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War history for Epimethys of Pyrrha
Epimethys has 9 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Epimethys of Pyrrha New Pacific Order neonthefox of waltoria NATO 1/27/2025 2:08:00 AM 2025-02-03 A general dispute 40.12 0% 100% Active
Epimethys of Pyrrha New Pacific Order BushyBeaver of Beaveland NATO 1/27/2025 2:01:42 AM 2025-02-03 A general dispute 293.25 0% 100% Active
Epimethys of Pyrrha New Pacific Order Soxirella of Jusmania Non Grata 1/21/2025 4:33:46 AM 2025-01-28 A general dispute 1,062.34 98% 1% Active
Okonkwo of Schaden Non Grata Epimethys of Pyrrha New Pacific Order 12/31/2024 12:08:21 AM 2025-01-07 MILK FLOW 180.04 9% 90% Active
Epimethys of Pyrrha New Pacific Order Stewie of Stewieland III Non Grata 12/16/2024 9:34:58 PM 2024-12-23 A general dispute 145.46 0% 100% Active
Epimethys of Pyrrha New Pacific Order Latexi of Why would I do this Non Grata 12/16/2024 9:34:46 PM 2024-12-23 A general dispute 93.79 0% 100% Active
Krihelion of Firebase Rhino The Legion Epimethys of Pyrrha New Pacific Order 7/13/2022 1:38:39 AM 2022-07-20 A general dispute 6,660.91 3% 96% Expired
Tector of Xindi The Legion Epimethys of Pyrrha New Pacific Order 7/2/2022 9:50:02 AM 2022-07-09 A general dispute 2,858.08 17% 82% Expired
KingdomOfSmegma of KingdomOfSmegma Kashmir Epimethys of Pyrrha New Pacific Order 3/4/2022 12:15:19 AM 2022-03-11 Raiding yo $%&*@ass 180.81 0% 100% Expired