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War history for BacTalan of NorseTurks
BacTalan has 95 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Marebito of Wild Thing New Polar Order 2/11/2025 8:31:05 AM 2025-02-18 For fun and games 788.74 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization EaTeMuP of EatemVille New Polar Order 2/11/2025 8:30:18 AM 2025-02-18 Whats one more round? 696.36 87% 12% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization hazardousdoc of EggmanEmpire New Polar Order 2/11/2025 8:30:08 AM 2025-02-18 This party looks fun 60.17 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Macbeth of Dunsinane New Polar Order 2/11/2025 8:29:52 AM 2025-02-18 I need more casualties 749.11 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization stevent37 of Buffalonia Freehold of The Wolves 2/1/2025 11:06:31 PM 2025-02-08 Whats up doc? 719.37 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization EaTeMuP of EatemVille New Polar Order 2/1/2025 11:05:08 PM 2025-02-08 !! 133.19 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves 2/1/2025 11:04:00 PM 2025-02-08 Fancy meeting you here 904.20 0% 100% Active
Turetel of Turetel Freehold of The Wolves BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 2/1/2025 9:38:47 PM 2025-02-08 Blood for the Blood God 946.98 13% 86% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Imperator Azenquor of Vaule New Polar Order 1/22/2025 12:09:52 PM 2025-01-29 Hello up there! 793.50 29% 70% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves 1/22/2025 7:17:40 AM 2025-01-29 Time for some more fun 983.34 43% 56% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization EaTeMuP of EatemVille New Polar Order 1/22/2025 7:13:49 AM 2025-01-29 I like blowing up ships 0.00 0% 0% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization stevent37 of Buffalonia Freehold of The Wolves 1/22/2025 7:06:53 AM 2025-01-29 Im baaaaaac(k) 34.45 0% 100% Active
javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 1/12/2025 5:13:44 PM 2025-01-19 A general dispute 322.83 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization stevent37 of Buffalonia Freehold of The Wolves 1/6/2025 12:52:16 PM 2025-01-13 Hello again 659.30 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Valdoroth Kai of Khand Freehold of The Wolves 1/6/2025 12:38:02 PM 2025-01-13 How ya doin? Been a while 656.65 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Smitty256 of HouseStark Freehold of The Wolves 1/6/2025 12:34:35 PM 2025-01-13 Sorry Im late to the party 542.05 0% 100% Active
pjk11 of BOOM HEADSHOT Freehold of The Wolves BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 12/23/2024 12:12:43 AM 2024-12-30 A general dispute 921.76 0% 100% Active
Willaim Kreiger of Germanic Empire New Polar Order BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 12/20/2024 11:49:19 AM 2024-12-27 A general dispute 725.44 21% 78% Active
crusaderoflight88 of Pacific Sun New Polar Order BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 12/18/2024 10:33:05 PM 2024-12-25 A general dispute 1,352.31 5% 94% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization stevent37 of Buffalonia Freehold of The Wolves 12/15/2024 7:05:52 PM 2024-12-22 ! 994.23 9% 90% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization pjk11 of BOOM HEADSHOT Freehold of The Wolves 12/15/2024 7:05:40 PM 2024-12-22 slapslapslapslap 1,605.91 44% 55% Active
javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 11/28/2024 5:42:00 PM 2024-12-05 A general dispute 536.17 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Shadowfury of Illyria Freehold of The Wolves 11/26/2024 2:05:28 PM 2024-12-03 Help me reach 15M casualties 803.84 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Valdoroth Kai of Khand Freehold of The Wolves 11/26/2024 2:05:19 PM 2024-12-03 Help me reach 15M casualties 668.01 0% 100% Active
ClashCityRocker of Garageland Freehold of The Wolves BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 11/7/2024 9:00:56 PM 2024-11-14 A general dispute 202.31 60% 39% Active
Thomas214 of Peepville Freehold of The Wolves BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 11/7/2024 8:34:01 PM 2024-11-14 A general dispute 1,082.30 11% 88% Active
Sammy of Maxland Freehold of The Wolves BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 11/7/2024 8:29:36 PM 2024-11-14 A general dispute 1,197.33 11% 88% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves 10/31/2024 6:54:27 PM 2024-11-07 Rawr 923.43 11% 88% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Greatest Mothers of Femocratic Lands Freehold of The Wolves 10/31/2024 6:52:32 PM 2024-11-07 Boop 1,635.47 34% 65% Active
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/12/2024 3:55:49 PM 2024-10-19 A general dispute 3,066.64 0% 100% Active
