Enter the nation id of a nation above.

Aid history for OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO
OTTOTTO has 1,343 recorded aid slots within this tool.

Aid ID Sending Nation Sending Alliance Receiving Nation Receiving Alliance Reason Aid Status Money Tech Soldiers Date Sent
#4,943,137 President Blizkrieg of The 3rd German Reich The 3rd Reich OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Military Aid Pending 0 0 100 2/22/2025 5:16:52 PM
#4,430,398 Logic of 8Bit Nation umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 2/20/2018 11:10:18 PM
#4,428,611 chimpmasterflash of Chimponia umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 2/14/2018 2:37:51 PM
#4,425,732 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Logic of 8Bit Nation umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 2/5/2018 3:20:15 AM
#4,423,041 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella chimpmasterflash of Chimponia umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 1/27/2018 3:03:03 AM
#4,422,192 Logic of 8Bit Nation umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 1/24/2018 11:57:02 AM
#4,419,873 chimpmasterflash of Chimponia umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 1/16/2018 4:09:12 PM
#4,417,443 Logic of 8Bit Nation umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 1/8/2018 12:15:19 PM
#4,416,713 chimpmasterflash of Chimponia umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 1/6/2018 12:49:56 AM
#4,414,421 Logic of 8Bit Nation umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 12/28/2017 3:38:44 PM
#4,413,924 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Logic of 8Bit Nation umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 9000000 0 0 12/27/2017 12:28:48 AM
#4,413,916 chimpmasterflash of Chimponia umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 12/27/2017 12:16:00 AM
#4,411,236 chimpmasterflash of Chimponia umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 12/17/2017 1:21:14 AM
#4,408,545 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella chimpmasterflash of Chimponia umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 12/7/2017 2:33:42 PM
#4,408,301 Logic of 8Bit Nation umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 12/6/2017 5:34:51 PM
#4,403,814 Logic of 8Bit Nation umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 11/21/2017 9:08:39 AM
#4,403,725 chimpmasterflash of Chimponia umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 11/21/2017 2:41:49 AM
#4,402,711 Auctor of Wyrdgar umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 11/17/2017 1:56:44 PM
#4,400,776 chimpmasterflash of Chimponia umbrella OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella war aid Pending 0 100 0 11/11/2017 5:23:50 AM
#4,368,396 CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella 100 Pending 0 100 0 7/28/2017 9:51:55 PM
#4,367,788 Axioma of Megalonia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 7/27/2017 12:20:56 AM
#4,364,501 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 7/17/2017 1:55:08 PM
#4,363,945 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Axioma of Megalonia COBRA Financial Assistance Approved 6000000 0 0 7/16/2017 3:29:23 AM
#4,362,751 Sukosheye of Kotavri The Freehold OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Tech deal Approved 0 100 0 7/12/2017 8:07:46 AM
#4,362,670 Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Tech Deal Approved 0 100 0 7/12/2017 3:05:01 AM
#4,361,457 Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Tech deal: 200/200 Approved 0 100 0 7/8/2017 7:46:32 PM
#4,361,145 CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella 100 Approved 0 100 0 7/7/2017 8:56:35 PM
#4,359,650 Axioma of Megalonia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella 100T/6M Approved 0 100 0 7/3/2017 9:46:52 AM
#4,359,182 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Serafina of Hillland Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Financial Assistance Pending 6000000 0 0 7/2/2017 3:20:59 AM
#4,359,181 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA Financial Assistance Approved 6000000 0 0 7/2/2017 3:20:12 AM
#4,359,180 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Sukosheye of Kotavri The Freehold Financial Assistance Approved 6000000 0 0 7/2/2017 3:19:47 AM
#4,357,320 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 6/26/2017 5:49:48 AM
#4,357,191 Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Tech deal: 100/200 Approved 0 100 0 6/25/2017 7:24:02 PM
#4,356,356 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Axioma of Megalonia COBRA Tech Deal 6 Mil 100 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 6/23/2017 4:55:25 AM
