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Aid history for Tasker74 of Thebigharbour
Tasker74 has 515 recorded aid slots within this tool.

Aid ID Sending Nation Sending Alliance Receiving Nation Receiving Alliance Reason Aid Status Money Tech Soldiers Date Sent
#4,941,443 blackpony of the Mad Ninja Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Vep cash Approved 9000000 0 0 2/14/2025 7:17:25 PM
#4,939,867 MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 2/5/2025 12:42:38 PM
#4,937,913 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves flygirl of New Cajun Freehold of The Wolves War Tech Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 1/24/2025 10:40:41 AM
#4,934,874 sturtyboy of The Keewanaw Union NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 1/6/2025 4:11:55 PM
#4,933,659 blackpony of the Mad Ninja Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Vwp cash Approved 9000000 0 0 12/29/2024 12:42:12 PM
#4,931,835 blackpony of the Mad Ninja Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Vep cash Approved 9000000 0 0 12/17/2024 10:01:16 PM
#4,929,787 blackpony of the Mad Ninja Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Vep cash Approved 9000000 0 0 12/5/2024 8:15:44 AM
#4,925,390 Canik of Tiny Nation Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves War funs Approved 9000000 0 0 11/9/2024 4:23:28 PM
#4,925,345 shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves vep Approved 9000000 0 0 11/9/2024 9:38:13 AM
#4,924,778 Thomas214 of Peepville Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 11/5/2024 5:17:52 PM
#4,924,086 LordSanix of Citroto Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 11/1/2024 11:34:41 PM
#4,922,582 Warden of Llama Land NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves VEP Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 10/23/2024 1:56:34 PM
#4,922,568 Prince Oberyn of Highgarden Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 10/23/2024 10:52:59 AM
#4,922,420 DFA MrFox of DFA MrFox Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 10/22/2024 10:22:25 AM
#4,922,417 MasterChief of Revived Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 10/22/2024 9:40:23 AM
#4,922,408 jefcolpan of scarab marangue Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 10/22/2024 8:38:29 AM
#4,922,406 javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 10/22/2024 8:34:39 AM
#4,920,839 Prince Oberyn of Highgarden Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 10/13/2024 9:49:21 AM
#4,919,666 NeoNation of NeoNation Christian Coalition of Countries Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Exchange Program Pending 9000000 0 0 10/6/2024 12:20:28 PM
#4,827,609 javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 7/30/2023 7:48:37 PM
#4,789,899 Rydin of Vundf Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 2/9/2023 3:49:22 PM
#4,787,310 Rydin of Vundf Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 1/28/2023 10:10:46 AM
#4,785,854 Smitty256 of HouseStark Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Take my cash Pending 9000000 0 0 1/21/2023 11:22:56 PM
#4,785,676 Thomas214 of Peepville Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 1/20/2023 6:56:18 PM
#4,785,026 Rydin of Vundf Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 1/17/2023 3:03:27 PM
#4,782,737 Wolfprince of Azaroth Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 1/6/2023 9:40:48 PM
#4,782,243 Stoopid Ace of Smokehaven Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 1/5/2023 12:34:27 AM
#4,782,180 constablepotato of Potatoland Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves HOWL! Pending 9000000 0 0 1/4/2023 6:06:06 PM
#4,782,107 Rydin of Vundf Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 1/4/2023 2:26:37 PM
#4,782,041 Rothaic of Munrovia Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves War Aid Pending 9000000 0 0 1/4/2023 6:48:53 AM
#4,774,959 Shadowfury of Illyria Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves War Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 11/14/2022 2:35:14 PM
#4,771,711 The Dark Lord Sauron of Land of Shadow Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Fuel Approved 9000000 0 0 10/18/2022 8:40:32 PM
#4,769,798 Bowlzahoy of GreenzLand Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 10/4/2022 9:59:59 AM
#4,769,790 javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 10/4/2022 8:03:00 AM
#4,769,783 Sybreal of The Stolen Lands Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 10/4/2022 6:25:14 AM
#4,769,781 Sycora of Sycorax Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 10/4/2022 6:20:07 AM
#4,769,780 shakespeare of shakespeare Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 10/4/2022 6:12:30 AM
#4,769,042 Shadowfury of Illyria Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves War Aid Pending 9000000 0 4000 9/28/2022 9:40:03 AM
#4,766,416 Shadowfury of Illyria Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves War Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 9/8/2022 6:04:34 AM
#4,763,772 Mirakil of The Doom Legions Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves War Aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 8/20/2022 12:25:58 PM
#4,763,762 Onified of Spork NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves war aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/20/2022 11:29:03 AM
#4,763,754 armpit of Armpit Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 8/20/2022 10:16:58 AM
#4,763,752 Astron of Svedala NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 8/20/2022 10:03:34 AM
#4,763,738 Turetel of Turetel Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Blood for the Blood God Approved 9000000 0 4000 8/20/2022 9:04:03 AM
#4,762,992 Dragon of Dragons world Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves War aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/14/2022 10:07:11 AM
#4,761,646 Strider Yoshi of Racinette Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 8/4/2022 4:54:36 PM
#4,761,643 MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian aid Approved 9000000 0 0 8/4/2022 4:27:50 PM
#4,761,627 tagmoute of maghrib Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 8/4/2022 2:51:48 PM
#4,761,622 javaswiller of swillerland Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 8/4/2022 2:12:13 PM
#4,761,621 DFA MrFox of DFA MrFox Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Approved 9000000 0 4000 8/4/2022 1:59:21 PM
#4,761,619 Sybreal of The Stolen Lands Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves War Aid Approved 9000000 100 4000 8/4/2022 1:38:48 PM
#4,760,281 flygirl of New Cajun Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves War aid Approved 9000000 0 0 7/25/2022 1:17:42 PM