andrewb610 of Brennana1 Freehold of The Wolves BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/12/2024 3:00:18 PM 2024-10-19 A general dispute 1,407.69 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Johnny123 of Johhny New Polar Order 10/9/2024 4:55:15 PM 2024-10-16 They said we should play games 2,933.66 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization crusaderoflight88 of Pacific Sun New Polar Order 10/9/2024 4:52:12 PM 2024-10-16 What does this button do? 1,134.64 0% 100% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Nashorn of Nashornstan MONGOLS 8/31/2023 7:59:59 PM 2023-09-07 Been a while since I did this 3,365.23 28% 71% Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Deej200 of Rocca Sparta 7/12/2022 5:00:22 PM 2022-07-19 A general dispute 50,131.61 37% 62% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/9/2018 9:11:52 AM 2018-09-16 The voices told me to do it 141.27 0% 100% Expired
General Stec of Chemistry Land North Atlantic Defense Coalition BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 3/23/2017 6:47:47 PM 2017-03-30 War 17,814.11 49% 50% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Landover of Mason North Atlantic Defense Coalition 3/16/2017 6:16:45 PM 2017-03-23 Help me get top 100 casualties 18,535.97 47% 52% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Souleater of Davidstan North Atlantic Defense Coalition 3/16/2017 6:15:50 PM 2017-03-23 Didnt like my infra anyways 19,009.32 43% 56% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Blackheart of Keystone Avalanche 3/6/2017 5:07:57 PM 2017-03-13 This looks fun 17,729.89 63% 36% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization SerbianKingdom of SlavicUnity Avalanche 3/4/2017 9:58:56 AM 2017-03-11 A general dispute 6,967.50 0% 100% Expired
Jonathan Wolf of Gotham Federation New Polar Order BacTalan of NorseTurks The Oolong Caleafate 7/24/2016 10:34:27 PM 2016-07-31 All your base are belong to us 23,450.58 41% 58% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks The Oolong Caleafate brokenhead of ribofunk New Polar Order 7/18/2016 11:28:29 PM 2016-07-25 A general dispute 23,666.33 60% 39% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks The Oolong Caleafate Professor of Mythos New Polar Order 7/18/2016 11:28:26 PM 2016-07-25 A general dispute 10,757.50 15% 84% Expired
U235Al of U235Al Non Grata BacTalan of NorseTurks The Oolong Caleafate 6/21/2016 5:46:35 PM 2016-06-28 Selling tech, msg sent 30,906.78 28% 71% Expired
cyril of cyril Non Grata BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 6/17/2016 11:46:11 PM 2016-06-24 A general dispute 7,104.01 37% 62% Expired
Snowcat of Northlands New Polar Order BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 6/17/2016 7:28:57 PM 2016-06-24 Heretic Purification 18,754.35 24% 75% Expired
Joseph26 of Jnation New Polar Order BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 6/10/2016 5:29:11 PM 2016-06-17 A general dispute 14,331.15 75% 24% Expired
blacklabel of Wezt Zimbabwe Umbrella BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 6/7/2016 2:51:54 PM 2016-06-14 I tell ya hwat 35,997.00 42% 57% Expired
U235Al of U235Al Non Grata BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 6/6/2016 10:26:10 PM 2016-06-13 Steve ( say stew ) on this 31,172.26 53% 46% Expired
LordNettles of Megatropolis Non Grata BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 12/2/2015 9:55:02 AM 2015-12-09 Repo man iz hurr 23,652.61 49% 50% Expired
italiarule of Geerland New Pacific Order BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 12/2/2015 3:16:03 AM 2015-12-09 A general dispute 5,591.19 40% 59% Expired
Haelix of NeoAnderthal Independent Republic Of Orange Nations BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 12/1/2015 10:25:05 AM 2015-12-08 A general dispute 9,493.10 80% 19% Expired
ionis of Aracour The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 11/23/2015 5:16:55 PM 2015-11-30 A general dispute 16,671.03 71% 28% Expired
NewPoseidon of Powhatan Viridian Entente BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 11/17/2015 11:52:28 PM 2015-11-24 lutefisk kebab? i think not. 24,724.01 22% 77% Expired
Sandler of Morela Viridian Entente BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 11/16/2015 3:47:49 AM 2015-11-23 Busy as a bee 14,239.89 58% 41% Expired
wolfwyrm of Hurricane Hollow Viridian Entente BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 11/15/2015 6:54:42 PM 2015-11-22 Hi, hows it goin 4,494.08 29% 70% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 goldi of Goldland Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 11/13/2015 11:39:25 PM 2015-11-20 A general dispute 9,877.72 0% 100% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 Arrigo of Graustark Viridian Entente 11/13/2015 11:37:45 PM 2015-11-20 A general dispute 19,896.29 2% 97% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 King of the Dogs of Saint Bernard Non Grata 11/13/2015 11:36:31 PM 2015-11-20 A general dispute 5,999.62 0% 100% Expired
pinoypride of Insula Viridian Entente BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 11/6/2015 10:36:33 AM 2015-11-13 Hi 9,245.11 72% 27% Expired
Discordia of Tartaros Independent Republic Of Orange Nations BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 11/3/2015 12:07:39 PM 2015-11-10 No PM for you 19,940.48 67% 32% Expired
ConTagion of Orocarni New Pacific Order BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 10/27/2015 8:22:34 AM 2015-11-03 A general dispute 11,785.51 21% 78% Expired
Sarahleigh of Frenchy Viridian Entente BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 10/25/2015 1:52:37 PM 2015-11-01 :D <3 18,106.20 28% 71% Expired
