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War history for LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus
LexusGS400RacerX has 46 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS Uncle Don of The Tannhauser Gate Freehold of The Wolves 2/5/2025 9:46:14 PM 2025-02-12 For the good of humanity! 538.72 100% 0% Active
ForSparta of HxC Sparta Sparta LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 2/4/2025 12:42:27 PM 2025-02-11 Doxa Sparta o/ 455.08 0% 100% Active
Gingray of Colonia Irlanda Sparta LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 1/23/2025 6:15:15 AM 2025-01-30 A general dispute 269.87 0% 100% Active
Herzog of Black Amber Sparta LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 11/19/2024 7:26:32 PM 2024-11-26 A general dispute 505.28 0% 100% Active
Wippeli of Wippelandia Freehold of The Wolves LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 11/13/2024 6:12:21 AM 2024-11-20 A general dispute 444.45 0% 100% Active
Death from above 82 of Black Sheep Cold Steel LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 4/3/2024 5:42:05 PM 2024-04-10 A general dispute 1,703.33 0% 100% Active
LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS Canik of Tiny Nation Freehold of The Wolves 12/9/2022 11:16:47 PM 2022-12-16 A general dispute 12,226.97 68% 31% Expired
LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS armpit of Armpit Freehold of The Wolves 11/13/2022 9:52:32 PM 2022-11-20 For the greater good. 8,571.86 40% 59% Expired
LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS gameoverclocker of kryzhome NATO 11/13/2022 9:51:48 PM 2022-11-20 For the greater good. 6,191.82 24% 75% Expired
LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS lilweirdward of Land of Too Much Fun Christian Coalition Of Countries 10/8/2022 10:06:46 PM 2022-10-15 A general dispute 11,990.97 57% 42% Expired
Johnny Apocalypse of Anubia Ouroboros LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 10/6/2022 10:19:15 PM 2022-10-13 Love from OBR and OG 5,976.37 51% 48% Expired
Lord Draculea of Transylvania Freehold of The Wolves LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 9/10/2022 11:17:13 AM 2022-09-17 A general dispute % % Expired
Hakaisha of Nihon koku Freehold of The Wolves LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 9/8/2022 11:00:32 PM 2022-09-15 A general dispute % % Expired
Joseph Black of Rural Route 3 Freehold of The Wolves LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 9/5/2022 1:48:01 PM 2022-09-12 By order of the Peaky Blinders 4,732.54 36% 63% Expired
ghostofgod of Apocalyptica The Order Of The Black Rose LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 8/31/2022 5:02:49 PM 2022-09-07 I drive a Killdozer!!! 11,953.91 31% 68% Expired
Sybreal of The Stolen Lands Freehold of The Wolves LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 8/4/2022 7:06:33 PM 2022-08-11 A general dispute 6,170.30 25% 74% Expired
Parmenides of Jusian Freehold of The Wolves LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 7/31/2022 1:41:42 AM 2022-08-07 A general dispute 8,770.30 69% 30% Expired
armpit of Armpit Freehold of The Wolves LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 7/31/2022 12:42:29 AM 2022-08-07 A general dispute 15,383.98 37% 62% Expired
LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS Kaznawim of Kaznawim Freehold of The Wolves 7/26/2022 11:51:23 AM 2022-08-02 Claws - Drop your nukes! 15,266.10 41% 58% Expired
Joseph Black of Rural Route 3 Freehold of The Wolves LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 7/11/2022 12:17:50 AM 2022-07-18 By order of the Peaky Blinders 11,716.99 13% 86% Expired
LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS armpit of Armpit Freehold of The Wolves 7/10/2022 2:38:41 PM 2022-07-17 To assist those in need 16,325.39 63% 36% Expired
Aspire of AspireFerty Freehold of The Wolves LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 6/28/2022 6:40:54 AM 2022-07-05 A general dispute 4,424.04 5% 94% Expired
Malic of Veridia Kashmir LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 1/24/2021 11:34:03 AM 2021-01-31 Nice Car bro 8,026.30 68% 31% Expired
