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War history for oneeightytwo of díbeartach
oneeightytwo has 95 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
firingline of TheCastle The Wolves oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark 3/7/2025 10:53:10 AM 2025-03-14 No running to PM 0.00 0% 0% Peace
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Mammoth of Mammoth Nation Post Grunge Supergroup 2/6/2025 9:27:35 AM 2025-02-13 And desert you 1,115.66 55% 44% Active
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark asawyer of Zabril Viridian Entente 2/6/2025 9:13:59 AM 2025-02-13 Never gonna run around 1,355.91 70% 29% Active
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Stineamania of Nowitme Post Grunge Supergroup 2/6/2025 9:10:39 AM 2025-02-13 Never gonna let you down 138.66 0% 100% Active
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Jason8 of Waldo Post Grunge Supergroup 2/6/2025 9:10:15 AM 2025-02-13 Never gonna give you up 391.07 0% 100% Active
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark master hakai of Afro Pick Post Grunge Supergroup 1/28/2025 8:31:41 PM 2025-02-04 A&R Rep Artist Review 248.26 100% 0% Active
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark kobetop of Arulelea Viridian Entente 1/27/2025 10:38:26 PM 2025-02-03 <Insert corndog joke here> 0.00 0% 0% Active
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark MexiMoot of Mooxico DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 1/27/2025 10:38:02 PM 2025-02-03 Greetings, Program! 154.35 100% 0% Active
TacticalAldiko of TacticalAldiko Viridian Entente oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 1/6/2025 9:07:31 PM 2025-01-13 A general dispute 843.52 0% 100% Active
doitfojesus of shearercraft Viridian Entente oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 1/2/2025 10:19:47 PM 2025-01-09 ello guvna 1,404.02 7% 92% Active
master hakai of Afro Pick Post Grunge Supergroup oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 12/27/2024 8:01:14 PM 2025-01-03 new found glory was better 875.65 6% 93% Active
Soviet Mudkip of In Soviet Russia The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 12/20/2024 8:27:00 PM 2024-12-27 A specific dispute 2,164.40 6% 93% Active
Starcraftmazter of DPRK The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 12/16/2024 5:09:45 PM 2024-12-23 A general dispute 281.96 0% 100% Active
Bob of Beta Site The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 12/15/2024 6:46:38 PM 2024-12-22 Hi! 1,639.69 5% 94% Active
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark ADude of OceaniaRedux Doom Squad 12/8/2024 12:41:48 PM 2024-12-15 You’re not Sponge-Worthy 188.86 0% 100% Active
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark asawyer of Zabril Viridian Entente 12/6/2024 11:56:09 PM 2024-12-13 Greetings, Program! 1,128.27 0% 100% Active
Soviet Mudkip of In Soviet Russia The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 11/21/2024 11:00:30 PM 2024-11-28 A specific dispute 246.27 0% 100% Active
midgetporn of migetropilis The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 11/17/2024 2:00:44 PM 2024-11-24 A general dispute 1,813.93 0% 100% Active
Pbaff of RuntMutLend The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 11/13/2024 7:41:48 PM 2024-11-20 A general dispute 1,053.05 23% 76% Active
Lord Razzia of Razzian Dominion The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 11/10/2024 6:47:11 PM 2024-11-17 A general dispute 4,221.60 41% 58% Active
Evey Jane of Evey Jane The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 11/9/2024 8:33:26 AM 2024-11-16 A general dispute 2,279.35 0% 100% Active
icheliebebrad of B 2the AnK The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 11/3/2024 12:00:29 AM 2024-11-10 Here Comes the Sun 1,201.14 13% 86% Active
Starcraftmazter of DPRK The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 11/1/2024 9:03:14 PM 2024-11-08 A general dispute 1,110.12 0% 100% Active
asawyer of Zabril Viridian Entente oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 10/28/2024 10:01:28 PM 2024-11-04 Round 2 17,068.87 65% 34% Active
Vhalen of LongitudeLatitude The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 10/25/2024 7:10:55 PM 2024-11-01 A general dispute 3,730.47 0% 100% Active
midgetporn of migetropilis The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 10/21/2024 12:15:13 PM 2024-10-28 For MHA 2,752.01 0% 100% Active
Vash_S of Dethklok The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 10/18/2024 4:36:08 PM 2024-10-25 Dark Templar 206.46 0% 100% Active
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Bob of Beta Site The Dark Templar 10/18/2024 12:52:52 AM 2024-10-25 Walking on the Moon 0.00 0% 0% Active
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark doitfojesus of shearercraft Viridian Entente 10/18/2024 12:52:24 AM 2024-10-25 Message in a Bottle 0.00 0% 0% Active
icheliebebrad of B 2the AnK The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 10/17/2024 10:11:32 PM 2024-10-24 Pink pony club 7,956.00 2% 97% Active
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Romulus of Salidar Viridian Entente 12/2/2022 2:30:36 PM 2022-12-09 Greetings, Programs! 31,122.36 43% 56% Expired
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark jeff744 of Bigaria Viridian Entente 10/31/2022 2:19:36 PM 2022-11-07 Hello there! 18,686.95 42% 57% Expired