#4,354,671 Sukosheye of Kotavri The Freehold OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 6/18/2017 5:58:56 AM
#4,354,456 Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Tech Deal Approved 0 100 0 6/17/2017 12:29:35 PM
#4,353,939 Serafina of Hillland Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 6/15/2017 11:34:49 PM
#4,353,608 CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella 200/200 Approved 0 100 0 6/14/2017 11:59:10 PM
#4,353,511 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella disorder82 of Audiorad Sovereign League of Armed Powers Financial Assistance Approved 6000000 0 0 6/14/2017 5:09:54 PM
#4,352,231 Axioma of Megalonia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella 100T/6M Approved 0 100 0 6/11/2017 4:03:59 AM
#4,352,035 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La Tech Deal 9 Mil 200 tech Approved 9000000 0 0 6/10/2017 10:57:00 AM
#4,351,310 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Sukosheye of Kotavri The Freehold Tech deal 6m 100 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 6/8/2017 2:31:26 AM
#4,350,625 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA Financial Assistance Approved 6000000 0 0 6/6/2017 4:19:48 AM
#4,348,921 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Axioma of Megalonia COBRA Finatech deal Approved 6000000 0 0 6/1/2017 4:38:46 AM
#4,348,920 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Tech deal Approved 9000000 0 0 6/1/2017 4:38:06 AM
#4,348,919 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Serafina of Hillland Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Tech deal Approved 9000000 0 0 6/1/2017 4:37:34 AM
#4,348,570 Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Tech deal: 100/200 Approved 0 100 0 5/31/2017 2:55:18 AM
#4,347,371 Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Tech Deal Approved 0 100 0 5/27/2017 8:56:49 AM
#4,345,365 Serafina of Hillland Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 5/20/2017 8:17:14 PM
#4,345,349 CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella 200 Approved 0 100 0 5/20/2017 7:19:01 PM
#4,345,326 Axioma of Megalonia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella 6M/100T Approved 0 100 0 5/20/2017 5:12:32 PM
#4,345,112 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Deputy of Blue Falcon The Freehold Tech Deal 6 Mil 100 tech Pending 6000000 0 0 5/20/2017 12:21:51 AM
#4,344,200 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La Tech Deal 9 m 200 t Approved 9000000 0 0 5/17/2017 12:35:47 AM
#4,344,199 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO umbrella Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA Tech Deal 6 Mil 100 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 5/17/2017 12:35:14 AM
#4,342,342 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Dumbrella Axioma of Megalonia COBRA Tech Deal 6 Mil 100 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 5/10/2017 2:38:37 PM
#4,342,286 Deputy of Blue Falcon The Freehold OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Dumbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 5/10/2017 9:41:17 AM
#4,342,019 CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Dumbrella 100 Approved 0 100 0 5/9/2017 1:12:21 PM
#4,341,882 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Dumbrella Serafina of Hillland Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Tech Deal 9 Mil 200 tech Approved 9000000 0 0 5/9/2017 2:07:01 AM
#4,341,505 Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Tech deal: 200/200 Approved 0 100 0 5/7/2017 9:11:11 PM
#4,341,393 Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 5/7/2017 12:48:17 PM
#4,339,299 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Deputy of Blue Falcon The Freehold Tech Deal 6 Mil 100 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 4/30/2017 11:55:03 AM
#4,339,175 Axioma of Megalonia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 4/30/2017 3:13:41 AM
#4,338,906 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 4/29/2017 3:55:10 AM
#4,338,295 Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Tech deal: 100/200 Approved 0 100 0 4/27/2017 5:51:00 AM
#4,338,241 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA Financial Assistance Approved 6000000 0 0 4/27/2017 12:04:05 AM
#4,337,351 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Peter II of Asia minor Christian Coalition Of Countries Financial Assistance Pending 6000000 0 0 4/24/2017 3:58:18 AM
#4,336,382 Deputy of Blue Falcon The Freehold OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 4/20/2017 8:19:22 PM
