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War history for MontyKo of Tuborg
MontyKo has 70 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Comrade Craig of Free Left Coast Doom Squad MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves 2/13/2025 10:44:16 AM 2025-02-20 A specific dispute 2,217.52 26% 73% Active
John Orris of Commonwealth of John Doom Squad MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves 2/10/2025 2:37:22 PM 2025-02-17 boop 674.57 100% 0% Active
Banned of Lacedaemon CLAWS MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves 2/4/2025 4:21:58 AM 2025-02-11 A general dispute 766.96 0% 100% Active
Zerileous of Monkey Time Doom Squad MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves 2/3/2025 8:34:09 PM 2025-02-10 tranquilo 0.00 0% 0% Active
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Laserwolf of Ellisonia Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 12/19/2024 2:52:59 AM 2024-12-26 A general dispute 1,271.63 0% 100% Active
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Laserwolf of Ellisonia Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 11/29/2024 11:59:02 AM 2024-12-06 A general dispute 364.95 0% 100% Active
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves InconspicuousBarrel of Kievan Rus Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 11/29/2024 11:58:45 AM 2024-12-06 A general dispute 3,017.40 0% 100% Active
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves falconer360 of Gondowan CLAWS 11/18/2024 3:08:34 AM 2024-11-25 A general dispute 2,521.95 0% 100% Active
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Dominador of Rock River CLAWS 11/18/2024 3:08:19 AM 2024-11-25 A general dispute 2,797.71 0% 100% Active
unstpblpimp of unstpblpimp Global Alliance And Treaty Organization MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves 11/4/2024 5:57:09 PM 2024-11-11 A general dispute 1,387.66 0% 100% Active
King Cyan of The Cyan Kingdom Global Alliance And Treaty Organization MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves 10/31/2024 11:01:05 PM 2024-11-07 1 danish beer please 3,175.62 28% 71% Active
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Kevin MF Hardy of One Nation CLAWS 10/26/2024 6:59:33 AM 2024-11-02 A general dispute 1,819.07 87% 12% Active
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves malazar of Jinnailand CLAWS 10/26/2024 6:58:40 AM 2024-11-02 A general dispute 1,756.37 73% 26% Active
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves White Chocolate of Lander Clan CLAWS 10/12/2024 3:57:25 PM 2024-10-19 A general dispute 1,539.04 0% 100% Active
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/12/2024 3:55:49 PM 2024-10-19 A general dispute 3,066.64 0% 100% Active
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves soultaker of myatt New Pacific Order 11/30/2022 6:24:27 AM 2022-12-07 A general dispute 36,315.55 42% 57% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves janro of Nuts Land New Pacific Order 11/30/2022 6:22:20 AM 2022-12-07 A general dispute 10,418.44 2% 97% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Vhalen of LongitudeLatitude The Dark Templar 11/22/2022 5:08:09 AM 2022-11-29 A general dispute 42,494.50 27% 72% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Spankthefrank of TheRepublic of Spank CLAWS 10/30/2022 10:56:35 AM 2022-11-06 A general dispute 16,635.17 25% 74% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves BigKif of KifLand CLAWS 10/16/2022 9:26:22 AM 2022-10-23 A general dispute 49,366.38 60% 39% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Roguesniperau of aussies CLAWS 9/5/2022 11:57:54 AM 2022-09-12 A general dispute 31,965.71 18% 81% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Azur8080 of Svea Rike Knights Of The Round Table 9/5/2022 10:07:26 AM 2022-09-12 A general dispute 14,078.82 36% 63% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves MikeyFlips of MikeyFlips CLAWS 9/5/2022 10:07:18 AM 2022-09-12 A general dispute 18,581.86 8% 91% Expired
