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War history for slmarsch of Rio Grande
slmarsch has 108 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Xavii of Tiltakslos Doom Squad 2/4/2025 5:45:14 PM 2025-02-11 A general dispute 69.57 46% 53% Active
The Dark Emperor of The Wicked Empire Doom Squad slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 1/18/2025 11:24:35 PM 2025-01-25 A general dispute 245.07 0% 100% Active
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Hershicus of DoomsDayShekels Doom Squad 1/12/2025 8:52:13 PM 2025-01-19 A general dispute 520.57 45% 54% Active
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves UnitedBishop of UnitedBishops Doom Squad 1/12/2025 8:49:53 PM 2025-01-19 A general dispute 170.13 0% 100% Active
Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 12/30/2024 7:26:32 AM 2025-01-06 A general dispute 536.26 57% 42% Active
bretrun of Togrador CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 12/26/2024 11:18:39 PM 2025-01-02 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
Korlath of Korlithica CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 12/23/2024 3:36:51 PM 2024-12-30 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
Brunes of Brunston CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 12/16/2024 9:36:30 PM 2024-12-23 A general dispute 1,041.58 0% 100% Active
BigKif of KifLand CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 12/9/2024 1:16:52 PM 2024-12-16 Next! 518.94 0% 100% Active
Wolf Man of Nuke Inc CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 12/9/2024 5:19:47 AM 2024-12-16 A general dispute 135.85 0% 100% Active
Cadlore of OId Lore CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 12/4/2024 5:31:29 AM 2024-12-11 A general dispute 723.13 0% 100% Active
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Shadow hawk of the shadow empire Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 11/28/2024 7:27:54 PM 2024-12-05 A general dispute 491.56 0% 100% Active
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Uelen of Uelen Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 11/28/2024 7:15:08 PM 2024-12-05 A general dispute 1,424.92 44% 55% Active
bdrocks of Knights of Honour CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 11/27/2024 4:34:14 PM 2024-12-04 A general dispute 430.65 0% 100% Active
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves New Persia of New Pars Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 11/17/2024 12:48:57 PM 2024-11-24 A general dispute 885.97 63% 36% Active
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Tacotopia of Bobs Your Uncle CLAWS 11/16/2024 5:28:10 AM 2024-11-23 A general dispute 163.88 0% 100% Active
bdrocks of Knights of Honour CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 11/7/2024 2:38:34 AM 2024-11-14 A general dispute 515.21 100% 0% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 10/31/2024 6:54:27 PM 2024-11-07 Rawr 923.43 11% 88% Active
Shadow hawk of the shadow empire Global Alliance And Treaty Organization slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 10/28/2024 12:54:49 AM 2024-11-04 Hello again 7,171.65 42% 57% Active
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves ratmandu of Ratmanada Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/25/2024 11:39:33 PM 2024-11-01 A general dispute 961.70 0% 100% Active
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves New Persia of New Pars Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/25/2024 11:21:03 PM 2024-11-01 A general dispute 631.92 0% 100% Active
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Ghan Khalav of Khalavistan Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/15/2024 6:28:38 PM 2024-10-22 A general dispute 1,798.72 11% 88% Active
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Shadow hawk of the shadow empire Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/15/2024 6:16:15 PM 2024-10-22 A general dispute 3,091.88 68% 31% Active
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves swifty of Whumbhadambha Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/12/2024 6:21:35 PM 2024-10-19 A general dispute 1,255.77 0% 100% Active
