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War history for SirTwist of Twistland
SirTwist has 49 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Tsayka of Trisaram NATO SirTwist of Twistland The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 2/7/2025 7:01:38 AM 2025-02-14 A general dispute 362.70 0% 100% Active
stugots of Trumpopolis NATO SirTwist of Twistland The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 1/26/2025 8:48:12 AM 2025-02-02 NATO NATO NATO NATO NATO NATO 317.95 0% 100% Active
Njero of Njebooro NATO SirTwist of Twistland The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 1/25/2025 12:25:12 AM 2025-02-01 Semi-hourly screamin. 352.84 0% 100% Active
Dr Doctor of NATO Armed Forces NATO SirTwist of Twistland The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 1/19/2025 12:04:19 AM 2025-01-26 Why would Cosmic do this 489.47 0% 100% Active
Tsayka of Trisaram NATO SirTwist of Twistland The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 1/16/2025 5:50:39 PM 2025-01-23 A general dispute 284.47 0% 100% Active
King James II of Michigan II NATO SirTwist of Twistland The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 1/10/2025 12:00:16 AM 2025-01-17 Cosmic doesnt care about you 212.88 0% 100% Active
Pile Butts of Wobblies Freehold of The Wolves SirTwist of Twistland The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 9/16/2022 4:00:59 AM 2022-09-23 A general dispute 3,383.93 0% 100% Expired
mochi of Artaeum COBRA SirTwist of Twistland 10/12/2019 10:07:29 AM 2019-10-19 A general dispute % % Expired
General Kanabis of Imperio Mexica Non Grata SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 9/28/2019 5:28:30 AM 2019-10-05 Peace Offer 595.60 0% 100% Expired
ShadowSKAR of Hidden Shadows Non Grata SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 9/28/2019 12:13:52 AM 2019-10-05 A general dispute 1,013.19 0% 100% Expired
King Cyan of The Cyan Kingdom Non Grata SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 9/24/2019 12:01:45 AM 2019-10-01 ALFER NEEDS DEAD DUDES 2,981.29 0% 100% Expired
General Kanabis of Imperio Mexica Non Grata SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 9/16/2019 12:01:52 AM 2019-09-23 Canik sent me 1,526.97 0% 100% Expired
ALFERALFER of ALFERIFIC Non Grata SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 9/9/2019 8:55:03 PM 2019-09-16 I NEED DEAD DUDES 1,673.60 0% 100% Expired
King Cyan of The Cyan Kingdom Non Grata SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 9/8/2019 12:01:52 AM 2019-09-15 Dramatic plot twist 2,748.37 0% 100% Expired
WagonWheel of Wagons Non Grata SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 8/2/2019 3:33:17 AM 2019-08-09 A general dispute 3,732.21 0% 100% Expired
Lord Hitchcock of Brittben Nusantara Elite Warriors SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 7/24/2019 6:04:18 AM 2019-07-31 A general dispute % % Expired
ALFERALFER of ALFERIFIC Non Grata SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 7/18/2019 8:38:22 PM 2019-07-25 I NEED DEAD DUDES % % Expired
General Kanabis of Imperio Mexica COBRA SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 5/15/2019 8:47:37 AM 2019-05-22 How Sweet it is 165.13 0% 100% Expired
Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 5/6/2019 2:27:09 PM 2019-05-13 A general dispute 452.95 0% 100% Expired
Talbrys of Keltroy COBRA SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 5/2/2019 11:08:51 PM 2019-05-09 A general dispute 1,216.13 0% 100% Expired
Ehecatl of Tlacopan COBRA SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 5/2/2019 10:11:15 AM 2019-05-09 A general dispute 385.88 0% 100% Expired
Caustic of Hazardous Materials Non Grata SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 4/13/2019 2:46:52 PM 2019-04-20 A general dispute 1,233.44 0% 100% Expired
SirWilliam of Blissfields Kashmir SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 4/11/2019 11:51:00 PM 2019-04-18 A general dispute 2,539.20 0% 100% Expired