midgetporn of migetropilis The Dark Templar MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves 8/3/2022 9:22:44 PM 2022-08-10 A general dispute 45,569.59 39% 60% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Peonage of Lotharia CLAWS 7/31/2022 4:13:20 PM 2022-08-07 A general dispute 9,331.32 1% 98% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves BlackWolfe of BW Empire CLAWS 7/31/2022 4:13:09 PM 2022-08-07 A general dispute 16,372.66 15% 84% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Randalla of The HiElands CLAWS 7/31/2022 4:13:03 PM 2022-08-07 A general dispute 54,233.25 25% 74% Expired
Easter Bunny of April Valley New Polar Order MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves 1/20/2019 12:14:23 PM 2019-01-27 A general dispute 341.48 0% 100% Expired
Lethal Okra of Okraland New Polar Order MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 4/22/2018 3:06:14 AM 2018-04-29 I only drink coke 10,352.12 0% 100% Expired
EaTeMuP of EatemVille New Polar Order MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 4/21/2018 3:06:30 PM 2018-04-28 Here, have some corn!!! 6,237.96 2% 97% Expired
KittyPride207 of BlackAngels New Polar Order MontyKo of Tuborg Imperium of Supernova X 4/10/2018 3:46:03 PM 2018-04-17 Oh well 27,788.10 35% 64% Expired
SemperFidelis of United Carborundum Non Grata MontyKo of Tuborg Imperium of Supernova X 4/10/2018 7:18:55 AM 2018-04-17 Shark week 931.76 0% 100% Expired
Easter Bunny of April Valley New Polar Order MontyKo of Tuborg Imperium of Supernova X 4/9/2018 9:35:01 AM 2018-04-16 A general dispute 44,921.07 37% 62% Expired
Shifty Stranger of Acherus Sovereign League of Armed Powers MontyKo of Tuborg Imperium of Supernova X 9/3/2017 6:45:01 AM 2017-09-10 Ayo hold up 8,136.99 12% 87% Expired
Waltar of OoogaBoooga Last Call MontyKo of Tuborg Imperium of Supernova X 8/24/2017 3:47:15 PM 2017-08-31 Lulz % % Expired
Spankthefrank of TheRepublic of Spank Last Call MontyKo of Tuborg Imperium of Supernova X 8/23/2017 3:33:01 AM 2017-08-30 A general dispute 50,661.66 38% 61% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Imperium of Supernova X Tiddles of TiddlesVille Apocalypse Meow 7/11/2017 10:32:24 AM 2017-07-18 A general dispute 17,777.03 33% 66% Expired
xR1 fatal instinct of Brotherhood of Steel The Flying Kiwis MontyKo of Tuborg Imperium of Supernova X 11/30/2016 9:13:41 PM 2016-12-07 click click boom 29,992.41 28% 71% Expired
bunnet of juneville Sengoku MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 7/27/2016 3:04:04 AM 2016-08-03 A general dispute 2,813.82 0% 100% Expired
MtPollux of The Monkey Kingdom New Polar Order MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 4/3/2016 5:46:31 AM 2016-04-10 Your mom 11,554.28 42% 57% Expired
Council of Ten of Bailiwick of Conti New Polar Order MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 4/3/2016 5:32:10 AM 2016-04-10 A general dispute 15,805.69 52% 47% Expired
Terminator of USSROK New Polar Order MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 4/2/2016 11:07:33 AM 2016-04-09 Subdivided and Kentucky Fried 34,572.18 7% 92% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X zoskia of Zoskia New Polar Order 4/2/2016 9:57:14 AM 2016-04-09 sausage party 25,514.94 16% 83% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X Captain Swirl of Cinnamon 11/3/2015 11:25:22 AM 2015-11-10 A general dispute 1,093.96 0% 100% Expired
deep6 of Deep6 Nordreich MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 7/15/2015 6:24:28 AM 2015-07-22 raid 1,215.52 0% 100% Expired
Sir Bujongo of Bujongo Nation Non Grata MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 7/11/2015 7:16:41 AM 2015-07-18 RAID 1,862.45 0% 100% Expired
