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War history for Temporal91 of Aikion
Temporal91 has 60 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Dale Flanderlion of Flanderlion New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 2/11/2025 5:03:18 AM 2025-02-18 A general dispute 111.46 0% 100% Active
Umbrae Noctem of Gronland New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 2/5/2025 11:45:10 PM 2025-02-12 Abandon Chrome, revert to IE6 387.57 15% 84% Active
DeathAdder of Westfalen New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 1/31/2025 11:04:03 PM 2025-02-07 The cake is a lie 0.00 0% 0% Active
Admiral Alexander of The CommonWealthCW The Wolves Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 1/28/2025 2:33:20 PM 2025-02-04 A general dispute 523.80 0% 100% Active
RahulHP of RHLand New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 1/25/2025 9:27:37 AM 2025-02-01 A general dispute 144.45 100% 0% Active
Cortath of Cortath New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 1/18/2025 4:09:50 PM 2025-01-25 Emus on parade! 0.00 0% 0% Active
Al Bundy of bundyville The Wolves Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 1/14/2025 7:19:22 AM 2025-01-21 A general dispute 151.91 0% 100% Active
Umbrae Noctem of Gronland New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 1/9/2025 2:32:09 PM 2025-01-16 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
Random Hero of Asslandia New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 1/6/2025 2:20:19 PM 2025-01-13 Raiding for fresh babies 0.00 0% 0% Active
Al Bundy of bundyville The Wolves Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 12/30/2024 12:00:56 AM 2025-01-06 A general dispute 579.64 48% 51% Active
Albasti of Kayi Tribe New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 12/25/2024 11:28:39 AM 2025-01-01 A general dispute 69.30 0% 100% Active
Ashwyesum of The Ashes State New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 12/20/2024 12:20:27 AM 2024-12-27 A general dispute 436.52 73% 26% Active
Lord Squintus of Strudeldorf New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 12/18/2024 6:23:21 AM 2024-12-25 A general dispute 176.96 0% 100% Active
Dimitri of New Siberia New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 12/12/2024 12:00:40 AM 2024-12-19 vaya con dios 168.47 100% 0% Active
paulo11 of Cameland New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 12/5/2024 5:03:59 PM 2024-12-12 Earth shattering kaboom 226.87 0% 100% Active
axel3200 of Valta New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 12/2/2024 8:40:14 PM 2024-12-09 Stealing your oxygen 436.68 40% 59% Active
Killerbankz of HellOnEarth New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 11/27/2024 10:39:55 PM 2024-12-04 You + me = :*( 469.41 0% 100% Active
Immortalis712 of Republic of Intima New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 11/23/2024 11:48:34 AM 2024-11-30 Blood for the blood god! 0.00 0% 0% Active
DeathAdder of Westfalen New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 11/17/2024 1:17:28 AM 2024-11-24 Infra adjustment bureau 142.67 0% 100% Active
Immortalis712 of Republic of Intima New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 11/11/2024 3:05:47 PM 2024-11-18 Scotch Harvesting Expedition 0.00 0% 0% Active
DeathAdder of Westfalen New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 11/5/2024 1:15:21 AM 2024-11-12 Skulls for the skull throne! 362.61 0% 100% Active
General Somoza of Matanikau The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 10/29/2024 3:22:27 PM 2024-11-05 Just following orders 3,109.35 21% 78% Active
MikeCat of Renastasia New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 10/23/2024 7:23:26 PM 2024-10-30 I need your butter 312.11 59% 40% Active
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO Flack of Flack The Dark Templar 10/17/2024 5:29:22 PM 2024-10-24 A general dispute 275.24 0% 100% Active
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO TheChickenRun of Costco Wholesale The Dark Templar 10/17/2024 5:28:46 PM 2024-10-24 A general dispute 337.28 57% 42% Active
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO ReForce of Axors The Dark Templar 10/17/2024 5:28:20 PM 2024-10-24 A general dispute 290.00 31% 68% Active
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO firingline of TheCastle NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES 7/19/2024 8:08:52 PM 2024-07-26 A general dispute 377.89 46% 53% Active
Chibun of Smol Angry Kitten New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 12/9/2022 12:00:19 AM 2022-12-16 A general dispute 8,410.44 24% 75% Expired
Chibun of Smol Angry Kitten New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 11/30/2022 12:03:02 AM 2022-12-07 A general dispute 10,468.08 36% 63% Expired
Dimitri of New Siberia New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 10/31/2022 12:05:41 AM 2022-11-07 Raiding 6,764.82 13% 86% Expired
