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War history for mynameisZela of Zeltopia
mynameisZela has 44 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Balthier of Dalmascan Ruins Sparta mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 2/7/2025 3:33:27 PM 2025-02-14 A general dispute 82.53 0% 100% Active
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS Mihail the Just of Republic of Onivlac New Polar Order 2/5/2025 4:34:27 PM 2025-02-12 Dont spy, just DANCE 556.87 0% 100% Active
im317 of im317 Random Insanity Alliance mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 1/24/2025 12:00:24 AM 2025-01-31 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS ToiletGaming3000 of Good Game New Polar Order 1/20/2025 7:40:05 AM 2025-01-27 Lets spy on eachother with war 1,805.88 14% 85% Active
Rothaic of Munrovia Freehold of The Wolves mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 11/29/2024 4:28:43 AM 2024-12-06 A general dispute 369.50 0% 100% Active
Rothaic of Munrovia Freehold of The Wolves mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 11/21/2024 6:43:42 AM 2024-11-28 A general dispute 331.47 0% 100% Active
Turetel of Turetel Freehold of The Wolves mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 11/10/2024 11:20:30 AM 2024-11-17 Blood for the Blood God 1,084.87 5% 94% Active
Evileel of ell pond Sparta mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 11/10/2024 10:16:39 AM 2024-11-17 You voted for Trump! 308.19 0% 100% Active
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS MasterChief of Revived Freehold of The Wolves 11/9/2024 6:44:51 AM 2024-11-16 Just doing my job 0.00 0% 0% Active
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS rofrif of rofrif Sparta 11/9/2024 6:41:11 AM 2024-11-16 Just doing my job 181.98 0% 100% Active
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS LUCIOUS IMPERIOUS of INDIANS Random Insanity Alliance 11/9/2024 6:40:59 AM 2024-11-16 Just doing my job 99.57 0% 100% Active
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS Melos of Melos Nordreich 1/26/2024 5:24:40 PM 2024-02-02 MY LIFE FOR AIUR 0.00 0% 0% Active
Jason8 of Waldo Post Grunge Supergroup mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 3/29/2023 6:38:12 PM 2023-04-05 BLAME KAPLEO NOT HAKAI 205.41 0% 100% Peace
dev0win of 1nfinity Otriad NATO mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 12/17/2022 2:28:09 PM 2022-12-24 PeaceThroughSuperiorFirepower 10,310.49 11% 88% Expired
Iogaro12 of Iberia del Norte Freehold of The Wolves mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 10/19/2022 2:11:02 PM 2022-10-26 WAR 8,596.12 59% 40% Expired
Aspire of AspireFerty Freehold of The Wolves mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 10/11/2022 7:07:56 AM 2022-10-18 A general dispute 5,905.55 26% 73% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS Canik of Tiny Nation Freehold of The Wolves 10/8/2022 5:13:54 PM 2022-10-15 oops I miss clickeeeee 6,462.98 46% 53% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS Johnny Apocalypse of Anubia Ouroboros 10/8/2022 5:11:09 PM 2022-10-15 You seem so angry.... 2,566.41 64% 35% Expired
neonthefox of waltoria NATO mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 9/29/2022 9:06:02 AM 2022-10-06 Your teeth are mine! 11,482.10 63% 36% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS Smitty256 of HouseStark Freehold of The Wolves 9/25/2022 10:51:45 AM 2022-10-02 Hello again love >:-) 9,900.55 42% 57% Expired
