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War history for jesse james of Van Hoy
jesse james has 102 recorded war slots within this tool.

Declaring Nation Declaring Alliance Defending Nation Defending Alliance Begins Ends Reason Destruction Off Loss % Def Loss % War Status
jesse james of Van Hoy The Sweet Oblivion Lysjones of Diaspar The Grand Lodge of Freemasons 1/29/2013 11:55:28 PM 2013-02-05 #2 7,686.49 16% 83% Expired
jesse james of Van Hoy The Sweet Oblivion Goodbye Horses of Sector 3 The Grand Lodge of Freemasons 1/29/2013 11:47:51 PM 2013-02-05 FINALLY LET FREE!!!!!! 15,968.30 30% 69% Expired