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War history for Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite
Smurthwaite has 96 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League RedQueen of Myotistan Post Grunge Supergroup 2/2/2025 5:34:05 PM 2025-02-09 Hello. 146.04 14% 85% Active
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Kaenver of PDR Muog Madlads Union 2/2/2025 2:56:49 AM 2025-02-09 Hello 170.33 0% 100% Active
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League claude of Doom House Doom Squad 2/2/2025 2:44:48 AM 2025-02-09 In Exchange for Gofast 296.27 0% 100% Active
The Dark Emperor of The Wicked Empire Doom Squad Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 12/9/2024 11:33:39 PM 2024-12-16 A general dispute 361.59 42% 57% Active
SupaSural of Suraltopia Post Grunge Supergroup Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 12/8/2024 4:01:15 PM 2024-12-15 DB Poopy 0.00 0% 0% Active
Burger of Neo Assyria Doom Squad Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 12/1/2024 2:20:07 PM 2024-12-08 A general dispute 265.50 26% 73% Active
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Makinde Anthony of NORTH NIGERIA Doom Squad 11/25/2024 12:47:20 AM 2024-12-02 Time for Nukacola 412.46 0% 100% Active
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Chllama of Renton Post Grunge Supergroup 11/25/2024 12:44:06 AM 2024-12-02 Nukacola: Limited Edition 99.19 0% 100% Active
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League The Dark Emperor of The Wicked Empire Doom Squad 11/25/2024 12:42:12 AM 2024-12-02 Round 2 70.85 0% 100% Active
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Apolloyon of Logres Post Grunge Supergroup 11/1/2024 12:11:47 AM 2024-11-08 Take Your Nuke To Work Week 420.79 0% 100% Active
Eumirbago of World Wide Web Doom Squad Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 10/31/2024 8:00:54 PM 2024-11-07 Yamborghini High 281.09 0% 100% Active
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League sirmacoVI of Macona Post Grunge Supergroup 10/30/2024 8:24:06 PM 2024-11-06 Take Your Nuke To Work Week 782.25 0% 100% Active
The Dark Emperor of The Wicked Empire Doom Squad Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 10/25/2024 9:12:33 PM 2024-11-01 A general dispute 0.00 0% 0% Active
James Spanier of Lowsten Argent Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 10/18/2024 5:21:38 PM 2024-10-25 Hello There 0.00 0% 0% Active
Saladjoe of Crymsonpalooza Argent Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 10/18/2024 5:04:32 PM 2024-10-25 A general dispute 62.88 0% 100% Active
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Caliph of Caliphate Doom Squad 10/13/2024 12:14:43 PM 2024-10-20 Nukacola: Limited Edition 478.43 69% 30% Active
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League GdOtOfBethlehem of Anatolia2 4/29/2024 8:05:55 AM 2024-05-06 Tech Raid. PM for Peace 0.00 0% 0% Active
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry Caspase of Amino Acids COBRA 11/16/2017 3:53:36 PM 2017-11-23 You should have talked to me.. % % Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry Jack Layton of NDPstan COBRA 11/16/2017 3:49:29 PM 2017-11-23 Damnit Jack. I hate this. % % Expired
Sir Kindle of New American Kingdom aNiMaLz Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry 6/5/2017 7:20:49 PM 2017-06-12 Keres invited me 3,184.25 87% 12% Expired
Immortan Junka of Kingdom of Pakalolo Imperium of Supernova X Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry 6/4/2017 4:09:14 PM 2017-06-11 Easy way or the hard way 9,932.70 56% 43% Expired
Galerion of blighty Imperium of Supernova X Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry 5/29/2017 1:08:51 AM 2017-06-05 ISX Defence 9,728.39 39% 60% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry Immortan Junka of Kingdom of Pakalolo Imperium of Supernova X 5/22/2017 2:05:05 PM 2017-05-29 Ill still be bored in 7 days. 11,007.39 53% 46% Expired
King Nupe of Nupelandia Nordreich Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry 4/26/2017 2:42:53 AM 2017-05-03 Bear hunting 6,771.11 44% 55% Expired
