As some of you may know, this site has been up for years now, (it has data dating back to 2011) and i'm very sure it's helped a lot of people in managing their alliance(s).
I've lost interest in this game and have since stopped developing this site a while ago. I've kept it up and paid for this site for the last 7 years by myself since I was 17 just for the convenience of every CN gamer.
I would like to keep the site up as I still have an average of 1,500 unique users visiting this site & an average of 100,000 hits every month, so obviously people still use this site. I'm sure you guys have noticed the outages this site has had and for those of you that depend on this tool how that may have affected how you were able to manage your alliance, as I get your messages in game all the time.
With that said, somebody recommended I put up a donation link for people that want to donate to the maintainance & hosting of this site. Feel free to donate any amount you can afford to, as every little helps. If you want to you could also subscribe and make monthly payments. Up to you. I'll continue to keep this site free for as long as I can.
Aid history for
Thuru of Thuru
Thuru has 128 recorded aid slots within this tool.
Aid ID | Sending Nation | Sending Alliance | Receiving Nation | Receiving Alliance | Reason | Aid Status | Money | Tech | Soldiers | Date Sent |
#4,941,742 | Lord Emperor Clot of Clotvania | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | For bandages and whiskey | Pending | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/16/2025 8:32:10 AM |
#4,762,043 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Tobiash of Dadidum | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/7/2022 3:02:38 PM |
#4,762,042 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Robert Holmes III of Tennessee | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/7/2022 3:02:04 PM |
#4,733,304 | Valerianus of Isle of Arleanne | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Pending | 0 | 15 | 0 | 2/26/2022 10:00:18 PM |
#4,624,620 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | gegthomas of Lzarja | Freehold of The Wolves | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/16/2020 4:04:22 PM |
#4,624,619 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | SquidTheJim of SquidTheJim | Freehold of The Wolves | Financial Assistance | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/16/2020 4:03:45 PM |
#4,621,234 | gegthomas of Lzarja | Freehold of The Wolves | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/30/2020 5:01:09 PM |
#4,621,209 | SquidTheJim of SquidTheJim | Freehold of The Wolves | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Tech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/30/2020 1:51:22 PM |
#4,621,208 | Grand Nagus Rom of Ferengi Alliance | Haven | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Tech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/30/2020 1:51:22 PM |
#4,621,184 | Deviously Me of Islet | Freehold of The Wolves | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Tech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/30/2020 12:50:43 PM |
#4,621,133 | jedal jedal of Scarif | Freehold of The Wolves | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/30/2020 6:43:40 AM |
#4,620,824 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Lord Draculea of Transylvania | Freehold of The Wolves | Tech Deal | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/28/2020 10:35:27 AM |
#4,620,823 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | HuMann of Republik of Eurf | Freehold of The Wolves | Tech Deal | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/28/2020 10:34:57 AM |
#4,619,016 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 69Wij of WijWij | Freehold of The Wolves | Tech Deal | Pending | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/19/2020 1:48:12 PM |
#4,616,875 | lilweirdward of Land of Too Much Fun | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Tech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/8/2020 5:27:12 PM |
#4,616,857 | HuMann of Republik of Eurf | Freehold of The Wolves | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Tech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/8/2020 3:49:45 PM |
#4,616,763 | Lord Draculea of Transylvania | Freehold of The Wolves | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Tech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 8/8/2020 7:04:57 AM |
#4,616,728 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 69Wij of WijWij | Freehold of The Wolves | Tech deal | Approved | 9000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/8/2020 12:58:30 AM |
#4,616,579 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Brother Gerard of Knights of St John | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Tech deal | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/7/2020 4:05:27 AM |
#4,615,814 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Puritan of The Protectorate | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/3/2020 11:58:58 AM |
#4,614,769 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Xzenotrex of Bodopu | Sellswords | Tech Deal | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/29/2020 6:58:21 AM |
#4,614,617 | Brother Gerard of Knights of St John | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Tech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/28/2020 10:47:58 AM |
#4,614,577 | 69Wij of WijWij | Freehold of The Wolves | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Valyrian Tech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 7/28/2020 6:31:07 AM |
#4,613,268 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | TrueBlue of Bulloch | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/21/2020 7:51:41 PM |
#4,613,267 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Puritan of The Protectorate | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Pending | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/21/2020 7:51:07 PM |
#4,613,265 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | StateofJehovah of Jehova | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Pending | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/21/2020 7:04:20 PM |
#4,610,712 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | DWReyes of Aetheron | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Pending | 6000000 | 0 | 0 | 7/8/2020 5:58:00 PM |
#4,608,500 | DWReyes of Aetheron | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Tech Deal 100 Tech | Approved | 0 | 100 | 0 | 6/27/2020 4:39:24 AM |
