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Aid history for White Majik of VSOP United
White Majik has 1,230 recorded aid slots within this tool.

Aid ID Sending Nation Sending Alliance Receiving Nation Receiving Alliance Reason Aid Status Money Tech Soldiers Date Sent
#4,945,662 White Majik of VSOP United Doombrella omglawlz of omglawlz Doombrella :majik: Pending 6000000 0 0 3/5/2025 7:37:11 AM
#4,945,486 White Majik of VSOP United Doombrella Kharmandril of PETA nudes Doom Squad Financial Assistance Pending 6000000 0 0 3/4/2025 12:35:32 PM
#4,944,871 stonewall14 of Queensryche Doom Squad White Majik of VSOP United Doombrella Doom Approved 0 100 0 3/2/2025 2:36:49 AM
#4,944,318 White Majik of VSOP United Doombrella Sitthemdown of Emperor Protects Doombrella 6m/600 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 2/27/2025 10:55:27 AM
#4,944,163 White Majik of VSOP United Doombrella LoNRG of Stranded Majik Doombrella 6m/600 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 2/26/2025 5:25:21 PM
#4,944,162 White Majik of VSOP United Doombrella cantbelieveimback of Techlandia Doombrella 6m/600 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 2/26/2025 5:24:29 PM
#4,943,342 White Majik of VSOP United Doombrella Zerileous of Monkey Time Doombrella :majik: Approved 9000000 0 0 2/23/2025 2:47:23 PM
#4,943,062 White Majik of VSOP United Doombrella onelove of We Are One Love Doombrella Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 0 0 2/22/2025 9:33:02 AM
#4,942,438 stonewall14 of Queensryche Doom Squad White Majik of VSOP United Doom Squad Doom Approved 0 100 0 2/20/2025 2:26:04 AM
#4,942,094 Xavii of Tiltakslos Doom Squad White Majik of VSOP United Doom Squad Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 2/18/2025 12:19:30 AM
#4,942,059 ADude of OceaniaRedux Doom Squad White Majik of VSOP United Doom Squad Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 2/17/2025 7:59:29 PM
#4,941,878 Lord Bane of Damasca Freehold of The Wolves White Majik of VSOP United Doom Squad War reparations Approved 9000000 100 0 2/16/2025 11:43:50 PM
#4,940,397 stonewall14 of Queensryche Doom Squad White Majik of VSOP United Doom Squad Doom Hero Approved 0 100 0 2/8/2025 10:53:08 PM
#4,938,492 White Majik of VSOP United Doom Squad cantbelieveimback of Techlandia Enjoy the dongs Approved 6000000 100 4000 1/27/2025 9:39:39 PM
#4,937,877 stonewall14 of Queensryche Doom Squad White Majik of VSOP United Doom Squad Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 1/24/2025 1:38:52 AM
#4,936,911 Hazib of Kingdom of Lemuria CLAWS White Majik of VSOP United Kronos : Pending 9000000 0 0 1/18/2025 2:16:48 AM
#4,436,341 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 3/14/2018 6:37:40 AM
#4,436,230 Ronnie Coleman of Mr Olympia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 3/13/2018 6:28:27 PM
#4,433,139 Ronnie Coleman of Mr Olympia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 3/2/2018 2:39:14 PM
#4,430,305 Ronnie Coleman of Mr Olympia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 2/20/2018 2:57:32 PM
#4,428,668 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 2/14/2018 6:53:39 PM
#4,426,761 Ronnie Coleman of Mr Olympia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 2/8/2018 4:46:49 PM
#4,424,913 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 2/2/2018 7:13:44 AM
#4,422,998 Ronnie Coleman of Mr Olympia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 1/26/2018 10:34:59 PM
#4,420,147 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 1/17/2018 2:24:41 PM
#4,416,993 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 1/7/2018 1:14:35 AM
#4,413,946 White Majik of VSOP United umbrella tripper of Cogito Ordo Mechanicus 200 tech Pending 6000000 0 0 12/27/2017 2:28:54 AM
#4,413,667 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 12/26/2017 1:02:30 AM
#4,410,940 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 12/16/2017 1:22:56 AM
#4,410,389 tripper of Cogito Ordo Mechanicus White Majik of VSOP United umbrella tech 2 Pending 0 100 0 12/14/2017 4:01:49 AM
#4,408,897 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 12/9/2017 2:01:10 AM
#4,408,235 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 12/6/2017 12:49:32 PM
#4,407,414 tripper of Cogito Ordo Mechanicus White Majik of VSOP United DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE tech 1 Approved 0 100 0 12/3/2017 10:54:25 PM
#4,406,819 White Majik of VSOP United DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Valkris of TheDeathRing 6mil-200 tech Pending 6000000 0 0 12/1/2017 5:30:49 PM
#4,406,054 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 11/29/2017 3:50:21 AM
#4,405,163 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 11/26/2017 12:53:41 AM
#4,404,717 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 11/24/2017 9:15:06 AM
#4,404,483 White Majik of VSOP United umbrella tripper of Cogito Ordo Mechanicus 300 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 11/23/2017 11:03:09 AM
#4,404,210 Holy Empire of Halin of Holy Empire of Halin umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella kill hime Approved 0 100 0 11/22/2017 5:09:15 PM
#4,403,046 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 11/19/2017 12:53:47 AM
#4,402,405 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 11/16/2017 9:03:28 AM
#4,401,889 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 11/14/2017 5:18:24 PM
#4,400,132 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 11/9/2017 2:38:16 AM
#4,399,258 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 11/6/2017 1:05:04 AM
#4,398,692 Crownguard of Ascendant Collective umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 11/4/2017 8:04:52 AM
#4,398,045 tripper of Cogito Ordo Mechanicus White Majik of VSOP United umbrella tech2 Pending 0 100 0 11/2/2017 2:21:44 AM
#4,397,174 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 10/30/2017 10:01:25 AM
