As some of you may know, this site has been up for years now, (it has data dating back to 2011) and i'm very sure it's helped a lot of people in managing their alliance(s).
I've lost interest in this game and have since stopped developing this site a while ago. I've kept it up and paid for this site for the last 7 years by myself since I was 17 just for the convenience of every CN gamer.
I would like to keep the site up as I still have an average of 1,500 unique users visiting this site & an average of 100,000 hits every month, so obviously people still use this site. I'm sure you guys have noticed the outages this site has had and for those of you that depend on this tool how that may have affected how you were able to manage your alliance, as I get your messages in game all the time.
With that said, somebody recommended I put up a donation link for people that want to donate to the maintainance & hosting of this site. Feel free to donate any amount you can afford to, as every little helps. If you want to you could also subscribe and make monthly payments. Up to you. I'll continue to keep this site free for as long as I can.
Aid history for
tayloj7 of Rabbitopia
tayloj7 has 880 recorded aid slots within this tool.
Aid ID | Sending Nation | Sending Alliance | Receiving Nation | Receiving Alliance | Reason | Aid Status | Money | Tech | Soldiers | Date Sent |
#4,945,648 | torquewench of Solo Donne | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doombrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 3/5/2025 6:50:51 AM |
#4,945,007 | Snarfield of Voorthust | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doombrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 3/2/2025 3:20:02 PM |
#4,944,978 | Caliph of Caliphate | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doombrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 3/2/2025 12:26:54 PM |
#4,944,045 | Pastor Jason of Gods Country | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doombrella | Jesus Christ is Lord | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/26/2025 6:04:09 AM |
#4,943,768 | EatDirtFartDust of Testiclania | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doombrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/25/2025 8:49:00 AM |
#4,943,276 | claude of Doom House | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doombrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/23/2025 9:28:51 AM |
#4,943,254 | Eumirbago of World Wide Web | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doombrella | Phat $tax | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/23/2025 5:08:38 AM |
#4,942,568 | IAmNich of Achladis | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/20/2025 3:42:20 PM |
#4,942,446 | Lalaa of Lalaa | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/20/2025 3:18:42 AM |
#4,942,201 | torquewench of Solo Donne | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/18/2025 1:55:48 PM |
#4,942,091 | Xavii of Tiltakslos | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/18/2025 12:18:52 AM |
#4,941,820 | Pastor Jason of Gods Country | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Jesus is Lord | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/16/2025 2:52:57 PM |
#4,941,248 | Eumirbago of World Wide Web | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Phat $tax | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/13/2025 9:37:19 PM |
#4,941,130 | Lord Hershey of Palaven | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 4000 | 2/12/2025 10:31:45 PM |
#4,940,664 | Caliph of Caliphate | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/10/2025 3:27:54 AM |
#4,940,486 | claude of Doom House | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/9/2025 7:57:41 AM |
#4,940,360 | cantbelieveimback of Techlandia | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | h100s | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/8/2025 7:05:23 PM |
#4,940,241 | Xavii of Tiltakslos | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/8/2025 1:40:27 AM |
#4,939,437 | Lord Hershey of Palaven | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 2/2/2025 9:51:29 AM |
#4,938,918 | Hershicus of DoomsDayShekels | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 1/30/2025 10:27:23 AM |
#4,938,793 | Pastor Jason of Gods Country | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Jesus is king | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 1/29/2025 8:15:44 PM |
#4,938,785 | Xavii of Tiltakslos | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 1/29/2025 7:53:04 PM |
#4,937,071 | Lord Hershey of Palaven | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 1/19/2025 12:27:02 AM |
#4,936,956 | Lalaa of Lalaa | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 100 | 0 | 1/18/2025 9:54:21 AM |
#4,936,926 | claude of Doom House | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Doom | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 1/18/2025 6:11:53 AM |
#4,936,867 | Pastor Jason of Gods Country | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Jesus Christ is Lord | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 1/17/2025 6:04:49 PM |
#4,936,858 | torquewench of Solo Donne | Doom Squad | tayloj7 of Rabbitopia | Doom Squad | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 1/17/2025 5:35:46 PM |
#4,367,593 | Sceptor of reykjavelin | umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/26/2017 8:56:48 AM |
#4,364,203 | Sceptor of reykjavelin | umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/16/2017 9:14:10 PM |
#4,361,994 | Komissar of Semipalatinsk | umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/10/2017 9:27:08 AM |
#4,361,343 | Soter of Republic of Verusia | Christian Coalition of Countries | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/8/2017 10:02:33 AM |
#4,360,140 | Sceptor of reykjavelin | umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/4/2017 10:45:54 PM |
#4,358,630 | Komissar of Semipalatinsk | umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/30/2017 7:12:26 AM |