wayoik of SunOase Knights Of The Round Table slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 12/13/2022 6:52:57 PM 2022-12-20 A general dispute 2,959.81 39% 60% Expired
MDH962 of Claysburgh The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 12/8/2022 9:15:21 AM 2022-12-15 A general dispute 12,987.22 81% 18% Expired
Mayzie of He-She Isles The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 12/8/2022 9:14:09 AM 2022-12-15 A general dispute 29,379.20 50% 49% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Grendel of Beowulf Knights Of The Round Table 12/4/2022 10:14:03 PM 2022-12-11 A general dispute 12,578.55 54% 45% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves chrisalexlucero of Maharg The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 12/4/2022 10:05:33 PM 2022-12-11 A general dispute 12,263.52 0% 100% Expired
Oleg the Disfigured of Slag Vrch Knights Of The Round Table slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 11/24/2022 1:04:37 PM 2022-12-01 Berserker raid 22,872.91 20% 79% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves General Ozujsko of Ozusjko The Dark Templar 11/15/2022 9:40:20 PM 2022-11-22 A general dispute 28,344.47 56% 43% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves chrisalexlucero of Maharg The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 11/10/2022 10:11:34 AM 2022-11-17 A general dispute 19,792.08 3% 96% Expired
Grendel of Beowulf Knights Of The Round Table slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 10/30/2022 12:30:46 PM 2022-11-06 Bored so bored 18,702.40 59% 40% Expired
Badassname of Badassnation CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 10/26/2022 6:15:53 AM 2022-11-02 A general dispute 33,287.77 45% 54% Expired
shakespeare of shakespeare Freehold of The Wolves slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 10/17/2022 9:11:38 PM 2022-10-24 A general dispute 463.32 0% 100% Expired
Ledon of Ledonia Knights Of The Round Table slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 10/16/2022 1:02:07 AM 2022-10-23 A general dispute 34,312.54 42% 57% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves ricky wishon of Outofthisworld Knights Of The Round Table 10/8/2022 12:27:04 PM 2022-10-15 A general dispute 43,542.88 47% 52% Expired
Brunes of Brunston CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 9/29/2022 5:26:55 AM 2022-10-06 A general dispute 23,668.64 60% 39% Expired
porkpotpie of UnitedCanance CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 9/27/2022 7:45:16 PM 2022-10-04 A general dispute 17,434.44 61% 38% Expired
Mayzie of He-She Isles The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 9/20/2022 2:28:39 AM 2022-09-27 A general dispute 50,684.49 61% 38% Expired
Badassname of Badassnation CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 9/12/2022 6:30:30 AM 2022-09-19 A general dispute 24,354.92 11% 88% Expired
Wayne World of Wayne World The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 9/9/2022 8:22:19 AM 2022-09-16 Party On. Excellent Adventure 49,545.08 45% 54% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar 9/4/2022 4:41:26 PM 2022-09-11 A general dispute 55,882.08 45% 54% Expired
Johnny Cutlass of Claw Key Knights Of The Round Table slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 8/29/2022 7:00:10 AM 2022-09-05 Sea battle on the Rio Grande 27,936.95 55% 44% Expired
Johnny Mac of Big Brother 17 CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 8/24/2022 12:26:27 AM 2022-08-31 A general dispute 45,928.36 52% 47% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Azur8080 of Svea Rike Knights Of The Round Table 8/23/2022 12:16:54 AM 2022-08-30 A general dispute 54,600.95 29% 70% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Dunge of Strathalbyn Knights Of The Round Table 8/22/2022 11:48:12 PM 2022-08-29 A general dispute 21,004.84 35% 64% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves mattclen2 of Palindromy Knights Of The Round Table 8/22/2022 11:43:38 PM 2022-08-29 A general dispute 32,355.77 0% 100% Expired
BigKif of KifLand CLAWS slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 8/1/2022 3:50:59 PM 2022-08-08 Howdy 12,257.82 41% 58% Expired
