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War history for Platinumviper of Bekaa
Platinumviper has 63 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Cybolt of Time and Space New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 2/9/2025 2:45:21 PM 2025-02-16 Raiding for fresh babies 683.45 0% 100% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 2/4/2025 3:27:24 PM 2025-02-11 Tech Trade: 50/3 Mil 386.86 0% 100% Active
Kayla Frost of Anselion New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 2/1/2025 9:41:36 PM 2025-02-08 Frostbite 275.62 100% 0% Active
Dakkat149 of Massari New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 1/29/2025 10:02:27 PM 2025-02-05 In memory of Internet Explorer 1,224.26 0% 100% Active
Bomber66 of Baxter New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 1/24/2025 5:59:39 PM 2025-01-31 A general dispute 569.29 81% 18% Active
elputojack of villa feliz New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 1/20/2025 6:47:29 PM 2025-01-27 A general dispute 1,891.14 59% 40% Active
Guido of Itally New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 1/15/2025 5:40:06 PM 2025-01-22 A general dispute 334.79 100% 0% Active
LordOfTheLand of APIGP New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 1/11/2025 3:23:47 PM 2025-01-18 Earth shattering kaboom 197.06 0% 100% Active
RailForge of Iron And Steel New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 1/7/2025 6:15:54 PM 2025-01-14 Tech adjustment bureau 769.92 39% 60% Active
HopeFun of LimaPT New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 1/1/2025 7:51:49 AM 2025-01-08 Tech adjustment bureau 1,074.12 78% 21% Active
Groucho Marx of GreaterGoonSyndicate New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 12/26/2024 10:14:26 AM 2025-01-02 Welcome to the DOOM HOUSE 611.50 65% 34% Active
Praetor Cuddles of Romulan Star Empire New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 12/20/2024 2:49:07 AM 2024-12-27 Pacifica Prevails! 395.71 0% 100% Active
RailForge of Iron And Steel New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 12/16/2024 6:06:07 AM 2024-12-23 Never gonna give you nukes 268.87 62% 37% Active
gidon of monkeybum The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 12/9/2024 2:54:50 PM 2024-12-16 A general dispute 618.43 0% 100% Active
rnegafan of Rnegfania New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 12/4/2024 8:05:09 AM 2024-12-11 Bringing Order to Chaos 631.41 0% 100% Active
Mayzie of He-She Isles The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 11/27/2024 11:26:31 AM 2024-12-04 A general dispute 937.41 13% 86% Active
Pressure of Newton New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 11/23/2024 10:56:09 PM 2024-11-30 A general dispute 2,466.70 93% 6% Active
The R00STER of Republic of Ibonn The Dark Templar Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 11/18/2024 8:02:47 PM 2024-11-25 Bok Bok BEKAAAAA 1,544.67 33% 66% Active
Mayzie of He-She Isles The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 11/13/2024 1:39:55 PM 2024-11-20 A general dispute 1,839.60 0% 100% Active
Lady Hawk of Isle of Mann New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 11/8/2024 7:03:25 PM 2024-11-15 For all the Donut Holes! 2,081.41 0% 100% Active
Starcraftmazter of DPRK The Dark Templar Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 11/2/2024 2:31:24 AM 2024-11-09 A general dispute 216.41 0% 100% Active
Wayne World of Wayne World The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 10/29/2024 1:03:52 PM 2024-11-05 Defend Dark Templar 17,444.38 39% 60% Active
Knight of Alliance of Knights New Pacific Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 10/23/2024 9:21:45 PM 2024-10-30 For Pacifica! 3,912.12 48% 51% Active
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Starcraftmazter of DPRK The Dark Templar 10/18/2024 6:48:01 AM 2024-10-25 A general dispute 1,670.62 15% 84% Active
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO mmansfield68 of Eire Land The Dark Templar 10/18/2024 6:33:25 AM 2024-10-25 A general dispute 2,072.37 0% 100% Active
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO the god of lightning of Ithaca The Legion 3/26/2017 6:32:52 PM 2017-04-02 Greetings from Africa 28,656.05 52% 47% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO konkrage1 of konkrage1 The Legion 3/26/2017 6:31:42 PM 2017-04-02 Greetings from Africa 37,312.60 65% 34% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO EaTeMuP of EatemVille New Polar Order 12/31/2014 12:27:43 AM 2015-01-07 Happy new year! 23,389.03 34% 65% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Willaim Kreiger of Germanic Empire New Polar Order 12/31/2014 12:27:19 AM 2015-01-07 Happy new year! 17,727.95 0% 99% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Reimer of Alska New Polar Order 12/21/2014 1:38:53 AM 2014-12-28 A general dispute 15,338.74 20% 79% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Prodigal Moon of Nightmerica New Polar Order 12/13/2014 5:09:57 AM 2014-12-20 A general dispute 20,130.86 48% 51% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO EaTeMuP of EatemVille New Polar Order 12/11/2014 12:45:07 AM 2014-12-18 A general dispute 12,334.66 54% 45% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO NBForrest of Wymania New Polar Order 11/28/2014 8:50:46 PM 2014-12-05 Al said: Smile and shoot! 29,854.86 72% 27% Expired
