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War history for tayloj7 of Rabbitopia
tayloj7 has 98 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
moonshiner of whiskey island New Polar Order tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad 2/9/2025 8:17:10 AM 2025-02-16 rabbit season is open 89.15 0% 100% Active
tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad markpalm1 of vacous Freehold of The Wolves 2/8/2025 10:55:30 PM 2025-02-15 Hippity Hop 246.46 0% 100% Active
tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad Pentix of Mars Colony New Polar Order 2/8/2025 10:53:51 PM 2025-02-15 Space Rabbits En Route 132.74 0% 100% Active
tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad Robert tilton of Slacklanta New Polar Order 2/8/2025 10:53:45 PM 2025-02-15 Burrowing Deeper 795.31 0% 100% Active
tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad Dark Zone Elite of Dark Zone Elite New Polar Order 2/8/2025 10:53:24 PM 2025-02-15 Cabbage Bombs Away! 189.63 0% 100% Active
JJ452 of Eire. Avalanche tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad 1/18/2025 9:01:10 AM 2025-01-25 A general dispute 1,402.35 0% 100% Active
paulpig of Strongland Avalanche tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad 1/18/2025 4:32:25 AM 2025-01-25 A general dispute 225.80 0% 100% Active
tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad Zombie Glaucon of UTC Labs New Polar Order 1/16/2025 12:07:10 AM 2025-01-23 this could get hare-y 1,026.57 9% 90% Active
tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad Dark Zone Elite of Dark Zone Elite New Polar Order 1/16/2025 12:06:41 AM 2025-01-23 lettuce see what happens 247.92 0% 100% Active
tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad Robert tilton of Slacklanta New Polar Order 1/16/2025 12:04:47 AM 2025-01-23 everybunny get ready 1,098.84 0% 100% Active
tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad Beefbone of Beefy New Polar Order 1/16/2025 12:03:12 AM 2025-01-23 hopping back into action 1,097.37 0% 100% Active
Peterkin of Quaraguay Freehold of The Wolves tayloj7 of Rabbitopia Doom Squad 1/15/2025 6:23:19 AM 2025-01-22 A general dispute 2,112.71 0% 100% Active
Pyroponce of Apostolica The Legion tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 11/2/2018 7:36:07 PM 2018-11-09 A general dispute 897.36 0% 100% Expired
Regent Pancras of Unification The Legion tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 11/1/2018 6:48:57 AM 2018-11-08 A general dispute 4,314.42 0% 100% Expired
tanglerat of Tir Mor The Happy Men and Women of Kashmir tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/31/2018 8:33:42 AM 2018-11-07 A general dispute 1,945.10 0% 100% Expired
hackerhog of Frontier Random Insanity Alliance tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/25/2018 5:35:27 AM 2018-11-01 i can eat 50 eggs 11,030.80 0% 100% Expired
KevtheGreat of KevinsKingdom Fark tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/24/2018 5:47:04 AM 2018-10-31 A general dispute 4,461.83 0% 100% Expired
Firkinvald of Firkinland The Legion tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/23/2018 7:39:13 AM 2018-10-30 A general dispute 7,020.94 0% 100% Expired
DanDesade of Atlantia The Legion tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/17/2018 1:12:53 AM 2018-10-24 A general dispute 29,787.99 0% 100% Expired
Jekalle of Ranus New Polar Order tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/14/2018 1:13:10 PM 2018-10-21 5 million casualties, here % % Expired
Immerael of Goldoa The Legion tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/14/2018 11:22:21 AM 2018-10-21 A general dispute % % Expired
King Irwin of Irwinland The Templar Knights tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/9/2018 9:00:13 PM 2018-10-16 A general dispute % % Expired
DanDesade of Atlantia The Legion tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/6/2018 7:57:35 PM 2018-10-13 A general dispute % % Expired
