Enter the nation id of a nation above.

BLITZ1 has 534 recorded aid slots within this tool.

Aid ID Sending Nation Sending Alliance Receiving Nation Receiving Alliance Reason Aid Status Money Tech Soldiers Date Sent
#4,945,641 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Prince Oberyn of Highgarden Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 100 0 3/5/2025 6:22:41 AM
#4,941,035 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Prince Oberyn of Highgarden Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000 100 0 2/12/2025 6:16:53 AM
#4,929,894 constablepotato of Potatoland Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves HOWL! Approved 9000000 0 0 12/5/2024 7:24:41 PM
#4,929,795 Prince Oberyn of Highgarden Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 12/5/2024 8:17:46 AM
#4,928,118 im317 of im317 Random Insanity Alliance BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 11/25/2024 5:34:11 PM
#4,927,861 Prince Oberyn of Highgarden Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 11/24/2024 10:04:25 AM
#4,927,851 Bmk812 of Eisenherz Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/24/2024 8:22:26 AM
#4,927,725 constablepotato of Potatoland Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves HOWL! Approved 9000000 0 0 11/23/2024 4:16:23 PM
#4,927,632 Shadowfury of Illyria Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves War Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 11/23/2024 4:13:03 AM
#4,927,583 asapilu of Persianiran NATO BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/22/2024 10:49:16 PM
#4,926,000 Turetel of Turetel Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/13/2024 8:26:03 PM
#4,925,945 Jesusfreak of El Dorado Christian Coalition of Countries BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Makin it rain Approved 9000000 0 0 11/13/2024 11:34:44 AM
#4,925,886 Shadowfury of Illyria Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves War Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 11/13/2024 1:03:07 AM
#4,925,860 Astron of Svedala NATO BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 11/12/2024 9:08:55 PM
#4,925,855 azntrigboi of Symmetry NATO BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 11/12/2024 8:13:05 PM
#4,925,790 Prince Oberyn of Highgarden Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/12/2024 9:01:01 AM
#4,924,428 Sammy of Maxland Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 11/3/2024 8:05:23 PM
#4,924,084 LordSanix of Citroto Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 11/1/2024 11:33:22 PM
#4,833,556 javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 8/28/2023 8:55:33 AM
#4,832,273 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Flycatcher of Sacania Freehold of The Wolves TECH Approved 9000000 0 0 8/22/2023 7:15:33 AM
#4,789,804 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Steve Baratheon of Aranaia Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 2/9/2023 6:35:59 AM
#4,780,730 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Cyberon of Cybertechtopia Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 12/28/2022 6:19:47 AM
#4,780,729 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Iogaro12 of Iberia del Norte Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 12/28/2022 6:19:28 AM
#4,780,728 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves MasterChief of Revived Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 12/28/2022 6:19:10 AM
#4,780,727 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves jobet5s of North Korea Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 12/28/2022 6:18:41 AM
#4,761,640 gegthomas of Lzarja Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves war aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 8/4/2022 4:25:26 PM
#4,755,076 OperatingColt of Garvakia Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Pending 0 100 0 6/19/2022 11:26:04 PM
#4,755,046 slave2Jesus of Botswana Part2 Christian Coalition Of Countries BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 6/19/2022 5:55:08 PM
#4,755,044 KingJohnLee of LandOfMilkAndMoney Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 6/19/2022 5:28:22 PM
#4,755,041 tobijon of Rholea Sparta BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves vep tech Approved 0 100 0 6/19/2022 4:58:58 PM
#4,754,999 RevAmiLynn of Genezia Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Pending 0 100 0 6/19/2022 11:12:28 AM
#4,754,562 Cyberon of Cybertechtopia Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 6/17/2022 2:06:05 AM
#4,753,061 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves MonteChristo of Republic of Monte Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 6/9/2022 12:36:43 PM
#4,753,060 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Gustavedelior of Tasam Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 6/9/2022 12:36:30 PM
#4,753,059 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Mjbrueno of Yankee Nation Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 6/9/2022 12:36:17 PM
#4,752,439 Sybreal of The Stolen Lands Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 6/6/2022 8:55:40 AM
#4,752,415 Aspire of AspireFerty Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 6/6/2022 8:14:38 AM
#4,752,411 XxLolxX of Republic of Indonesi Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 6/6/2022 7:50:23 AM
#4,751,011 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Jordo of Omicron Persei 8 Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 5/30/2022 10:00:29 AM
#4,751,010 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves OperatingColt of Garvakia Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 5/30/2022 10:00:16 AM
#4,751,009 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Mjbrueno of Yankee Nation Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Pending 6000000 0 0 5/30/2022 10:00:00 AM
#4,751,008 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Edios5 of Dorlatia Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Pending 9000000 0 0 5/30/2022 9:59:47 AM
#4,751,007 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves SloppyJoe of Joetopia Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 5/30/2022 9:59:33 AM
#4,750,229 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Steve Baratheon of Aranaia Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 6000000 0 0 5/26/2022 6:41:59 AM
#4,749,236 Queen Aurore of Turnopia Christian Coalition Of Countries BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valeryrian tech Approved 0 100 0 5/20/2022 9:24:33 PM
#4,749,229 Warden of Llama Land NATO BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/20/2022 7:45:40 PM
#4,749,224 SloppyJoe of Joetopia Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 5/20/2022 6:54:16 PM
#4,749,190 Edios5 of Dorlatia Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 5/20/2022 11:36:55 AM
#4,748,967 jobet5s of North Korea Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 5/19/2022 8:18:32 AM
#4,748,351 Aspire of AspireFerty Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 5/16/2022 6:51:52 AM
#4,747,255 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves slave2Jesus of Botswana Part2 Christian Coalition Of Countries VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 5/10/2022 8:04:11 AM