Johnny Apocalypse of Anubia Ouroboros mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 9/19/2022 5:03:27 AM 2022-09-26 Balance % % Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS gainesta09 of gainesta09 NATO 9/12/2022 4:28:22 PM 2022-09-19 Blame Leadership 4 this % % Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS King Cyan of The Cyan Kingdom Christian Coalition Of Countries 9/12/2022 4:16:44 PM 2022-09-19 Because I was told too % % Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS ClashCityRocker of Garageland Freehold of The Wolves 9/12/2022 4:08:02 PM 2022-09-19 I was told to sorry % % Expired
stageidea of Provinz Sachsen Freehold of The Wolves mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 9/5/2022 9:06:14 PM 2022-09-12 A general dispute 9,169.22 69% 30% Expired
Stoopid Ace of Smokehaven Freehold of The Wolves mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 9/3/2022 4:13:53 AM 2022-09-10 /watch?v=EK7obeasoN4 20,286.53 8% 91% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS gameoverclocker of kryzhome NATO 8/15/2022 2:14:14 PM 2022-08-22 Sorry :( 3,023.59 33% 66% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS Smitty256 of HouseStark Freehold of The Wolves 8/4/2022 7:37:26 AM 2022-08-11 Because I was told too 19,843.43 52% 47% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST Freehold of The Wolves 8/4/2022 7:36:41 AM 2022-08-11 Because I was told too 2,245.32 8% 91% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS Nokium of Unified Scotland Freehold of The Wolves 7/21/2022 7:04:24 PM 2022-07-28 Following Orders 3,688.67 0% 100% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS SquidTheJim of SquidTheJim Freehold of The Wolves 7/21/2022 7:04:15 PM 2022-07-28 Following Orders 11,338.24 73% 26% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS Activision of Activision NATO 7/8/2022 9:22:02 PM 2022-07-15 Kill my d00ds please 8,833.17 32% 67% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS RedCommunist of DDR Freehold of The Wolves 7/8/2022 9:21:48 PM 2022-07-15 I just want my d00ds to die 10,331.94 24% 75% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS VelocityVIP of Galcorian Republic Freehold of The Wolves 6/28/2022 6:48:06 AM 2022-07-05 Blame Leadership 4 this 15,212.30 52% 47% Expired
Todor Jivkov of New Bulgar State Haven mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 1/23/2021 11:25:40 PM 2021-01-30 WATCH OUT IM comign in HAARD 10,427.39 38% 61% Expired
tanglerat of Tir Mor Kashmir mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 1/23/2021 11:19:34 PM 2021-01-30 Wah! 18,553.76 33% 66% Expired
Mogar of Mogatopia Non Grata mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS 1/17/2021 3:18:44 AM 2021-01-24 https://youtu.be/F6VfsJ7LAlE 2,663.15 35% 64% Expired
mynameisZela of Zeltopia CLAWS DemonSpawn of Northen Liberties 3/8/2020 9:24:44 PM 2020-03-15 A general dispute 346.83 0% 100% Expired
Galerion of blighty Imperium of Supernova X mynameisZela of Zeltopia Apocalypse Meow 4/9/2018 6:46:40 PM 2018-04-16 A general dispute 5,465.97 32% 67% Expired
Sir Kindle of New American Kingdom mynameisZela of Zeltopia Nights Watch 8/27/2017 12:14:21 AM 2017-09-03 MORPHINErefusesPEACEsoUburn % % Expired
Mikado of Shin Yogo Empire Imperium of Supernova X mynameisZela of Zeltopia Apocalypse Meow 8/11/2017 11:50:31 PM 2017-08-18 A general dispute 4,517.69 0% 100% Expired
Galerion of blighty Imperium of Supernova X mynameisZela of Zeltopia Apocalypse Meow 7/27/2017 12:01:05 AM 2017-08-03 A general dispute % % Expired
Done147 of Maalaiskunta Imperium of Supernova X mynameisZela of Zeltopia Apocalypse Meow 7/10/2017 11:39:01 PM 2017-07-17 For the Imperium 10,005.10 38% 61% Expired
Sanctus of Ventus Imperium of Supernova X mynameisZela of Zeltopia Apocalypse Meow 7/10/2017 7:43:51 PM 2017-07-17 A general dispute 5,140.17 18% 81% Expired