hackerhog of Frontier Random Insanity Alliance tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/5/2018 6:18:12 AM 2018-10-12 you voted for Kavanaugh % % Expired
realpal of REALPAL Fark tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/1/2018 7:47:56 AM 2018-10-08 Doobird payback fro Guru Order % % Expired
Legion Member of Rising Force The Legion tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/25/2018 5:25:35 PM 2018-10-02 A general dispute 27,960.89 60% 39% Expired
VLs Revenge of Revengia The Legion tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/25/2018 5:23:48 PM 2018-10-02 We meet Again. :) 20,077.17 84% 15% Expired
CodFCS of Rimjotne The Legion tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/23/2018 8:59:07 AM 2018-09-30 A general dispute 21,411.78 64% 35% Expired
im317 of im317 Random Insanity Alliance tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/17/2018 11:34:42 AM 2018-09-24 ready, Fight 9,072.41 71% 28% Expired
Legion Member of Rising Force The Legion tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/16/2018 3:24:53 PM 2018-09-23 Leejun tol me two 17,520.27 35% 64% Expired
VLs Revenge of Revengia The Legion tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/15/2018 3:46:06 PM 2018-09-22 need a cemetary 4,063.75 0% 100% Expired
realpal of REALPAL Fark tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/9/2018 11:44:21 AM 2018-09-16 A general dispute 19,580.02 67% 32% Expired
hazardousdoc of EggmanEmpire New Polar Order tayloj7 of Israelestine Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/8/2018 5:41:06 PM 2018-09-15 Poi 30,280.15 19% 80% Expired
Coach of PigSkin The Freehold tayloj7 of Israelestine 8/1/2017 11:49:27 AM 2017-08-08 RAID....PM for Peace 160.01 0% 100% Active
OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella tayloj7 of Israelestine umbrella 7/7/2017 2:15:01 AM 2017-07-14 A general dispute 73,657.48 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine umbrella Big Richard of Mr Moose Children of the Morrighan 3/28/2017 10:32:05 PM 2017-04-04 Good to be back :D 51,205.38 74% 25% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine Umbrella Kevin MF Hardy of One Nation Children of the Morrighan 3/28/2017 10:31:40 PM 2017-04-04 How do i do this again? 43,507.86 58% 41% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE hueylewis53 of The Illuminati World Task Force 3/26/2015 11:55:15 PM 2015-04-02 Rabbit Defense Force 13,228.91 17% 82% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE forhiller of Foiers World Task Force 2/12/2015 1:01:14 PM 2015-02-19 A Hare-y Situation 58,506.89 27% 72% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Stormwalker of RaydenNation World Task Force 1/21/2015 11:53:28 PM 2015-01-28 *eats the carrot* 15,716.68 45% 54% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE paw483 of Fantasia Island World Task Force 1/21/2015 11:53:05 PM 2015-01-28 *Sniffs some lettuce* 27,734.65 30% 69% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Emperor Douglas of Romano Catholica World Task Force 1/21/2015 11:52:35 PM 2015-01-28 *hops around* 24,004.90 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Keith AbelaWadge of Msida World Task Force 1/21/2015 11:52:24 PM 2015-01-28 *wiggles nose* 34,191.65 45% 54% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE o ya baby of o ya baby DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 11/11/2014 11:15:44 PM 2014-11-18 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE danhawk of sonyevilempire The Imperial Order 8/13/2014 11:55:19 PM 2014-08-20 A general dispute 6,529.70 3% 96% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Baldr of Breidablik Random Insanity Alliance 8/13/2014 11:55:15 PM 2014-08-20 A general dispute 19,742.76 38% 61% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN The Phoenix Federation 8/13/2014 11:55:07 PM 2014-08-20 A general dispute 6,340.89 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Snowbound Milk of Guerrilla Kanata Random Insanity Alliance 5/6/2014 