King Aeneas of Empire Of Troy Doom Wolves Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 10/18/2022 2:44:33 PM 2022-10-25 Open War 8,361.76 28% 71% Expired
Stanley Steemer of Erwin Township New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 10/10/2022 4:34:49 AM 2022-10-17 A colonel dispute 1,595.33 20% 79% Expired
Stanley Steemer of Erwin Township New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 10/2/2022 1:18:32 PM 2022-10-09 o/ 6,230.24 25% 74% Expired
Crayon King of Aloyarc New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 9/24/2022 12:00:48 AM 2022-10-01 A general dispute % % Expired
Wuldor Winnan of Wuldor Winnan Doom Wolves Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 9/15/2022 2:29:05 AM 2022-09-22 A general dispute 4,432.55 8% 91% Expired
Imahopper of Freemasons America Doom Wolves Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 8/17/2022 2022-08-24 A general dispute 5,240.98 80% 19% Expired
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO Lord Squintus of Strudeldorf New Pacific Order 8/14/2022 12:18:06 PM 2022-08-21 A general dispute 7,186.11 85% 14% Expired
Bohemond Hauteville of Antioche CLAWS Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 7/30/2022 9:14:50 AM 2022-08-06 A general dispute 3,822.13 16% 83% Expired
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO Lord Squintus of Strudeldorf New Pacific Order 7/23/2022 3:55:50 PM 2022-07-30 A general dispute 12,368.00 66% 33% Expired
haklar of Lamendo New Pacific Order Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 6/29/2022 12:52:54 AM 2022-07-06 A general dispute 3,313.89 27% 72% Expired
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO The Dark Emperor of The Wicked Empire Doom Squad 6/25/2022 9:53:53 PM 2022-07-02 A general dispute 4,251.43 87% 12% Expired
ghostgoss of Webbflea CLAWS Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 3/17/2019 4:53:42 AM 2019-03-24 A general dispute 60.77 0% 100% Expired
Mohammad SAW of Almujadistan Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 4/17/2017 6:56:13 AM 2017-04-24 nato... no respekt 1,030.90 0% 100% Expired
scozy of Kenoland The Legion Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 4/11/2017 10:21:13 PM 2017-04-18 The prequel trilogy is crap! 2,743.42 0% 100% Expired
Caeiro of Ascardia The Legion Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 4/10/2017 11:36:49 PM 2017-04-17 Ave Legio! 2,161.29 0% 100% Expired
Landor of Hatstone The Legion Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 3/28/2017 8:00:44 AM 2017-04-04 A general dispute 597.94 0% 100% Expired
Mister Mister of Misteria The Legion Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 3/26/2017 12:58:36 AM 2017-04-02 A generals dispute 3,357.91 0% 100% Expired
Roland Traveler of Roland Empire The Legion Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 3/24/2017 10:34:09 AM 2017-03-31 A general dispute 1,932.83 4% 95% Expired
Alfred Deakin of Polystralia Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 1/15/2015 7:49:49 AM 2015-01-22 To please the casualty gods 2,269.76 9% 90% Expired
smontag of ASU4Life Fark Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 1/16/2014 8:27:06 AM 2014-01-23 What does this do? 5,139.72 0% 100% Expired
General Forrest of Forrests Critters Fark Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 12/24/2013 12:03:09 AM 2013-12-31 A general dispute 7,103.36 0% 100% Expired
jalap of Elisia Mostly Harmless Alliance Temporal91 of Aikion NATO 12/23/2013 9:59:02 AM 2013-12-30 Buy you a beer 2,685.26 2% 97% Expired
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO Stilgar33 of New Dune Mostly Harmless Alliance 12/16/2013 3:18:21 PM 2013-12-23 A general dispute 844.13 0% 100% Expired
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO Jatayu of Ravnica Mushroom Kingdom 3/18/2013 2:38:08 PM 2013-03-25 A general dispute 2,478.82 95% 4% Expired
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO stalwart of Texass Umbrella 3/14/2013 7:02:39 AM 2013-03-21 A general dispute 35.03 0% 100% Expired
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO StateBMartin of Nuguns Orange Defense Network 2/8/2013 2:32:50 PM 2013-02-15 A general dispute 2,529.17 87% 12% Expired
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO Meoxmix of Novoe Schastya The International 1/22/2013 7:00:53 PM 2013-01-29 A general dispute 78.66 0% 100% Expired
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO rsoxbronco1 of Instant Regret Mushroom Kingdom 2012-07-11 2012-07-18 A general dispute % % Expired
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO Quiziotle of Hannah Montana 2 Mushroom Kingdom 2012-06-21 2012-06-28 A general dispute % % Expired
Temporal91 of Aikion NATO joshua9719 of vahicton nuclear proliferation league 2012-05-01 2012-05-08 Anti-Rogue Action % % Expired