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War history for all nations.

Receiving Nation Receiving Alliance Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Total Destruction Off. Destruction Def. Destruction Reason Status Start End
Supersnail of New Caladan None mizuyasha of Mizu no Ryu None 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-21 2012-04-28
Black Sabbath of Irony Man Paraguas Roquentin of Nausea Bal Masqué 0 0 0 wake up Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
A Pair Of Ducks of Arsenal Gear Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism DanKCl of DanKCl MONGOLS 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Absalom Cheetofiend of Free Antartica Group Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism DanKCl of DanKCl MONGOLS 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Starfox101 of Burbank None J layton of Svaria The International 0 0 0 Raid. PM for peace :) Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
King of Kings Moore of Land of Immortals Polaris Recruit Ibrahim zain of ibrahimi pakistan Muslimfraction 0 0 0 Let me put your nations name to test ;) Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Furher Jones of Slyvinstan The United Nations candycaine of chuckles None 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
SergSG of Aztec Republic None Dayona of Adrie Federation U.S.S.R. 0 0 0 War Were Declared Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
fortuneknight26 of Nation of Fortune Guru Order Joseph Gobbels of Boehinem The united nations of fife 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Baloneous of Bologna Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism Horizon of Cyrodil Mongols 0 0 0 Drop dem panties... Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Baloneous of Bologna Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism Nashorn of Nashornstan Mongols 0 0 0 Paul told me to Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
spastic of Altian Empire None Joseph Gobbels of Boehinem The united nations of fife 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
lord adel of Lebanon State of Unified Nations RetroSpaceMoose of Awsomeness Nation NPO Applicant 0 0 0 Message to arrange Peace Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Alex the Great of AAKOA None Bliizard of Foijnda The Seraphims 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Apple2o of Applulz Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism doctorevil of Hempstead MONGOLS 0 0 0 for my brothers Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Kim Il Sung of Choson Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism semutjoget of semutjoget Kaskus 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Htun the Knight of Burma None Shimz99 of United Malaysia None 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Starfox101 of Burbank None Shimz99 of United Malaysia None 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Reynaldo Jose of Amician Union None Draco XIV of Vertigen Dominions Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism 0 0 0 Taking what youve got Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Commander Randall of Novalona None benostar of Northern islands SUS Bandits 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Graham Audrey of Eaglehood Republic None RUKUNU of Fordlandia Goon Order of Neutral Shoving 0 0 0 . Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Beefcube of Beefcubia None RUKUNU of Fordlandia Goon Order of Neutral Shoving 0 0 0 . Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
Shrelock of The Xenonauts Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism RUKUNU of Fordlandia Goon Order of Neutral Shoving 0 0 0 your a FaKeGooN Expired 2012-04-20 2012-04-27
thirtydaZe of WaSupMahn None Mordos Kull of Hammerfell None 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-19 2012-04-26
Dunners of TropicoIsland RnR applicant Dominus Mundi of Flussland Communist International 0 0 0 Oscar Wilde said so. Expired 2012-04-19 2012-04-26
Mongo447 of goldenhorde None Walter Zarl of Zarlomania None 0 0 0 For Zogg! Expired 2012-04-19 2012-04-26
Mr Cool Kid of That Place None Lone Fox of Perdition None 0 0 0 for fun and GLORY!!! Expired 2012-04-19 2012-04-26
General Klitkov of Federation of Jura control the world alliance Falcon Singer of Artesian Terran Empire 0 0 0 Arizona Defense Expired 2012-04-19 2012-04-26
Baloneous of Bologna Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism Lord Erding of Erdinger Weissbier mongols 0 0 0 Krieg! Expired 2012-04-19 2012-04-26
Rebel Commander of Rebel Headquarters Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Jake Smith of The Glass Onion control the world alliance 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-19 2012-04-26
Phosgene of Phosgonia GOON Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism Lord Erding of Erdinger Weissbier mongols 0 0 0 Prost! Expired 2012-04-19 2012-04-26
Mohawk of Adirondack Isolationist Alliance Ron Israeli of iLand RnR 0 0 0 u know what u did Expired 2012-04-19 2012-04-26
Han213 of Yun00 None Spinks of Original1 \m/ 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-19 2012-04-26
Rubilean of Rubilean Copras kingdaveiii of GNSFR New Pacific Order 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
stichwellamit of stichwellamit None johcon of georgiaa None 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
increbible of ulabato None gramcracker of BOBBY Shadow Empire 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
RUKUNU of Fordlandia Goon Order of Neutral Shoving Ibsenguitar of Govnodavarsk Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism 0 0 0 its a miracle Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
spannerz of OAKLEY WWX plaza of Megasamuro Deinos 0 0 0 STOP ATTACKING GRADY!!!!! Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
spannerz of OAKLEY WWX Valashi of Tamriel Deinos 0 0 0 Peace out your Wars. Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
Phantomlord of Polis None Gambit of Jujutsu Sparta 0 0 0 Oh hi thar Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
Penlugue Solaris of Beta Site The Dark Templar ilselu1 of Hootenfrigger The Dark Templar 0 0 0 Farfegneugen Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
mattkilling of Corinneland BF3 Brewskis emphan34 of Turon Empire NATO 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
United Abomination of United Abomination None Lord Robertson of Saltire None 0 0 0 Fun and profit Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
Tribune of Earthrise None freddyw92 of Skoal pouches 101 NS 88 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
shadb52 of harley None Justanewb of Newbistan None 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
Relyk of Balrion Kingdom Of Hyrule churrojorge of Churropia League of Extraordinary Gentleman 0 0 0 hyrule owes me 3 mil Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
Marsh of Amali CTMA LaCourse of Johndom The Phoenix Federation 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
bri88 of MyHomeTown None Spinks of Original1 \m/ 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
Zozzbomb of Zozztopia None ZSWAGG of AAZSWAGAAA None 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25
Victius of Laureolalandia Alternative retirement strategy Viluin of Viluin Umbrella 0 0 0 A general dispute Expired 2012-04-18 2012-04-25