11:58:02 PM 2014-05-13 A general dispute 3,259.65 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Rascal of Rascal Nation Global Democratic Alliance 3/28/2014 11:57:13 PM 2014-04-04 A general dispute 2,263.42 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE BacTalan of NorseTurks Global Democratic Alliance 3/28/2014 11:57:06 PM 2014-04-04 A general dispute 5,432.92 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE General Ergo of Abo Island United Purple Nations 2/12/2014 8:07:32 PM 2014-02-19 peace sent 10,420.52 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Dark Halo of Golconda Ragnarok 2/6/2014 11:55:19 PM 2014-02-13 peace sent 1,962.74 0% 100% Active
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Lord Gen of Battle Royale Mortal Wombat 1/12/2014 11:54:23 PM 2014-01-19 A general dispute 1,815.81 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE bzruler of Terrah Mortal Wombat 1/12/2014 11:53:44 PM 2014-01-19 A general dispute 3,680.61 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE FluffySheep of FluffySheep OcUK 1/12/2014 11:53:35 PM 2014-01-19 A general dispute 34,104.61 13% 86% Expired
Lord Humongous of Beyond Thunderdome The International tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 1/11/2014 1:52:22 AM 2014-01-18 A general dispute 1,038.42 78% 21% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE teenyhuman of Endrigoth Global Protection Force 1/9/2014 11:55:22 PM 2014-01-16 A general dispute 5,810.71 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE realpal of REALPAL Guru Order 12/9/2013 11:46:41 PM 2013-12-16 peace sent 3,269.49 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE gijoe of atlantis awakens Guru Order 12/9/2013 11:46:24 PM 2013-12-16 peace sent 15,630.70 27% 72% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE El Cabron of Cabrone We Are Perth Army 11/23/2013 2:11:24 PM 2013-11-30 A general dispute 4,601.78 0% 100% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE King James II of Michigan II State Of Unified Nations 11/13/2013 11:57:02 PM 2013-11-20 peace sent 23,970.22 50% 49% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE MarkSLO of Carantania Warriors The Democratic Order 9/18/2013 12:15:05 PM 2013-09-25 Sir Hoppington Rides Again 42,272.91 27% 72% Expired
losinglife of SlaveII Umbrella tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 7/29/2013 12:18:03 AM 2013-08-05 for the cheeeeese! 0.00 0% 0% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Natan of Ragtag Umbrella 7/25/2013 11:51:54 AM 2013-08-01 Death to faceman 0.00 0% 0% Expired
losinglife of SlaveII Umbrella tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 7/21/2013 2:24:02 AM 2013-07-28 stupid peepods 0.00 0% 0% Expired
losinglife of SlaveII Umbrella tayloj7 of Israelestine Knights Of Ni 7/11/2013 2:30:06 PM 2013-07-18 you are dead to me! 0.00 0% 0% Expired
White Majik of VSOP United Umbrella tayloj7 of Israelestine Umbrella 7/10/2013 1:04:40 PM 2013-07-17 A general dispute 1,395.07 0% 100% Expired
losinglife of SlaveII Umbrella tayloj7 of Israelestine Alternian Empire 7/3/2013 10:03:03 PM 2013-07-10 butts 2,463.74 25% 74% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine Civitas Solis Natan of Ragtag Umbrella 7/2/2013 1:47:31 PM 2013-07-09 CM buildup prevention 0.00 0% 0% Expired
Dagny Taggart of Galtian Commune Umbrella tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 7/1/2013 2:12:22 AM 2013-07-08 Down with DBDC 0.00 0% 0% Expired
RiceDoc of SwiftDeath Anarchy Inc. tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 3/25/2013 12:31:52 AM 2013-04-01 Hello! 4,957.25 61% 38% Expired
DwarvenGiant of Frozen North Independent Republic of Orange Nations tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 3/23/2013 2:44:35 PM 2013-03-30 A general dispute 12,153.51 73% 26% Expired
DeathMerchant of Verichstein Independent Republic Of Orange Nations tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 3/18/2013 1:51:04 PM 2013-03-25 IRON FIST! 24,239.76 55% 44% Expired
