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Aid history for CVO of Kush
CVO has 1,638 recorded aid slots within this tool.

Aid ID Sending Nation Sending Alliance Receiving Nation Receiving Alliance Reason Aid Status Money Tech Soldiers Date Sent
#4,940,703 CVO of Kush NATO darkshadow73 of Darkshadiana NATO War aid Pending 9000000 0 4000 2/10/2025 9:49:45 AM
#4,940,702 CVO of Kush NATO Cutnpaste of Cutnpaste Island NATO Bank Roll Approved 9000000 0 4000 2/10/2025 9:47:12 AM
#4,940,701 CVO of Kush NATO BushyBeaver of Beaveland NATO Bank Roll Approved 9000000 0 4000 2/10/2025 9:45:48 AM
#4,940,593 CVO of Kush NATO Bobmitch2012 of Bob Mitch Freehold of The Wolves war aid Pending 9000000 0 4000 2/9/2025 8:44:10 PM
#4,940,592 CVO of Kush NATO BakerHills of Activision NATO war aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 2/9/2025 8:42:23 PM
#4,940,591 CVO of Kush NATO andyt2k of Veritas NATO war aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 2/9/2025 8:40:49 PM
#4,940,590 CVO of Kush NATO 47274Revo of New Reddington NATO war aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 2/9/2025 8:39:07 PM
#4,939,056 CVO of Kush NATO neonthefox of waltoria NATO Give them hell Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/31/2025 10:35:18 AM
#4,939,055 CVO of Kush NATO BushyBeaver of Beaveland NATO Give them hell Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/31/2025 10:32:14 AM
#4,939,054 CVO of Kush NATO Not the Carlton of Margaritaville NATO Give them hell Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/31/2025 10:29:23 AM
#4,938,904 CVO of Kush NATO BakerHills of Activision NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/30/2025 9:31:10 AM
#4,938,903 CVO of Kush NATO 47274Revo of New Reddington NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/30/2025 9:29:32 AM
#4,938,804 CVO of Kush NATO Kats and Rats of Honalulu NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/29/2025 10:01:13 PM
#4,938,803 CVO of Kush NATO tylerdurden1 of Baldfatastan NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/29/2025 9:53:41 PM
#4,937,408 CVO of Kush NATO neonthefox of waltoria NATO war aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/21/2025 11:20:13 AM
#4,937,407 CVO of Kush NATO kolomee of Noodles Descendent Freehold of The Wolves war aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/21/2025 11:18:27 AM
#4,937,406 CVO of Kush NATO darkshadow73 of Darkshadiana NATO Give them hell Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/21/2025 11:14:28 AM
#4,937,344 CVO of Kush NATO andyt2k of Veritas NATO Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 4000 1/20/2025 9:41:46 PM
#4,937,309 CVO of Kush NATO stugots of Trumpopolis NATO War aid Approved 6000000 0 4000 1/20/2025 3:32:10 PM
#4,937,152 CVO of Kush NATO Segoviana of Segoviana NATO Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 4000 1/19/2025 12:56:45 PM
#4,937,151 CVO of Kush NATO andyt2k of Veritas NATO Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 4000 1/19/2025 12:54:44 PM
#4,937,144 CVO of Kush NATO tylerdurden1 of Baldfatastan NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 4000 1/19/2025 11:13:21 AM
#4,935,707 CVO of Kush NATO Swamplandia of Horna NATO war aid Pending 9000000 0 4000 1/11/2025 12:53:08 AM
#4,935,705 CVO of Kush NATO Cutnpaste of Cutnpaste Island NATO Give them hell Approved 6000000 0 4000 1/11/2025 12:48:53 AM
#4,935,553 CVO of Kush NATO AnthraxAnderson of Empire of Armageddon NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/9/2025 9:39:40 PM
#4,935,552 CVO of Kush NATO Temporal91 of Aikion NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/9/2025 9:38:48 PM
#4,935,551 CVO of Kush NATO Tsayka of Trisaram NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/9/2025 9:37:47 PM
#4,935,550 CVO of Kush NATO Njero of Njebooro NATO Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 4000 1/9/2025 9:36:40 PM
#4,935,473 CVO of Kush NATO tylerdurden1 of Baldfatastan NATO Give them hell Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/9/2025 11:05:27 AM
#4,935,388 Njero of Njebooro NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid+ Pending 9000000 100 4000 1/8/2025 11:36:10 PM
#4,935,334 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries CVO of Kush NATO VEP Tech Pending 9000000 100 0 1/8/2025 4:37:41 PM
#4,934,122 CVO of Kush NATO darkshadow73 of Darkshadiana NATO War Aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/1/2025 5:36:49 PM
#4,933,459 CVO of Kush NATO Hakaisha of Nihon koku Freehold of The Wolves "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 12/28/2024 1:13:06 PM