MrMotivator of Beetus The Phoenix Federation LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 1/24/2021 3:47:43 AM 2021-01-31 A general dispute % % Expired
Al3efix of DaWeasel The Phoenix Federation LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 1/24/2021 12:33:29 AM 2021-01-31 A general dispute % % Expired
Mogar of Mogatopia Non Grata LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS 1/17/2021 3:08:04 AM 2021-01-24 https://youtu.be/1NhyFEZKq48 2,685.74 24% 75% Expired
LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS Council of Ten of Bailiwick of Conti Elysian Fields 8/31/2018 2:02:59 PM 2018-09-07 A general dispute 400.13 0% 100% Expired
LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus CLAWS Council of Ten of Bailiwick of Conti Elysian Fields 8/29/2018 12:30:03 AM 2018-09-05 War. Lower your guns. 196.53 0% 100% Expired
eviljak of Shadow Brethren Sovereign League of Armed Powers LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus New Polar Order 3/20/2017 12:35:49 AM 2017-03-27 Old people suck 4,134.73 0% 100% Expired
Saphyre of GemStone LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus Sovereign League of Armed Powers 3/12/2017 11:49:42 PM 2017-03-19 Im Against war. 21,333.37 0% 100% Expired
roochi of RoochiStan Monsters Inc LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus The Sovereign Order 5/20/2015 5:06:08 PM 2015-05-27 whoops 967.66 8% 91% Expired
Hombre Sabio of Stoneland Monsters Inc LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus The Sovereign Order 5/20/2015 4:21:47 PM 2015-05-27 Just because..... 5,778.90 1% 98% Expired
kingneptune of pacifis Monsters Inc LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus The Sovereign Order 5/20/2015 1:50:37 AM 2015-05-27 A general dispute 14,416.47 3% 96% Expired
MetalSnow of Solstice Sparta LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus 7/14/2014 9:52:33 PM 2014-07-21 Dynamic Trio 1,008.87 0% 100% Expired
duelking of Neo Ancient Greece DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus 7/14/2014 9:52:23 PM 2014-07-21 Raid, peace sent in 7 days. 954.48 0% 100% Expired
Lord Hershey of Palaven DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus 7/14/2014 9:52:00 PM 2014-07-21 Raid 955.82 0% 100% Expired
Iceknave of Armed Federation New Pacific Order LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus Invicta 1/28/2014 11:49:58 PM 2014-02-04 A general dispute 9,236.72 0% 100% Expired
Maelstrom Vortex of Dragonisia New Pacific Order LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus Invicta 1/5/2014 4:11:02 PM 2014-01-12 I love twinkies, fear nt death 10,943.02 10% 89% Expired
Iceknave of Armed Federation New Pacific Order LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus Invicta 1/4/2014 11:37:46 PM 2014-01-11 A general dispute 13,975.19 6% 93% Expired
Serjjery of Empyrea Global Alliance And Treaty Organization LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus Invicta 11/9/2013 7:44:06 AM 2013-11-16 A general dispute 418.08 0% 100% Expired
Dre4mwe4ver of Fidensgen Global Alliance And Treaty Organization LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus Invicta 11/8/2013 9:02:16 PM 2013-11-15 Two 5,046.85 0% 100% Expired
Gairyuki of Aeropolis Sky Nation Mushroom Kingdom LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus Regnum Invictorum 2012-07-27 2012-08-03 HERE COMES SPEED RACER % % War
bekloppt of Greater Finland Mushroom Kingdom LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus Regnum Invictorum 2012-07-26 2012-08-02 lmbo % % Expired
SkonesMickLoud of SkonesMickLand Mushroom Kingdom LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus Regnum Invictorum 2012-06-27 2012-07-04 margaret thatcher % % War
mefistomaligno of Mefislandia Mushroom Kingdom LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus Regnum Invictorum 2012-06-19 2012-06-26 una disputa general % % War
LexusGS400RacerX of Lexus Regnum Invictorum MarcusFuriusCamillus of RomanRepublic Mushroom Kingdom 2012-06-19 2012-06-26 o/ Invicta % % War