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Romulus of Salidar Viridian Entente 10/31/2022 2:19:03 PM 2022-11-07 Greetings, Programs! 38,211.29 69% 30% Expired
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Azure of Aldarin Viridian Entente 10/24/2022 12:07:25 AM 2022-10-31 Greetings, Programs! 10,766.58 67% 32% Expired
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark lunar146 of Dreadnaught DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE 10/19/2022 8:40:04 AM 2022-10-26 Greetings, Programs! 50,919.71 48% 51% Expired
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Lykme of Lykastan Viridian Entente 10/7/2022 8:47:28 PM 2022-10-14 <insert witty declaration here 23,408.49 38% 61% Expired
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark TDEVIL of KINDOM OF HADES Viridian Entente 9/19/2022 2:10:40 PM 2022-09-26 Hello there! 27,777.64 24% 75% Expired
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Lykme of Lykastan Viridian Entente 9/19/2022 2:10:15 PM 2022-09-26 Hello again :) 51,597.25 34% 65% Expired
Coltaine of Malazen The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 8/28/2022 3:00:02 AM 2022-09-04 Bye bye pixels 128,276.63 40% 59% Expired
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Lykme of Lykastan Viridian Entente 8/27/2022 9:20:22 PM 2022-09-03 Surely, you cant be serious? 32,317.67 8% 91% Expired
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Chuck Jongil of Soylent Greenland Viridian Entente 8/27/2022 9:20:13 PM 2022-09-03 Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo 61,717.10 34% 65% Expired
Chuck Jongil of Soylent Greenland Viridian Entente oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 8/13/2022 4:53:53 PM 2022-08-20 A general dispute 46,707.59 52% 47% Expired
oneeightytwo of díbeartach Fark Lykme of Lykastan Viridian Entente 8/13/2022 12:16:41 AM 2022-08-20 Surely, you cant be serious? 57,235.12 60% 39% Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark cbuzz24 of Angle Viridian Entente 8/12/2022 8:01:10 PM 2022-08-19 Greetings, Programs! 41,877.03 0% 100% Expired
Dagny Taggart of Galtian Commune DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 7/5/2020 8:31:46 PM 2020-07-12 raid peace sent 2,489.27 0% 100% Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark Hailsland of Hailsland Christian Coalition Of Countries 4/6/2020 2:59:17 PM 2020-04-13 A general dispute % % Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark MexiMoot of Mooxico Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/10/2018 4:02:56 AM 2018-10-17 The time is meow. % % Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark John Orris of Commonwealth of John Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/10/2018 4:00:14 AM 2018-10-17 The time is meow. % % Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark Natan of Ragtag Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/21/2018 10:04:27 PM 2018-09-28 The time is meow. 11,645.98 45% 54% Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark MexiMoot of Mooxico Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/21/2018 9:56:10 PM 2018-09-28 The time is meow 23,480.23 70% 29% Expired
Rardie of Rardishire Mostly Harmless Alliance oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 9/7/2018 9:12:51 AM 2018-09-14 A general dispute 42,307.44 10% 89% Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark Daikos of Epicurianos Mostly Harmless Alliance 8/29/2018 9:24:18 PM 2018-09-05 Never Gonna Give You Up 22,580.49 0% 100% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark Admiral Alexander of The CommonWealthCW Alpha Wolves 3/16/2017 10:46:51 PM 2017-03-23 For NCC 12,770.76 43% 56% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark MrGreen of Garissa Alpha Wolves 3/16/2017 10:45:11 PM 2017-03-23 For NCC 23,518.01 11% 88% Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark dsgfgfp of Gazarpo Goon Order of Neutral Shoving 9/4/2015 11:40:41 PM 2015-09-11 For m_ivko and 404error 28,983.74 66% 33% Expired
Methos of Jockland Goon Order of Neutral Shoving oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 9/3/2015 10:49:39 PM 2015-09-10 Your mom gave me a rim job 18,228.16 75% 24% Expired
midgetporn of migetropilis The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 1/23/2015 10:19:14 AM 2015-01-30 A general dispute 27,515.69 26% 73% Expired
Carson of Renegade States Orange Defense Network oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 1/17/2015 6:28:27 PM 2015-01-24 cuz warrin is fun 20,983.55 34% 65% Expired
Sunstar of Georgian Bay Orange Defense Network oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 1/15/2015 11:42:34 PM 2015-01-22 Hello Again! 30,323.82 30% 69% Expired
Penedono of Fimbulwinter The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 1/15/2015 8:38:35 PM 2015-01-22 A general dispute 21,611.68 56% 43% Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark Hana_ of Hana_ Nordreich 1/3/2015 3:56:42 PM 2015-01-10 I am. Dont call me Shirley. 9,433.43 0% 100% Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark President Hardin of Pacific America Orange Defense Network 1/3/2015 3:55:26 PM 2015-01-10 Hail to the Chief 15,303.58 21% 78% Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark Makela6 of Makela Nordreich 1/3/2015 3:53:25 PM 2015-01-10 Surely, you cant be serious 12,489.15 42% 57% Expired
