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War history for MikeTheFirst of MikeLand
MikeTheFirst has 140 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Tarfiel of Babblefish New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 2/12/2025 6:41:07 PM 2025-02-19 Stole Nemphesis Spoons 334.73 100% 0% Active
Samudragupta of Mauryan Empire Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 2/5/2025 9:37:05 PM 2025-02-12 A general dispute 318.98 29% 70% Active
Drizzy of Corneria New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/31/2025 7:40:16 PM 2025-02-07 Nuke me maybe 564.91 91% 8% Active
Samudragupta of Mauryan Empire Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/26/2025 10:07:46 PM 2025-02-02 A general dispute 577.87 0% 100% Active
Mandarijn of Mandarijni Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/23/2025 3:52:49 PM 2025-01-30 A general dispute 525.02 0% 100% Active
Darksight1 of ChineseEmpire New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/18/2025 1:05:00 AM 2025-01-25 You + me = :*( 54.42 0% 100% Active
Samudragupta of Mauryan Empire Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/12/2025 2:04:33 AM 2025-01-19 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
Goosinater of United Mexico States New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/6/2025 7:47:27 AM 2025-01-13 Heló Govna 216.45 100% 0% Active
Samudragupta of Mauryan Empire Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/1/2025 6:17:27 AM 2025-01-08 A general dispute 247.48 100% 0% Active
captainjf of New Mombassa Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/1/2025 1:46:33 AM 2025-01-08 Happy new year 265.21 0% 100% Active
Darksight1 of ChineseEmpire New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 12/26/2024 11:53:14 PM 2025-01-02 EXTERMINATE! 348.11 0% 100% Active
Tarfiel of Babblefish New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 12/20/2024 7:22:36 AM 2024-12-27 Scotch Harvesting Expedition 694.81 58% 41% Active
Goosinater of United Mexico States New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 12/17/2024 5:47:52 AM 2024-12-24 Improved Foreign Relations 917.87 100% 0% Active
RailForge of Iron And Steel New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 12/16/2024 6:05:49 AM 2024-12-23 For all the Donut Holes! 853.31 0% 100% Active
Mandarijn of Mandarijni Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 12/9/2024 1:36:22 PM 2024-12-16 A general dispute 1,254.43 12% 87% Active
Bryan93 of Anacostia Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 12/2/2024 12:19:15 AM 2024-12-09 WAR 610.37 0% 100% Active
Chrismathews of Empire81 Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 12/1/2024 10:21:48 PM 2024-12-08 A general dispute 491.70 0% 100% Active
Cybolt of Time and Space New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 11/28/2024 12:42:40 AM 2024-12-05 A general dispute 1,020.91 53% 46% Active
Dontavian of Karnax Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 11/24/2024 7:42:38 AM 2024-12-01 Downfall 0.00 0% 0% Active
Rafay of Republic of Pakistan Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 11/22/2024 2:55:14 PM 2024-11-29 IRON vs NG 821.14 10% 89% Active
NikolaP of Wiggles Disciples of Duckroll MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 11/19/2024 7:55:43 PM 2024-11-26 A general dispute 2,147.80 9% 90% Active
janro of Nuts Land New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 11/13/2024 8:48:31 AM 2024-11-20 About Your Cars Warranty 1,873.69 77% 22% Active
end666 of A New India New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 11/10/2024 7:41:45 AM 2024-11-17 EXTERMINATE! 1,605.25 84% 15% Active
Madd of Modra New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 11/4/2024 6:50:47 PM 2024-11-11 Infra adjustment bureau 794.50 67% 32% Active
Commander Thrawn of Csilla New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 10/30/2024 9:55:06 PM 2024-11-06 A general dispute 1,874.07 58% 41% Active
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Qazzian of Qaziakstan New Pacific Order 10/24/2024 11:28:53 AM 2024-10-31 A general dispute 1,777.70 0% 100% Active
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Minuq of Butan New Pacific Order 10/24/2024 11:28:32 AM 2024-10-31 A general dispute 1,003.48 0% 100% Active
iwin90 of stopwarnow Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 12/9/2022 8:38:16 AM 2022-12-16 iron is inactive 19,663.01 38% 61% Expired
Grendel of Beowulf Knights Of The Round Table MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 12/4/2022 7:02:38 AM 2022-12-11 Pixels must die 17,944.33 51% 48% Expired
paul711 of Paulinca Doom Squad MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 11/26/2022 11:35:43 PM 2022-12-03 NG really sucks 21,471.91 30% 69% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata ADude of OceaniaRedux Doom Squad 11/26/2022 4:42:25 AM 2022-12-03 A general dispute 18,551.31 39% 60% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata malakarlian of malakarlian Doom Wolves 11/26/2022 4:42:20 AM 2022-12-03 A general dispute 8,510.40 9% 90% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Llednar Twem of Eurica New Pacific Order 10/20/2022 3:38:55 AM 2022-10-27 A general dispute 17,229.66 22% 77% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Sludgemonkey of Sludgeville New Pacific Order 10/20/2022 3:34:27 AM 2022-10-27 A general dispute 4,095.83 0% 100% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Xipz0r of Barafranca New Pacific Order 10/20/2022 3:31:51 AM 2022-10-27 A general dispute 28,517.21 46% 53% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Knight of Alliance of Knights New Pacific Order 9/30/2022 3:17:16 AM 2022-10-07 A general dispute 32,909.89 57% 42% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata tejuguasu of tejuguasu New Pacific Order 9/29/2022 9:31:21 AM 2022-10-06 A general dispute 18,123.02 19% 80% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata spartan 84 of UNSC Reach Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 9/29/2022 9:30:45 AM 2022-10-06 A general dispute 16,932.82 15% 84% Expired