Ron Weasley of Michigan The Imperial Order tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 3/16/2013 12:03:05 AM 2013-03-23 Endless war 19,358.42 67% 32% Expired
Lord Emares of New Spring Anarchy Inc. tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 3/11/2013 5:13:52 PM 2013-03-18 Atari Jaguar 4,913.19 70% 29% Expired
euthyfro of killer penguins The Imperial Order tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 3/10/2013 7:05:23 AM 2013-03-17 march of the penguins 27,493.22 42% 57% Expired
Sixgun of Atlanta Molon Labe tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 3/4/2013 9:08:47 AM 2013-03-11 A general dispute 23,757.11 72% 27% Expired
JohnGaltOU812 of Muligan Valley Molon Labe tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 3/3/2013 7:44:36 PM 2013-03-10 Wheeeeeee! 33,466.75 47% 52% Expired
Furious Purpose of Amenable To Change Anarchy Inc. tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 3/2/2013 9:53:57 PM 2013-03-09 A general dispute 13,239.40 85% 14% Expired
tagmoute of maghrib NATO tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 2/23/2013 3:23:07 PM 2013-03-02 A general dispute 26,887.07 19% 80% Expired
topgun0820 of maverick Anarchy Inc. tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 2/22/2013 8:54:03 AM 2013-03-01 Round 2? U mad? 15,858.65 55% 44% Expired
Momonishiki of Daikanyama Anarchy Inc. tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 2/21/2013 12:08:44 AM 2013-02-28 A general dispute 19,592.57 42% 57% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Firebolt of Welchwood NATO 2/20/2013 7:43:49 PM 2013-02-27 nuke turret deploy! 20,382.31 34% 65% Active
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE +Zeke+ of Iron Heart The Dark Templar 2/20/2013 7:39:43 PM 2013-02-27 nuke turret deploy 30,934.96 17% 82% Active
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE wickedj of WickedJ Anarchy Inc. 2/20/2013 7:36:14 PM 2013-02-27 nuke turret deploy! 19,938.08 18% 81% Active
Inferno of Ariana The Gr?mlins tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 2/1/2013 6:21:33 PM 2013-02-08 Bobby tolds me 41,650.40 60% 39% Expired
Mister Dark of GreenTown The Gr?mlins tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 1/25/2013 11:55:48 PM 2013-02-01 This is gonna hurt. (me) 30,818.24 93% 6% Expired
SynthFG of Fortress The Gr?mlins tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 1/24/2013 5:36:42 PM 2013-01-31 Into the Valley of Death 16,691.75 65% 34% Expired
Omas Nams of Citadel of Adun The Gr?mlins tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 1/24/2013 5:36:13 PM 2013-01-31 Bunny flag for peace! 33,803.99 51% 48% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Shiite of Mahdi New Pacific Order 1/20/2013 1:26:06 PM 2013-01-27 gday 5,776.63 68% 31% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE topgun0820 of maverick Anarchy Inc. 1/18/2013 11:58:33 PM 2013-01-25 FOR THE DOOMCAVE! 0.00 0% 0% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE dorsaiwolf of Dargole Anarchy Inc. 1/18/2013 11:36:56 PM 2013-01-25 DOOMBIRDS DEPLOY! 0.00 0% 0% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE conistonslim of Rikatta Siberian Tiger Alliance 1/15/2013 11:53:48 PM 2013-01-22 raid; peace sent 0.00 0% 0% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE llearch of Outer llearchberia Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance 1/15/2013 11:47:08 PM 2013-01-22 raid; peace sent 0.00 0% 0% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Marka Ragnos of Ragnia The Democratic Order 1/13/2013 11:48:34 PM 2013-01-20 raid; peace sent 0.00 0% 0% Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE David6680 of Paulinia The Democratic Order 2013-01-12 2013-01-19 raid; peace sent % % Peace
tayloj7 of Israelestine Umbrella King Zod of The Fortress Guru Order 2012-07-03 2012-07-10 Bunny Smash! % % Expired
tayloj7 of Israelestine Umbrella Irishrebel of Irish Confederacy Fark 2012-06-14 2012-06-21 A general dispute % % Expired