TurnipCruncher of Hwicca Nordreich Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry 4/25/2017 10:02:29 AM 2017-05-02 M3D 3,416.49 47% 52% Expired
PuliSher of Kerj?l Nordreich Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry 4/25/2017 4:01:39 AM 2017-05-02 NoR Defense 19,073.22 11% 88% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry Seagram of Siperia Nordreich 4/25/2017 12:39:53 AM 2017-05-02 For the love of Ogden 4,042.46 66% 33% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry King Timmy of Tiministan Free Tech Coalition 4/10/2017 1:50:46 AM 2017-04-17 Ill treat your tech right. 607.89 0% 100% Expired
Dre4mwe4ver of Fidensgen Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry 12/11/2016 8:55:57 PM 2016-12-18 Knock it off, you little sh 0.00 0% 0% Expired
Dre4mwe4ver of Fidensgen Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite The Bear Cavalry 11/23/2016 11:41:12 PM 2016-11-30 Ill Take It 0.00 0% 0% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order Dresden Thomas of Helmsberg Nordreich 5/19/2016 12:24:48 AM 2016-05-26 You look juicy. 3,705.08 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order zynvktca of Middgarrd New Pacific Order 5/19/2016 12:18:32 AM 2016-05-26 Never Fought NPO before. 5,740.25 14% 85% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order Sunny Side Up of Kray Kray Non Grata 5/19/2016 12:13:05 AM 2016-05-26 So few casualties. 5,904.43 40% 59% Expired
PsyMar of Katamaristan Fark Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order 5/3/2016 6:00:35 PM 2016-05-10 All those unfilled def slots 13,664.62 59% 40% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order Viison of Mother Ruuskie Non Grata 5/3/2016 12:37:37 AM 2016-05-10 Sigrun sent me 4,925.18 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order Litha Riddle of Enigmathena Non Grata 5/3/2016 12:23:36 AM 2016-05-10 Sigrun sent me 5,353.60 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order CitizenKane of Heinz Non Grata 5/3/2016 12:23:09 AM 2016-05-10 Sigrun sent me 4,725.47 0% 100% Expired
smontag of ASU4Life Fark Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order 4/24/2016 10:37:30 AM 2016-05-01 Never gonna give you up 5,260.20 58% 41% Expired
Sigrun Vapneir of Confederatio Aesir Confederatio Aesir Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order 4/22/2016 12:19:49 AM 2016-04-29 You attacked Non Grata. 22,041.62 28% 71% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order Trout of yer mama Non Grata 4/20/2016 11:51:52 PM 2016-04-27 Nobody puts Kush in a Corner 15,862.54 21% 78% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order Mr Money of Ghana Monsters Inc 12/24/2015 12:02:55 AM 2015-12-31 Im Santa Clause 6,114.81 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Pirates Of The Parrot Order kingneptune of pacifis Monsters Inc 12/16/2015 11:46:45 PM 2015-12-23 Drunkin Peace Talks 10,980.01 36% 63% Expired
Sigrun Vapneir of Confederatio Aesir Confederatio Aesir Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite 8/24/2015 3:21:24 AM 2015-08-31 Ive come to talk w you again 10,151.99 21% 78% Expired
PuliSher of Confederatio Aesir Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite 8/17/2015 9:53:08 AM 2015-08-24 Where were we? 29,731.78 37% 62% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Stripes Sigrun Vapneir of Confederatio Aesir Confederatio Aesir 7/30/2015 11:57:10 PM 2015-08-06 Ah ah ah. 23,706.16 45% 54% Expired
Sigrun Vapneir of Confederatio Aesir Confederatio Aesir Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Stripes 7/14/2015 4:17:51 AM 2015-07-21 Did someone want peace? 8,119.04 9% 90% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Stripes Methrage of Libertarian Empire Limitless Nexus 7/11/2015 3:36:39 PM 2015-07-18 Peace Negotiations 9,879.11 33% 66% Expired
Ub3rdude of Uberlandia Confederatio Aesir Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Stripes 7/11/2015 7:15:51 AM 2015-07-18 Old friends 11,062.72 26% 73% Expired
