As some of you may know, this site has been up for years now, (it has data dating back to 2011) and i'm very sure it's helped a lot of people in managing their alliance(s).
I've lost interest in this game and have since stopped developing this site a while ago. I've kept it up and paid for this site for the last 7 years by myself since I was 17 just for the convenience of every CN gamer.
I would like to keep the site up as I still have an average of 1,500 unique users visiting this site & an average of 100,000 hits every month, so obviously people still use this site. I'm sure you guys have noticed the outages this site has had and for those of you that depend on this tool how that may have affected how you were able to manage your alliance, as I get your messages in game all the time.
With that said, somebody recommended I put up a donation link for people that want to donate to the maintainance & hosting of this site. Feel free to donate any amount you can afford to, as every little helps. If you want to you could also subscribe and make monthly payments. Up to you. I'll continue to keep this site free for as long as I can.
War history for
Leman of Fenris
Leman has 38 recorded war slots within this tool.
Declaring Nation | Declaring Alliance | Defending Nation | Defending Alliance | Begins | Ends | Reason | Destruction | Off Loss % | Def Loss % | War Status |
Immortalis712 of Republic of Intima | New Pacific Order | Leman of Fenris | NATO | 2/10/2025 1:47:19 PM | 2025-02-17 | Bringing Order to Chaos | 177.74 | 100% | 0% | Active |
Umbrae Noctem of Gronland | New Pacific Order | Leman of Fenris | NATO | 2/5/2025 11:44:42 PM | 2025-02-12 | Looking for baked goods | 578.95 | 31% | 68% | Active |
DeathAdder of Westfalen | New Pacific Order | Leman of Fenris | NATO | 1/31/2025 11:04:15 PM | 2025-02-07 | Raiding for fresh babies | 134.40 | 100% | 0% | Active |
RahulHP of RHLand | New Pacific Order | Leman of Fenris | NATO | 1/25/2025 9:27:53 AM | 2025-02-01 | A general dispute | 236.65 | 100% | 0% | Active |
Cortath of Cortath | New Pacific Order | Leman of Fenris | NATO | 1/18/2025 4:09:33 PM | 2025-01-25 | Emu Hunting | 0.00 | 0% | 0% | Active |
Sylvainwrath of Sylvain Land | New Pacific Order | Leman of Fenris | NATO | 1/18/2025 9:40:00 AM | 2025-01-25 | For the Order! | 425.12 | 51% | 48% | Active |
Leman of Fenris | NATO | brentaar of Barstonia | New Pacific Order | 1/12/2025 1:33:05 PM | 2025-01-19 | A general dispute | 38.05 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Leman of Fenris | NATO | AlphaCenturion of Sentosa Republic | New Pacific Order | 1/12/2025 12:20:48 PM | 2025-01-19 | A general dispute | 76.09 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Leman of Fenris | NATO | ORCACommander of Hiigaran Federation | New Pacific Order | 1/12/2025 12:20:12 PM | 2025-01-19 | A general dispute | 85.74 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | azntrigboi of Symmetry | NATO | 11/20/2024 1:05:30 AM | 2024-11-27 | A general dispute | 363.94 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | asapilu of Persianiran | NATO | 11/20/2024 1:05:13 AM | 2024-11-27 | A general dispute | 216.42 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | King James II of Michigan II | NATO | 11/20/2024 1:04:58 AM | 2024-11-27 | A general dispute | 54.55 | 0% | 100% | Active |
RetiredSgt of Old Fogey Land | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 10/31/2024 12:00:26 AM | 2024-11-07 | A general dispute | 1,220.29 | 84% | 15% | Active |
JuiceBox of Phoenix Isle | Non Grata | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 10/23/2024 8:01:14 PM | 2024-10-30 | A general dispute | 1,584.74 | 0% | 100% | Active |
CrinkledStraw of The Fierce Crown | Non Grata | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 10/23/2024 7:55:16 PM | 2024-10-30 | A general dispute | 2,070.33 | 0% | 100% | Active |