#4,933,458 CVO of Kush NATO US Chrisderica of US of Chrisderica Freehold of The Wolves "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 4000 12/28/2024 1:11:33 PM
#4,933,457 CVO of Kush NATO Dogeisagod of Dogelands Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 12/28/2024 1:10:13 PM
#4,933,456 CVO of Kush NATO neonthefox of waltoria NATO "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 12/28/2024 1:08:33 PM
#4,933,455 CVO of Kush NATO Teratogen of Teratogen Mostly Harmless Alliance "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 4000 12/28/2024 1:05:12 PM
#4,932,397 CVO of Kush NATO Segoviana of Segoviana NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 12/21/2024 1:24:11 PM
#4,931,913 CVO of Kush NATO Seiyuuki of Saigon Commonwealth NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 12/18/2024 10:42:57 AM
#4,931,912 CVO of Kush NATO Swamplandia of Horna NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 12/18/2024 10:35:51 AM
#4,931,911 CVO of Kush NATO SilenttShadow27 of Temnota NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 12/18/2024 10:32:02 AM
#4,931,910 CVO of Kush NATO Sultan Ahmed of Opus Dei NATO Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 4000 12/18/2024 10:26:40 AM
#4,931,906 CVO of Kush NATO Not the Carlton of Margaritaville NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 4000 12/18/2024 10:17:54 AM
#4,930,406 CVO of Kush NATO tylerdurden1 of Baldfatastan NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 4000 12/9/2024 9:55:01 AM
#4,928,696 CVO of Kush NATO tylerdurden1 of Baldfatastan NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/29/2024 9:01:31 AM
#4,926,821 CVO of Kush NATO tylerdurden1 of Baldfatastan NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 4000 11/18/2024 4:38:38 PM
#4,926,499 CVO of Kush NATO Seiyuuki of Saigon Commonwealth NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/16/2024 9:57:31 AM
#4,924,219 CVO of Kush NATO darkshadow73 of Darkshadiana NATO Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 100 0 11/2/2024 6:17:06 PM
#4,924,075 CVO of Kush NATO Not the Carlton of Margaritaville NATO war aid Approved 9000000 100 4000 11/1/2024 9:59:17 PM
#4,922,437 CVO of Kush NATO BushyBeaver of Beaveland NATO war aid Approved 9000000 0 0 10/22/2024 12:43:42 PM
#4,922,436 CVO of Kush NATO Not the Carlton of Margaritaville NATO war aid Approved 9000000 100 0 10/22/2024 12:40:14 PM
#4,921,995 Sir Humphrey of Greater Oceania NATO CVO of Kush NATO Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 10/20/2024 12:15:38 AM
#4,920,834 Dr Doctor of NATO Armed Forces NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 10/13/2024 9:42:50 AM
#4,920,281 Sir Humphrey of Greater Oceania NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 10/10/2024 12:57:18 AM
#4,920,161 gameoverclocker of kryzhome NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Program Approved 0 100 0 10/9/2024 7:48:06 AM
#4,920,057 darkshadow73 of Darkshadiana NATO CVO of Kush NATO Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 10/8/2024 4:41:01 PM
#4,919,760 Njero of Njebooro NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid+ Approved 9000000 100 0 10/7/2024 12:31:06 AM
#4,917,293 CVO of Kush NATO TheAustrianPainter of Rosenhelm Art School "Valyrian Aid" Pending 9000000 0 0 9/23/2024 10:02:25 AM
#4,917,292 CVO of Kush NATO GoddessOfLinn of LandOfLinn Freehold of The Wolves "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 9/23/2024 10:01:54 AM
#4,917,291 CVO of Kush NATO Sultan Ahmed of Opus Dei NATO "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 9/23/2024 10:01:18 AM
#4,917,290 CVO of Kush NATO Uncle Don of The Tannhauser Gate Freehold of The Wolves "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 9/23/2024 10:00:47 AM
#4,917,289 CVO of Kush NATO neonthefox of waltoria NATO "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 9/23/2024 10:00:14 AM
#4,917,110 RogueEagle01 of Bardonia Island NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 9/22/2024 1:32:50 PM
#4,916,332 Mein Kaiser of DasVaterland Christian Coalition Of Countries CVO of Kush NATO Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 9/18/2024 4:32:49 AM
#4,915,130 CVO of Kush NATO RogueEagle01 of Bardonia Island NATO "Valyrian Aid" Approved 6000000 0 0 9/12/2024 9:30:42 AM
#4,915,129 CVO of Kush NATO The Doogan of Republic of Wang Mostly Harmless Alliance "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 9/12/2024 9:29:43 AM