#4,396,201 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 10/27/2017 1:01:46 AM
#4,395,193 guaro91 of Jirahara umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Tech Deal 2/3 Pending 0 100 0 10/23/2017 9:31:16 PM
#4,395,125 tripper of Cogito Ordo Mechanicus White Majik of VSOP United umbrella tech1 Pending 0 100 0 10/23/2017 3:33:38 PM
#4,394,140 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 10/20/2017 12:00:56 PM
#4,393,911 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 10/19/2017 5:29:38 PM
#4,393,321 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 10/17/2017 11:26:01 AM
#4,391,111 White Majik of VSOP United umbrella guaro91 of Jirahara umbrella 200 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 10/10/2017 1:18:01 PM
#4,391,110 White Majik of VSOP United umbrella tripper of Cogito Ordo Mechanicus 200 tech Approved 6000000 0 0 10/10/2017 1:17:35 PM
#4,390,967 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 10/10/2017 2:51:08 AM
#4,390,875 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 10/9/2017 5:21:32 PM
#4,390,054 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 10/7/2017 12:37:58 AM
#4,388,593 Crownguard of Ascendant Collective umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 10/2/2017 4:20:47 PM
#4,387,834 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 9/30/2017 1:36:16 AM
#4,387,269 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 9/27/2017 11:29:58 PM
#4,387,057 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 9/27/2017 6:39:25 AM
#4,384,965 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 9/20/2017 1:06:11 AM
#4,384,299 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 9/17/2017 6:40:29 PM
#4,384,045 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 9/17/2017 12:21:32 AM
#4,381,890 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 9/10/2017 1:22:00 AM
#4,381,118 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 9/7/2017 6:39:07 AM
#4,379,835 SireAntoine of Antoinesse Knights of Antoine Protected by Umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 9/3/2017 6:40:14 AM
#4,379,121 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 9/1/2017 12:11:54 AM
#4,378,818 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 8/31/2017 12:44:02 AM
#4,378,464 Crownguard of Ascendant Collective umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Lolcommie Redistribution Approved 0 100 0 8/29/2017 4:49:34 PM
#4,378,009 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 8/28/2017 6:36:58 AM
#4,376,827 SireAntoine of Antoinesse Knights of Antoine Protected by Umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 8/24/2017 6:22:35 AM
#4,376,271 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 8/22/2017 10:19:46 AM
#4,376,042 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 8/21/2017 3:28:54 PM
#4,375,310 Crownguard of Ascendant Collective umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 8/19/2017 8:17:48 AM
#4,374,978 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 8/18/2017 6:38:25 AM
#4,373,754 SireAntoine of Antoinesse Knights of Antoine Protected by Umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 8/14/2017 6:46:42 AM
#4,372,820 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 8/11/2017 1:11:45 PM
#4,372,029 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 8/9/2017 3:56:56 AM
#4,371,743 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 8/8/2017 7:19:05 AM
#4,370,956 Crownguard of Ascendant Collective umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Lolcommie Redistribution Approved 0 100 0 8/5/2017 4:58:58 PM
#4,370,719 White Majik of VSOP United umbrella SireAntoine of Antoinesse Knights of Antoine Protected by Umbrella 300 tech Approved 9000000 0 0 8/4/2017 7:56:25 PM
#4,368,895 White Majik of VSOP United umbrella ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella 300tech Approved 9000000 0 0 7/30/2017 11:47:49 AM
#4,368,894 White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Crownguard of Ascendant Collective umbrella 300tech Pending 9000000 0 0 7/30/2017 11:47:16 AM
#4,368,786 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 7/30/2017 4:25:54 AM
#4,367,088 White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Knights of Columbus of Animal Farm Deux Knights of Antoine Protected by Umbrella 200 tech Pending 6000000 0 0 7/24/2017 9:29:57 PM
#4,366,202 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 7/22/2017 8:59:40 AM
#4,365,663 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 7/20/2017 11:49:32 PM
#4,365,188 Crownguard of Ascendant Collective umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 7/19/2017 6:22:03 PM
#4,363,104 Holy Empire of Halin of Holy Empire of Halin umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 7/13/2017 9:02:53 AM
#4,362,270 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 7/10/2017 11:19:12 PM
#4,361,086 Crownguard of Ascendant Collective umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 7/7/2017 5:13:56 PM
#4,360,984 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 7/7/2017 11:03:17 AM
#4,359,000 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 7/1/2017 10:09:02 AM
#4,358,764 CaptainCracker of Crackersland Disciples of Destruction White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 6/30/2017 5:20:51 PM
#4,357,642 ComradeMilton of Figeon Puckers umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 6/27/2017 4:37:33 AM
#4,357,009 Holy Empire of Halin of Holy Empire of Halin umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Pending 0 100 0 6/25/2017 7:58:47 AM
#4,355,679 Sardonic of Sardovia umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 6/21/2017 6:37:43 AM
#4,355,516 Crownguard of Ascendant Collective umbrella White Majik of VSOP United umbrella Financial Assistance Approved 0 100 0 6/20/2017 6:56:19 PM