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War history for Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation
Emperor Brutus has 74 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Chibun of Smol Angry Kitten New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation 1/29/2025 12:00:27 AM 2025-02-05 Om nom nom 94.65 0% 100% Active
Valkris of TheDeathRing New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 1/9/2025 8:22:12 AM 2025-01-16 A general dispute 62.99 0% 100% Active
jazzjambos of Fruiland New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 12/26/2024 4:17:18 AM 2025-01-02 A general dispute 101.17 0% 100% Active
Gumpper of Verbrecher New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 12/20/2024 10:08:08 AM 2024-12-27 Improved Foreign Relations 256.95 0% 100% Active
onbekende of Kapellen Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 12/15/2024 2:36:14 PM 2024-12-22 Tu es Brutus! 102.35 0% 100% Active
Roavin of Roavin New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 12/9/2024 12:24:34 PM 2024-12-16 For the Order! 284.16 0% 100% Active
Random Hero of Asslandia New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 12/3/2024 5:32:18 AM 2024-12-10 My name is Mxms Dcmus Meridius 346.20 25% 74% Active
Samudragupta of Mauryan Empire Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 12/2/2024 10:49:53 PM 2024-12-09 A general dispute 381.74 0% 100% Active
frankdtank16 of Florenzia New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 11/26/2024 8:05:02 PM 2024-12-03 Seal clubbing 748.49 0% 100% Active
Crayon King of Aloyarc New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 11/21/2024 9:11:08 PM 2024-11-28 Improved Foreign Relations 0.00 0% 0% Active
Albasti of Kayi Tribe New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 11/19/2024 10:38:41 AM 2024-11-26 A general dispute 196.57 0% 100% Active
Darksight1 of ChineseEmpire New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 11/13/2024 11:53:27 PM 2024-11-20 Hello there 410.43 0% 100% Active
Gumpper of Verbrecher New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 11/9/2024 5:59:12 PM 2024-11-16 Never gonna give you nukes 186.48 0% 100% Active
AlphaCenturion of Sentosa Republic New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 11/2/2024 11:57:03 PM 2024-11-09 Improved Foreign Relations 477.87 0% 100% Active
Thandrumland of Thandrumland Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/30/2024 4:33:55 PM 2024-11-06 A general dispute 1,550.63 70% 29% Active
Chaplain of death of Bloodforthebloodgod Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/29/2024 10:25:20 PM 2024-11-05 A general dispute 4,404.36 70% 29% Active
AlphaCenturion of Sentosa Republic New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/23/2024 11:57:35 PM 2024-10-30 A general dispute 375.12 0% 100% Active
LieutenantSeven of FOB Atlantis Kashmir Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 6/6/2021 1:12:51 PM 2021-06-13 A general dispute 8,206.85 67% 32% Expired
master hakai of Afro Pick Kashmir Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 6/5/2021 6:17:34 PM 2021-06-12 bring back squeezits 12,136.02 62% 37% Expired
Todor Jivkov of New Bulgar State COBRA Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 6/5/2021 2:08:44 PM 2021-06-12 Where do I know you from? 11,002.30 39% 60% Expired
VanHuek of The Royal Oak Knights Of The Round Table Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation COBRA 1/24/2021 1:38:21 PM 2021-01-31 A general dispute 11,526.49 27% 72% Expired
wayoik of SunOase Knights Of The Round Table Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation COBRA 1/23/2021 11:43:13 PM 2021-01-30 A general dispute 5,644.19 43% 56% Expired
scozy of Kenoland The Legion Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation COBRA 1/17/2021 10:16:32 PM 2021-01-24 A general dispute % % Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation COBRA Zelkova of Skadoosh Knights Of The Round Table 1/13/2021 7:06:56 AM 2021-01-20 A general dispute 7,749.82 0% 99% Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation COBRA VanHuek of The Royal Oak Knights Of The Round Table 1/13/2021 7:04:13 AM 2021-01-20 A general dispute 8,959.25 43% 56% Expired
LordofHabershia of Habershia Knights Of The Round Table Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation COBRA 1/12/2021 7:42:45 AM 2021-01-19 A general dispute 12,037.83 53% 46% Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation COBRA King Mic of Mr Mic Knights Of The Round Table 1/3/2021 8:30:30 AM 2021-01-10 A general dispute 23,243.72 32% 67% Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation COBRA McDouggal of McDouggalland Knights Of The Round Table 1/2/2021 9:58:30 PM 2021-01-09 A general dispute 12,552.62 0% 100% Expired
Ipank El Zhenda of Dinasty Arnif Knights Of The Round Table Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation COBRA 1/2/2021 8:17:13 PM 2021-01-09 A general dispute 11,681.96 88% 11% Expired
JaxTeller of Samcro Freehold of The Wolves Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 2/1/2020 11:37:28 PM 2020-02-08 : 1,717.55 94% 5% Expired
Stoopid Ace of Smokehaven Freehold of The Wolves Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation 2/1/2020 3:53:46 AM 2020-02-08 watch?v=Q7S4XexT1ho 5,427.19 41% 58% Expired
LtHawkeye of Takashia New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation 1/30/2020 5:48:24 PM 2020-02-06 Et tu, Brute? 2,231.37 0% 100% Expired
Stoopid Ace of Smokehaven Freehold of The Wolves Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 11/2/2019 3:14:13 AM 2019-11-09 A general dispute 1,091.98 0% 100% Active
Umbrae Noctem of Gronland New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/30/2019 11:16:12 PM 2019-11-06 Trade Dispute 903.26 0% 100% Active
Octave of Ondria Freehold of The Wolves Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/28/2019 2:09:17 PM 2019-11-04 Nothing Personal. % % Expired
Stoopid Ace of Smokehaven Freehold of The Wolves Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/23/2019 11:43:01 PM 2019-10-30 A general dispute % % Expired