#4,747,113 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves SoapDoge of Shibeqestria Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Pending 6000000 0 0 5/9/2022 12:26:17 PM
#4,747,112 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Jordo of Omicron Persei 8 Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 5/9/2022 12:26:03 PM
#4,747,111 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves somakax1 of Magadhara Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 5/9/2022 12:25:50 PM
#4,747,110 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Gustavedelior of Tasam Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 5/9/2022 12:25:38 PM
#4,747,109 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves ChrisZafonte of SoDoSoPa Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 6000000 0 0 5/9/2022 12:25:24 PM
#4,745,456 jobet5s of North Korea Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 4/30/2022 7:38:05 AM
#4,745,395 Goeth Helmut of Penumbra Numenor Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 4/29/2022 11:47:51 PM
#4,745,391 Gustavedelior of Tasam Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian tech Approved 0 100 0 4/29/2022 11:19:09 PM
#4,744,538 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 4/25/2022 6:47:45 AM
#4,744,537 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves King Josiah II of Thurmanbourg Christian Coalition Of Countries VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 4/25/2022 6:47:31 AM
#4,744,536 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves LunaHD of Luna Commonwealth NATO VALYRIAN CASH Pending 9000000 0 0 4/25/2022 6:47:15 AM
#4,744,535 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Aldino112 of Rabkanastan NATO VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 4/25/2022 6:46:58 AM
#4,743,173 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves OperatingColt of Garvakia Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 4/18/2022 6:58:30 AM
#4,743,172 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Venom96 of Carnage Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 6000000 0 0 4/18/2022 6:58:14 AM
#4,741,900 Azkadel of Outer Zone Christian Coalition Of Countries BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/11/2022 2:22:20 PM
#4,741,882 KKing of Kush Kingdom Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 4/11/2022 1:43:37 PM
#4,741,877 Lord Gandalf of Icewing Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian aid Approved 0 100 0 4/11/2022 12:30:29 PM
#4,741,860 King Josiah II of Thurmanbourg Christian Coalition Of Countries BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Exchange Approved 0 100 0 4/11/2022 11:20:52 AM
#4,740,700 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 4/5/2022 8:24:49 AM
#4,740,692 tobijon of Rholea Sparta BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves vep tech Approved 0 100 0 4/5/2022 7:24:16 AM
#4,739,866 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves jedal jedal of Scarif Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 4/1/2022 7:04:49 AM
#4,739,865 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Ainalave of Constantine NATO VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 4/1/2022 7:04:34 AM
#4,739,864 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves aroswing of Land of Darkness Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 4/1/2022 7:04:15 AM
#4,739,796 Queen Aurore of Turnopia Christian Coalition Of Countries BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valerian aid Approved 0 100 0 3/31/2022 9:08:36 PM
#4,738,519 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 3/25/2022 6:07:47 AM
#4,738,455 XxLolxX of Republic of Indonesi Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 3/24/2022 10:59:20 PM
#4,737,981 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves jedal jedal of Scarif Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 3/22/2022 6:42:52 AM
#4,737,980 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Soter of Republic of Verusia Christian Coalition of Countries VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 3/22/2022 6:42:33 AM
#4,737,979 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Lord Gandalf of Icewing Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 3/22/2022 6:42:14 AM
#4,737,352 Namedrik of Teutonic State Sparta BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 3/19/2022 12:14:17 AM
#4,736,625 Augustus McCrae of LonesomeDove The First Order BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 3/15/2022 11:21:00 AM
#4,736,146 slave2Jesus of Botswana Part2 Christian Coalition Of Countries BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 3/13/2022 7:02:06 AM
#4,735,772 Cyberon of Cybertechtopia Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 3/11/2022 3:33:28 AM
#4,735,033 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves OperatingColt of Garvakia Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 6000000 0 0 3/7/2022 6:18:13 AM
#4,735,032 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Maghion of Kiibara Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 6000000 0 0 3/7/2022 6:17:58 AM
#4,735,031 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Philayytio of Capriconia Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 3/7/2022 6:17:33 AM
#4,735,030 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Adan Kovacs of United Northern Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 3/7/2022 6:17:17 AM
#4,734,467 HSENIMA of ILLENIUM Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves VEP Aid Approved 0 100 0 3/4/2022 4:16:08 PM
#4,733,627 svs1109 of Gilboa NATO BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 2/28/2022 9:31:28 AM
#4,733,614 KKing of Kush Kingdom Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 2/28/2022 9:14:23 AM
#4,732,644 aroswing of Land of Darkness Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian tech Approved 0 100 0 2/23/2022 11:19:59 AM
#4,732,373 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves General Kuro of Artemis Global Sec Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 2/22/2022 6:54:19 AM
#4,732,372 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Cyrus De GreenWood of Nagoya Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 2/22/2022 6:54:05 AM
#4,732,371 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Dramaus of Revelie Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 2/22/2022 6:53:51 AM
#4,732,370 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Flycatcher of Sacania Freehold of The Wolves VALYRIAN CASH Approved 6000000 0 0 2/22/2022 6:53:35 AM
#4,731,670 Knuckles of My Home Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 2/18/2022 1:10:19 PM
#4,731,485 Namedrik of Teutonic State Sparta BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 2/17/2022 2:07:59 PM
#4,730,624 XxLolxX of Republic of Indonesi Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 2/13/2022 11:26:38 PM
#4,730,117 Mirakil of The Doom Legions Freehold of The Wolves BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 2/11/2022 8:01:34 AM