#4,915,025 BillyAnderson of Andersonia NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 9/12/2024 1:36:08 AM
#4,915,013 Dr Doctor of NATO Armed Forces NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 9/12/2024 12:59:09 AM
#4,914,851 Temporal91 of Aikion NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 9/11/2024 4:43:16 AM
#4,914,244 The Dragon5 of Dragonhome Freehold of The Wolves CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 9/8/2024 2:51:20 AM
#4,914,149 Mein Kaiser of DasVaterland Christian Coalition Of Countries CVO of Kush NATO Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 9/7/2024 11:44:23 AM
#4,912,211 CVO of Kush NATO Mein Kaiser of DasVaterland Christian Coalition Of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/28/2024 9:56:58 AM
#4,912,209 CVO of Kush NATO Flycatcher of Sacania Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/28/2024 9:56:21 AM
#4,912,208 CVO of Kush NATO The Dragon5 of Dragonhome Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/28/2024 9:55:48 AM
#4,912,207 CVO of Kush NATO rheebrosinc of SwagJuice Christian Coalition Of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/28/2024 9:55:20 AM
#4,912,206 CVO of Kush NATO armpit of Armpit Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/28/2024 9:54:42 AM
#4,912,205 CVO of Kush NATO c0creat0r of Primerica NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/28/2024 9:54:06 AM
#4,898,821 The Dragon5 of Dragonhome Freehold of The Wolves CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 6/24/2024 3:07:30 AM
#4,898,043 CVO of Kush NATO Peacy McPeaceface of New Olde Switzerland Christian Coalition Of Countries war aid Approved 9000000 100 0 6/20/2024 9:52:40 AM
#4,895,640 AironthFlamewing of The Crown Dominion Christian Coalition Of Countries CVO of Kush NATO Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 6/8/2024 7:46:46 PM
#4,895,527 BushyBeaver of Beaveland NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 6/8/2024 9:49:07 AM
#4,894,211 CVO of Kush NATO Dramaus of Revelie Freehold of The Wolves "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 6/2/2024 9:18:50 AM
#4,894,037 Njero of Njebooro NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 6/1/2024 11:11:36 AM
#4,893,868 lucky6 of Direct Impingement Federation of Armed Nations CVO of Kush NATO Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 5/31/2024 8:15:27 PM
#4,892,492 CVO of Kush NATO c0creat0r of Primerica NATO "Valyrian Aid" Pending 9000000 0 0 5/25/2024 9:20:23 AM
#4,892,491 CVO of Kush NATO Valandil of Ithilien Empire NATO "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 5/25/2024 9:19:57 AM
#4,892,300 CVO of Kush NATO gameoverclocker of kryzhome NATO "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 5/24/2024 10:02:18 AM
#4,891,815 Pamacii of Speedy Cats Freehold of The Wolves CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 5/22/2024 7:10:31 AM
#4,891,730 Njero of Njebooro NATO CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 5/21/2024 11:00:02 PM
#4,891,713 lilweirdward of Land of Too Much Fun Christian Coalition Of Countries CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 5/21/2024 7:40:21 PM
#4,890,371 CVO of Kush NATO The Dragon5 of Dragonhome Freehold of The Wolves "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 5/15/2024 10:19:04 AM
#4,890,370 CVO of Kush NATO Valandil of Ithilien Empire NATO "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 5/15/2024 10:18:22 AM
#4,890,209 Mirakil of The Doom Legions Freehold of The Wolves CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/14/2024 2:54:05 PM
#4,889,816 General Kuro of Artemis Global Sec Freehold of The Wolves CVO of Kush NATO valyrian tech aid Approved 0 100 0 5/12/2024 9:01:22 PM
#4,889,126 CVO of Kush NATO Swamplandia of Horna NATO "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 5/9/2024 9:14:36 AM
#4,889,125 CVO of Kush NATO c0creat0r of Primerica NATO "Valyrian Aid" Approved 9000000 0 0 5/9/2024 9:13:57 AM
#4,888,925 CVO of Kush NATO Thereverendheat of PDROC NATO Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 5/8/2024 9:53:49 AM
#4,887,795 AironthFlamewing of The Crown Dominion Christian Coalition Of Countries CVO of Kush NATO Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 5/2/2024 7:55:28 PM
#4,887,758 Reginald Stuart III of New Ventris Freehold of The Wolves CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 5/2/2024 4:05:03 PM
#4,887,649 Dramaus of Revelie Freehold of The Wolves CVO of Kush NATO Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 5/2/2024 8:32:13 AM