zynvktca of Middgarrd New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/22/2019 10:44:09 PM 2019-10-29 NG! % % Expired
Umbrae Noctem of Gronland New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/20/2019 1:06:50 PM 2019-10-27 A general dispute % % Expired
Dre4mwe4ver of Fidensgen Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/15/2019 8:40:02 PM 2019-10-22 An honorable man % % Expired
Umbrae Noctem of Gronland New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/12/2019 2:05:27 PM 2019-10-19 A general dispute % % Expired
Burtonboarder230 of Adult ed New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/10/2019 12:32:38 PM 2019-10-17 A general dispute % % Expired
Legatus Equus of Vicus Argent Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 10/7/2019 1:10:57 PM 2019-10-14 For St. Beeter % % Expired
DaarioNaharis of The Storm Crows Freehold of The Wolves Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 9/30/2019 1:53:32 AM 2019-10-07 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Expired
Biowulf of Olaphis New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 9/29/2019 9:13:25 PM 2019-10-06 Hey, Listen! 330.01 0% 100% Expired
Leonel Badano of Nueva Argentina The Legion Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 9/22/2019 4:07:08 PM 2019-09-29 A general dispute 219.52 0% 100% Expired
killer04 of Iwait The Legion Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 9/18/2019 12:03:01 AM 2019-09-25 Lets do round 3 12,770.31 0% 100% Expired
Icepick of New Columbus New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 9/17/2019 1:53:18 PM 2019-09-24 A general dispute 457.59 0% 100% Expired
Leonel Badano of Nueva Argentina The Legion Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 9/10/2019 9:51:56 PM 2019-09-17 A general dispute 5,717.26 36% 63% Expired
killer04 of Iwait The Legion Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 9/8/2019 12:04:36 AM 2019-09-15 round 2 18,198.17 14% 85% Expired
Tiberius of Nuke Town New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 9/7/2019 12:51:27 AM 2019-09-14 Byzantine was better 10,341.33 30% 69% Expired
Immerael of Goldoa The Legion Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 8/31/2019 11:03:25 AM 2019-09-07 Deus Vult 15,989.20 94% 5% Expired
Texas Longhorn of Annapurna New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 8/31/2019 12:01:24 AM 2019-09-07 Strip the flesh,salt the wound 21,405.91 29% 70% Expired
killer04 of Iwait The Legion Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 8/30/2019 12:00:14 AM 2019-09-06 A general dispute 34,052.07 44% 55% Expired
Texas Longhorn of Annapurna New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 8/23/2019 8:45:44 AM 2019-08-30 Strip the flesh,Salt the wound 44,946.80 59% 40% Expired
hailkirk10 of Kirklan New Pacific Order Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 8/23/2019 12:00:08 AM 2019-08-30 A general dispute 48,421.28 61% 38% Expired
brewersalliance of Puestopia Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 8/22/2019 10:03:18 PM 2019-08-29 $%&* in your mouth 33,035.50 96% 3% Expired
andrewb610 of Brennana1 Freehold of The Wolves Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 7/19/2019 6:03:06 PM 2019-07-26 A general dispute % % Expired
javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 7/19/2019 1:23:51 PM 2019-07-26 A general dispute % % Expired
Wolfy of wolfy den Freehold of The Wolves Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 7/19/2019 8:28:45 AM 2019-07-26 Shame on you % % Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata pjk11 of BOOM HEADSHOT Freehold of The Wolves 7/18/2019 8:59:18 PM 2019-07-25 A general dispute % % Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata Galerion of blighty Freehold of The Wolves 7/18/2019 8:53:19 PM 2019-07-25 A general dispute % % Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata RedCommunist of DDR Freehold of The Wolves 7/18/2019 8:52:52 PM 2019-07-25 A general dispute % % Expired
Raymond Barber Jr of Treadstone Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation New Polar Order 8/4/2018 9:18:42 AM 2018-08-11 A general dispute 755.38 0% 100% Expired
PlanckBorn of Deutsheland Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 7/16/2018 12:12:25 PM 2018-07-23 A general dispute % % Expired
Lexington of Canadia Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 7/15/2018 7:32:23 PM 2018-07-22 Orders % % Expired
Lorikz Kain of Captain Planet Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata 7/14/2018 9:42:15 AM 2018-07-21 Need Sum Casualties Plz % % Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata Bigbear of Malaise Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 7/13/2018 11:33:02 PM 2018-07-20 A general dispute % % Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata OsRavan of OsRavania Orange Defense Network 7/13/2018 10:09:36 PM 2018-07-20 A general dispute % % Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata Doctor of Whagel Imperium of Supernova X 4/9/2018 7:53:14 AM 2018-04-16 A general dispute 37,246.64 20% 79% Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata Pantheras of Chalkidiki Imperium of Supernova X 4/9/2018 7:48:22 AM 2018-04-16 A general dispute 30,765.27 1% 98% Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata Uncle Don of The Tannhauser Gate Imperium of Supernova X 4/9/2018 7:38:19 AM 2018-04-16 A general dispute 58,420.81 50% 49% Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata Xander the Grand of Galts Gooch Green Protection Agency 11/28/2017 12:10:02 AM 2017-12-05 A general dispute 48,670.90 51% 48% Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata Welchy of Welchyland Green Protection Agency 11/18/2017 7:26:59 PM 2017-11-25 A general dispute 45,355.59 0% 99% Expired
Emperor Brutus of Roman Federation Non Grata Xander the Grand of Galts Gooch Green Protection Agency 11/18/2017 7:11:13 PM 2017-11-25 A general dispute 62,286.12 26% 73% Expired