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War history for Rardie of Rardishire
Rardie has 60 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
moonshiner of whiskey island New Polar Order Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS 2/6/2025 12:36:53 AM 2025-02-13 A general dispute 36.25 0% 100% Active
Evileel of ell pond Sparta Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS 2/6/2025 12:01:18 AM 2025-02-13 We will fight forever 305.36 0% 100% Active
smusmu of Smustra Sparta Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS 2/5/2025 6:21:00 PM 2025-02-12 Hi :) 449.82 0% 100% Active
Evileel of ell pond Sparta Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS 1/29/2025 12:17:21 AM 2025-02-05 No escape for you 683.28 0% 100% Active
Mindbraker of Aguda New Polar Order Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS 1/28/2025 2:54:02 PM 2025-02-04 A general dispute 447.76 0% 100% Active
tenbob of Mayoabu New Polar Order Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS 1/28/2025 8:35:48 AM 2025-02-04 A general dispute 1,309.63 24% 75% Active
riffers of Vagumachland Sparta Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS 1/21/2025 1:07:08 PM 2025-01-28 A general dispute 236.18 0% 100% Active
Evileel of ell pond Sparta Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS 1/19/2025 11:51:02 PM 2025-01-26 No rebuilding for you 323.29 0% 100% Active
Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS Linden16 of Kiljarit New Polar Order 1/15/2025 10:19:49 PM 2025-01-22 A general dispute 207.28 0% 100% Active
Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS moonshiner of whiskey island New Polar Order 1/15/2025 10:19:19 PM 2025-01-22 A general dispute 1,455.27 71% 28% Active
Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS patriot lee of fordminia New Polar Order 1/15/2025 10:18:05 PM 2025-01-22 A general dispute 414.56 0% 100% Active
Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS Kongen of Frontline New Polar Order 1/15/2025 10:17:48 PM 2025-01-22 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
Eljierro of Vergadentro Sparta Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance 1/29/2019 6:05:48 PM 2019-02-05 A general dispute 58,919.71 77% 22% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance jrsyboy of toqueville Sparta 1/27/2019 3:21:20 PM 2019-02-03 Ask your senator 35,987.53 31% 68% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance Wrecked of Wrecking Sparta 1/27/2019 3:21:03 PM 2019-02-03 Stay in your lane 36,261.95 60% 39% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance Wilcroft of Ironska Alpha Omega 1/14/2019 12:26:41 AM 2019-01-21 Aloha 26,613.49 16% 83% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance sigmundfreud of schitzophrenia Alpha Omega 1/13/2019 6:48:57 PM 2019-01-20 yeeeee 74,040.82 40% 59% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance Galvan Mandorik of Patopia Alpha Omega 1/3/2019 2:47:32 PM 2019-01-10 Right on time 32,099.13 42% 57% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance sigmundfreud of schitzophrenia Alpha Omega 1/3/2019 12:12:07 PM 2019-01-10 A general dispute 47,528.39 55% 44% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance Wilcroft of Ironska Alpha Omega 1/3/2019 12:11:56 PM 2019-01-10 Sorry I’m late 29,762.16 21% 78% Expired
Antiglams of Benerilandia State Of Unified Nations Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance 12/19/2018 12:08:53 PM 2018-12-26 A general dispute 40,096.91 72% 27% Expired
dawg66 of Grand Americana State Of Unified Nations Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance 12/18/2018 11:50:59 PM 2018-12-25 for SUN 34,791.38 82% 17% Expired
lord bubba of bubbaland State Of Unified Nations Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance 12/14/2018 9:10:52 AM 2018-12-21 defense of Sun 70,956.30 59% 40% Expired
ericg95 of Andres State Of Unified Nations Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance 12/11/2018 11:51:01 PM 2018-12-18 For Relapse 61,846.94 73% 26% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance Relapse of Narkadia State Of Unified Nations 12/5/2018 11:56:13 PM 2018-12-12 A general dispute 81,077.59 28% 71% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance Nicolet Hax of Belvon The Mostly Harmless Alliance 11/3/2018 10:51:15 AM 2018-11-10 A general dispute 30,715.51 43% 56% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance jsims8 of DeKalb Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/26/2018 12:49:38 AM 2018-11-02 A general dispute 15,405.81 29% 70% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance AbsenceVsThinAir of The Pequod Federation Of Armed Nations 10/10/2018 2:22:05 AM 2018-10-17 Defense of member % % Expired
