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Aid history for Algolei of Manitobah
Algolei has 1,730 recorded aid slots within this tool.

Aid ID Sending Nation Sending Alliance Receiving Nation Receiving Alliance Reason Aid Status Money Tech Soldiers Date Sent
#4,943,738 Garbunkel of Gravillia CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Claws Aidz Approved 9000000 0 0 2/25/2025 7:19:45 AM
#4,943,558 losinglife of SlaveII CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS AIDS Approved 6000000 0 0 2/24/2025 1:41:54 PM
#4,943,249 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS IlDuce of ItaliaSS CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 0 2/23/2025 4:58:08 AM
#4,941,152 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS Takeittakeittakeit! Pending 9000000 0 4000 2/13/2025 1:44:35 AM
#4,939,425 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS HIHIKID of Calmacura CLAWS Waraids Approved 6000000 0 4000 2/2/2025 7:16:19 AM
#4,939,424 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Krunker of Yugovia CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 2/2/2025 7:15:26 AM
#4,939,423 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Owltator of Owltopia CLAWS Waraids Approved 6000000 0 4000 2/2/2025 7:14:43 AM
#4,939,422 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Rardie of Rardishire CLAWS Waraids Pending 9000000 0 4000 2/2/2025 7:13:38 AM
#4,939,421 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Kapleo of Kapleo CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 2/2/2025 7:12:22 AM
#4,939,420 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS planetary of planetarium CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4 2/2/2025 7:11:19 AM
#4,938,147 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS falconer360 of Gondowan CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 0 1/25/2025 11:09:59 PM
#4,936,019 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS falconer360 of Gondowan CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/13/2025 1:44:22 AM
#4,936,018 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 0 1/13/2025 1:41:51 AM
#4,936,017 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Tacotopia of Bobs Your Uncle CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 0 1/13/2025 1:41:20 AM
#4,936,016 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS MikeyFlips of MikeyFlips CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/13/2025 1:40:37 AM
#4,936,015 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS bretrun of Togrador CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/13/2025 1:39:58 AM
#4,936,013 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS toledomike of BUGANATION CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 1/13/2025 1:39:14 AM
#4,931,700 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Adificio Depereo of El Fin de Corrupcion CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 12/16/2024 11:34:14 PM
#4,931,539 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Tacotopia of Bobs Your Uncle CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 12/16/2024 7:12:38 AM
#4,931,538 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Kapleo of Kapleo CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 12/16/2024 7:11:48 AM
#4,931,537 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS toledomike of BUGANATION CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 12/16/2024 7:11:14 AM
#4,929,667 WileyXero of Wiley CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 12/4/2024 6:45:28 PM
#4,928,017 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS IlDuce of ItaliaSS CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/25/2024 2:21:21 AM
#4,928,016 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Rdjzozet of Tryzovits CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/25/2024 2:20:41 AM
#4,928,015 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS therealdrall of Newest Phyrexia CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/25/2024 2:19:56 AM
#4,927,375 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Dominador of Rock River CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/21/2024 2:42:35 PM
#4,926,845 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Oddballalex of Alexville CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/18/2024 6:18:01 PM
#4,926,173 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Adificio Depereo of El Fin de Corrupcion CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/14/2024 2:06:20 PM
#4,926,172 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Rdjzozet of Tryzovits CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/14/2024 2:05:23 PM
#4,926,171 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Underdog of H2BKs CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/14/2024 2:04:42 PM
#4,925,866 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Sir Brian The Great of Brocowski CLAWS Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 4000 11/12/2024 9:59:24 PM
#4,924,467 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS toledomike of BUGANATION CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 11/4/2024 2:14:53 AM
#4,923,897 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS IlDuce of ItaliaSS CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 10/31/2024 9:17:54 PM
#4,923,422 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Sir Brian The Great of Brocowski CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 10/28/2024 4:05:13 PM
#4,923,276 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS DuVante of Nitalita CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 10/27/2024 3:58:25 PM
#4,922,724 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS therealdrall of Newest Phyrexia CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 10/24/2024 2:11:27 PM
#4,922,723 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS toledomike of BUGANATION CLAWS Waraids Approved 9000000 0 4000 10/24/2024 2:10:57 PM
#4,921,242 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 10/15/2024 8:39:37 AM
#4,918,953 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Thakur jalaj of Dhuarka CLAWS Aid! Approved 9000000 0 0 10/2/2024 12:46:00 PM
#4,918,952 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 10/2/2024 12:45:31 PM
#4,918,951 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Terminator of USSROK CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 10/2/2024 12:43:37 PM
