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War history for ViceOverlord of Bettongia
ViceOverlord has 28 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
KameraadLenin of Newfoundland SSR Non Grata ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 2/8/2025 12:51:49 PM 2025-02-15 shamone 339.55 0% 100% Active
Latexi of Why would I do this Non Grata ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 1/27/2025 12:37:54 AM 2025-02-03 A general dispute 291.90 0% 100% Active
Njero of Njebooro NATO ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 11/23/2024 6:57:56 PM 2024-11-30 tres 443.13 0% 100% Active
RandomNoobster of Pimitivo Non Grata ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 12/2/2022 10:28:50 AM 2022-12-09 A general dispute 3,110.09 72% 27% Expired
ni431 of ni nation Non Grata ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 11/18/2022 11:07:55 AM 2022-11-25 A general dispute 6,148.46 0% 100% Expired
mojo882 of kolsara The Legion ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 10/23/2022 3:41:16 PM 2022-10-30 A general dispute 5,964.94 12% 87% Expired
slave2Jesus of Botswana Part2 Christian Coalition Of Countries ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 7/5/2022 4:21:54 PM 2022-07-12 Def against blanket wars % % Expired
Azkadel of Outer Zone Christian Coalition Of Countries ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 7/5/2022 3:02:20 PM 2022-07-12 Deus Vult! % % Expired
malazar of Jinnailand The Phoenix Federation ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 6/18/2016 8:51:40 PM 2016-06-25 Why not? 13,039.77 0% 100% Expired
HalfEmpty of NorthFloridaBlunder The Phoenix Federation ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 5/6/2016 4:36:32 PM 2016-05-13 Its me its me Ernest T 2,684.32 0% 100% Expired
malazar of Jinnailand The Phoenix Federation ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 4/16/2016 1:48:38 PM 2016-04-23 A general dispute 5,736.70 0% 100% Expired
JBone of Boneslovia The Phoenix Federation ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 4/16/2016 8:25:02 AM 2016-04-23 A general dispute 5,159.66 0% 100% Expired
bibliophile of BIBLIOSTAN The Phoenix Federation ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 4/3/2016 12:15:32 AM 2016-04-10 A general dispute 8,117.61 1% 98% Expired
HalfEmpty of NorthFloridaBlunder The Phoenix Federation ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 3/31/2016 5:31:34 PM 2016-04-07 Howdy! 4,231.63 0% 100% Expired
malazar of Jinnailand The Phoenix Federation ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 3/13/2016 6:09:42 PM 2016-03-20 Fresh meat 8,595.94 5% 94% Expired
Jacob Reiffenstein of South Alyeska Siberian Tiger Alliance ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 12/5/2015 6:36:12 AM 2015-12-12 Burning time! 25,357.90 44% 55% Expired
Azure Mantle of Pravitelstvo North Atlantic Defense Coalition ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 11/15/2014 5:16:25 AM 2014-11-22 A general dispute 5,279.80 0% 99% Expired
Sarahleigh of Frenchy Coalition of Royal Allied Powers ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 11/15/2014 1:23:31 AM 2014-11-22 crappow 9,623.87 15% 84% Expired
Atrakki of Corponation Invicta ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 11/14/2014 11:53:39 PM 2014-11-21 A general dispute 3,634.33 0% 100% Expired
Therm of Xville Valhalla ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 12/7/2013 12:11:01 AM 2013-12-14 navy xp 8,606.90 47% 52% Expired
abbasmehdi of abbasmehdi MI6 ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 12/6/2013 12:00:53 AM 2013-12-13 A general dispute 12,803.34 69% 30% Expired
TheDeathBringer of DeathBringerLand MI6 ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 11/29/2013 11:36:59 PM 2013-12-06 A general dispute 8,508.04 63% 36% Expired
KingHippo of PunchOut Valhalla ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 11/18/2013 1:40:48 PM 2013-11-25 hey there; happy war 12,043.27 72% 27% Expired
ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order spunk of picasso Valhalla 11/17/2013 11:51:47 PM 2013-11-24 A general dispute 13,897.64 33% 66% Expired
Colin Myrhh of Wychwood The Legion ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 11/4/2013 11:47:32 PM 2013-11-11 WUT! You have ice cream ? 12,893.86 27% 72% Expired
MeltedLazerz of Jakulia The Legion ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 11/4/2013 3:47:56 AM 2013-11-11 STAGGAH WITH SOME SWAGGAH 11,211.81 16% 83% Expired
milled of muleys Sparta ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 11/3/2013 12:13:34 PM 2013-11-10 A general dispute 3,802.09 23% 76% Expired
asawyer of Zabril Viridian Entente ViceOverlord of Bettongia New Pacific Order 2012-06-26 2012-07-03 No WRC = Fun for Me % % War