Iamthey of Swiss Empire The Order Of The Paradox Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 2/3/2014 2:09:23 PM 2014-02-10 lel 11,941.60 50% 49% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Cazacu of Camopy Sparta 2/2/2014 2:15:35 AM 2014-02-09 Hi Sparta! 9,979.45 0% 100% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO RIwan of Moscowia Sparta 1/19/2014 4:40:48 AM 2014-01-26 WARRRR 24,709.48 34% 65% Expired
PhilThePain of Ohiowa Guru Order Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 1/18/2014 11:56:23 PM 2014-01-25 GATTLING 17,960.07 82% 17% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Zelton of zeltonica Mostly Harmless Alliance 1/17/2014 11:37:11 PM 2014-01-24 No worries, mostley harmless 1,335.88 0% 100% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO lousal of Quaker Mostly Harmless Alliance 1/16/2014 7:35:01 PM 2014-01-23 War is mostly harmless fun! 14,327.10 0% 99% Expired
ozye2 of luxenberg Mostly Harmless Alliance Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 12/24/2013 5:52:51 PM 2013-12-31 A general dispute 7,537.41 76% 23% Expired
Antony of Solaris Mostly Harmless Alliance Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 12/24/2013 7:02:45 AM 2013-12-31 in defence of sparta 13,394.18 60% 39% Expired
King Poot of Cache Sparta Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 12/23/2013 11:43:27 PM 2013-12-30 Again? 14,455.67 57% 42% Expired
Shikana of Empyrean Mostly Harmless Alliance Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 12/16/2013 10:29:05 PM 2013-12-23 War. 8,503.70 97% 2% Expired
Teratogen of Teratogen Mostly Harmless Alliance Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 12/16/2013 1:50:13 PM 2013-12-23 A general dispute 10,662.32 86% 13% Expired
Zelton of zeltonica Mostly Harmless Alliance Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO 12/15/2013 4:26:10 PM 2013-12-22 place holder :) 29,591.45 60% 39% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Fantasysage of Commilitium Sparta 12/8/2013 1:46:50 AM 2013-12-15 Saturday night massacre 11,736.84 0% 100% Active
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Darklink7748 of Nation Of Midgard Sparta 12/8/2013 1:38:20 AM 2013-12-15 anti terror war 21,593.26 57% 42% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Njall of Archaeon Sparta 11/27/2013 7:03:18 PM 2013-12-04 Hi Sparta! 24,569.90 38% 61% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO King Poot of Cache Sparta 11/17/2013 6:31:43 PM 2013-11-24 This is Sparta? 32,393.97 49% 50% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Kanly of Kralizec Sparta 11/9/2013 5:04:59 PM 2013-11-16 This is Sparta? 8,595.97 45% 54% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Dijkstra of Frysln Sparta 11/9/2013 5:04:39 PM 2013-11-16 This is Sparta? 5,944.45 8% 91% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Noob Cake of Noob Kingdom DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 10/16/2013 7:54:33 PM 2013-10-23 Cake War 23,353.70 78% 21% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO flak attack of Holy Empire of Splat 9/25/2013 8:27:39 AM 2013-10-02 nearly neutral war 12,513.38 39% 60% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Rikhard II of Lunzania Mushqaeda 9/25/2013 8:27:13 AM 2013-10-02 nearly neutral war 25,404.23 46% 53% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Willie The Pimp of Theoria Orange Defense Network 3/24/2013 9:12:25 PM 2013-03-31 Green glowing rain 5,230.81 53% 46% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Kaitian of Kaitian Umbrella 3/13/2013 9:37:03 PM 2013-03-20 Ella ella ella 6,999.33 15% 84% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Blacky of Libnan Mushroom Kingdom 2/28/2013 7:57:18 PM 2013-03-07 Fillet with Mushrooms 8,354.49 25% 74% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO iceman of Armed Ice World Umbrella 2/28/2013 7:55:03 PM 2013-03-07 Its raining nukes 18,895.67 79% 20% Expired
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Drai of Kanto Mushroom Kingdom 2/17/2013 8:04:51 PM 2013-02-24 mushroom soup % % Active
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO lunar146 of Dreadnaught Umbrella 2/6/2013 7:28:33 PM 2013-02-13 global fun 13,435.81 58% 41% Active
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Ahmed Castro of Venceremos The International 2/6/2013 7:28:11 PM 2013-02-13 global fun 14,756.89 59% 40% Active
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO Decker of Elforia Umbrella 1/23/2013 9:37:02 PM 2013-01-30 Green glowing rain % % War
Platinumviper of Bekaa NATO OsRavan of OsRavania Orange Defense Network 1/23/2013 9:35:02 PM 2013-01-30 Green glowing rain 10,314.88 57% 42% Expired