As some of you may know, this site has been up for years now, (it has data dating back to 2011) and i'm very sure it's helped a lot of people in managing their alliance(s).
I've lost interest in this game and have since stopped developing this site a while ago. I've kept it up and paid for this site for the last 7 years by myself since I was 17 just for the convenience of every CN gamer.
I would like to keep the site up as I still have an average of 1,500 unique users visiting this site & an average of 100,000 hits every month, so obviously people still use this site. I'm sure you guys have noticed the outages this site has had and for those of you that depend on this tool how that may have affected how you were able to manage your alliance, as I get your messages in game all the time.
With that said, somebody recommended I put up a donation link for people that want to donate to the maintainance & hosting of this site. Feel free to donate any amount you can afford to, as every little helps. If you want to you could also subscribe and make monthly payments. Up to you. I'll continue to keep this site free for as long as I can.
Aid history for
Codeman of United
Codeman has 454 recorded aid slots within this tool.
Aid ID | Sending Nation | Sending Alliance | Receiving Nation | Receiving Alliance | Reason | Aid Status | Money | Tech | Soldiers | Date Sent |
#4,943,091 | Jesusfreak of El Dorado | Christian Coalition of Countries | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Rebuilding Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/22/2025 11:44:46 AM |
#4,933,162 | dev0win of 1nfinity Otriad | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 4000 | 12/26/2024 2:27:49 PM |
#4,929,869 | King James II of Michigan II | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | VEP | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 12/5/2024 4:39:19 PM |
#4,928,903 | Onified of Spork | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/30/2024 10:27:24 PM |
#4,928,824 | MontyKo of Tuborg | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/30/2024 10:07:36 AM |
#4,928,686 | Sammy of Maxland | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/29/2024 8:29:26 AM |
#4,928,402 | Jeremiah of CERAVA | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Auxiliary troops | Approved | 9000000 | 100 | 4000 | 11/27/2024 7:42:45 AM |
#4,928,230 | flygirl of New Cajun | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | War aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/26/2024 4:21:16 AM |
#4,927,634 | Shadowfury of Illyria | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | War Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/23/2024 4:13:38 AM |
#4,926,831 | MontyKo of Tuborg | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/18/2024 5:26:51 PM |
#4,926,227 | LordSanix of Citroto | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | War Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 4000 | 11/15/2024 12:09:48 AM |
#4,925,948 | Jesusfreak of El Dorado | Christian Coalition of Countries | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Makin it rain | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/13/2024 11:37:27 AM |
#4,925,888 | Shadowfury of Illyria | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | War Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/13/2024 1:04:27 AM |
#4,925,862 | Astron of Svedala | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/12/2024 9:10:01 PM |
#4,925,852 | King James II of Michigan II | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 4000 | 11/12/2024 7:59:48 PM |
#4,924,415 | Kaiser Willis of Kryton | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/3/2024 5:27:11 PM |
#4,924,384 | Ashleaa of Pigtopia | Federation of Armed Nations | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 4000 | 11/3/2024 1:53:16 PM |
#4,924,348 | Jesusfreak of El Dorado | Christian Coalition of Countries | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Makin it rain | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/3/2024 7:31:03 AM |
#4,922,970 | Jeremiah of CERAVA | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 10/25/2024 7:15:00 PM |
#4,921,685 | Anhur of Esgaron | Old Guard | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 10/17/2024 6:35:47 PM |
#4,921,101 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Lan Mandragoran of Great Blight | Old Guard | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 10/14/2024 12:22:58 PM |
#4,920,506 | sturtyboy of The Keewanaw Union | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valerian Bank | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 10/11/2024 8:52:28 AM |
#4,919,709 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Tobiash of Dadidum | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 10/6/2024 7:11:54 PM |
#4,919,325 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Astron of Svedala | NATO | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 10/4/2024 4:14:28 PM |
#4,919,324 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | MOOFER of Dragon of Cymru | NATO | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 10/4/2024 4:14:05 PM |
#4,918,719 | Iogaro12 of Iberia del Norte | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 10/1/2024 7:18:34 AM |
#4,918,685 | Judge of Kingdom of Azar | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | VEP | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 10/1/2024 2:50:16 AM |
#4,918,656 | blackpony of the Mad Ninja | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Vep cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 10/1/2024 12:11:52 AM |