#4,356,945 | gegthomas of Lzarja | aNiMaLz | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/25/2017 1:40:04 AM |
#4,356,228 | Sceptor of reykjavelin | umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/22/2017 9:22:14 PM |
#4,355,109 | Soter of Republic of Verusia | Christian Coalition of Countries | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/19/2017 11:21:29 AM |
#4,354,468 | grosskev of New Sturgis | Viridian Entente | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/17/2017 2:39:57 PM |
#4,354,366 | Komissar of Semipalatinsk | umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/17/2017 5:12:51 AM |
#4,354,015 | King of Midnight of Isle of Eivissa | Ordo Mechanicus | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | 200 of 200 tech completed | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/16/2017 5:05:11 AM |
#4,353,512 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | gegthomas of Lzarja | aNiMaLz | 9mil/200t | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/14/2017 5:15:52 PM |
#4,352,941 | Sceptor of reykjavelin | umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/12/2017 11:00:16 PM |
#4,351,806 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Soter of Republic of Verusia | Christian Coalition of Countries | 9mil/200t | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/9/2017 2:53:29 PM |
#4,350,432 | grosskev of New Sturgis | Viridian Entente | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/5/2017 1:15:27 PM |
#4,350,337 | King of Midnight of Isle of Eivissa | Ordo Mechanicus | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | 100 of 200 | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/5/2017 7:57:46 AM |
#4,349,974 | Komissar of Semipalatinsk | umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/4/2017 3:25:21 AM |
#4,349,440 | Sir Kiloist of Tiocfaidh ar la | Global Alliance And Treaty Organization | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | 100/200 | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/2/2017 12:28:32 PM |
#4,349,219 | Sceptor of reykjavelin | umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/2/2017 1:24:22 AM |
#4,347,215 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | King of Midnight of Isle of Eivissa | Ordo Mechanicus | 9mil/200 | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 5/26/2017 5:48:04 PM |
#4,346,628 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Komissar of Semipalatinsk | umbrella | 6mil/200tech | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 5/24/2017 6:05:02 PM |
#4,346,627 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | grosskev of New Sturgis | Viridian Entente | 9mil/200 | Pending | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 5/24/2017 6:03:52 PM |
#4,346,626 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Dabigbluewhale of Sengoku | Global Alliance And Treaty Organization | 9mil/200 | Pending | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 5/24/2017 6:03:29 PM |
#4,346,339 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Sir Kiloist of Tiocfaidh ar la | Global Alliance And Treaty Organization | 9mil/200t | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 5/23/2017 11:47:11 PM |
#4,344,471 | Sceptor of reykjavelin | umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | umbrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 5/17/2017 11:59:42 PM |
#4,342,358 | Komissar of Semipalatinsk | Dumbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Dumbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 5/10/2017 4:21:37 PM |
#4,341,517 | Sceptor of reykjavelin | Umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 5/7/2017 10:44:43 PM |
#4,340,839 | WilmasES of ConqueredLand | Christian Coalition Of Countries | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | tech 2 of 2 | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 5/5/2017 9:54:06 AM |
#4,339,284 | Komissar of Semipalatinsk | Umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 4/30/2017 10:56:01 AM |
#4,338,726 | hailkirk10 of Kirklan | Praetorian Guard | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Tech part 2 of 2 | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 4/28/2017 12:17:16 PM |
#4,338,452 | Malic of Veridia | The Freehold | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Tech Payment 2/2 | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 4/27/2017 4:14:14 PM |
#4,337,811 | WilmasES of ConqueredLand | Christian Coalition Of Countries | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | tech 1 of 2 | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 4/25/2017 12:48:02 PM |
#4,337,230 | Sceptor of reykjavelin | Umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 4/23/2017 7:09:12 PM |
#4,335,349 | Malic of Veridia | The Freehold | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Tech Payment 1/2 | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 4/17/2017 4:18:17 PM |
#4,335,155 | Komissar of Semipalatinsk | Umbrella | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 4/17/2017 5:23:14 AM |
#4,334,160 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Maple Mary of Old Canadia | Praetorian Guard | 6mil/200tech | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 4/13/2017 4:19:16 PM |
#4,334,159 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | WilmasES of ConqueredLand | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 9mil/200 | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 4/13/2017 4:19:00 PM |
#4,334,158 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Peroman200 of Petrolandija | Global Alliance And Treaty Organization | 9mil/200 | Pending | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 4/13/2017 4:18:43 PM |
#4,333,939 | hailkirk10 of Kirklan | Praetorian Guard | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Tech part 1 of 2 | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 4/12/2017 10:35:39 PM |