#4,336,089 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Axioma of Megalonia COBRA Financial Assistance Approved 6000000 0 0 4/20/2017 12:51:38 AM
#4,336,035 CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella 100/100 Approved 0 100 0 4/19/2017 7:48:56 PM
#4,335,330 Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Tech deal Approved 0 100 0 4/17/2017 2:06:33 PM
#4,334,438 Peter II of Asia minor Christian Coalition Of Countries OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 4/14/2017 1:18:23 PM
#4,334,382 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La Tech deal 9m 200 tech Approved 9000000 0 0 4/14/2017 9:32:20 AM
#4,333,134 Axioma of Megalonia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 4/10/2017 11:51:35 AM
#4,333,050 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Deputy of Blue Falcon The Freehold Tech Financial Assistance Approved 6000000 0 0 4/10/2017 8:24:03 AM
#4,332,091 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Financial Assistance Approved 6000000 0 0 4/7/2017 1:15:58 AM
#4,331,490 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA Financial Assistance Approved 6000000 0 0 4/5/2017 2:03:16 AM
#4,331,193 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Peter II of Asia minor Christian Coalition Of Countries Tech deal Approved 6000000 0 0 4/4/2017 2:45:57 AM
#4,331,080 Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Tech deal: 200/200 Approved 0 100 0 4/3/2017 7:28:10 PM
#4,329,905 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Axioma of Megalonia COBRA Financial Assistance Approved 6000000 0 0 3/31/2017 3:20:56 AM
#4,329,266 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Tyronia of Tyronia TSS Order of Tenebris Tech deal 6m 100 tech Pending 6000000 0 0 3/29/2017 3:43:14 AM
#4,329,183 CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella 100/200 Approved 0 100 0 3/28/2017 9:06:51 PM
#4,328,323 Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Tech Deal Approved 0 100 0 3/26/2017 5:08:24 AM
#4,328,140 Peter II of Asia minor Christian Coalition Of Countries OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 3/25/2017 2:32:26 PM
#4,327,790 Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Tech deal: 100/200 Approved 0 100 0 3/24/2017 10:37:19 AM
#4,326,884 Axioma of Megalonia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella 100T/6M Approved 0 100 0 3/21/2017 2:29:11 PM
#4,325,771 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Tyronia of Tyronia TSS Order of Tenebris Tech Deal 6 Mil 100 tech Pending 6000000 0 0 3/18/2017 3:52:20 AM
#4,325,770 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization Tech Deal 9 mil 200 tech Approved 9000000 0 0 3/18/2017 3:51:50 AM
#4,324,758 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA Tech Deal 6 Mil 100 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 3/15/2017 1:47:06 AM
#4,324,757 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Peter II of Asia minor Christian Coalition Of Countries Tech Deal 6 Mil 100 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 3/15/2017 1:46:45 AM
#4,323,487 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Axioma of Megalonia COBRA Tech Deal 6 Mil 100 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 3/11/2017 1:21:04 AM
#4,323,486 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La Tech Deal 9 Mil 200 tech Approved 9000000 0 0 3/11/2017 1:20:31 AM
#4,322,716 CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella 300 Approved 0 100 0 3/8/2017 6:34:54 PM
#4,322,692 Tyronia of Tyronia TSS Order of Tenebris OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 3/8/2017 4:34:52 PM
#4,321,474 Peter II of Asia minor Christian Coalition Of Countries OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 1 100 0 3/5/2017 4:43:40 AM
#4,321,423 Kralot of Union of Jugoslavia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Tech Deal Approved 0 100 0 3/5/2017 1:14:30 AM
#4,320,330 Amyante of Zargathia Shangri La OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Tech deal: 200/200 Approved 0 100 0 3/1/2017 7:40:37 PM
#4,320,114 Axioma of Megalonia COBRA OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella 100T/6M Approved 0 100 0 3/1/2017 6:36:10 AM
#4,319,297 CaveJohnson44 of Caves Cave Global Alliance And Treaty Organization OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella 200 Approved 0 100 0 2/26/2017 9:54:22 PM
#4,319,077 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Tyronia of Tyronia TSS Order of Tenebris Tech Deal 6 Mil 100 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 2/26/2017 8:50:21 AM
#4,318,123 OTTOTTO of OTTOTTO Umbrella Peter II of Asia minor Christian Coalition Of Countries Tech deal Approved 6000000 0 0 2/23/2017 11:43:16 AM