#4,917,889 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | andrewb610 of Brennana1 | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 9/26/2024 5:44:32 PM |
#4,917,479 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Master Ice of Urmalia | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 9/24/2024 7:57:10 AM |
#4,917,477 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | King Hassan of Al Maghrib | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 9/24/2024 7:56:57 AM |
#4,916,228 | Democracy of UnitedNation | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/17/2024 12:50:25 PM |
#4,916,184 | BakerHills of Activision | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/17/2024 8:59:12 AM |
#4,916,176 | MasterChief of Revived | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/17/2024 8:42:17 AM |
#4,915,964 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 9/16/2024 7:59:32 AM |
#4,915,455 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | mrramsden6 of Ramstonia | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 9/13/2024 9:52:01 PM |
#4,915,454 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Jesusfreak of El Dorado | Christian Coalition of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 9/13/2024 9:51:32 PM |
#4,913,800 | Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | VEP | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/5/2024 7:22:49 PM |
#4,913,787 | flygirl of New Cajun | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | VEP | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/5/2024 6:41:47 PM |
#4,913,683 | blackpony of the Mad Ninja | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Vep cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/5/2024 6:37:26 AM |
#4,913,305 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | LordSanix of Citroto | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 9/3/2024 8:05:36 AM |
#4,913,303 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | constablepotato of Potatoland | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 9/3/2024 8:05:22 AM |
#4,913,150 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Kills with Fire of New Highlands | Federation of Armed Nations | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 9/2/2024 9:38:49 AM |
#4,911,865 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Tobiash of Dadidum | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/26/2024 11:17:51 PM |
#4,911,539 | Democracy of UnitedNation | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/25/2024 5:40:09 AM |
#4,911,499 | Codark of Codainia | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/25/2024 12:22:11 AM |
#4,911,433 | dev0win of 1nfinity Otriad | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/24/2024 1:23:59 PM |
#4,911,429 | Galerion of blighty | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/24/2024 12:46:24 PM |
#4,911,131 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Lord Emperor Clot of Clotvania | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/22/2024 8:51:17 PM |
#4,909,906 | blackpony of the Mad Ninja | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Vep cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/16/2024 3:45:32 PM |
#4,909,721 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Kilkenny of Huntonian | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/15/2024 4:41:27 PM |
#4,909,720 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Jesusfreak of El Dorado | Christian Coalition of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/15/2024 4:41:05 PM |
#4,909,499 | Morshu of Koridai | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/14/2024 6:16:52 PM |
#4,909,496 | NeoNation of NeoNation | Christian Coalition of Countries | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Exchange Program | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/14/2024 5:49:54 PM |
#4,909,088 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Shergzus of Queensland | Christian Coalition of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/12/2024 8:07:18 PM |
#4,907,753 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | markpalm1 of vacous | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/5/2024 6:59:48 PM |
#4,907,752 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Jesusfreak of El Dorado | Christian Coalition of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/5/2024 6:59:30 PM |
#4,907,658 | lonabis of flying dutchmen | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/5/2024 8:17:05 AM |
#4,907,509 | Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | VEP | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/4/2024 3:20:40 PM |
#4,907,491 | Kilkenny of Huntonian | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/4/2024 12:38:05 PM |
#4,907,108 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Tobiash of Dadidum | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/2/2024 7:52:50 AM |
#4,905,815 | Arminius of Festung Germania | Old Guard | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/26/2024 6:23:50 PM |
#4,905,589 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Jesusfreak of El Dorado | Christian Coalition of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/25/2024 5:09:36 PM |
#4,905,180 | King Tom of king Tom | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Exchange Program | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/23/2024 2:29:56 PM |
#4,904,903 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Tobiash of Dadidum | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/22/2024 8:03:00 AM |
