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War history for AWick20 of Nation of Daniel
AWick20 has 19 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
planetary of planetarium CLAWS AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 2/10/2025 12:42:57 AM 2025-02-17 oorah 490.04 13% 86% Active
Kapleo of Kapleo CLAWS AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 12/29/2024 6:21:25 AM 2025-01-05 WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION????? 448.76 13% 86% Active
Terminator of USSROK CLAWS AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 12/20/2024 10:35:52 PM 2024-12-27 A general dispute 172.02 0% 100% Active
Tenebrioun of Grimm CLAWS AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 12/4/2024 11:30:07 PM 2024-12-11 A general dispute 60.00 100% 0% Active
Cadlore of OId Lore CLAWS AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 11/27/2024 11:55:44 PM 2024-12-04 A general dispute 2,371.15 2% 97% Active
AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta IlDuce of ItaliaSS CLAWS 10/25/2024 6:52:00 AM 2024-11-01 A general dispute 183.92 0% 100% Active
BettaChecka of Mancunian Animals Argent AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 10/19/2022 6:51:23 PM 2022-10-26 A general dispute 1,056.52 5% 94% Expired
rageproject of LaVale Independent Republic Of Orange Nations AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 9/24/2022 1:04:41 AM 2022-10-01 A general dispute 1,712.79 18% 81% Expired
LunaHD of Luna Commonwealth Argent AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 9/19/2022 11:49:44 PM 2022-09-26 hi 2,030.94 15% 84% Expired
AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta BettaChecka of Mancunian Animals Argent 9/19/2022 7:46:45 PM 2022-09-26 A general dispute % % Expired
Sixgun of Battles Wharf Independent Republic Of Orange Nations AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 8/14/2022 3:03:01 PM 2022-08-21 A general dispute 1,030.81 0% 100% Expired
rageproject of LaVale Independent Republic Of Orange Nations AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 8/10/2022 11:19:29 PM 2022-08-17 A general dispute 1,643.79 0% 100% Expired
The Big Bad of Empire of the North New Polar Order AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 7/26/2022 9:18:31 PM 2022-08-02 A general dispute 2,919.25 5% 94% Expired
KittenGosCrazy of Asexual Denmark Global Alliance And Treaty Organization AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 7/26/2022 6:14:34 PM 2022-08-02 For the Assembly 1,995.75 5% 94% Expired
celticguy40 of New Glockinshire Independent Republic Of Orange Nations AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 7/19/2022 12:09:48 AM 2022-07-26 A general dispute 4,190.70 11% 88% Expired
Ryan Greenberg of Funktopia New Polar Order AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 7/16/2022 6:23:28 PM 2022-07-23 Polaris % % Expired
madokayuri of lilykau Argent AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 7/8/2022 8:55:01 PM 2022-07-15 A general dispute 4,783.49 48% 51% Expired
Sirith of Nalrune AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 10/15/2021 12:21:04 AM 2021-10-22 A general dispute % % Expired
Gargantus of Gargantua Prime AWick20 of Nation of Daniel Sparta 10/15/2021 12:12:24 AM 2021-10-22 A general dispute % % Expired