whiskerz of arfcom The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 8/1/2022 7:11:25 AM 2022-08-08 A general dispute 68,454.02 69% 30% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Johnny Mac of Big Brother 17 CLAWS 7/31/2022 12:26:56 AM 2022-08-07 A general dispute 28,337.71 63% 36% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Thud III of Thudsylvania CLAWS 7/31/2022 12:17:07 AM 2022-08-07 A general dispute 26,979.83 49% 50% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Commander Ferraday of Ice Station Zebra CLAWS 7/31/2022 12:04:09 AM 2022-08-07 A general dispute 94,476.09 60% 39% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves Terminator of USSROK Non Grata 7/21/2019 1:19:31 PM 2019-07-28 A general dispute % % Expired
Latexi of HUEHUEHUE Nordreich slmarsch of Rio Grande Imperium of Supernova X 4/20/2018 3:54:02 AM 2018-04-27 war gud % % Expired
Alexio15 of Industial New Polar Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 4/19/2018 3:32:18 PM 2018-04-26 slipping in deep % % Expired
jphillips412 of Land of Phil New Polar Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 4/17/2018 8:03:54 AM 2018-04-24 Also hello % % Expired
rylejed of The Lavenderz Island New Polar Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Imperium of Supernova X 4/10/2018 3:41:43 AM 2018-04-17 You stole my spoon 22,571.66 83% 16% Expired
Imperator Azenquor of Vaule New Polar Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Imperium of Supernova X 4/10/2018 12:00:08 AM 2018-04-17 A specific dispute 47,559.11 33% 66% Expired
Lethal Okra of Okraland New Polar Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Imperium of Supernova X 4/9/2018 4:28:25 PM 2018-04-16 Pizza delivery <3 19,700.75 35% 64% Expired
Badassname of Badassnation Last Call slmarsch of Rio Grande Imperium of Supernova X 8/24/2017 6:48:50 PM 2017-08-31 A general dispute % % Expired
Haflinger of Llonach Last Call slmarsch of Rio Grande Imperium of Supernova X 8/24/2017 3:56:17 PM 2017-08-31 No free drinks tonight % % Expired
Srivatsan of MAHANADU Last Call slmarsch of Rio Grande Imperium of Supernova X 8/23/2017 1:24:20 PM 2017-08-30 Jus a clean war... 25,675.53 80% 19% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Imperium of Supernova X Lord Serpentine of Babylonia Nights Watch 8/11/2017 7:22:09 PM 2017-08-18 A general dispute 6,672.74 31% 68% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Imperium of Supernova X Algolei of Manitobah Nights Watch 7/21/2017 11:14:50 PM 2017-07-28 A general dispute % % Expired
Sephiroth of Libertarian Empire Limitless Nexus slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 9/28/2016 10:03:55 PM 2016-10-05 LPC Security 7,484.45 25% 74% Expired
Konrad Curze of Siedenbrgen Sengoku slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 7/15/2016 9:36:50 PM 2016-07-22 A general dispute 22,467.37 30% 69% Expired
J Bibbs of Bibsneria Sengoku slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 7/12/2016 12:54:25 AM 2016-07-19 Cowboys defense 16,413.75 17% 82% Expired
N3RBigNSlow of Cherno New Polar Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 4/4/2016 1:06:16 AM 2016-04-11 The New Polar Order 6,526.62 48% 51% Expired
Der Kriegskoenig of Kriegstaat New Polar Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 4/4/2016 1:01:22 AM 2016-04-11 A general dispute 2,723.85 13% 86% Expired
Deuterium Dawn of Shen an Calhar New Polar Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 4/3/2016 12:01:19 AM 2016-04-10 RAISE YOUR FLAG 4,035.23 41% 58% Expired
VickiB of Quantum Leap New Polar Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 3/27/2016 7:10:25 PM 2016-04-03 A general dispute 14,034.56 34% 65% Expired
WarGod0001 of EverRight New Polar Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 3/27/2016 8:31:23 AM 2016-04-03 A general dispute 10,251.85 37% 62% Expired
Orville Reginbacher of Lawyeria New Polar Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 3/26/2016 10:14:13 PM 2016-04-02 Its Time! 17,891.14 17% 82% Expired
Uncle Don of The Tannhauser Gate Supernova X slmarsch of Rio Grande 11/3/2015 6:27:43 PM 2015-11-10 A general dispute 527.73 0% 100% Expired