God Almighty of Kingdom of God New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 9/10/2022 7:03:18 PM 2022-09-17 Seal clubbing 23,360.88 27% 72% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata aaannndddyyy of andyyy New Pacific Order 9/9/2022 12:01:26 PM 2022-09-16 A general dispute 21,737.41 8% 91% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata tejuguasu of tejuguasu New Pacific Order 9/9/2022 11:56:26 AM 2022-09-16 A general dispute 28,904.80 29% 70% Expired
303GoS of Dystopien New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 8/22/2022 11:52:06 PM 2022-08-29 Bringing Order to Chaos 26,020.31 59% 40% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Caspase of Amino Acids Post Grunge Supergroup 8/20/2022 6:43:33 AM 2022-08-27 A general dispute 18,288.97 41% 58% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata The Ballycraigy One of Ballycraigy Post Grunge Supergroup 8/20/2022 6:38:22 AM 2022-08-27 A general dispute 10,958.27 26% 73% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata CaptAfro of Harbl Viridian Entente 8/9/2022 5:11:02 PM 2022-08-16 A general dispute 17,483.89 25% 74% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Robert2424 of Trade Federation Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 8/9/2022 4:59:02 PM 2022-08-16 A general dispute 17,720.41 0% 100% Expired
CaptAfro of Harbl Viridian Entente MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 7/24/2022 2:18:33 AM 2022-07-31 A general dispute 34,703.35 50% 49% Expired
Presidential of WashingtonDC Viridian Entente MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 7/23/2022 10:58:40 AM 2022-07-30 Get off my lawn! 24,684.30 89% 10% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata James Maximus of Wessopotamia The Killer Turtle Brigade 7/20/2022 5:59:14 AM 2022-07-27 A general dispute % % Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Eumirbago of World Wide Web The Killer Turtle Brigade 7/20/2022 2:29:48 AM 2022-07-27 A general dispute 11,035.23 0% 100% Expired
Skaros Thunderbane of Shimazu Conglomerate New Polar Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 7/7/2022 9:02:24 AM 2022-07-14 o/Polaris 16,316.71 42% 57% Expired
Andrew III of Dendarii Federation New Polar Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 7/7/2022 4:59:53 AM 2022-07-14 Why so serious? % % Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Weirdgus of Gusandria New Pacific Order 7/5/2022 3:26:27 PM 2022-07-12 A general dispute % % Expired
Cybolt of Time and Space New Pacific Order MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/16/2021 10:01:32 PM 2021-01-23 A general dispute % % Expired
MasterChief777 of The New Empire Global Alliance And Treaty Organization MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/16/2021 10:00:44 PM 2021-01-23 I know my nation sucks idc % % Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata dillon1102 of Titanous Freehold of The Wolves 7/19/2019 1:43:49 AM 2019-07-26 A general dispute 4,236.80 0% 100% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Joseph Black of Rural Route 3 Freehold of The Wolves 7/19/2019 1:41:33 AM 2019-07-26 A general dispute 11,872.51 30% 69% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Pile Butts of Wobblies Freehold of The Wolves 7/19/2019 1:38:13 AM 2019-07-26 A general dispute 10,959.35 26% 73% Expired
RonSwanson of Sudden Valley The Templar Knights MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/13/2019 6:16:30 AM 2019-01-20 A general dispute 4,279.70 57% 42% Expired
Mandystalin of Lutonstan The Templar Knights MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/12/2019 6:31:52 AM 2019-01-19 Yall need to stop 16,327.93 45% 54% Expired
Samish of Samish Nation North Atlantic Defense Coalition MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 1/8/2019 8:33:33 AM 2019-01-15 To Help SUN 11,031.11 59% 40% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Teredona of Teredona The Templar Knights 1/2/2019 2:20:20 AM 2019-01-09 A general dispute 13,360.20 24% 75% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Franziskaner of Spaten Orange Defense Network 10/30/2018 5:31:05 PM 2018-11-06 A general dispute 8,951.79 0% 99% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Pingu of Free Radicals Orange Defense Network 10/30/2018 11:33:46 AM 2018-11-06 A general dispute 10,965.27 25% 74% Expired
Mandarijn of Mandarijni Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 9/25/2018 1:53:58 PM 2018-10-02 Hi again! 9,217.30 6% 93% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata acaciastrained of NorthAmerica Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 9/25/2018 10:04:22 AM 2018-10-02 A general dispute 5,655.94 17% 82% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata W1Ck3d of Aberdonia Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 9/25/2018 10:00:02 AM 2018-10-02 A general dispute 4,080.21 7% 92% Expired
