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War history for Sceptor of reykjavelin
Sceptor has 15 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Lordgmlp of The Navy Blue CLAWS Sceptor of reykjavelin 11/19/2020 12:14:36 AM 2020-11-26 A general dispute 1,868.81 0% 100% Expired
SirWilliam of Blissfields Kashmir Sceptor of reykjavelin 6/27/2018 5:01:42 PM 2018-07-04 More testicles 261.71 0% 100% Active
IronMan of JARVIS aNiMaLz Sceptor of reykjavelin 6/24/2018 9:39:53 PM 2018-07-01 Just want some tech 4,440.60 0% 100% Expired
GreyOps of Flatfield North Atlantic Defense Coalition Sceptor of reykjavelin umbrella 10/31/2017 5:36:28 PM 2017-11-07 A general dispute 10,480.56 0% 100% Expired
Rattlehead of Hellbilly Nation The Hillbilly Coalition Sceptor of reykjavelin umbrella 4/8/2017 6:11:29 AM 2017-04-15 O/CoTM 286.75 0% 100% Expired
AtomIkZ of casscadia The Hillbilly Coalition Sceptor of reykjavelin umbrella 3/31/2017 9:45:41 PM 2017-04-07 Here comes the sun sum nah nah 453.53 0% 100% Expired
osoicebrad of United Water Boyz The Hillbilly Coalition Sceptor of reykjavelin umbrella 3/30/2017 11:27:59 PM 2017-04-06 A general dispute 6,536.99 0% 100% Expired
QuareLL of Singosari Nusantara Elite Warriors Sceptor of reykjavelin Umbrella 7/18/2016 1:57:46 AM 2016-07-25 WAR 8,345.14 0% 100% Expired
kutumoncrot of KUTU MONCROT Nusantara Elite Warriors Sceptor of reykjavelin Umbrella 7/16/2016 10:47:50 AM 2016-07-23 Yo wasap? 9,668.40 0% 100% Expired
eviljak of Shadow Brethren Last Call Sceptor of reykjavelin Umbrella 5/12/2016 2:38:23 PM 2016-05-19 Eat my socks 5,725.75 2% 97% Expired
CeltSoldierKev of Dal Riata MI6 Sceptor of reykjavelin Umbrella 10/9/2015 4:25:22 PM 2015-10-16 You call yourself a sceptor? 4,575.31 7% 92% Expired
Yuto2002 of Yutopiah Adriatic Alliance Sceptor of reykjavelin Umbrella 1/26/2015 1:27:04 AM 2015-02-02 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Expired
JohnGulager of Mahera MI6 Sceptor of reykjavelin Umbrella 1/18/2015 10:48:00 PM 2015-01-25 A general dispute 6,421.42 0% 100% Expired
Emperor Montezuma of Imperial Azteca Alpha Omega Sceptor of reykjavelin Umbrella 12/10/2014 7:17:37 PM 2014-12-17 AO Pride 289.47 71% 28% Expired
ShogunKitty of Kingdom of Seattle Supernova X Sceptor of reykjavelin Umbrella 11/25/2014 10:09:25 PM 2014-12-02 A war for land 0.00 0% 0% Expired