Ub3rdude of Uberlandia Confederatio Aesir Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Stripes 6/23/2015 6:28:07 AM 2015-06-30 U wot m8 33,943.99 43% 56% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Stripes PuliSher of Kerjälä Confederatio Aesir 6/23/2015 2:30:27 AM 2015-06-30 EMP Delight! 16,879.16 32% 67% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Stripes kingneptune of pacifis Monsters Inc 6/14/2015 11:21:47 PM 2015-06-21 Super Red Asses Unite! 15,099.21 53% 46% Expired
CodFCS of Rimjotne The Legion Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Screaming Red Asses 1/2/2015 11:43:41 PM 2015-01-09 A general dispute 14,863.82 49% 50% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Screaming Red Asses Legion Member of Rising Force The Legion 12/26/2014 1:06:21 AM 2015-01-02 Merry Nukemas 17,587.70 34% 65% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Screaming Red Asses T.Hubb of WV United Republic The Legion 12/16/2014 12:20:58 AM 2014-12-23 For the love of Redarmy! 10,091.87 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Screaming Red Asses BigO82 of ONation The Legion 12/15/2014 9:42:39 AM 2014-12-22 From Saint Nukaclause. 25,533.50 28% 71% Expired
deathbiter of Arrakis2 The Legion Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Screaming Red Asses 12/5/2014 11:51:32 PM 2014-12-12 A general dispute 25,057.23 47% 52% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Screaming Red Asses bjalbert of BA Baracus The Legion 12/4/2014 4:20:07 PM 2014-12-11 Noone puts Nunrleft n a corner 40,023.25 55% 44% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League KHelfen of Helfenland Orange Defense Network 2/3/2014 4:48:02 PM 2014-02-10 Once more into the breech! 261.65 39% 60% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Mhi200 of Tansatia Orange Defense Network 2/3/2014 4:47:14 PM 2014-02-10 One more attack on ODN. 327.33 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League evil_twinkie of Maulle Orange Defense Network 1/24/2014 8:00:48 PM 2014-01-31 No Peace for you! 8,273.70 39% 60% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Bobrm2k3 of Bardeen Orange Defense Network 1/17/2014 6:16:12 PM 2014-01-24 Collect in Anarchy, Yo! 161.93 0% 100% Expired
Razorpara of Batavieren Orange Defense Network Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 1/8/2014 2:57:17 PM 2014-01-15 A general dispute 6,033.54 45% 54% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League ZKee1 of Lorwyn Orange Defense Network 1/1/2014 3:27:46 AM 2014-01-08 Happy New Year 8,570.06 47% 52% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Bobrm2k3 of Bardeen Orange Defense Network 1/1/2014 3:18:34 AM 2014-01-08 Happy New Year 1,613.20 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League AceTheGreat of Tropico de Sangre Orange Defense Network 12/24/2013 11:54:48 AM 2013-12-31 Merry Christmas 7,303.74 39% 60% Expired
Pingu of Free Radicals Orange Defense Network Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 12/10/2013 10:58:02 AM 2013-12-17 Also hello how are you iamfine 4,351.56 53% 46% Expired
rmorrissey99 of Beardopolis Orange Defense Network Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 12/8/2013 9:22:50 PM 2013-12-15 buco made me do it 5,795.27 44% 55% Expired
Vlad1917 of Republic of Cork Orange Defense Network Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 12/3/2013 4:05:03 PM 2013-12-10 Oranges 8,293.73 42% 57% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Chaoshawk of MerlinSucks Orange Defense Network 12/3/2013 12:52:35 AM 2013-12-10 You need a stagger 11,517.56 82% 17% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League AceTheGreat of Tropico de Sangre Orange Defense Network 12/3/2013 12:41:31 AM 2013-12-10 hia sweety 1,483.66 26% 73% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Misza of Trachitoria Orange Defense Network 11/29/2013 12:16:27 AM 2013-12-06 Drunk Declare... 3,129.11 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Marcus Junius Brutus of Res publica of Roma Orange Defense Network 11/25/2013 12:13:21 PM 2013-12-02 Hello Sweetheart. 4,476.82 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League evil_twinkie of Maulle Orange Defense Network 11/15/2013 11:49:56 PM 2013-11-22 Release the Poor Wrecking Ball 6,263.46 47% 52% Expired
