashornstan | MONGOLS | 10/25/2017 9:51:38 PM | 2017-11-01 | The Voices Told Me too | 6,842.26 | 77% | 22% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | malazar of Jinnailand | 9/9/2017 8:12:48 PM | 2017-09-16 | Little Bunny Foo Foo | 10,083.53 | 70% | 29% | Expired | |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN | 8/27/2017 6:46:51 PM | 2017-09-03 | Mahna Mahna | % | % | Expired | ||
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN | The Real Phoenix Federation | 7/23/2017 9:20:19 PM | 2017-07-30 | A general dispute | % | % | Expired | |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN | The Real Phoenix Federation | 7/4/2017 11:15:21 PM | 2017-07-11 | A general dispute | 8,556.39 | 66% | 33% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Nashorn of Nashornstan | MONGOLS | 6/22/2017 8:42:19 AM | 2017-06-29 | Clense Purge KIll | % | % | Expired | |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | boskosbigdawgs of Boskos Big Dawgs | The Real Phoenix Federation | 6/8/2017 6:34:29 PM | 2017-06-15 | An Angry and Cruel God | 4,163.35 | 22% | 77% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Lord Erding of Erdinger Weissbier | MONGOLS | 3/23/2017 9:28:18 PM | 2017-03-30 | A general dispute | 16,140.50 | 73% | 26% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | junior of Junior Kingdom | Nusantara Elite Warriors | 2/27/2017 10:16:04 PM | 2017-03-06 | A general dispute | 13,357.23 | 43% | 56% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | wayoik of SunOase | Nusantara Elite Warriors | 1/4/2017 11:16:06 PM | 2017-01-11 | A general dispute | 5,054.96 | 34% | 65% | Expired |
bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN | The Phoenix Federation | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 12/17/2016 11:54:54 PM | 2016-12-24 | A general dispute | 3,540.26 | 1% | 98% | Expired |
murtibing of Fluens | MONGOLS | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 11/28/2016 12:01:55 AM | 2016-12-05 | SPATR defence | 5,844.14 | 0% | 99% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | murtibing of Fluens | MONGOLS | 11/16/2016 1:26:52 AM | 2016-11-23 | A general dispute | 14,101.98 | 88% | 11% | Expired |
bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN | The Phoenix Federation | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 8/11/2016 11:58:05 PM | 2016-08-18 | A general dispute | 6,797.73 | 6% | 93% | Expired |
Thrash of Machas | Invicta | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 8/6/2016 2:19:12 AM | 2016-08-13 | A general dispute | 8,202.28 | 5% | 94% | Expired |
King William of Royal Nine | Invicta | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 7/24/2016 11:48:04 PM | 2016-07-31 | What Makes a Man | 10,029.89 | 28% | 71% | Expired |
Thrash of Machas | Invicta | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 7/14/2016 9:07:47 AM | 2016-07-21 | more | 11,260.25 | 15% | 84% | Expired |
bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN | The Phoenix Federation | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 7/1/2016 11:56:58 PM | 2016-07-08 | Happy Canada Day | 9,736.88 | 6% | 93% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | deadmanszpiper of Manoka | Invicta | 6/25/2016 10:00:16 PM | 2016-07-02 | Festive green Fireworks | 21,766.12 | 46% | 53% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Daniel Chrono of Neutrality Force | Invicta | 6/7/2016 8:13:16 PM | 2016-06-14 | Bunny Foo Foo | 8,019.94 | 44% | 55% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | wayoik of SunOase | Nusantara Elite Warriors | 5/20/2016 8:59:12 AM | 2016-05-27 | In the Excersise of Violence | 10,380.12 | 65% | 34% | Expired |
bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN | The Phoenix Federation | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 4/29/2016 11:52:09 PM | 2016-05-06 | Come back to the battle | 12,376.24 | 22% | 77% | Expired |
bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN | The Phoenix Federation | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 4/2/2016 11:52:19 PM | 2016-04-09 | Miss me? | 14,022.18 | 16% | 83% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN | The Phoenix Federation | 3/20/2016 1:32:52 PM | 2016-03-27 | Once more into the Breach | 31,468.32 | 58% | 41% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN | The Phoenix Federation | 2/14/2016 11:06:48 PM | 2016-02-21 | Dont I know You? | 25,470.03 | 82% | 17% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Taget of Elders of Zion | MI6 | 11/8/2015 10:42:29 AM | 2015-11-15 | C Sends his Regards | 6,926.17 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | TM Is Back of Northern Freedom | The Phoenix Federation | 10/25/2015 5:44:32 PM | 2015-11-01 | Regretable | 18,158.25 | 56% | 43% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Thomhj of Thomaine | Siberian Tiger Alliance | 10/15/2015 12:08:51 AM | 2015-10-22 | SigFried | 8,254.75 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | tfthart of Zelda | Supernova X | 1/2/2015 12:23:42 PM | 2015-01-09 | Turtle Shelling | 2,717.18 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Mandystalin of Lutonstan | The Templar Knights | 12/20/2014 12:10:01 AM | 2014-12-27 | Going a Viking | 16,609.91 | 52% | 47% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Exdios of Caelum | Knights Of The Round Table | 12/17/2014 9:20:17 AM | 2014-12-24 | The Wettening | 325.30 | 0% | 100% | Active |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Edward Jan Gandionco of Yevraziya | Libertarian Socialist Federation | 12/12/2014 9:56:52 PM | 2014-12-19 | I kill in your sleep | 6,441.47 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | nathan2008 of Juniata | The Templar Knights | 12/5/2014 12:07:03 AM | 2014-12-12 | wa wa wee wa wah | 6,373.89 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Spacemanspiff of Federated States | United Purple Nations | 11/30/2014 11:32:00 PM | 2014-12-07 | Recursive Self Improvement | 1,881.51 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Guardofthedragon of Orion Project | United Purple Nations | 11/30/2014 11:31:21 PM | 2014-12-07 | Catherine Wheel | 2,544.73 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
Czechinthepipes of Thanatopsis | Christian Coalition Of Countries | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 11/14/2014 11:48:17 PM | 2014-11-21 | For the CCC! | 9,556.20 | 56% | 43% | Expired |
Scooby doo of Zoinks | Christian Coalition Of Countries | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 11/14/2014 10:36:32 PM | 2014-11-21 | Lets split up, gang! | 7,372.73 | 60% | 39% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | alghazi of Puntland | Supernova X | 11/13/2014 11:35:24 PM | 2014-11-20 | Tip Toe Through the Napalm | 9,299.46 | 66% | 33% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Sarin65 of Chilby | Supernova X | 11/13/2014 7:42:02 PM | 2014-11-20 | A Silent Spring Aproaches | 3,950.09 | 1% | 98% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Keyes of Centauri | Supernova X | 11/13/2014 12:00:11 AM | 2014-11-20 | Ordenance Delivery | 539.24 | 0% | 100% | Active |
yuzarg of RADistan | Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 1/27/2014 11:52:50 PM | 2014-02-03 | Booya | 4,914.12 | 39% | 60% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | Soter of Republic of Verusia | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 1/18/2014 10:20:47 PM | 2014-01-25 | Operation White Night | 6,625.64 | 21% | 78% | Expired |
ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | echoland of echorita | New Polar Order | 1/18/2014 9:38:47 PM | 2014-01-25 | Industrial Strength Ice Melt | 3,719.05 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
jert1414 of Manitoba | New Polar Order | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 1/5/2014 12:39:54 PM | 2014-01-12 | for the memory of CIS | 9,550.80 | 60% | 39% | Expired |
Ernesto Che Guevara of Space Cuba | Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 12/28/2013 10:51:05 PM | 2014-01-04 | drifting through the wind... | 3,841.42 | 30% | 69% | Expired |