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Aid history for Sauron1 of Mordor1
Sauron1 has 529 recorded aid slots within this tool.

Aid ID Sending Nation Sending Alliance Receiving Nation Receiving Alliance Reason Aid Status Money Tech Soldiers Date Sent
#4,944,053 Lord Emperor Clot of Clotvania Christian Coalition Of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Bandages and Whiskey Approved 9000000 0 0 2/26/2025 6:24:30 AM
#4,816,060 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Prince Oberyn of Highgarden Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 6/5/2023 11:23:36 AM
#4,816,059 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries King Hassan of Al Maghrib Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 6/5/2023 11:23:25 AM
#4,813,478 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries King Tom of king Tom NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/24/2023 12:57:24 PM
#4,813,477 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/24/2023 12:57:12 PM
#4,813,476 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Joesph Stalin of Ressurectioned USSR Union Of Communist Republics Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/24/2023 12:56:50 PM
#4,813,475 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Sycora of Sycorax Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/24/2023 12:56:39 PM
#4,813,474 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries xander the great of Empire of Maine Christian Coalition Of Countries Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/24/2023 12:56:16 PM
#4,813,473 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Onified of Spork NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/24/2023 12:55:20 PM
#4,811,512 Mackay Warrior of Land-o-Mackay Federation Of Armed Nations Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Approved 9000000 0 0 5/15/2023 8:13:04 PM
#4,809,321 Mackay Warrior of Land-o-Mackay Federation Of Armed Nations Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Pending 9000000 0 0 5/5/2023 7:57:20 PM
#4,807,044 Mackay Warrior of Land-o-Mackay Federation Of Armed Nations Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Approved 9000000 0 0 4/25/2023 7:29:57 AM
#4,802,476 Mackay Warrior of Land-o-Mackay Federation Of Armed Nations Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Pending 9000000 0 0 4/5/2023 1:29:20 AM
#4,796,435 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 3/9/2023 11:45:32 AM
#4,795,959 Lenny N Karl of Mudfoot NATO Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 3/7/2023 6:38:54 AM
#4,795,909 mrramsden6 of Ramstonia Christian Coalition Of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 3/7/2023 2:56:18 AM
#4,795,851 Gen. Danville of Gen danville Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 3/6/2023 10:10:03 PM
#4,795,837 forthehalibut of Bonehead Federation of Armed Nations Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 3/6/2023 8:24:01 PM
#4,795,742 Berbers of Kingdom of AlRezana NATO Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 3/6/2023 1:30:53 PM
#4,793,454 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Galerion of blighty Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 2/24/2023 12:39:03 PM
#4,793,453 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries azntrigboi of Symmetry NATO Valyrian Tech Pending 0 100 0 2/24/2023 12:38:51 PM
#4,793,452 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Beowulf88 of Arcanium Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Tech Pending 0 100 0 2/24/2023 12:38:38 PM
#4,793,451 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Shadowfury of Illyria Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Pending 0 100 0 2/24/2023 12:38:19 PM
#4,793,449 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Onified of Spork NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 2/24/2023 12:38:05 PM
#4,793,448 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries The Dark Lord Sauron of Land of Shadow Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Pending 0 100 0 2/24/2023 12:37:39 PM
#4,790,912 constablepotato of Potatoland Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Pending 9000000 0 0 2/13/2023 6:51:30 PM
#4,790,905 Beowulf88 of Arcanium Christian Coalition of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Cash Pending 9000000 0 0 2/13/2023 6:37:35 PM
#4,790,849 javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Pending 9000000 0 0 2/13/2023 2:18:07 PM
#4,790,822 flygirl of New Cajun Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Pending 9000000 0 0 2/13/2023 12:50:28 PM
#4,790,749 Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII Christian Coalition Of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Pending 9000000 0 0 2/13/2023 9:10:10 AM
#4,790,738 A1ph4 0m3ga of Paradisia Christian Coalition Of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aod Pending 9000000 0 0 2/13/2023 8:59:04 AM
#4,786,228 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries SonofSaddam of Mosul Christian Coalition Of Countries Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 1/23/2023 10:32:04 AM