Mandarijn of Mandarijni Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 9/15/2018 7:16:34 AM 2018-09-22 A general dispute 32,734.98 24% 75% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata cjunqun of Choomandos Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 8/30/2018 10:28:17 AM 2018-09-06 A general dispute 9,059.73 0% 100% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Ryan Wilson of Republic of Wilson Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 8/30/2018 2:41:39 AM 2018-09-06 A general dispute 18,466.52 19% 80% Expired
iwin90 of stopwarnow Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 8/6/2018 8:57:29 AM 2018-08-13 my nation is to big 30,267.53 38% 61% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata SilentAssassin of Ascendance Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 8/4/2018 6:10:36 AM 2018-08-11 A general dispute 6,671.06 0% 100% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata cjunqun of Choomandos Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 8/4/2018 6:10:31 AM 2018-08-11 A general dispute 21,229.53 31% 68% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata xsysstar of Republic of Altauria Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 7/25/2018 7:29:31 AM 2018-08-01 A general dispute 13,374.75 0% 100% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata GoldenDragon888 of Dragon Chasers Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 7/25/2018 7:25:20 AM 2018-08-01 A general dispute 27,393.79 38% 61% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata goldi of Goldland Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 7/14/2018 6:41:39 AM 2018-07-21 A general dispute % % Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata bcndwilson of RedSoxNATION Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 7/14/2018 6:37:37 AM 2018-07-21 A general dispute % % Expired
Mandarijn of Mandarijni Independent Republic Of Orange Nations MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 7/14/2018 6:06:06 AM 2018-07-21 A general dispute % % Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Lord Konstantine of Hellenic Empire The Templar Knights 5/22/2017 3:43:50 AM 2017-05-29 A general dispute 8,792.06 60% 39% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Hawkeye of HawkeyeNation The Templar Knights 5/22/2017 3:43:43 AM 2017-05-29 A general dispute 4,402.36 0% 100% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata DonGiovanni023 of Tethe alla The Templar Knights 5/22/2017 3:43:39 AM 2017-05-29 A general dispute 603.73 0% 100% Expired
Chuck of Teutonic Empire The Templar Knights MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 5/12/2017 10:24:52 AM 2017-05-19 A general dispute 19,283.21 42% 57% Expired
Teredona of Teredona The Templar Knights MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 5/11/2017 2:06:53 AM 2017-05-18 Round 2 just for you! % % Expired
Northern Empire of Northern Empire The Templar Knights MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 5/7/2017 5:31:24 PM 2017-05-14 Round 3 13,725.10 27% 72% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Learz of Eridani Empire Invicta 5/5/2017 5:58:31 AM 2017-05-12 A general dispute 8,027.95 0% 100% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Necron681 of Ausland The Templar Knights 5/5/2017 5:56:57 AM 2017-05-12 A general dispute 13,961.05 58% 41% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Teredona of Teredona The Templar Knights 4/21/2017 2:15:10 PM 2017-04-28 A general dispute 11,451.60 73% 26% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Northern Empire of Northern Empire The Templar Knights 4/20/2017 3:19:00 AM 2017-04-27 A general dispute 11,957.69 61% 38% Expired
Dave the Dominator of Taulvia The Templar Knights MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 4/19/2017 10:10:54 PM 2017-04-26 A general dispute 15,535.54 38% 61% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Rustikus of Volov The Templar Knights 4/9/2017 6:24:56 AM 2017-04-16 A general dispute 26,463.45 60% 39% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Thrash of Machas Invicta 4/8/2017 5:41:09 AM 2017-04-15 A general dispute 8,155.70 64% 35% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata King Biscuit of Ovencia Invicta 4/8/2017 5:40:57 AM 2017-04-15 A general dispute 12,310.78 21% 78% Expired
Ivanku of Nova Ukrayina Invicta MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 3/28/2017 11:40:48 PM 2017-04-04 A specific dispute 23,701.41 39% 60% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Northern Empire of Northern Empire The Templar Knights 3/25/2017 2:08:33 AM 2017-04-01 A general dispute 14,883.84 60% 39% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Dave the Dominator of Taulvia The Templar Knights 3/25/2017 2:08:28 AM 2017-04-01 A general dispute 21,140.82 41% 58% Expired
Thrash of Machas Invicta MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 3/12/2017 8:26:00 AM 2017-03-19 A general dispute 18,350.53 57% 42% Expired
rotty of Giggle Invicta MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 3/11/2017 11:54:08 PM 2017-03-18 so much for that one 20,646.44 28% 71% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata DonGiovanni023 of Tethe alla The Templar Knights 3/11/2017 9:05:38 AM 2017-03-18 A general dispute 4,698.33 0% 100% Expired
MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata Chuck Normis of Kickastan Coalition of Royal Allied Powers 3/11/2017 9:05:21 AM 2017-03-18 A general dispute 14,700.83 27% 72% Expired
Der Eine of Libria The Templar Knights MikeTheFirst of MikeLand Non Grata 3/3/2017 6:12:41 AM 2017-03-10 Someone said to do the job 27,868.92 57% 42% Expired