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Aid history for Yeshua Soloman of Incar
Yeshua Soloman has 1,687 recorded aid slots within this tool.

Aid ID Sending Nation Sending Alliance Receiving Nation Receiving Alliance Reason Aid Status Money Tech Soldiers Date Sent
#4,932,497 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Beowulf88 of Arcanium Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 12/22/2024 6:57:35 AM
#4,931,962 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries cable77 of Tau ri Fark VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 12/18/2024 8:07:08 PM
#4,931,677 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Gorbachev Britovski of TheSovietUnion Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 12/16/2024 7:59:09 PM
#4,931,676 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Valandil of Ithilien Empire NATO VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 12/16/2024 7:57:49 PM
#4,931,674 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries gainesta09 of gainesta09 NATO VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 12/16/2024 7:52:26 PM
#4,931,673 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Arcane of Arcania Fark VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 12/16/2024 7:51:41 PM
#4,930,943 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Beowulf88 of Arcanium Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 12/12/2024 5:57:08 PM
#4,930,277 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries cable77 of Tau ri Fark VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 12/8/2024 5:34:21 PM
#4,929,856 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Gorbachev Britovski of TheSovietUnion Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 12/5/2024 3:09:20 PM
#4,929,855 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Valandil of Ithilien Empire NATO VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 12/5/2024 3:05:54 PM
#4,929,854 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries gainesta09 of gainesta09 NATO VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 12/5/2024 3:05:02 PM
#4,929,853 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Arcane of Arcania Fark VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 12/5/2024 3:03:54 PM
#4,928,902 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Beowulf88 of Arcanium Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 11/30/2024 10:23:13 PM
#4,928,329 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Balthier of Dalmascan Ruins Sparta VEP War Aid Approved 9000000 100 0 11/26/2024 9:36:50 PM
#4,927,907 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Skaros Thunderbane of Shimazu Conglomerate New Polar Order War Tech Approved 0 100 0 11/24/2024 2:47:32 PM
#4,927,906 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries King Matt of Michelleville New Polar Order VEP Tech Pending 0 100 0 11/24/2024 2:44:51 PM
#4,927,905 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Thrash of Machas Non Grata VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 11/24/2024 2:43:11 PM
#4,927,904 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Valandil of Ithilien Empire NATO VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 11/24/2024 2:39:47 PM
#4,927,903 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries gainesta09 of gainesta09 NATO VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 11/24/2024 2:38:20 PM
#4,927,899 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries im317 of im317 Random Insanity Alliance VEP Tech Pending 9000000 100 0 11/24/2024 2:36:18 PM
#4,926,197 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Skaros Thunderbane of Shimazu Conglomerate New Polar Order war Aid Approved 0 100 0 11/14/2024 7:34:09 PM
#4,926,196 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries King Matt of Michelleville New Polar Order War Aid Approved 0 100 0 11/14/2024 7:31:18 PM
#4,926,194 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Thrash of Machas Non Grata War Aid Approved 0 100 0 11/14/2024 7:10:09 PM
#4,926,088 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Valandil of Ithilien Empire NATO VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 11/14/2024 7:09:28 AM
#4,926,087 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries gainesta09 of gainesta09 NATO VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 11/14/2024 7:05:44 AM
#4,926,084 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Ulysses Grant of Union of the North Christian Coalition Of Countries War bond Approved 9000000 100 0 11/14/2024 7:03:38 AM
#4,924,609 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries XL Donkey of Donkey Land Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP War Aid Pending 6000000 0 0 11/4/2024 7:50:09 PM
#4,924,607 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries gainesta09 of gainesta09 NATO VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 11/4/2024 7:45:44 PM
#4,924,606 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Valandil of Ithilien Empire NATO VEP tech Approved 0 100 0 11/4/2024 7:42:38 PM
#4,924,602 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Ulysses Grant of Union of the North Christian Coalition Of Countries War aid Approved 9000000 100 0 11/4/2024 6:47:40 PM
#4,924,598 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Lenny N Karl of Mudfoot NATO VEP Approved 0 100 0 11/4/2024 6:46:23 PM
#4,924,482 Temporal91 of Aikion NATO Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Valyrian Aid Approved 0 100 0 11/4/2024 5:21:46 AM
#4,916,537 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries lonabis of flying dutchmen NATO VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/19/2024 7:17:07 AM
#4,916,536 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Gen. Danville of Gen danville Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/19/2024 7:16:27 AM
#4,916,535 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries 32493 of Jempire NATO VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/19/2024 7:14:21 AM
#4,916,534 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries blackpony of the Mad Ninja Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/19/2024 7:14:01 AM
#4,916,533 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Revol of Lodoss NATO VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/19/2024 7:13:22 AM
#4,916,531 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Tobiash of Dadidum Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/19/2024 7:10:46 AM
#4,914,000 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries McGee of J3dgar Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/6/2024 8:08:33 PM
#4,913,999 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Shadowfury of Illyria Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/6/2024 8:08:07 PM
#4,913,998 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Jesusfreak of El Dorado Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/6/2024 8:07:39 PM
#4,913,997 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Tobiash of Dadidum Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/6/2024 8:07:18 PM
#4,913,996 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Lord Emperor Clot of Clotvania Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/6/2024 8:06:56 PM
#4,913,995 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Shergzus of Queensland Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 9/6/2024 8:06:24 PM
#4,911,994 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries MasterChief of Revived Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/27/2024 2:11:36 PM
#4,911,993 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Kilkenny of Huntonian Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/27/2024 2:09:24 PM
#4,911,992 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/27/2024 2:08:31 PM
#4,911,991 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Jesusfreak of El Dorado Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/27/2024 2:08:07 PM
#4,911,990 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries mrramsden6 of Ramstonia Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/27/2024 2:06:32 PM