iSocialism of iSocialism Independent Republic Of Orange Nations BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 10/25/2015 12:56:49 AM 2015-11-01 Mahera sent me 8,952.84 41% 58% Expired
Derwood1 of Cowtown Non Grata BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 10/18/2015 12:57:54 AM 2015-10-25 Need help gettin Ntl Cemetary! 23,019.68 63% 36% Expired
cyril of cyril Non Grata BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 10/17/2015 11:56:56 PM 2015-10-24 A general dispute 17,754.38 61% 38% Expired
chrisalexlucero of Maharg The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 10/17/2015 1:14:55 PM 2015-10-24 get shwifty 12,603.45 71% 28% Expired
Cocache of Junk Soviet Umbrella BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 10/10/2015 2:43:33 AM 2015-10-17 wish i was on the n17 instead 61,208.17 37% 62% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 Exces of Lucky Non Grata 10/9/2015 6:34:13 PM 2015-10-16 You look squishy 16,762.04 3% 96% Expired
FatLord of Fatlordkistan Independent Republic Of Orange Nations BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 10/9/2015 5:08:18 PM 2015-10-16 A general dispute 29,581.12 67% 32% Expired
Clash of Discord Umbrella BacTalan of NorseTurks MI6 10/9/2015 4:35:11 PM 2015-10-16 I got you as a target :D 32,818.78 16% 83% Expired
janro of Nuts Land New Pacific Order BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X 1/4/2015 10:33:01 AM 2015-01-11 A general dispute 24,604.74 49% 50% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X jeruzelsky of Brozvakia The International 1/2/2015 9:16:43 PM 2015-01-09 NEED MOAR WAR 5,862.83 34% 65% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X Aditya of Bharatvarsh The International 1/2/2015 9:16:00 PM 2015-01-09 NEED MOAR WAR 17,408.24 0% 100% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X Steodonn of Dun Carrig The International 1/2/2015 9:14:56 PM 2015-01-09 NEED MOAR WAR 14,618.03 0% 100% Expired
branimir of Ujedinjena Slavija New Pacific Order BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X 11/27/2014 7:33:11 AM 2014-12-04 A general dispute 16,608.23 54% 45% Expired
JamesdaLion of PmpLand007 New Sith Order BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X 11/25/2014 9:58:31 AM 2014-12-02 A general dispute 28,107.33 33% 66% Expired
Matthew PK of Commonwealth of LoL Umbrella BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X 11/18/2014 1:23:57 PM 2014-11-25 fighter dogfights only please! 25,715.91 35% 64% Expired
Xavii of Tiltakslos Umbrella BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X 11/17/2014 3:19:47 PM 2014-11-24 Norse ja 67,261.79 26% 73% Expired
Walt Schmidt of Dorsai New Pacific Order BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X 11/17/2014 9:39:59 AM 2014-11-24 A general dispute 16,965.82 75% 24% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X Caladin of Kaitain New Pacific Order 11/17/2014 8:17:01 AM 2014-11-24 casualties++ 28,824.78 60% 39% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X Emperor Ice of Empire of Ice New Pacific Order 11/17/2014 8:16:47 AM 2014-11-24 casualties++ 16,706.02 52% 47% Expired
Timmehhh of Pilsmania BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X 11/7/2014 11:43:43 PM 2014-11-14 Raid pm 4 peace 3,603.48 0% 100% Expired
Bobdole of Bobdoleatia BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X 11/7/2014 11:43:35 PM 2014-11-14 raid pm for peace 4,284.45 0% 100% Expired
gatorback05 of Elmore BacTalan of NorseTurks Supernova X 11/7/2014 11:43:32 PM 2014-11-14 A general dispute 6,954.58 0% 100% Expired
Bobdole of Bobdoleatia DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Democratic Alliance 8/14/2014 11:50:49 PM 2014-08-21 peace sent 5,080.55 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Democratic Alliance 3/28/2014 11:57:06 PM 2014-04-04 A general dispute 5,432.92 0% 100% Expired
Bobdole of Bobdoleatia DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Democratic Alliance 3/28/2014 11:57:02 PM 2014-04-04 raid peace sent 5,143.27 0% 100% Expired
White Chocolate of Lander Clan DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Democratic Alliance 3/28/2014 11:54:48 PM 2014-04-04 A general dispute 5,454.51 0% 100% Expired
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Democratic Alliance The Hitman Hatton of Fat Mans Land The Last Remnants 3/5/2013 6:05:58 AM 2013-03-12 I hear were still at war 15,380.85 9% 90% Expired
Lieutenant Wang of Spayne The Last Remnants BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Democratic Alliance 2/15/2013 11:10:14 PM 2013-02-22 I pitch, you catch :) 31,681.99 61% 38% Expired
CheeKy of Enies Lobby Mushqaeda BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Democratic Alliance 2/15/2013 4:45:32 PM 2013-02-22 DANGAR 30,601.67 13% 86% Expired
jjukil of Valnain Mushroom Kingdom BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Democratic Alliance 2/14/2013 11:50:57 PM 2013-02-21 A general dispute % % Active
BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Democratic Alliance 123Duca of Indijanci The Last Remnants 2/14/2013 6:34:01 AM 2013-02-21 Sorry Im late 28,768.72 49% 50% Expired