Isolatar of Europia Together As One POW slmarsch of Rio Grande 11/3/2015 12:23:48 PM 2015-11-10 Pimp slap! 2,296.18 0% 100% Expired
Franz Ferdinand of L252beck Doom Kingdom slmarsch of Rio Grande 11/3/2015 6:10:10 AM 2015-11-10 Superfly the cage! 2,570.71 0% 100% Expired
King of the Dogs of Saint Bernard Non Grata slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 7/14/2015 5:52:03 PM 2015-07-21 A general dispute 399.66 0% 100% Expired
Wolfgang A Mozart of Nue sterreich Nordreich slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 7/12/2015 9:16:14 PM 2015-07-19 Hunting Season 2,521.30 0% 100% Expired
HappySack of House Ordos New Sith Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 7/11/2015 5:44:22 AM 2015-07-18 Raiding Party! 1,124.10 0% 100% Expired
Gilligan of Kupakai New Pacific Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 1/8/2015 5:52:55 AM 2015-01-15 No More Bubble Gum! 142.77 72% 27% Expired
OldDB of WuTang Clan The International slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 1/5/2015 2:42:18 AM 2015-01-12 MinorNova X 1,843.34 23% 76% Expired
HappySack of House Ordos New Sith Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 1/4/2015 12:19:43 AM 2015-01-11 Soylent green is people! 3,630.70 13% 86% Expired
destroyer43 of Vorigar X450 New Sith Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 12/29/2014 12:46:41 PM 2015-01-05 Stagger Time! 7,635.91 42% 57% Expired
Conrad of Heidenreich New Pacific Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 12/26/2014 2:50:19 AM 2015-01-02 A general dispute 13,422.11 46% 53% Expired
rileyaddaff of legalized Doom Squad slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 12/25/2014 12:02:08 AM 2015-01-01 A general dispute 8,912.49 31% 68% Expired
Rayvon of Kindred Nation New Sith Order slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 12/3/2014 4:05:44 PM 2014-12-10 Feelin pretty Sithy tonight 14,562.92 27% 72% Expired
cyril of cyril Non Grata slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 11/22/2014 2:13:42 PM 2014-11-29 war 7,497.18 39% 60% Expired
weebl2000 of Azeer Non Grata slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 11/22/2014 3:21:27 AM 2014-11-29 A general dispute 9,995.94 24% 75% Expired
RedTiger of Tiger Nation Non Grata slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X 11/21/2014 11:37:32 PM 2014-11-28 A general dispute 8,814.14 41% 58% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Supernova X HM Solomon I of Kingdom of the Truth New Pacific Order 11/18/2014 8:44:03 AM 2014-11-25 A general dispute 21,470.73 66% 33% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Multicolored Cross-X Alliance ElvisII of Thistleslovakia Federation Of Armed Nations 3/13/2014 8:23:29 PM 2014-03-20 A general dispute 2,640.25 72% 27% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Multicolored Cross-X Alliance sogul of sogul The Phoenix Federation 12/2/2013 9:17:24 AM 2013-12-09 A general dispute 16,418.69 55% 44% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Multicolored Cross-X Alliance tomalak of Exartopia The Phoenix Federation 11/19/2013 6:01:45 PM 2013-11-26 A general dispute 6,589.55 0% 100% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Tabby of Cantuckistan The Phoenix Federation 11/19/2013 9:11:23 AM 2013-11-26 A general dispute 3,321.11 0% 100% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Brian Dennehey of Republic of Undead The Phoenix Federation 11/18/2013 5:54:15 PM 2013-11-25 A general dispute 9,901.10 31% 68% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Multicolored Cross-X Alliance zarks of Zarkadia Orange Defense Network 3/18/2013 6:34:27 PM 2013-03-25 War 7,104.30 82% 17% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Arch3004 of Caddock Non Grata 3/7/2013 4:33:26 PM 2013-03-14 War 8,678.87 89% 10% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Sergeant Felix of Feland Non Grata 2/22/2013 4:39:44 PM 2013-03-01 War 1,711.45 0% 100% Expired
slmarsch of Rio Grande Multicolored Cross-X Alliance kwenie of Pacifia The Last Remnants 2/22/2013 4:34:01 PM 2013-03-01 War 3,824.96 53% 46% Expired