realpal of REALPAL Fark Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/9/2018 8:53:49 AM 2018-09-16 A general dispute 14,080.69 59% 40% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance Decide R Inchief of decided4us Fark 9/7/2018 9:18:20 AM 2018-09-14 A general dispute 24,987.16 2% 97% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance Brettward of Truckerland Nordreich 9/7/2018 9:15:17 AM 2018-09-14 A general dispute 25,267.83 67% 32% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark 9/7/2018 9:12:51 AM 2018-09-14 A general dispute 42,307.44 10% 89% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance Ken T Kent of Codopia Fark 9/7/2018 9:11:42 AM 2018-09-14 A general dispute 13,857.75 41% 58% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire umbrella Hime Themis of Dulra The Order Of The Black Rose 1/2/2018 12:28:40 AM 2018-01-09 Round 856887357878787637795793 106,629.89 53% 46% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire umbrella Hime Themis of Dulra The Order Of The Black Rose 12/13/2017 12:40:48 AM 2017-12-20 Sharing is Caring! % % Expired
Lady Stella of Schnitzelburg The Order Of The Black Rose Rardie of Rardishire umbrella 11/10/2017 9:42:11 AM 2017-11-17 just for the fun of it 84,507.33 92% 7% Active
Rardie of Rardishire umbrella Baron DeSandersted of Alisaunder 11/10/2017 1:19:37 AM 2017-11-17 A red rose for you 111,525.13 46% 53% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella jjfx4 of Millasville RnR 12/21/2013 7:57:31 PM 2013-12-28 A general dispute 7,326.01 70% 29% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella Velocity111 of Urusai Non Grata 11/12/2013 6:30:53 AM 2013-11-19 A general dispute 27,967.10 68% 31% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella darvo of Darvistan Non Grata 11/12/2013 6:30:46 AM 2013-11-19 A general dispute 17,072.78 61% 38% Expired
Momonishiki of Daikanyama Anarchy Inc. Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 3/23/2013 11:51:13 PM 2013-03-30 A general dispute 2,710.49 42% 57% Expired
Dragon of Dragons world Anarchy Inc. Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 3/20/2013 6:21:24 PM 2013-03-27 Stagger ^_^ 21,160.84 73% 26% Expired
gpn777 of Wilddogs NATO Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 3/19/2013 5:47:26 PM 2013-03-26 March Madness 40,903.88 47% 52% Expired
Lokvear of LoneStarX Independent Republic of Orange Nations Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 3/12/2013 6:00:06 AM 2013-03-19 A general dispute 9,091.86 63% 36% Expired
Emperor Badger of Badgerstomp Anarchy Inc. Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 3/7/2013 11:46:20 PM 2013-03-14 War or something. 19,013.05 68% 31% Expired
TRON IX of Atlantix Anarchy Inc. Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 3/6/2013 10:02:58 PM 2013-03-13 ella ella ella 22,265.41 39% 60% Expired
Lord Strider of Urth. New Pacific Order Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 3/4/2013 11:31:12 PM 2013-03-11 A general dispute 42,373.95 54% 45% Expired
zhyloN of zhyloN Independent Republic of Orange Nations Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 2/25/2013 3:39:27 PM 2013-03-04 Hey 24,178.64 76% 23% Expired
Kingdom of Dark of Kingdom of Dark New Pacific Order Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 2/24/2013 6:22:26 PM 2013-03-03 NPOwned 27,099.66 38% 61% Expired
Cyber King of Borat-stan Independent Republic of Orange Nations Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 2/21/2013 11:37:55 PM 2013-02-28 A general dispute 20,634.49 22% 77% Expired
Colonel Buno Taso of Gonorrhea MOLON LABE Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 2/16/2013 11:58:51 PM 2013-02-23 Redux 49,706.84 55% 44% Expired
Aggierebel96 of Key Confederation MOLON LABE Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 2/9/2013 12:02:29 AM 2013-02-16 I missed you 22,368.37 48% 51% Expired
gpn777 of Wilddogs NATO Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 2/7/2013 5:47:03 AM 2013-02-14 A general dispute 30,577.78 53% 46% Expired
Sixgun of Atlanta Molon Labe Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 2/6/2013 11:50:42 PM 2013-02-13 A general dispute 20,151.75 68% 31% Active
thepunk of thepunk MOLON LABE Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 2/1/2013 4:17:09 PM 2013-02-08 Im all out of bubble gum 52,881.53 56% 43% Expired
Colonel Buno Taso of Gonorrhea MOLON LABE Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 1/26/2013 1:00:10 PM 2013-02-02 You caught something 34,093.34 38% 61% Expired
Aggierebel96 of Key Confederation MOLON LABE Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 1/24/2013 1:13:30 AM 2013-01-31 Some love from ML 41,359.67 63% 36% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella Da DreadLord of Dagon The Imperial Order 1/19/2013 6:55:07 PM 2013-01-26 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Expired
queenhailee of bassetland Anarchy Inc. Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 1/19/2013 6:47:47 PM 2013-01-26 Feeling unloved? 0.00 0% 0% Expired
CubaQuerida of ThePromisedLand Umbrella Rardie of Rardishire Umbrella 2013-01-13 2013-01-20 No one likes a tattletale % % Peace