#4,911,989 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Tobiash of Dadidum Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/27/2024 2:05:32 PM
#4,910,181 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries constablepotato of Potatoland Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/17/2024 11:22:40 PM
#4,910,180 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Gen. Danville of Gen danville Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/17/2024 11:20:38 PM
#4,910,179 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries forthehalibut of Bonehead Federation of Armed Nations VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/17/2024 11:17:05 PM
#4,910,178 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries jefcolpan of scarab marangue Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/17/2024 11:14:55 PM
#4,910,177 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/17/2024 11:11:03 PM
#4,910,176 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Jesusfreak of El Dorado Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/17/2024 11:08:39 PM
#4,908,131 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries thepunk of thepunk Federation Of Armed Nations VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/7/2024 1:13:52 PM
#4,908,130 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Einer of Jesusland Mostly Harmless Alliance VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/7/2024 1:12:31 PM
#4,908,129 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Kaiser Willis of Kryton Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/7/2024 1:11:40 PM
#4,908,128 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Kills with Fire of New Highlands Federation of Armed Nations VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/7/2024 1:11:00 PM
#4,908,127 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Dragon of Dragons world Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/7/2024 1:09:35 PM
#4,908,126 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Anhur of Esgaron Old Guard VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/7/2024 1:09:15 PM
#4,908,125 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries LordSanix of Citroto Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 8/7/2024 1:08:45 PM
#4,905,297 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Anhur of Esgaron Old Guard VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/24/2024 7:11:55 AM
#4,905,296 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries asapilu of Persianiran NATO VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/24/2024 7:11:06 AM
#4,905,295 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries MontyKo of Tuborg Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/24/2024 7:08:12 AM
#4,905,294 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Lord Emperor Clot of Clotvania Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/24/2024 7:07:19 AM
#4,905,293 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Jesusfreak of El Dorado Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/24/2024 7:06:54 AM
#4,905,292 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/24/2024 7:06:31 AM
#4,905,291 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Shergzus of Queensland Christian Coalition of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/24/2024 7:06:00 AM
#4,902,417 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Queen Aurore of Turnopia Christian Coalition Of Countries Free Approved 9000000 0 0 7/10/2024 12:10:36 PM
#4,902,313 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries slmarsch of Rio Grande Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/10/2024 2:00:13 AM
#4,902,312 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Dragon of Dragons world Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/10/2024 1:59:14 AM
#4,902,311 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries BakerHills of Activision NATO VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/10/2024 1:58:43 AM
#4,902,310 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Kilkenny of Huntonian Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/10/2024 1:58:10 AM
#4,902,309 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries GearHead of Rosche NATO VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/10/2024 1:55:16 AM
#4,902,308 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries McGee of J3dgar Freehold of The Wolves VEP Tech Approved 0 100 0 7/10/2024 1:54:53 AM
#4,901,984 Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island 4 Lyfe Non Grata Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Free Money Pending 9000000 0 0 7/8/2024 9:45:37 AM
#4,896,751 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Felix Malfoy of Express 934 Christian Coalition Of Countries War Aid Pending 9000000 0 0 6/14/2024 7:15:15 AM
#4,894,047 Rhizoctonia of Rhizoctonia Non Grata Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries NG AIDS Pending 9000000 0 0 6/1/2024 12:35:22 PM
#4,890,917 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Queen Aurore of Turnopia Christian Coalition Of Countries Rebuild Approved 9000000 0 0 5/17/2024 8:34:24 PM
#4,888,796 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries KingArmen of Rhinoveia Christian Coalition Of Countries edit gov out of anarchy Approved 9000000 0 0 5/7/2024 8:02:54 PM
#4,887,303 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Brian of The Looking Glass Christian Coalition Of Countries Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 4/30/2024 8:12:08 PM
#4,887,299 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Queen Aurore of Turnopia Christian Coalition Of Countries Financial Assistance Approved 9000000 100 0 4/30/2024 8:11:44 PM
#4,887,291 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries MasterChief of Revived Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 4/30/2024 8:02:45 PM
#4,886,664 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries KingArmen of Rhinoveia Christian Coalition Of Countries Mobile field hospital Approved 9000000 100 4000 4/27/2024 11:13:53 PM
#4,885,123 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries MasterChief of Revived Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 4/20/2024 7:32:49 PM
#4,884,920 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 4/19/2024 6:12:29 PM
#4,882,811 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries LordSanix of Citroto Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 4/9/2024 11:30:46 PM
#4,882,810 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 4/9/2024 11:30:27 PM
#4,881,996 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries MasterChief of Revived Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 4/5/2024 9:14:39 PM
#4,880,689 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries LordSanix of Citroto Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 3/30/2024 9:13:57 PM
#4,880,688 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 3/30/2024 9:12:36 PM
#4,879,535 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries MasterChief of Revived Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 3/25/2024 2:50:42 PM
#4,877,835 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries LordSanix of Citroto Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 3/17/2024 7:21:56 PM
#4,877,834 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 3/17/2024 7:20:48 PM
#4,877,460 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries MasterChief of Revived Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 3/15/2024 11:40:41 PM
#4,875,672 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries LordSanix of Citroto Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 3/7/2024 8:54:17 PM
#4,875,671 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries Britishdude of Lucosnia VIII Christian Coalition Of Countries VEP Tech Approved 9000000 100 0 3/7/2024 8:53:52 PM
#4,875,199 Yeshua Soloman of Incar Christian Coalition of Countries MasterChief of Revived Freehold of The Wolves VEP Approved 0 100 0 3/5/2024 7:45:42 PM