#4,332,324 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Komissar of Semipalatinsk | Umbrella | 6m/200t | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 4/7/2017 11:30:18 PM |
#4,332,323 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Malic of Veridia | The Freehold | 6m/200t | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 4/7/2017 11:29:07 PM |
#4,330,153 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Arborder of Garrison One | Avalanche | 9mil/200t | Pending | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/31/2017 11:55:55 PM |
#4,330,152 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | hailkirk10 of Kirklan | Praetorian Guard | 9mil/200t | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/31/2017 11:55:18 PM |
#4,328,776 | Raddin of Rhmbngh | The Freehold | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 3/27/2017 10:37:23 AM |
#4,328,504 | Amithaes Belcurwist of Acrain | The Freehold | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | 100/100 | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 3/26/2017 5:16:35 PM |
#4,328,352 | Defiance of Kingdom of Defiance | The Freehold | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Tech Deal | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 3/26/2017 7:34:55 AM |
#4,328,275 | Malic of Veridia | The Freehold | tayloj7 of Israelestine | Umbrella | Tech Payment | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 3/26/2017 12:48:51 AM |
#4,325,231 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Amithaes Belcurwist of Acrain | The Freehold | 6mil/100tech | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/16/2017 12:29:47 PM |
#4,325,230 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Raddin of Rhmbngh | The Freehold | 6mil/100tech | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/16/2017 12:29:32 PM |
#4,325,227 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Malic of Veridia | The Freehold | 6mil/100tech | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/16/2017 12:19:08 PM |
#4,325,226 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Prince Cunnedda of Nua Celtland | The Freehold | 6mil/100tech | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/16/2017 12:17:20 PM |
#4,325,225 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Defiance of Kingdom of Defiance | The Freehold | 6mil/100tech | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/16/2017 12:16:02 PM |
#4,171,876 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Comrade Sandon of SR Vancouver | Mostly Harmless Alliance | Free Moneys | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/4/2016 4:42:13 PM |
#4,141,822 | RogandRoz of Echo Hill Ranch | Doom Kingdom | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 1/13/2016 10:30:48 PM |
#4,136,896 | studentez of Studenttown | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | ehh | Pending | 0 | 90 | 0 | 1/6/2016 1:52:12 AM | |
#4,134,962 | RogandRoz of Echo Hill Ranch | Doom Kingdom | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 1/3/2016 1:41:42 AM |
#4,121,232 | RogandRoz of Echo Hill Ranch | Doom Kingdom | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 12/10/2015 11:25:26 AM |
#4,112,696 | RogandRoz of Echo Hill Ranch | Doom Kingdom | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 11/24/2015 5:21:59 PM |
#4,111,332 | Kess316 of Iimperium | aNiMaLz | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Stonewall Package | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 11/22/2015 3:49:46 PM |
#4,106,584 | RogandRoz of Echo Hill Ranch | Doom Kingdom | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 11/14/2015 4:36:18 AM |
#4,096,677 | kylehaile of Pineappli | Strangers with Candy | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 10/27/2015 9:51:29 PM |
#4,095,851 | bonobo of Hibernian | Doom Kingdom | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Doommerce | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 10/26/2015 1:39:51 PM |
#4,091,445 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | playerwhoplays of Galloway | Doom Kingdom | Financial Assistance | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 10/18/2015 3:15:14 PM |
#4,091,398 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Aesculus of Transmission Lost | Doom Kingdom | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 10/18/2015 1:35:33 PM |
#4,089,034 | Canik of Tiny Nation | Fellowship of The Wolves | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Doommerce Tech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 10/14/2015 10:54:56 PM |
#4,086,672 | cloudmov3r of Cloud | Doom Kingdom | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | doomtech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 10/11/2015 2:15:58 AM |
#4,085,323 | Gizzles of DTown | Doom Kingdom | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Doomerce Tech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 10/8/2015 8:27:33 PM |
#4,084,406 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Frank The Tank of Franks Lair | The Dark Templar | Moneys for Frank | Pending | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 10/7/2015 12:56:17 PM |
#4,084,405 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | playerwhoplays of Galloway | Doom Kingdom | Players need moneys | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 10/7/2015 12:55:39 PM |
#4,071,473 | Joir3C of Neowak | Strangers with Candy | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Doommerce Tech | Pending | 0 | 100 | 0 | 9/18/2015 7:42:26 PM |
#4,069,353 | Nolan Smalls of West Venera | Doom Kingdom | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | dooooooooooooooooooomerce | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 9/15/2015 5:14:23 PM |
#4,065,111 | tayloj7 of Israelestine | DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE | Niko Cafiro of Cavalos | Socialist Peoples Army | Sorry for delay | Pending | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/9/2015 10:33:41 AM |