#4,604,596 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | DWReyes of Aetheron | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/8/2020 12:47:49 PM |
#4,603,215 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Azkadel of Outer Zone | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/1/2020 1:37:02 PM |
#4,603,212 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | diecanon of Sylvania | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Pending | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/1/2020 1:13:22 PM |
#4,603,208 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | rdf222 of Afrikania | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Pending | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 6/1/2020 1:10:52 PM |
#4,602,612 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Soter of Republic of Verusia | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 5/30/2020 1:52:19 AM |
#4,602,611 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Puritan of The Protectorate | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 5/30/2020 1:51:07 AM |
#2,879,857 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | CEDAR of Kingdom of Lebanon | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/9/2012 5:18:55 PM |
#2,875,779 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | shadowtail501 of shadow nation501 | Terran empire | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/6/2012 12:09:17 PM |
#2,875,778 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Richard VII of South Sudan | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 4500000 | 0 | 0 | 3/6/2012 12:08:37 PM |
#2,875,775 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Natahanel Octavianus of New Indonesia | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/6/2012 12:07:25 PM |
#2,875,774 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Charmander of Shawshank Prision | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/6/2012 12:06:09 PM |
#2,875,771 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Beowulf88 of Arcanium | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 3/6/2012 12:05:36 PM |
#2,861,090 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | gooseta of Gooseland | Terran Empire | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/24/2012 2:05:55 PM |
#2,861,089 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Shadoxis of Bara Aldrig | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Pending | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/24/2012 2:05:21 PM |
#2,861,088 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | shadowtail501 of shadow nation501 | Terran empire | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/24/2012 2:04:48 PM |
#2,861,087 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | neemad90 of Gamblers United | Terran Empire | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/24/2012 2:04:17 PM |
#2,861,086 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Natahanel Octavianus of New Indonesia | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/24/2012 2:03:33 PM |
#2,861,085 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | XBearer of Kinair | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/24/2012 2:02:34 PM |
#2,844,444 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | XBearer of Kinair | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/12/2012 1:09:13 PM |
#2,844,441 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | neemad90 of Gamblers United | Terran Empire | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/12/2012 1:08:09 PM |
#2,844,440 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | phillipb115 of Boynul | Terran Empire | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/12/2012 1:07:31 PM |
#2,844,417 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | KeyStroke of LandOfSpirit | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/12/2012 12:54:14 PM |
#2,844,415 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Ill Mind of Hopsin | Kingdom of Hyrule | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/12/2012 12:53:27 PM |
#2,844,414 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Haseo of The World R2 | Kingdom of Hyrule | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 2/12/2012 12:52:40 PM |
#2,829,493 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | nbhoyac of Georgetown | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 1/31/2012 5:13:05 PM |
#2,829,492 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Scooby doo of Zoinks | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 1/31/2012 5:12:30 PM |
#2,829,490 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Autokrator of Igbolandia | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 1/31/2012 5:11:58 PM |
#2,829,489 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Ahovking of Oceania Union | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 1/31/2012 5:11:08 PM |
#2,829,488 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Mellow of Land of Cod | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 1/31/2012 5:10:34 PM |
#2,829,486 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | LordKlusman of EarthAlliance | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 1/31/2012 5:09:51 PM |
#2,816,888 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Richard VII of South Sudan | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 4500000 | 0 | 0 | 1/21/2012 4:07:27 PM |
#2,816,885 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Natahanel Octavianus of New Indonesia | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 1/21/2012 4:06:41 PM |
#2,816,882 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Juana la Loca of Meropis | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 1/21/2012 4:06:07 PM |
#2,816,876 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Gianna of SunRiseS | Forbidden Honor | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 1/21/2012 4:04:29 PM |
#2,816,873 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | spudungeyee of beer and football | forbidden honor | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 1/21/2012 4:03:45 PM |
#2,816,870 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Atlasatlast of Oroseira | Christian Coalition of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 1/21/2012 4:02:53 PM |
#2,753,441 | Juana la Loca of Meropis | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 1ST 50 TECH | Pending | 0 | 50 | 0 | 11/18/2011 12:08:50 AM |