#4,760,247 McGee of J3dgar Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves War Aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 7/25/2022 9:02:04 AM
#4,760,108 Turetel of Turetel Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Blood for the Blood God Approved 9000000 0 4000 7/24/2022 7:51:12 AM
#4,759,970 Shadowfury of Illyria Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves War Aid Approved 9000000 0 4000 7/23/2022 5:48:30 AM
#4,759,919 The Dark Lord Sauron of Land of Shadow Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Blood4bloodGod Approved 9000000 0 4000 7/22/2022 6:00:04 PM
#4,759,186 shakespeare of shakespeare Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 7/17/2022 5:15:27 PM
#4,755,078 Valdoroth Kai of Khand Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 6/19/2022 11:46:26 PM
#4,755,014 lonabis of flying dutchmen NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 6/19/2022 12:32:56 PM
#4,754,991 Revol of Lodoss NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 6/19/2022 11:03:58 AM
#4,754,937 Maegor of Silay Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 6/19/2022 7:08:08 AM
#4,754,601 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Dragon of Dragons world Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 6/17/2022 6:29:37 AM
#4,754,600 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves jefcolpan of scarab marangue Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 6/17/2022 6:29:02 AM
#4,753,053 markpalm1 of vacous Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 6/9/2022 11:20:28 AM
#4,753,026 Sammy of Maxland Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 9000000 0 0 6/9/2022 9:26:24 AM
#4,752,979 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Astron of Svedala NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 6/9/2022 5:35:36 AM
#4,752,978 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves asapilu of Persianiran NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 6/9/2022 5:34:39 AM
#4,752,424 jefcolpan of scarab marangue Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 9000000 0 0 6/6/2022 8:24:13 AM
#4,752,400 A1ph4 0m3ga of Paradisia Christian Coalition Of Countries Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 6/6/2022 7:16:14 AM
#4,751,023 rheebrosinc of SwagJuice Christian Coalition Of Countries Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 5/30/2022 12:30:25 PM
#4,750,968 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves markpalm1 of vacous Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian tech Approved 0 100 0 5/30/2022 6:21:28 AM
#4,750,967 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Revol of Lodoss NATO Valyrian tech Approved 0 100 0 5/30/2022 6:20:43 AM
#4,750,566 Gen. Danville of Gen danville Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 5/28/2022 1:29:57 AM
#4,750,430 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves moon55 of Peprustan Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian tech Approved 0 100 0 5/27/2022 6:36:43 AM
#4,750,429 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Onified of Spork NATO Valerian tech Approved 0 100 0 5/27/2022 6:34:31 AM
#4,748,653 dev0win of 1nfinity Otriad NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 5/17/2022 10:39:43 AM
#4,748,645 Revol of Lodoss NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 5/17/2022 10:14:00 AM
#4,748,608 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Kilkenny of Huntonian Christian Coalition Of Countries Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/17/2022 8:01:04 AM
#4,748,607 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves asapilu of Persianiran NATO valerian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/17/2022 7:59:20 AM
#4,748,606 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Anu Drake of Numeria naTo Valerian tech Approved 0 100 0 5/17/2022 7:58:40 AM
#4,748,605 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Kaiser Willis of Kryton Freehold of The Wolves Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 5/17/2022 7:56:32 AM
#4,746,792 Astron of Svedala NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 5/7/2022 5:42:07 PM
#4,746,775 Sammy of Maxland Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 9000000 0 0 5/7/2022 1:32:40 PM
#4,746,755 Maegor of Silay Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 5/7/2022 10:15:28 AM
#4,746,743 dev0win of 1nfinity Otriad NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 5/7/2022 9:10:27 AM
#4,746,170 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Joseph Black of Rural Route 3 Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian tech Approved 0 100 0 5/4/2022 6:22:07 AM
#4,746,169 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Codark of Codainia Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 5/4/2022 6:20:55 AM
#4,744,824 Rydin of Vundf Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Cash Approved 0 100 0 4/26/2022 5:43:12 PM
#4,744,807 shadowstriker of shadow world NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 9000000 0 0 4/26/2022 1:48:17 PM
#4,744,793 Argirioc of Argiriahn Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 4/26/2022 12:21:58 PM
#4,744,731 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves DaxNico of Friuli Venezia NATO Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/26/2022 7:06:01 AM
#4,743,966 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves mrramsden6 of Ramstonia Christian Coalition Of Countries Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/22/2022 7:46:40 AM
#4,743,965 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Sycora of Sycorax Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/22/2022 7:45:52 AM
#4,742,729 Codark of Codainia Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 4/16/2022 12:12:32 AM
#4,742,636 Revol of Lodoss NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 4/15/2022 12:33:17 PM
#4,742,630 c0creat0r of Primerica NATO Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves VEP Program Approved 9000000 0 0 4/15/2022 11:05:28 AM
#4,742,618 MrMotivator of Beetus Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 9000000 0 0 4/15/2022 10:07:00 AM
#4,741,807 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves rheebrosinc of SwagJuice Christian Coalition Of Countries Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/11/2022 7:13:30 AM
#4,741,806 Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves moon55 of Peprustan Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Tech Approved 0 100 0 4/11/2022 7:12:33 AM
#4,740,837 Democracy of UnitedNation Freehold of The Wolves Tasker74 of Thebigharbour Freehold of The Wolves Valyrian Cash Approved 9000000 0 0 4/6/2022 4:20:11 AM