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War history for Boraten of Boraten
Boraten has 35 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
James Spanier of Lowsten Argent Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 2/7/2025 10:39:22 PM 2025-02-14 Hello There! 693.08 0% 100% Active
Princess Entrapta of Kingdom of Dryl Argent Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 1/31/2025 3:20:11 PM 2025-02-07 Lobster Knife Fight! 527.28 0% 100% Active
LittleRena of Anyplace Argent Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 1/24/2025 9:00:14 AM 2025-01-31 Blame Einer 342.16 0% 100% Active
Janax of Krymson Argent Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 1/22/2025 6:41:31 PM 2025-01-29 Shoulda Peaced out 322.13 0% 100% Active
Bob of Beta Site The Dark Templar Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 1/14/2025 7:54:18 PM 2025-01-21 A FRIEND!!!!!! 622.43 0% 100% Active
Princess Entrapta of Kingdom of Dryl Argent Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 1/12/2025 3:05:22 PM 2025-01-19 Play time! 624.18 0% 100% Active
Saladjoe of Crymsonpalooza Argent Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 12/29/2024 9:47:56 PM 2025-01-05 A general dispute 337.15 0% 100% Active
Saladjoe of Crymsonpalooza Argent Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 12/19/2024 8:45:59 PM 2024-12-26 A general dispute 350.03 0% 100% Active
Xamuel of Celtic Forest Post Grunge Supergroup Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 11/26/2024 9:54:02 PM 2024-12-03 A general dispute 488.63 0% 100% Active
Iain Llewellyn of Halechem Argent Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 11/17/2024 9:25:11 PM 2024-11-24 A general dispute 437.25 0% 100% Active
Catface of Cathouse The Dark Templar Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/12/2024 7:00:20 PM 2024-10-19 A general dispute 62.40 0% 100% Active
Stetson76 of Axeland CLAWS Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 12/4/2022 11:02:25 AM 2022-12-11 A general dispute 9,965.79 25% 74% Expired
malakarlian of malakarlian Doom Wolves Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 10/31/2022 10:07:20 AM 2022-11-07 A general dispute 14,594.99 25% 74% Expired
Admiral Alexander of The CommonWealthCW Doom Wolves Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 9/4/2022 11:42:47 PM 2022-09-11 A general dispute 16,650.16 4% 95% Expired
Thom98 of Swampville Doom Wolves Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 8/20/2022 11:27:58 PM 2022-08-27 Atari Jaguar 7,691.04 44% 55% Expired
Al Bundy of bundyville Doom Wolves Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 8/17/2022 12:03:00 AM 2022-08-24 Cant keep me down! 3,457.10 3% 96% Expired
Lord Darrin of Soaring Eagle Doom Squad Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 8/12/2022 8:03:12 PM 2022-08-19 A general dispute 13,092.90 26% 73% Expired
Thom98 of Swampville Doom Wolves Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 8/10/2022 9:28:35 PM 2022-08-17 Atari Jaguar 7,584.72 41% 58% Expired
Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance firingline of TheCastle Doom Squad 8/10/2022 8:29:15 PM 2022-08-17 Glowing green is trending 12,373.24 48% 51% Expired
firingline of TheCastle Doom Squad Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 7/18/2022 7:14:51 AM 2022-07-25 Weak 17,113.18 64% 35% Expired
Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance General Vengeance of Vengeful Carnage 8/27/2021 6:51:14 AM 2021-09-03 GLOWING GREEN IS TRENDING PT 3 27,786.11 66% 33% Expired
Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance General Vengeance of Vengeful Carnage 8/16/2021 5:42:17 PM 2021-08-23 Glowing green is trending pt 2 19,753.68 53% 46% Expired
Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance General Vengeance of Vengeful Carnage 8/3/2021 5:49:27 PM 2021-08-10 Glowing green is trending 26,215.56 57% 42% Expired
Quenn Jovanka of Jovanka Nusantara Elite Warriors Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 1/12/2015 12:03:30 AM 2015-01-19 A general dispute 3,566.89 0% 100% Expired
Quenn Jovanka of Jovanka Nusantara Elite Warriors Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 12/26/2014 9:53:00 AM 2015-01-02 Happy holiday 7,867.01 0% 100% Expired
vfchicago28 of Winter War Nordreich Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 1/22/2014 11:17:44 AM 2014-01-29 Nordland marches on TvM! 5,677.84 4% 95% Expired
Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance Nemhauser of Chemelot 11/26/2013 11:49:37 AM 2013-12-03 down with chem innovation!!! 9,440.66 99% 0% Expired
Larajoseph of Armida The Legion Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 3/18/2013 8:41:10 PM 2013-03-25 A general dispute 816.58 0% 100% Expired
Buzz Lightyear of Gamma Quadrant Non Grata Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 3/12/2013 12:03:08 AM 2013-03-19 A general dispute 4,654.42 13% 86% Expired
Dabigbluewhale of I Drink Windex LoSS Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 2012-07-24 2012-07-31 Hai thar! % % Expired
Windsor of Californya Hooligans Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 2012-07-19 2012-07-26 Liberté, égalité, fraternité % % Expired
Josip Broz TITO of Jugoslavija LoSS Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 2012-07-18 2012-07-25 chedab glorious leader % % War
Commander Sheperd of Human Race LOSS Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 2012-07-04 2012-07-11 CHEBAB % % Expired
SuperNig of Land of SuperNig LoSS Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 2012-07-04 2012-07-11 Defense of LoSN/LoSS % % Expired
Seleucius of Seleucia LoSS Boraten of Boraten Mostly Harmless Alliance 2012-07-03 2012-07-10 LoSS-MHA War % % Expired