#2,741,055 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Juana la Loca of Meropis | Christian Coalition of Countries | Techdeal 3M/100T | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 11/8/2011 10:20:03 AM |
#2,708,678 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | DoctorZ of Motoville | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru 5x5 3m/100T deals | Pending | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 10/14/2011 4:42:25 AM |
#2,708,548 | Juana la Loca of Meropis | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 1st 50 tech | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 10/14/2011 1:15:42 AM |
#2,706,430 | Mediana of Elizur | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 5x5 | Pending | 0 | 50 | 0 | 10/12/2011 11:55:43 AM |
#2,704,195 | Redeye Gui of Checors | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 2nd 50 | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 10/10/2011 8:08:33 PM |
#2,696,110 | Juana la Loca of Meropis | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 1st 50 tech | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 10/4/2011 8:56:26 AM |
#2,690,985 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | CindyCrowns of Great Gland | Forbidden Honor | war aid | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/30/2011 12:56:15 PM |
#2,690,982 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Zacharias of Huron | Forbidden Honor | war aid | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/30/2011 12:55:17 PM |
#2,687,300 | Redeye Gui of Checors | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 1st 50 | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 9/27/2011 6:58:40 PM |
#2,686,017 | Mellow of Land of Cod | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 9/26/2011 6:09:57 PM |
#2,685,985 | nbhoyac of Georgetown | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 9/26/2011 5:37:18 PM |
#2,684,314 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | nbhoyac of Georgetown | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru 5x5 3m/100T deals | Pending | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/25/2011 2:02:46 PM |
#2,682,952 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Juana la Loca of Meropis | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru 5x5 3m/100T deals | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/24/2011 1:02:27 PM |
#2,675,070 | Mediana of Elizur | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 5x5 | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 9/18/2011 8:35:07 PM |
#2,673,596 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | CalledbyGod of Sonofthemosthigh | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru 5x5 3m/100T deals | Pending | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/17/2011 4:49:17 PM |
#2,670,996 | nbhoyac of Georgetown | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 9/15/2011 5:05:04 PM |
#2,670,747 | Mellow of Land of Cod | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 9/15/2011 12:44:07 PM |
#2,669,498 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | The Ace of Aces of Acetionia | Christian Coalition of Countries | Techdeal 3M/100T | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/14/2011 3:28:10 PM |
#2,667,573 | Juana la Loca of Meropis | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 2nd 50 Tech | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 9/13/2011 6:33:18 AM |
#2,660,186 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Mediana of Elizur | Christian Coalition of Countries | 5x5 3M/100T techdeal | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/7/2011 3:07:14 PM |
#2,657,040 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Mellow of Land of Cod | Christian Coalition of Countries | 5x5 3M/100T techdeal | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/5/2011 7:43:14 AM |
#2,657,036 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | nbhoyac of Georgetown | Christian Coalition of Countries | 5x5 3M/100T techdeal | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 9/5/2011 7:42:34 AM |
#2,654,021 | Juana la Loca of Meropis | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 1st 50 tech | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 9/3/2011 12:47:00 AM |
#2,653,498 | soleman of sortahere | Forbidden Honor | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 9/2/2011 3:06:44 PM |
#2,649,316 | Elerosse Surion of Ondomar | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | LPS said so | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 8/30/2011 11:02:15 AM |
#2,645,562 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Redeye Gui of Checors | Christian Coalition of Countries | Techdeal 3M/100T | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/27/2011 1:46:01 PM |
#2,643,113 | Justcause54 of Republic Of Vietnam | Forbidden Honor | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 8/25/2011 5:09:11 PM |
#2,641,242 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Juana la Loca of Meropis | Christian Coalition of Countries | Techdeal 3M/100T | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/24/2011 9:49:16 AM |
#2,638,837 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | nbhoyac of Georgetown | Christian Coalition of Countries | xander 3x3 techdeal | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/22/2011 3:20:04 PM |
#2,638,685 | soleman of sortahere | Forbidden Honor | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 8/22/2011 1:10:15 PM |
#2,635,690 | Elerosse Surion of Ondomar | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | LPS said so | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 8/20/2011 12:43:20 PM |
#2,632,402 | Redeye Gui of Checors | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 2nd 50 | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 8/17/2011 10:08:09 PM |
#2,627,094 | Juana la Loca of Meropis | Christian Coalition of Countries | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | 1st 50 Tech | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 8/14/2011 2:10:23 AM |
#2,626,446 | Justcause54 of Republic Of Vietnam | Forbidden Honor | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | Financial Assistance | Approved | 0 | 50 | 0 | 8/13/2011 1:26:00 PM |
#2,623,595 | Thuru of Thuru | Christian Coalition Of Countries | nbhoyac of Georgetown | Christian Coalition of Countries | xander 3x3 techdeal | Approved | 3000000 | 0 | 0 | 8/11/2011 12:23:46 PM |