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War history for Agaton Sax of Asmodean
Agaton Sax has 9 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
King Michael IV of Centur The Companions Agaton Sax of Asmodean COBRA 12/3/2024 8:54:45 AM 2024-12-10 alliance defence, peace to end 198.56 0% 100% Active
Hortid of Bog of Despair The Companions Agaton Sax of Asmodean COBRA 12/3/2024 8:54:35 AM 2024-12-10 alliance defence, peace to end 375.00 0% 100% Active
Conducian of Great Forge The Companions Agaton Sax of Asmodean COBRA 12/3/2024 8:53:58 AM 2024-12-10 alliance defence, peace to end 414.25 0% 100% Active
DonaldJTrump2024 of Ice wall FLAT EARTH Agaton Sax of Asmodean 9/2/2024 2:31:40 AM 2024-09-09 Back on my bs 203.40 20% 79% Active
RubyGloom of Big Scania RnR Agaton Sax of Asmodean 8/24/2024 4:15:14 AM 2024-08-31 A general dispute 350.69 0% 100% Active
H Jin of Suklam New Pacific Order Agaton Sax of Asmodean 6/12/2024 8:31:42 AM 2024-06-19 Acquire aggressively to grow 195.11 0% 100% Active
Featland of Diddlepoos New Pacific Order Agaton Sax of Asmodean 1/5/2024 10:11:22 PM 2024-01-12 Want more war 31.55 0% 100% Active
EmperorTarsusViserio of Reipublicae Invictae Interkosmos Agaton Sax of Asmodean 12/28/2023 12:42:38 AM 2024-01-04 A general dispute 306.96 0% 100% Active
ScreamingPenguin of Saraikia Muerte Agaton Sax of Asmodean 9/30/2023 12:25:08 PM 2023-10-07 A general dispute 333.62 0% 100% Active