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War history for derek004 of 80211N
derek004 has 8 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
recockulous of Yuge Indictments Fark derek004 of 80211N The Dark Templar 2/10/2025 11:57:35 AM 2025-02-17 Going out of warness sale 314.88 0% 100% Active
Chemical Minister of Psychedelia Ordo Mechanicus derek004 of 80211N 1/22/2018 5:39:03 AM 2018-01-29 A general dispute 415.55 0% 100% Expired
StoneLiviu of romanialibera Ordo Mechanicus derek004 of 80211N 1/21/2018 1:50:19 PM 2018-01-28 A general dispute 2,370.05 0% 100% Expired
derek004 of 80211N New Sith Order Azri32 of Wahaha Supernova X 12/1/2014 11:21:14 AM 2014-12-08 A general dispute 1,688.62 0% 100% Expired
derek004 of 80211N New Sith Order andy2015 of European nations Supernova X 11/22/2014 12:57:58 PM 2014-11-29 War 814.23 28% 71% Expired
delthan2 of comedyoferrors Fark derek004 of 80211N New Sith Order 12/22/2013 2:59:03 PM 2013-12-29 Good afternoon! 6,039.92 0% 100% Expired
McPeterson of Wonderland New Polar Order derek004 of 80211N New Sith Order 11/9/2013 8:33:32 AM 2013-11-16 NpO-NSO 2,663.10 39% 60% Expired
derek004 of 80211N New Sith Order Atanatar of The Red Republic Fark 11/4/2013 11:59:44 AM 2013-11-11 A general dispute 2,204.36 9% 90% Expired