#4,774,916 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Queen Aurore of Turnopia Christian Coalition Of Countries Mordor Loan Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 11/14/2022 7:25:38 AM
#4,774,270 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries rdf222 of Afrikania Christian Coalition of Countries War Aod Approved 9000000 0 0 11/8/2022 2:04:44 PM
#4,774,269 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries pauldevur of MountainValley Christian Coalition Of Countries Growth Aid Approved 6000000 0 0 11/8/2022 2:03:49 PM
#4,769,213 Shergzus of Queensland Christian Coalition of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries War Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 9/29/2022 10:56:53 PM
#4,768,866 Bionic redhead of Bionicus Non Grata Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Money Money Money Approved 9000000 0 0 9/26/2022 5:46:30 PM
#4,768,336 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Lord Emperor Clot of Clotvania Christian Coalition Of Countries Help is on the way Pending 9000000 0 0 9/22/2022 7:43:09 AM
#4,768,335 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries AironthFlamewing of The Crown Dominion Christian Coalition Of Countries Help is on the way’ Pending 9000000 0 0 9/22/2022 7:42:16 AM
#4,767,966 Kilkenny of Huntonian Christian Coalition Of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries War Aid Pending 9000000 0 0 9/19/2022 8:36:19 PM
#4,767,877 slave2Jesus of Botswana Part2 Christian Coalition Of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries CCC Aid Pending 9000000 0 0 9/19/2022 9:12:26 AM
#4,767,856 Arminius of Festung Germania Old Guard Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 9/19/2022 8:28:40 AM
#4,767,321 Lortharian of Watsonia The Last Remnants Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 9/15/2022 3:11:02 AM
#4,765,841 A1ph4 0m3ga of Paradisia Christian Coalition Of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries War Aid Pending 9000000 0 0 9/3/2022 9:27:15 AM
#4,765,833 Arminius of Festung Germania Old Guard Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 9/3/2022 7:18:56 AM
#4,765,822 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Field Hospital Pending 9000000 0 4000 9/3/2022 6:54:35 AM
#4,765,753 Lortharian of Watsonia The Last Remnants Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 9/2/2022 8:11:43 PM
#4,764,480 Northern Empire of Northern Empire Random Insanity Alliance Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries War Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/24/2022 9:21:21 PM
#4,764,463 im317 of im317 Random Insanity Alliance Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries war aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/24/2022 7:24:54 PM
#4,764,319 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries First Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/23/2022 10:20:24 PM
#4,763,938 Ashleaa of Pigtopia Federation of Armed Nations Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 8/21/2022 8:37:06 AM
#4,763,793 Elorian of Estolante The Last Remnants Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 8/20/2022 3:28:43 PM
#4,763,639 Arminius of Festung Germania Old Guard Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 8/19/2022 6:21:12 PM
#4,755,829 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries DarkFox of Oblivions Gate Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 6/23/2022 1:56:36 PM
#4,755,828 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Kaiser Willis of Kryton Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 6/23/2022 1:56:26 PM
#4,755,827 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Anu Drake of Numeria naTo Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 6/23/2022 1:56:15 PM
#4,755,826 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Lord Emperor Clot of Clotvania Christian Coalition Of Countries Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 6/23/2022 1:55:59 PM
#4,752,425 jefcolpan of scarab marangue Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Pending 9000000 0 0 6/6/2022 8:24:46 AM
#4,752,402 A1ph4 0m3ga of Paradisia Christian Coalition Of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Cash Pending 9000000 0 0 6/6/2022 7:16:52 AM
#4,750,635 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Lenny N Karl of Mudfoot NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/28/2022 11:58:09 AM
#4,750,633 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries rheebrosinc of SwagJuice Christian Coalition Of Countries Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/28/2022 11:57:55 AM
#4,750,632 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Lord Emperor Clot of Clotvania Christian Coalition Of Countries Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/28/2022 11:57:40 AM
#4,750,457 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/27/2022 9:15:03 AM
#4,750,456 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries pmacdaddy of Sanctuary DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/27/2022 9:14:44 AM
