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War history for HoustonBeBack of Larsden
HoustonBeBack has 14 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Probably Mochi of Kap Land Post Grunge Supergroup HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League 12/3/2024 11:47:47 AM 2024-12-10 A general dispute 571.59 8% 91% Active
HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League Apolloyon of Logres Post Grunge Supergroup 12/1/2024 6:06:22 AM 2024-12-08 Be looting 309.36 0% 100% Active
HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League Mario Oo of MilMar Post Grunge Supergroup 11/28/2024 6:29:23 PM 2024-12-05 Willkommen 493.47 0% 100% Active
HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League Alexander Falkor of Adalwolf Doom Squad 11/28/2024 6:28:03 PM 2024-12-05 Sup mate 700.53 0% 100% Active
HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League BriskyHaze of Pareamaztopia Doom Squad 11/28/2024 6:27:40 PM 2024-12-05 Cosy at the bottom 247.43 0% 100% Active
HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League Vladimir 41 of NeoRussia Doom Squad 11/16/2024 2:49:21 PM 2024-11-23 Let loose the dogs of war 334.63 0% 100% Active
Hershicus of DoomsDayShekels Doom Squad HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League 11/15/2024 12:02:47 AM 2024-11-22 A general dispute 227.38 0% 100% Active
HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League Silly McSillyface of Sillylandia Post Grunge Supergroup 11/10/2024 3:33:15 PM 2024-11-17 Stuff 402.65 0% 100% Active
HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League Apolloyon of Logres Post Grunge Supergroup 11/10/2024 3:30:05 PM 2024-11-17 Stuff 186.38 0% 100% Active
HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League sirmacoVI of Macona Post Grunge Supergroup 11/7/2024 4:00:05 AM 2024-11-14 Stuff 184.77 0% 100% Active
HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League BLxZukii of Askos Doom Squad 10/28/2024 4:38:14 PM 2024-11-04 Stuff 1,664.91 15% 84% Active
HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League BriskyHaze of Pareamaztopia Doom Squad 10/26/2024 6:52:05 AM 2024-11-02 Stuff 513.20 7% 92% Active
HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League The Dark Emperor of The Wicked Empire Doom Squad 10/26/2024 6:49:30 AM 2024-11-02 Stuff 151.87 0% 100% Active
The Dark Emperor of The Wicked Empire Doom Squad HoustonBeBack of Larsden Nuclear Proliferation League 10/14/2024 10:07:12 PM 2024-10-21 Orders:) 589.79 0% 100% Active