rileyaddaff of legalized Doom Kingdom MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 7/10/2015 11:37:29 PM 2015-07-17 standard raid procedure 2,874.76 0% 100% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X Gunnm of Bear Flag Republic New Sith Order 12/31/2014 10:57:32 AM 2015-01-07 A general dispute 16,870.28 6% 93% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X Gundwulf of Gundwulfheimr New Sith Order 12/15/2014 11:44:58 AM 2014-12-22 A general dispute 19,858.62 0% 100% Expired
HappySack of House Ordos New Sith Order MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 11/27/2014 11:16:47 PM 2014-12-04 The weak fight back 16,652.13 37% 62% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X David Y Zhou of Didaskia New Sith Order 11/26/2014 11:51:59 AM 2014-12-03 A general dispute 14,618.20 12% 87% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X Nigro Nigronious of Nigronia New Sith Order 11/26/2014 11:09:06 AM 2014-12-03 A general dispute 15,940.80 17% 82% Expired
bart416 of RavenHolm New Pacific Order MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 11/13/2014 4:10:49 PM 2014-11-20 Give me back my booze! 8,654.85 5% 94% Expired
Seti Cruncher of SetiCrunchers New Pacific Order MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 11/13/2014 1:08:48 AM 2014-11-20 A general dispute 28,664.73 42% 57% Expired
Stanger of stangerites New Pacific Order MontyKo of Tuborg Supernova X 11/12/2014 10:32:48 PM 2014-11-19 A general dispute 31,376.52 15% 84% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance General Bragg of Army of Tennessee Federation Of Armed Nations 3/14/2014 8:38:50 AM 2014-03-21 A general dispute 939.44 0% 100% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance HalfEmpty of NorthFloridaBlunder The Phoenix Federation 12/4/2013 6:00:09 PM 2013-12-11 A general dispute 14,690.94 50% 49% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN The Phoenix Federation 12/4/2013 5:59:58 PM 2013-12-11 A general dispute 22,638.08 48% 51% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance d3mon of The Soviet Dems The Phoenix Federation 11/21/2013 7:55:46 PM 2013-11-28 A general dispute 23,483.78 42% 57% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Crimson Bob of Zarnania The Phoenix Federation 11/21/2013 6:30:33 PM 2013-11-28 A general dispute 3,240.93 0% 100% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Cosmoski of Cosmoskistan The Phoenix Federation 11/11/2013 8:19:32 AM 2013-11-18 A general dispute 35,049.12 50% 49% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance JuQu SF of Valkoinen Suomi Nordreich 3/26/2013 2:06:32 PM 2013-04-02 A general dispute 1,183.74 54% 45% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Katy Perry of Californie Non Grata 3/12/2013 5:03:19 PM 2013-03-19 A general dispute 14,521.48 14% 85% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance cronos28 of Mexazteca Orange Defense Network 3/12/2013 4:53:14 PM 2013-03-19 A general dispute 3,764.86 0% 100% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Kell Shock of Lavamancy The International 2/26/2013 5:27:25 PM 2013-03-05 A general dispute 19,174.47 27% 72% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Rener of egenberg Non Grata 2/13/2013 4:02:59 PM 2013-02-20 A general dispute 23,450.46 41% 58% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance king of cochin of Cochin Orange Defense Network 1/31/2013 12:50:58 PM 2013-02-07 A general dispute 20,697.55 36% 63% Expired
MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Cartmantoria of Cartmantoria Orange Defense Network 1/30/2013 5:49:46 PM 2013-02-06 A general dispute 15,057.34 54% 45% Expired
Lukelim of Borusia Orange Defense Network MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance 2012-08-10 2012-08-17 ODN-MCXA Duel % % Expired
masterofwind of saddam Orange Defense Network MontyKo of Tuborg Multicolored Cross-X Alliance 2012-08-10 2012-08-17 A general dispute % % Expired