NOMNOMNOM of NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM Orange Defense Network oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 12/21/2014 9:59:38 PM 2014-12-28 A general dispute 29,326.62 50% 49% Expired
JohnRambo of Faggostan The Dark Templar oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 12/21/2014 5:23:29 AM 2014-12-28 A general dispute 27,452.00 37% 62% Expired
Currency of Global Orange Defense Network oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 12/19/2014 11:12:15 AM 2014-12-26 A general dispute 17,040.43 61% 38% Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark Sunstar of Georgian Bay Orange Defense Network 12/18/2014 11:37:01 PM 2014-12-25 DESUDESU! 35,221.06 63% 36% Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark President Hardin of Pacific America Orange Defense Network 12/18/2014 11:36:25 PM 2014-12-25 DESU! 4,862.54 76% 23% Expired
oneeightytwo of Fark Joe Stupid of Joeburbia New Sith Order 1/26/2014 10:15:22 PM 2014-02-02 Ray Peterson says "Hi". 1,641.15 14% 85% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark Cairna of Lucania New Sith Order 1/9/2014 1:08:07 AM 2014-01-16 ZimmermanFlew,TylerKnew 20,669.32 53% 46% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark Sunstar of Georgian Bay Orange Defense Network 1/9/2014 12:43:13 AM 2014-01-16 Please stand by.... 16,202.63 46% 53% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark Kitler of Reise Orange Defense Network 1/8/2014 2:53:10 AM 2014-01-15 You can call me Al 8,432.43 32% 67% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark masterofwind of saddam Orange Defense Network 12/27/2013 12:13:30 AM 2014-01-03 Happy Festivus 18,067.13 54% 45% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark Diamond D of Vietnamll Orange Defense Network 12/19/2013 12:12:39 AM 2013-12-26 No soup for you! 19,023.82 31% 68% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark rabonnobar of Calabria New Sith Order 12/18/2013 11:59:36 PM 2013-12-25 Disputed Generals 8,679.95 11% 88% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark Cairna of Lucania New Sith Order 11/30/2013 12:15:30 AM 2013-12-07 Its Business Time 21,406.14 32% 67% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark Selindryl of Adagio New Sith Order 11/30/2013 12:11:46 AM 2013-12-07 Inner City Pressure 27,560.31 42% 57% Expired
JannyJohn of JannyJohn Orange Defense Network oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 11/15/2013 10:28:05 AM 2013-11-22 A general dispute 14,320.15 6% 93% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark NOMNOMNOM of NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM Orange Defense Network 11/14/2013 11:09:52 PM 2013-11-21 Did someone say DESU? 15,287.70 39% 60% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark kazike of Tartesos Orange Defense Network 11/14/2013 11:09:41 PM 2013-11-21 Needs more DESU! 11,030.40 40% 59% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark 905TF of Nachoburrito Fark 5/1/2013 11:28:21 AM 2013-05-08 FromHellsHeart,I stab at thee 566.80 21% 78% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark SoADarthCyfe6 of SoA Republic Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 3/26/2013 11:07:04 PM 2013-04-02 Strategic Pants Initiative 0.00 0% 0% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark Sunny Side King of Take Cover We Comin HERP DERP RUSH POW 3/26/2013 12:13:48 AM 2013-04-02 Eleventh times the charm? 497.46 24% 75% Expired
SF Austin of Republic of Brazos Nordreich oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 3/12/2013 2:35:20 PM 2013-03-19 Nordreich Uber Alles 18,508.03 32% 67% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark JuQu SF of Valkoinen Suomi Nordreich 3/11/2013 11:51:28 PM 2013-03-18 Strategic Pants Initiative 15,695.64 52% 47% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark cronos28 of Mexazteca Orange Defense Network 3/9/2013 12:32:13 AM 2013-03-16 Sir, were on beige alert. 1,566.85 0% 100% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark Floyd of Floydian Land Mushroom Kingdom 2/8/2013 12:03:18 AM 2013-02-15 Insert witty declaration here 14,667.38 52% 47% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark Tychus of Caana Orange Defense Network 1/21/2013 11:46:29 PM 2013-01-28 Spoon! 2,239.83 6% 93% Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark cador of LOST PARADISE Umbrella Applicant 2012-07-31 2012-08-07 Bah Weep Granah Weep Ninnibong % % Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark DarkEra97 of Barnzee Deinos 2012-07-13 2012-07-20 Bah Weep Granah Weep NinniBong % % Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark bbybda of boogaloogia Umbrella 2012-07-13 2012-07-20 Never gonna give you up... % % Expired
oneeightytwo of d?beartach Fark camisopa of GIRATETA The Last Remnants 2012-06-27 2012-07-04 FARK-TLR 5 month reunion % % Expired
bendparker of Saddlebrook The Last Remnants oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 2012-06-26 2012-07-03 TLR-Fark Wedding RSVP % % Expired
spartans of SPARTANS101 The last remnants oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 2012-06-26 2012-07-03 THE NORTH REMEMBERS % % Expired
Sonjo of West Aire The Last Remnants oneeightytwo of d&#237;beartach Fark 2012-06-26 2012-07-03 A general dispute % % Expired