#4,916,694 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Thakur jalaj of Dhuarka CLAWS Aid Approved 9000000 0 0 9/20/2024 4:26:58 AM
#4,916,409 Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS 100/100 Claws tech Approved 0 100 0 9/18/2024 1:14:41 PM
#4,916,369 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 9/18/2024 8:02:10 AM
#4,914,038 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 9/7/2024 1:04:50 AM
#4,913,704 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 9/5/2024 7:54:21 AM
#4,913,230 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Terminator of USSROK CLAWS AIEEEEEd! Approved 9000000 100 4000 9/2/2024 9:01:42 PM
#4,912,174 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 8/28/2024 8:23:10 AM
#4,911,564 Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS 100/100 Claws tech Approved 0 100 0 8/25/2024 8:08:31 AM
#4,909,562 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 8/15/2024 2:38:02 AM
#4,909,561 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 8/15/2024 2:37:49 AM
#4,904,898 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 7/22/2024 7:57:44 AM
#4,904,022 Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS 100/100 Claws tech Approved 0 100 0 7/18/2024 8:43:54 AM
#4,902,638 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 7/11/2024 11:21:05 AM
#4,901,608 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 7/7/2024 1:26:16 AM
#4,900,463 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 7/1/2024 11:04:03 AM
#4,898,660 Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS 100/100 Claws tech Approved 0 100 0 6/23/2024 9:54:27 AM
#4,897,793 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 6/18/2024 8:55:52 PM
#4,896,345 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 6/12/2024 5:26:12 AM
#4,895,088 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 6/6/2024 8:56:19 AM
#4,893,286 Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS 100/100 Claws tech Approved 0 100 0 5/28/2024 5:28:34 PM
#4,892,708 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 5/26/2024 9:00:56 AM
#4,891,108 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 5/18/2024 5:35:18 PM
#4,890,345 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 5/15/2024 8:00:29 AM
#4,888,370 Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS 100/100 Claws tech Approved 0 100 0 5/6/2024 2:25:36 AM
#4,888,276 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 5/5/2024 10:01:41 AM
#4,886,184 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 4/25/2024 4:10:45 PM
#4,886,076 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 4/25/2024 7:56:44 AM
#4,884,112 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 4/15/2024 10:12:24 PM
#4,883,860 Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS 1 Approved 0 100 0 4/14/2024 8:23:54 PM
#4,881,089 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 4/1/2024 8:11:24 PM
#4,879,452 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 3/25/2024 7:54:57 AM
#4,878,717 Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS 100/100 Claws tech Approved 0 100 0 3/21/2024 4:49:51 PM
#4,877,296 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 3/15/2024 3:16:57 AM
#4,876,822 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Thakur jalaj of Dhuarka CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 3/13/2024 3:23:29 AM
#4,876,492 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 3/11/2024 2:09:05 PM
#4,876,433 Tenebrioun of Grimm CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Tech Approved 0 100 0 3/11/2024 8:15:00 AM
#4,875,897 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Krunker of Yugovia CLAWS take my money! TAKE IT!! Pending 9000000 0 0 3/8/2024 7:26:55 PM
#4,874,949 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 3/4/2024 10:04:24 AM
#4,874,721 Thakur jalaj of Dhuarka CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 3/3/2024 10:14:31 AM
#4,874,239 Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS 100/100 Claws tech Approved 0 100 0 3/1/2024 6:39:53 AM
#4,873,667 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Tenebrioun of Grimm CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 2/27/2024 5:40:45 PM
#4,872,442 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Krunker of Yugovia CLAWS Free money! Pending 9000000 0 0 2/22/2024 5:36:45 AM
#4,872,441 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Thakur jalaj of Dhuarka CLAWS Free money! Approved 6000000 0 0 2/22/2024 5:36:04 AM
#4,872,440 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS King Ludwig the 2nd of Kingdom of Griffin CLAWS Free money! Pending 6000000 0 0 2/22/2024 5:35:13 AM
#4,871,987 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 2/20/2024 7:18:52 AM
#4,871,986 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 2/20/2024 7:18:38 AM
#4,869,571 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 2/9/2024 7:58:51 AM
#4,868,468 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS TheOathBreaker of Anbennar CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 2/4/2024 5:22:12 PM
#4,868,454 Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS 100/100 Claws tech Approved 0 100 0 2/4/2024 2:27:03 PM
#4,867,994 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Jazzy95 of Krausberg CLAWS more aid for gosh sake Pending 9000000 0 0 2/2/2024 6:38:18 AM
#4,867,299 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 1/30/2024 6:36:46 AM
#4,866,386 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS ToiletGaming3000 of Good Game New Polar Order Good Wishes Approved 9000000 0 0 1/26/2024 7:24:51 AM
#4,866,081 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 1/25/2024 1:13:30 AM
#4,866,012 TheOathBreaker of Anbennar CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 1/24/2024 5:29:03 PM
#4,864,548 bretrun of Togrador CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 1/17/2024 3:02:48 PM
#4,864,459 LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 1/17/2024 8:07:22 AM
#4,864,317 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS ToiletGaming3000 of Good Game New Polar Order Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 1/16/2024 7:50:10 PM
#4,863,931 Up in smoke of Ring of Fire Island CLAWS Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS 100/100 Claws tech Approved 0 100 0 1/15/2024 7:05:00 AM
#4,862,066 Algolei of Manitobah CLAWS LegalBeagle of LawFirm Wayward Sons 9/100 tech deal? Approved 9000000 0 0 1/7/2024 12:46:43 AM