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War history for Sir Gunz of Talent
Sir Gunz has 33 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
avatar3619 of Shendu New Pacific Order Sir Gunz of Talent Christian Coalition Of Countries 2/10/2025 6:02:50 PM 2025-02-17 You will be assimilated 2,185.06 12% 87% Active
Grendel of Beowulf Knights Of The Round Table Sir Gunz of Talent Christian Coalition Of Countries 2/10/2025 6:43:24 AM 2025-02-17 Now you come out? 45.98 100% 0% Active
Sir Gunz of Talent Christian Coalition Of Countries Knight of Alliance of Knights New Pacific Order 2/9/2025 10:43:19 PM 2025-02-16 Gunz reloaded 888.77 13% 86% Active
Sir Gunz of Talent Christian Coalition Of Countries Pressure of Newton New Pacific Order 2/9/2025 10:42:45 PM 2025-02-16 Betta late than never 582.88 25% 74% Active
Sir Gunz of Talent Christian Coalition Of Countries GoGrizz25 of GasolLand Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 2/9/2025 10:42:19 PM 2025-02-16 Let the gunz blaze 820.39 0% 100% Active
jesse james of Van Hoy Argent Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 9/11/2022 6:54:36 PM 2022-09-18 A general dispute 7,410.51 37% 62% Expired
Tharu of Thunnalai New Polar Order Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 9/4/2022 10:45:12 PM 2022-09-11 A general dispute 4,786.12 98% 1% Expired
JaxTheDruid of Caerulea Forest New Polar Order Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 8/30/2022 10:18:51 PM 2022-09-06 A general dispute 15,567.73 45% 54% Expired
The dutch Dragonborn of The Dutch Dragonborn New Polar Order Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 8/27/2022 5:03:56 PM 2022-09-03 A general dispute 5,371.08 63% 36% Expired
Saladjoe of Crymsonpalooza Argent Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 8/26/2022 11:10:36 PM 2022-09-02 A general dispute 6,863.45 74% 25% Expired
Legatus Equus of Vicus Argent Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 8/22/2022 12:00:24 AM 2022-08-29 For St. Beeter 12,876.85 20% 79% Expired
Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta Iamthey of Swiss Empire Argent 8/19/2022 11:31:51 PM 2022-08-26 You again? 8,971.06 59% 40% Expired
Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta Alexander the Blue of Wheatlandia Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 8/19/2022 11:31:24 PM 2022-08-26 A general dispute 4,510.02 0% 100% Expired
Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta AnonymousFox of Coralina Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 8/19/2022 11:31:00 PM 2022-08-26 A general dispute 2,999.18 0% 100% Active
Iamthey of Swiss Empire Argent Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 7/31/2022 9:49:19 PM 2022-08-07 Spreading Revolution 17,131.05 45% 54% Expired
Overlord Wes of wussys Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 7/26/2022 12:01:48 AM 2022-08-02 A general dispute 6,338.64 68% 31% Expired
Peroman200 of Petrolandija Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 7/25/2022 12:25:26 AM 2022-08-01 A general dispute 6,976.26 67% 32% Expired
captainjf of New Mombassa Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 7/18/2022 4:12:37 PM 2022-07-25 Hello there! 14,209.60 46% 53% Expired
Uelen of Uelen Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 7/16/2022 6:09:54 AM 2022-07-23 Meow 23,710.17 23% 76% Expired
John Mathews of Earth Three Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta 7/15/2022 12:08:00 AM 2022-07-22 oh hi there % % Expired
Sir Gunz of Talent Sparta Aztek of Boosted Argent 7/11/2022 3:53:07 AM 2022-07-18 Everything is Everything 21,675.65 65% 34% Expired
Sir Gunz of Talent Haven Sean Von Kragler of Mendocino CLAWS 1/24/2021 1:47:35 AM 2021-01-31 A general dispute % % Expired
Sir Gunz of Talent Haven Nashorn of Nashornstan MONGOLS 10/16/2020 12:15:21 AM 2020-10-23 Lets get it on! % % Expired
Sir Gunz of Talent Haven eviljak of Shadow Brethren King Neptunes Bar 10/3/2020 5:40:36 PM 2020-10-10 Natural State of War % % Expired
Todor Jivkov of New Bulgar State Haven Sir Gunz of Talent Haven 5/24/2020 6:33:08 PM 2020-05-31 War 5 1,070.89 0% 100% Expired
Wardoe of Croatian Mafia Haven Sir Gunz of Talent Haven 5/24/2020 4:24:21 PM 2020-05-31 A general dispute 168.24 0% 100% Expired
Sir Gunz of Talent Haven Khalifah Asram of Taliban Khilafah Haven 5/24/2020 4:21:18 PM 2020-05-31 War 3 638.37 100% 0% Expired
Sir Gunz of Talent Haven Kosi Kairaba of Kamubi Haven 5/24/2020 4:17:13 PM 2020-05-31 War 2 79.48 100% 0% Expired
Sir Gunz of Talent Haven BearCon of FreeBear Haven 5/24/2020 4:15:31 PM 2020-05-31 War 1 0.00 0% 0% Expired
Wemedge of Doomtopia Non Grata Sir Gunz of Talent Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance 5/6/2016 6:44:45 AM 2016-05-13 A general dispute 4,897.67 31% 68% Expired
Jonny of IS4LYFE Non Grata Sir Gunz of Talent Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance 5/4/2016 6:20:46 PM 2016-05-11 A general dispute 4,025.85 88% 11% Expired
Ipank El Zhenda of Dinasty Arnif Nusantara Elite Warriors Sir Gunz of Talent Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance 6/11/2013 12:01:27 PM 2013-06-18 A general dispute 1,054.89 71% 28% Expired
bass5020 of America Lite Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism Sir Gunz of Talent JemHadar 2012-06-07 2012-06-14 Your leader is hiding in PM!!! % % Expired