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War history for bussie of Bussie
bussie has 21 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
White Chocolate of Lander Clan CLAWS bussie of Bussie Veterans Hospital 2/17/2025 6:11:43 AM 2025-02-24 Talk to Tev 695.95 0% 100% Active
Mogar of Mogatopia Veneris bussie of Bussie Veterans Hospital 2/17/2025 1:39:54 AM 2025-02-24 Read your direct msg from me 0.00 0% 0% Active
Tevron of Devion CLAWS bussie of Bussie Veterans Hospital 2/16/2025 3:10:59 AM 2025-02-23 Repo 243.48 0% 100% Active
Whitetigger of Bladesland Sparta bussie of Bussie CLAWS 12/28/2024 12:14:47 AM 2025-01-04 Sparta/CLAWS War 270.20 0% 100% Active
Herzog of Black Amber Sparta bussie of Bussie CLAWS 12/9/2024 11:48:09 PM 2024-12-16 A general dispute 546.37 0% 100% Active
Gingray of Colonia Irlanda Sparta bussie of Bussie CLAWS 11/29/2024 1:18:01 AM 2024-12-06 A general dispute 505.86 0% 100% Active
Einer of Jesusland Mostly Harmless Alliance bussie of Bussie CLAWS 10/27/2022 11:17:03 PM 2022-11-03 You should go to peace mode 375.24 0% 100% Expired
MasterChief of Revived Freehold of The Wolves bussie of Bussie CLAWS 9/30/2022 8:16:59 PM 2022-10-07 A general dispute 11,309.37 34% 65% Expired
pjk11 of BOOM HEADSHOT Freehold of The Wolves bussie of Bussie CLAWS 9/25/2022 11:41:45 PM 2022-10-02 A general dispute 34,313.31 20% 79% Expired
McGee of J3dgar Freehold of The Wolves bussie of Bussie CLAWS 9/24/2022 4:54:50 AM 2022-10-01 A general dispute 27,548.58 25% 74% Expired
bussie of Bussie CLAWS Sycora of Sycorax Freehold of The Wolves 9/23/2022 7:19:11 PM 2022-09-30 A general dispute 10,879.56 62% 37% Expired
bussie of Bussie CLAWS andrewb610 of Brennana1 Freehold of The Wolves 9/23/2022 12:23:52 AM 2022-09-30 A general dispute % % Expired
Kapleo of Kaplea The Phoenix Federation bussie of Bussie CLAWS 1/23/2021 11:32:52 PM 2021-01-30 Reducing your bills 14,171.17 16% 83% Expired
Smok3y-Bull3t of R3public Sovereign League of Armed Powers bussie of Bussie 11/15/2017 11:45:35 PM 2017-11-22 Raid % % Expired
Sabotage of Saboutigua Kashmir bussie of Bussie 11/15/2017 10:42:46 PM 2017-11-22 A general dispute % % Expired
murtibing of Fluens Monsters Inc bussie of Bussie 11/10/2017 11:50:55 PM 2017-11-17 Raid 7,214.80 1% 98% Expired
Josef K of The Trial Rogue One bussie of Bussie Menotah 10/13/2017 2:38:23 AM 2017-10-20 Up in flames 17,040.86 2% 97% Expired
King Homer of Land of Nostalgics Kashmir bussie of Bussie Menotah 7/4/2017 9:26:24 PM 2017-07-11 Baloney Sandwiches 3,891.38 7% 92% Expired
tanglerat of Tir Mor Kashmir bussie of Bussie Menotah 5/31/2017 5:47:06 PM 2017-06-07 Smeeeee 8,684.46 0% 99% Expired
Lex Quintus of Flotsam Kashmir bussie of Bussie Menotah 5/30/2017 8:02:14 PM 2017-06-06 What is best in life? 23,464.69 0% 99% Expired
bussie of Bussie Menotah Captain Swirl of Cinnamon 1/24/2014 2:44:59 AM 2014-01-31 Retribution for raid on Coolgr 768.93 10% 89% Expired