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War history for RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre
RiddervanGelre has 11 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Reginald Stuart III of New Ventris Freehold of The Wolves RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre CLAWS 12/18/2024 4:39:32 PM 2024-12-25 M 450.62 0% 100% Active
Wippeli of Wippelandia Freehold of The Wolves RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre CLAWS 11/23/2024 5:42:05 AM 2024-11-30 A general dispute 420.64 0% 100% Active
Rothaic of Munrovia Freehold of The Wolves RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre CLAWS 11/21/2024 6:45:39 AM 2024-11-28 A general dispute 370.14 0% 100% Active
RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre CLAWS Canik of Tiny Nation Freehold of The Wolves 11/16/2024 9:26:06 AM 2024-11-23 contain my claws pls 36.28 0% 100% Active
RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre CLAWS rotinom of Gideons Sparta 11/16/2024 2:51:53 AM 2024-11-23 I like pigedeons, hurra! 548.07 0% 100% Active
RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre CLAWS Nicholas Strakhov of Kurkazia Freehold of The Wolves 11/16/2024 2:51:13 AM 2024-11-23 Herrow how r u 71.98 0% 100% Active
Flycatcher of Sacania Freehold of The Wolves RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre CLAWS 10/25/2024 11:46:18 PM 2024-11-01 A general dispute 360.86 15% 84% Active
Rothaic of Munrovia Freehold of The Wolves RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre CLAWS 10/25/2024 11:35:44 AM 2024-11-01 A general dispute 713.22 0% 100% Active
RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre CLAWS Croix of Edjaal Random Insanity Alliance 10/22/2024 6:01:19 AM 2024-10-29 Let me scratch that pls 44.10 0% 100% Active
RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre CLAWS The decimator of My new new nation Random Insanity Alliance 10/21/2024 1:25:05 PM 2024-10-28 What is love?baby dnt hurt me 146.48 0% 100% Active
RiddervanGelre of Nieuw Gelre CLAWS SeaBeeGipson of Denton Axiom of Regularity 2/20/2024 2:46:28 AM 2024-02-27 What does this button do? 354.57 0% 100% Active