ZAXON of Zenith Orange Defense Network Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 11/14/2013 11:59:35 PM 2013-11-21 YOU SHALL NOT PASS 5,031.25 50% 49% Expired
flak attack of Holy Empire of Splat Orange Defense Network Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 11/14/2013 11:51:18 PM 2013-11-21 A general dispute 13,036.69 14% 85% Expired
renegade4box of Beaty Orange Defense Network Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 11/14/2013 11:10:03 PM 2013-11-21 MQFL reporting for duty 10,299.76 37% 62% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Mhi200 of Tansatia Orange Defense Network 11/14/2013 10:26:45 PM 2013-11-21 Death to General Cyrus 7,808.10 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League pseudosham of Sweetness Orange Defense Network 11/14/2013 10:26:06 PM 2013-11-21 Down with Cyrus 9,144.23 0% 100% Expired
Tacos Rule of Tacos Rule Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 3/26/2013 9:23:47 PM 2013-04-02 A general dispute 231.30 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Kim Il Sung of Choson Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism 3/21/2013 11:54:30 PM 2013-03-28 Tech Raid. No Peace. 8,675.48 41% 58% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Ajaxify of Marakesh Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism 3/13/2013 4:45:01 PM 2013-03-20 Tech Raid. No Peace. 10,316.19 25% 74% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Mighty Funktopus of Groovistan Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism 3/13/2013 1:08:37 AM 2013-03-20 Tech Raid. No Peace. 7,106.53 3% 96% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Warren Harding of Logan Orange Defense Network 3/7/2013 3:55:05 PM 2013-03-14 No Goons Available. Sorry. 6,430.61 0% 100% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Lalus of Lalusek Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism 2/8/2013 11:47:15 PM 2013-02-15 Noone Puts Smontag in a Corner 6,150.62 42% 57% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Lahproaig of Apple Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism 2/6/2013 12:05:24 AM 2013-02-13 For Jack Tarr 5,760.20 1% 98% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League yuzarg of RADistan Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism 1/28/2013 12:28:46 AM 2013-02-04 For Jack Tarr % % War
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League ThisWayLiesMadness of Bizzaro World Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism 1/27/2013 11:13:44 PM 2013-02-03 For Jack Tarr 8,324.56 38% 61% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League AdamLichtenstein of Yankees Empire Orange Defense Network 1/22/2013 12:00:19 AM 2013-01-29 JERRY! JERRY! JERRY! 3,187.49 37% 62% Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Abdul Umarov of Zygii The International 2012-07-23 2012-07-30 NO SDI MAKES DANCING FUN! % % Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Red Rebel of Pi Lambda Phi The International 2012-07-18 2012-07-25 This Dance Needs More Nukes. % % Expired
BurdTurglar of Burtland The International Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League 2012-07-05 2012-07-12 Radiation is in our future % % Expired
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Kommari of Kommunistic Finland The International 2012-07-03 2012-07-10 Thanks for dancing. % % War
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Ayatollah Bromeini of Rock N Rollah The International 2012-07-03 2012-07-10 You are so dreamy. % % War
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League Jasson2 of The Zhentarim The Resistance 2012-06-25 2012-07-02 Merger Negotiations % % War
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League beckerj360 of beckerushen The Resistance 2012-06-25 2012-07-02 Hmm, How about, BOOM!? % % Peace
Smurthwaite of Smurthwaite Nuclear Proliferation League keger of kegway The Resistance 2012-06-25 2012-07-02 tR Ghost Busting. % % Peace