#4,750,455 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Onified of Spork NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/27/2022 9:14:19 AM
#4,748,675 Smitty256 of HouseStark Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 5/17/2022 11:52:54 AM
#4,748,667 Astron of Svedala NATO Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 5/17/2022 11:35:14 AM
#4,748,658 Onified of Spork NATO Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Approved 9000000 0 0 5/17/2022 10:49:40 AM
#4,748,654 dev0win of 1nfinity Otriad NATO Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 5/17/2022 10:39:59 AM
#4,748,646 Revol of Lodoss NATO Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 5/17/2022 10:14:12 AM
#4,748,611 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Anu Drake of Numeria naTo Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/17/2022 8:30:06 AM
#4,746,349 flygirl of New Cajun Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Approved 9000000 0 0 5/5/2022 1:59:13 AM
#4,746,274 Prince Oberyn of Highgarden Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 5/4/2022 4:07:09 PM
#4,746,250 McGee of J3dgar Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 5/4/2022 1:26:58 PM
#4,746,048 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Codark of Codainia Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/3/2022 11:07:18 AM
#4,746,047 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries ihateaaron of Death From Above Christian Coalition Of Countries Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/3/2022 11:07:03 AM
#4,746,046 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Bmk812 of Eisenherz Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/3/2022 11:06:48 AM
#4,744,538 BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries VALYRIAN CASH Approved 9000000 0 0 4/25/2022 6:47:45 AM
#4,744,318 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries jefcolpan of scarab marangue Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/24/2022 10:36:52 AM
#4,744,317 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries McGee of J3dgar Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/24/2022 10:36:31 AM
#4,744,147 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries lonabis of flying dutchmen NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/23/2022 12:01:32 PM
#4,744,146 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries pmacdaddy of Sanctuary DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/23/2022 12:01:19 PM
#4,743,972 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries mrramsden6 of Ramstonia Christian Coalition Of Countries Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/22/2022 8:38:27 AM
#4,742,362 DarkFox of Oblivions Gate Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries VIP Approved 9000000 0 0 4/14/2022 5:06:38 AM
#4,742,298 Beowulf88 of Arcanium Christian Coalition of Countries Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 4/13/2022 7:48:06 PM
#4,742,286 azntrigboi of Symmetry NATO Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Tech Approved 9000000 0 0 4/13/2022 6:31:39 PM
#4,742,254 Stoopid Ace of Smokehaven Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Approved 9000000 0 0 4/13/2022 2:08:03 PM
#4,742,243 McGee of J3dgar Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 4/13/2022 12:19:27 PM
#4,742,099 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries pmacdaddy of Sanctuary DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/12/2022 2:36:07 PM
#4,740,288 McGee of J3dgar Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 4/3/2022 2:18:38 PM
#4,740,285 Prince Oberyn of Highgarden Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 4/3/2022 2:17:13 PM
#4,740,235 Galerion of blighty Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 4/3/2022 8:29:57 AM
#4,740,124 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries AnthraxAnderson of Empire of Armageddon NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/2/2022 4:35:25 PM
#4,740,122 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Morshu of Koridai NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/2/2022 4:35:09 PM
#4,740,121 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Kilkenny of Huntonian Christian Coalition Of Countries Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/2/2022 4:34:54 PM
#4,738,222 Turetel of Turetel Freehold of The Wolves Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 3/23/2022 3:38:49 PM
#4,738,196 Morshu of Koridai NATO Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 3/23/2022 11:59:38 AM
#4,738,188 Onified of Spork NATO Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 3/23/2022 10:07:12 AM
#4,738,185 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries President JR Seisa of Themysciera NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 3/23/2022 9:52:20 AM
#4,738,184 Sauron1 of Mordor1 Christian Coalition of Countries markpalm1 of vacous Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 3/23/2022 9:52:06 AM