Soxirella of Jusmania Non Grata SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 4/11/2019 4:34:13 AM 2019-04-18 A general dispute 2,313.79 0% 100% Expired
kerschbs of indica Non Grata SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 3/26/2019 8:24:43 PM 2019-04-02 Flag dispute 2,381.61 0% 100% Expired
PandaMercenary of WeSeeYou COBRA SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 10/29/2018 12:03:23 AM 2018-11-05 A general dispute 2,240.83 0% 100% Expired
Jonesing of Jonesville COBRA SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 10/23/2018 5:45:40 AM 2018-10-30 A general dispute 5,572.34 0% 100% Expired
Five0ne of Lost Hills COBRA SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 10/23/2018 4:28:03 AM 2018-10-30 War, war never changes. 3,242.62 0% 100% Expired
murtibing of Fluens COBRA SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves 9/28/2018 11:52:59 PM 2018-10-05 Alliance defence 10,073.22 5% 94% Expired
SirTwist of Twistland Freehold of The Wolves Jack Layton of NDPstan War Jesus 4/27/2018 12:53:26 PM 2018-05-04 A general dispute 908.84 0% 100% Expired
idiotman of Idiotland SirTwist of Twistland The Imperial Remnant 4/30/2017 12:26:54 PM 2017-05-07 Raid, peace sent % % Expired
Chae Yeong of Taejin SirTwist of Twistland The Imperial Remnant 8/6/2016 3:23:24 AM 2016-08-13 nothing personnel kid 347.13 0% 100% Expired
Hotti of Kiosk The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons SirTwist of Twistland 6/23/2016 12:08:58 PM 2016-06-30 . 8,648.82 0% 100% Expired
jerkdotwad of Ameroca Goon Order of Neutral Shoving SirTwist of Twistland The Imperial Remnant 12/11/2015 12:00:44 AM 2015-12-18 Doornail 2,876.63 0% 100% Expired
jerkdotwad of Ameroca Goon Order of Neutral Shoving SirTwist of Twistland The Imperial Remnant 11/14/2015 6:53:31 AM 2015-11-21 Second verse,same as the first 3,608.96 6% 93% Expired
jerkdotwad of Ameroca Goon Order of Neutral Shoving SirTwist of Twistland The Imperial Remnant 11/2/2015 9:01:41 PM 2015-11-09 doornail 2,830.52 13% 86% Expired
Blackenberg of Blackenberg Kashmir SirTwist of Twistland The Imperial Remnant 10/14/2015 8:07:59 AM 2015-10-21 doornail wears lingerie 1,292.96 0% 100% Expired
shreejesh of NEPAL Kashmir SirTwist of Twistland The Imperial Remnant 10/14/2015 3:53:46 AM 2015-10-21 Ill take your money. 4,811.20 0% 100% Expired
Margrave of Marchar Kingdom Kashmir SirTwist of Twistland The Imperial Remnant 10/14/2015 12:59:38 AM 2015-10-21 Burn it down 1,153.69 0% 100% Expired
Kaleshnia 20 of Kaleshnia V2 The Evilistrator Elite Nations SirTwist of Twistland The Imperial Remnant 6/27/2014 10:52:02 PM 2014-07-04 ITS ALL OGRE COMRADE 1,895.03 43% 56% Expired
King Conrad of Empire of Man SirTwist of Twistland The Shadow Legacy 12/10/2013 12:10:39 AM 2013-12-17 Presents of Nuclear Arms 1,786.71 0% 100% Expired
arif09 of N1geria Alliance Of Nigerian Nations SirTwist of Twistland The Shadow Legacy 4/4/2013 3:07:40 AM 2013-04-11 A general dispute 651.61 0% 100% Expired
ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism SirTwist of Twistland The Shadow Legacy 2012-10-07 2012-10-14 ask your leader % % Expired
Paratan of DOUSED in gravy Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism SirTwist of Twistland The Shadow Legacy 2012-10-07 2012-10-14 Fat Man Drinks a Bowl Of Gravy % % Expired
ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism SirTwist of Twistland The Shadow Legacy 2012-09-29 2012-10-06 A general dispute % % War
Paratan of DOUSED in gravy Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism SirTwist of Twistland The Shadow Legacy 2012-09-22 2012-09-29 Fat Man Eats A 8 Piece Chiken % % Expired
Malinok of Upper Canada Wolf Pack SirTwist of Twistland The Shadow Legacy 2012-08-19 2012-08-26 War I love it % % Peace
barrybondo of Katsry New World Order SirTwist of Twistland The Shadow Legacy 2012-08-17 2012-08-24 peace % % Peace
Malinok of Upper Canada Wolf Pack SirTwist of Twistland The Shadow Legacy 2012-08-16 2012-08-23 Raid, Peace sent % % Peace