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War history for Antiglams of Benerilandia
Antiglams has 42 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Tarfiel of Babblefish New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 2/12/2025 6:41:58 PM 2025-02-19 Borrowing a stick of butter 704.21 52% 47% Active
lurkr of Calontir The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 2/6/2025 6:14:50 PM 2025-02-13 Drinks Shlitz 617.04 0% 100% Active
Tarfiel of Babblefish New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 2/1/2025 8:44:36 PM 2025-02-08 For Pacifica! 472.07 100% 0% Active
Cybolt of Time and Space New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 1/27/2025 12:25:23 AM 2025-02-03 For all the Donut Holes! 717.90 0% 100% Active
lurkr of Calontir The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 1/21/2025 8:20:41 AM 2025-01-28 Beans in chili 4,614.55 47% 52% Active
Nefertiti of Dahshur New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 1/15/2025 1:21:52 PM 2025-01-22 Seal clubbing 95.61 65% 34% Active
Edward I of Seleucia New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 1/10/2025 9:17:58 PM 2025-01-17 A general dispute 862.64 77% 22% Active
Waterana of Chrystalen New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 1/5/2025 11:03:06 AM 2025-01-12 Pacifica Prevails! 62.36 100% 0% Active
Tarfiel of Babblefish New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 12/31/2024 6:19:11 AM 2025-01-07 Hello delicious 203.40 100% 0% Active
Theory of Westermont New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 12/26/2024 10:42:43 PM 2025-01-02 Member of NATO 454.82 0% 100% Active
Saxplayer of Arstoria New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 12/21/2024 6:29:33 PM 2024-12-28 Food for the guinea pigs 655.46 100% 0% Active
reghar73 of Zeman The Dark Templar Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 12/16/2024 2:16:29 PM 2024-12-23 A general dispute oorah 0.00 0% 0% Active
Farrin Xies of Farrin Free States New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 12/13/2024 7:53:56 PM 2024-12-20 Felt cute, might nuke later 115.73 56% 43% Active
iblishaitan of Jahannam New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 12/11/2024 2:28:23 PM 2024-12-18 For the Order! 183.11 73% 26% Active
Soviet Mudkip of In Soviet Russia The Dark Templar Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 12/5/2024 11:29:57 AM 2024-12-12 A specific dispute 83.30 100% 0% Active
Theory of Westermont New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 11/30/2024 4:18:28 AM 2024-12-07 Member of NATO 0.00 0% 0% Active
Pressure of Newton New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 11/23/2024 10:56:18 PM 2024-11-30 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
Sylvainwrath of Sylvain Land New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 11/19/2024 3:58:34 PM 2024-11-26 Tech Trade: 50/3 Mil 0.00 0% 0% Active
Tasuki of Oniwabanshu New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 11/14/2024 9:10:04 PM 2024-11-21 Mmmm... fresh babies 368.07 47% 52% Active
gidon of monkeybum The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 11/9/2024 2:12:16 PM 2024-11-16 Orders 898.21 0% 100% Active
Guido of Itally New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 11/3/2024 4:40:43 PM 2024-11-10 For fun 114.68 0% 100% Active
mahmah of Banglia The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 10/29/2024 1:05:24 PM 2024-11-05 A general dispute 11,505.19 2% 97% Active
Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO Indiomaestro of Jahara The Dark Templar 10/26/2024 3:11:51 PM 2024-11-02 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO SSX Messiah of Resaca The Dark Templar 10/26/2024 3:10:06 PM 2024-11-02 A general dispute 1,334.37 0% 100% Active
Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO Starcraftmazter of DPRK The Dark Templar 10/26/2024 3:07:20 PM 2024-11-02 A general dispute 140.05 0% 100% Active
Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO Pbaff of RuntMutLend The Dark Templar 10/26/2024 3:02:25 PM 2024-11-02 A general dispute 574.95 100% 0% Active
tejuguasu of tejuguasu New Pacific Order Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 6/28/2022 9:13:34 PM 2022-07-05 A general dispute 9,696.30 0% 100% Expired
Sarkin of My Hero Party The Dark Templar Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 6/28/2022 9:04:13 PM 2022-07-05 A general dispute 41,847.83 0% 100% Expired
ADude of OceaniaRedux Doom Squad Antiglams of Benerilandia NATO 6/26/2022 7:10:00 AM 2022-07-03 gimme casualties 34,035.35 22% 77% Expired
LJ Scott of Republic of Jutland Mostly Harmless Alliance Antiglams of Benerilandia State Of Unified Nations 12/21/2018 5:18:36 AM 2018-12-28 HMS Conqueror Checking In 97,049.83 19% 80% Expired
Antiglams of Benerilandia State Of Unified Nations Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance 12/19/2018 12:08:53 PM 2018-12-26 A general dispute 40,096.91 72% 27% Expired
Lex Quintus of Flotsam Kashmir Antiglams of Benerilandia State Of Unified Nations 11/19/2014 10:59:36 AM 2014-11-26 Meet and greet 35,537.31 31% 68% Expired
Antiglams of Benerilandia Death Before Dishonor Yayo01 of Pasig Mortal Wombat 3/3/2013 12:24:44 AM 2013-03-10 A general dispute 1,291.38 5% 94% Expired
Howlin Mad of Patoria Mortal Wombat Antiglams of Benerilandia Death Before Dishonor 3/3/2013 12:01:06 AM 2013-03-10 You dont need peace mode 6,450.20 59% 40% Expired
edward mass of republic of zeon mortal wombat Antiglams of Benerilandia Death Before Dishonor 2/23/2013 2:55:09 AM 2013-03-02 orders 9,177.55 20% 79% Expired
MP2012 of TerRep Mortal Wombat Antiglams of Benerilandia Death Before Dishonor 2/22/2013 7:03:36 PM 2013-03-01 Having fun? 4,351.59 24% 75% Expired
Antiglams of Benerilandia Death Before Dishonor Enrage of TheEmpire Mortal Wombat 2/19/2013 11:51:04 AM 2013-02-26 A general dispute 8,487.47 58% 41% Expired
Antiglams of Benerilandia Death Before Dishonor Yayo01 of Pasig Mortal Wombat 2/18/2013 10:03:29 AM 2013-02-25 A general dispute 5,852.60 31% 68% Expired
Antiglams of Benerilandia Death Before Dishonor SublimitalSalute of Grotaland Mortal Wombat 2/17/2013 9:52:30 PM 2013-02-24 A general dispute 230.41 0% 100% Expired
Lord Pillowpants of New Listerfiend Wombat Disciple Antiglams of Benerilandia Death Before Dishonor 1/30/2013 6:59:10 PM 2013-02-06 defense of alliance 14,954.07 38% 61% Expired
Shaunovov of Peoples Republic S The International Antiglams of Benerilandia Death Before Dishonor 1/25/2013 11:51:26 AM 2013-02-01 What Pwnage Said 2,716.93 3% 96% Expired
Sir Pwnage of Land Of Kase The International Antiglams of Benerilandia Death Before Dishonor 1/25/2013 11:12:38 AM 2013-02-01 lolwarchest 7,425.18 3% 96% Expired