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War history for Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard
Jack Whiterstein has 15 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
Turetel of Turetel Freehold of The Wolves Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 2/1/2025 9:38:53 PM 2025-02-08 Blood for the Blood God 767.59 0% 100% Active
Shadowfury of Illyria Freehold of The Wolves Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 12/13/2024 9:41:20 AM 2024-12-20 oO 0.00 0% 0% Active
Turetel of Turetel Freehold of The Wolves Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 12/12/2024 8:55:59 AM 2024-12-19 Blood for the Blood God 1,207.99 23% 76% Active
Dragon of Dragons world Freehold of The Wolves Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 12/10/2024 3:50:35 AM 2024-12-17 A general dispute 728.12 0% 100% Active
pjk11 of BOOM HEADSHOT Freehold of The Wolves Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 11/26/2024 10:09:42 PM 2024-12-03 A general dispute 563.56 0% 100% Active
Pentix of Mars Colony New Polar Order Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/18/2024 3:33:00 PM 2024-10-25 stagger 1,965.41 0% 100% Active
Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Global Alliance And Treaty Organization GoddessOfLinn of LandOfLinn Freehold of The Wolves 10/14/2024 1:49:24 PM 2024-10-21 A general dispute 2,405.08 0% 100% Active
Lord Bane of Damasca Freehold of The Wolves Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/14/2024 11:44:24 AM 2024-10-21 A general dispute 141.41 0% 100% Active
McGee of J3dgar Freehold of The Wolves Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 10/12/2024 5:48:54 PM 2024-10-19 A general dispute 6,960.69 40% 59% Active
MexiMoot of Mooxico Mostly Harmless Alliance Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 8/30/2018 5:12:13 AM 2018-09-06 Gyuard sounds like cheese. 78,891.48 20% 79% Expired
Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Gerald Tarmini of Aftalia Libertarian Socialist Federation 6/16/2018 10:03:16 PM 2018-06-23 A general dispute 4,479.72 0% 100% Expired
Unruly of Republique de Buja AGW Overlords Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard Atlas 2/9/2016 11:52:22 PM 2016-02-16 raider impasse 0.00 0% 0% Expired
AuiNur of Auinarian the Dark Templar Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard The AA of AA 1/11/2013 11:56:53 PM 2013-01-18 raid peace sent % % Expired
Velocity111 of Urusai Non Grata Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard The AA of AA 1/11/2013 11:54:31 PM 2013-01-18 Raid Peace Sent % % Expired
Finnish Commie of Socialist Finland Nuclear Proliferation League Jack Whiterstein of Gyuard The Resistance 2012-06-24 2012-07-01 A unique dispute % % War