ni431 of ni nation | Non Grata | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 10/23/2024 7:33:36 PM | 2024-10-30 | A general dispute | 5,643.26 | 0% | 100% | Active |
Piejonk of Perseus | Non Grata | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 10/23/2022 9:23:11 PM | 2022-10-30 | A general dispute | 12,167.74 | 31% | 68% | Expired |
Death from above 82 of Black Sheep | MONGOLS | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 10/19/2022 8:03:46 PM | 2022-10-26 | A general dispute | 16,837.11 | 34% | 65% | Expired |
HeroofTime55 of New XGA | Non Grata | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 10/12/2022 10:51:04 PM | 2022-10-19 | A general dispute | 25,756.19 | 39% | 60% | Expired |
Sultan Adly of Wadi El Bezaz | The Legion | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 10/5/2022 1:33:17 AM | 2022-10-12 | A general dispute | 44,760.67 | 40% | 59% | Expired |
Codark of Codainia | Freehold of The Wolves | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 10/4/2022 7:59:22 AM | 2022-10-11 | Not quite done yet | 10,879.90 | 41% | 58% | Expired |
rabonnobar of Calabria | Non Grata | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 9/29/2022 8:30:40 PM | 2022-10-06 | Defense of Legion | 32,122.21 | 36% | 63% | Expired |
Codark of Codainia | Freehold of The Wolves | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 9/23/2022 9:29:09 PM | 2022-09-30 | Library book overdue | % | % | Expired | |
Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island 4 Lyfe | Non Grata | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 9/22/2022 9:35:12 PM | 2022-09-29 | The Wire is a great show | % | % | Expired | |
Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | Morshu of Koridai | NATO | 9/18/2022 3:23:36 AM | 2022-09-25 | A general dispute | % | % | Expired | |
Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | Revol of Lodoss | NATO | 9/6/2022 2:18:06 PM | 2022-09-13 | A general dispute | 41,968.64 | 49% | 50% | Expired |
Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | deathbiter of Arrakis2 | The Legion | 8/26/2022 1:57:01 AM | 2022-09-02 | Round two | 45,822.73 | 64% | 35% | Expired |
deathbiter of Arrakis2 | The Legion | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 8/15/2022 10:09:58 PM | 2022-08-22 | A general dispute | 48,853.20 | 12% | 87% | Expired |
Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | Revol of Lodoss | NATO | 8/9/2022 11:32:49 AM | 2022-08-16 | A general dispute | 49,252.40 | 37% | 62% | Expired |
sturtyboy of The Keewanaw Union | NATO | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 7/30/2022 10:44:08 PM | 2022-08-06 | For NATO! FOR LENNY! | 50,938.25 | 52% | 47% | Expired |
Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | Lenny N Karl of Mudfoot | NATO | 7/30/2022 2:14:27 AM | 2022-08-06 | A general dispute | 45,459.24 | 52% | 47% | Expired |
Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | Revol of Lodoss | NATO | 7/29/2022 1:19:58 AM | 2022-08-05 | A general dispute | 18,062.71 | 26% | 73% | Expired |
Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | Valandil of Ithilien Empire | NATO | 7/20/2022 6:05:32 AM | 2022-07-27 | I am here too | % | % | Expired | |
rabonnobar of Calabria | Non Grata | Leman of Fenris | New Pacific Order | 7/19/2022 6:39:14 PM | 2022-07-26 | A general dispute | % | % | Expired | |
Babamet of TurkishTurania | Knights Of Ni | Leman of Fenris | Knights Of Ni | 7/31/2015 11:54:22 AM | 2015-08-07 | full scale war *roar* | 0.00 | 0% | 0% | Expired |
Hrunker Unnerby of Foobie Bletch | Knights Of Ni | Leman of Fenris | Knights Of Ni | 11/14/2013 4:35:22 PM | 2013-11-21 | Trying to get 50k casualties | 0.00 | 0% | 0% | Expired |
Ariel81 of Kingdom of Ariel | Sandstorm | Leman of Fenris | None | 5/9/2013 11:48:08 AM | 2013-05-16 | A general dispute | 44.88 | 0% | 100% | Expired |
Ipank El Zhenda of Dinasty Arnif | Nusantara Elite Warriors | Leman of Fenris | None | 5/2/2013 12:51:34 AM | 2013-05-09 | A general dispute | 3,003.86 | 0% | 100% | Expired |