#4,904,675 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | flygirl of New Cajun | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/21/2024 10:53:31 AM |
#4,904,674 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | slmarsch of Rio Grande | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/21/2024 10:52:12 AM |
#4,902,691 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | MasterChief of Revived | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/11/2024 5:16:27 PM |
#4,902,597 | Kills with Fire of New Highlands | Federation of Armed Nations | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/11/2024 7:38:25 AM |
#4,902,440 | Prince Oberyn of Highgarden | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/10/2024 3:03:26 PM |
#4,902,429 | Anhur of Esgaron | Old Guard | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/10/2024 12:44:59 PM |
#4,902,342 | Yuurei of Exedore | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/10/2024 6:27:13 AM |
#4,902,049 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Greatest Mothers of Femocratic Lands | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/8/2024 5:10:45 PM |
#4,902,048 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | shakespeare of shakespeare | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/8/2024 5:10:26 PM |
#4,900,508 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Shergzus of Queensland | Christian Coalition of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/1/2024 5:12:51 PM |
#4,900,495 | King James II of Michigan II | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | VEP | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/1/2024 2:53:50 PM |
#4,900,205 | Qldvespanut of Mr Ben | Mostly Harmless Alliance | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/30/2024 8:07:24 AM |
#4,900,104 | Kaiser Willis of Kryton | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/29/2024 8:04:02 PM |
#4,899,667 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | MontyKo of Tuborg | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/27/2024 10:16:11 PM |
#4,899,666 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | King Tom of king Tom | NATO | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/27/2024 10:15:59 PM |
#4,898,370 | Turetel of Turetel | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/21/2024 9:44:55 PM |
#4,898,366 | Galerion of blighty | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/21/2024 9:32:22 PM |
#4,898,136 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Iogaro12 of Iberia del Norte | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/20/2024 9:30:46 PM |
#4,897,933 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Sammy of Maxland | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/19/2024 4:31:22 PM |
#4,897,861 | King James II of Michigan II | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | VEP | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/19/2024 6:31:51 AM |
#4,897,482 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | asapilu of Persianiran | NATO | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/17/2024 11:10:11 AM |
#4,897,481 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | GearHead of Rosche | NATO | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/17/2024 11:09:57 AM |
#4,895,796 | King James II of Michigan II | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | VEP | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/9/2024 3:56:45 PM |
#4,895,457 | blackpony of the Mad Ninja | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Vep cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/8/2024 12:23:30 AM |
#4,895,327 | Warden of Llama Land | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | VEP Cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/7/2024 10:03:36 AM |
#4,895,189 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Lord Emperor Clot of Clotvania | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/6/2024 10:35:01 PM |
#4,894,673 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Greatest Mothers of Femocratic Lands | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/4/2024 12:06:23 PM |
#4,894,672 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | slmarsch of Rio Grande | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/4/2024 12:06:10 PM |
#4,893,237 | MontyKo of Tuborg | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 5/28/2024 11:59:21 AM |
#4,893,235 | azntrigboi of Symmetry | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 5/28/2024 11:30:45 AM |
#4,893,203 | sturtyboy of The Keewanaw Union | NATO | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Bank | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 5/28/2024 9:07:35 AM |
#4,892,967 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Gen. Danville of Gen danville | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 5/27/2024 9:38:52 AM |
#4,892,534 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Huntersun of Pennston | Federation of Armed Nations | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 5/25/2024 10:57:51 AM |
#4,892,533 | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | flygirl of New Cajun | Freehold of The Wolves | Valyrian Aid | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 5/25/2024 10:56:52 AM |
#4,890,878 | Smitty256 of HouseStark | Freehold of The Wolves | Codeman of United | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Cash | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 5/17/2024 4:36:43 PM |